DAIIiT OAPITAIi JOTJBMAX, BJCLSSi, OBEOON, THURSDAY, OOTOBEB 27, 1001. V' y &? - k: tf Wmtim Closing Oat Sale 1 1 Milfmeiy at 309 Commercial Street j ' , ! ! TW rWfaaes CJnocic's Milflnerv Store nas keen so d to Rostein& Greenbaam. Tne new proprietors wilf dispose of the stock at greatly reduced prices I ."' fen ix ": Fine Hats, Velvet Plumes, Buckles, Rtbtbons, Silks, Etc. All at Re duced Prices ltW8MWWWle MtMimMIMtlMMMMM RUSSIAN J ADMIRAL REPORTS ; (Continued from flrt paft ) wtl very shortly lo cleared, now tlmt Jio)elvcsky'8 report Is received. A pa-r-ifle solution, it is nll, may bo reached tat'-say moment. demand for such iiunislinicnt cannot be entertained. Hull, Oct. 27. The funerals of Cap tain Smith mid Second Ofllccr Lcggott, of tho ill-fated trawler, Crane, were held today. Iinmcnso crowds nttended, and business was suspended. Flags on all the buildings were at half-mast Hundreds of wreathes wcrq received, including one from King Kdwnrd. London, Oct. 27. On nrrlval at tho tforritm odlco Lord LansdownOtWas met 1) Premier Halfour, Lord Salisbury, Lord Hclbourno, first lord of the admi ralty nnd Attornoy-fleneral Fcn'ey. Tho meeting lasted until 3 o'clock. Fif teen minutes afterward Ambassadors Hockmidorff mado u second visit to Lord Landsodwnu'n hottso, presumably to ob tain information regarding tho result of the conference at tho foreign nllice, Count Ueekondorff left the foreign flccrctary's home at noon, nnd was fol lowed shortly by Minister Cnmbon. Lord Lansdowno then hurried to tho foreign ofllco. The cnbincti will not meet until tomorrow noon, in order to allow nil members to reach London. London, Oct. 27. Henry White, sec retary of tho American embassy, do nics the stntcment attributed to him i that America would render England moral support. London, Oct. 27. It is learned that England will refuse to accept Admiral Hojestvonsky's explanation. In the ciiho of no agreement being reached England will not declare war, but will inform ItiiBHla that tho Baltic fleet will not bo permitted to proceed. London, Oct. 27. Tho foreign ofllce announced that no stntcment regarding tho situation will bo issued tonight. t St. Petersburg, Oct. 27. Genoral SakhnrolT reports today un follews: "The Japanese opened flro on our forces last night, whereupon the Itus lnus advanced and repulsed them, subsequently returning to their post tions." Ijondon, Oct, 27. Tho dendlock on tliu puuUHmout f "IU NuHsliin otllcprs continue?. , Ituskla mnlntalus that tho A' Hiiro wtiy of gottiUg along in tho world Is to open a Savings Hunk nccount, and keep adding to It. Tho saving habit 1ms built, many fortunos it Onn build yours. It turns nilvorsltytg prosperity QwpqiifljuK to indepoudoucb low '? spirits te gwd .spirits. i )t H makos llfo bright, ,ligmo sweeter, nnd all the world more peasa,nt. " A savings aeeuuut enables you to ft, fcrtlsp btitduiM opportunities when they oom aliMtgtho moneys is ul wy ready nhen wanted, jet It is. dravfttig tutr9t nil tho tjiuo, Lilt help ysu to save. Ono dol lar will open uu'nooouut. Intorctt oomnoundail seml-nuuually. Small htekfi banks furnished. (JAl'lTAL NATION'Ali IUJfK Now York, Oct. 27. Information hns just been received by several of tho largest international banking interests in tho city, that penco between Great Britain and Kussm is assured. London Press Comment. London, Oct. 27. Tho tone -of, com punitive moderation and calmness liith erto shown by tho press of Loudon is observed to be yielding to one of an outspoken bellicose nature, The Uallj Mull editorially speaks of war threatening and gives in scaro headlines " Ultimatum to Hutisiu Ex piros This Afternoon,' While going to these lengths nearly ttll tho papers are discussing the possibilities of war should tho war party in St. Petersburg be ablo to iulluence the Emperor and government into a determination to shield the o Ulcers of the Baltic squad rou. The unollleial explanation of Admiral Hojestvensky, telegraphed from Vigo, is stigmatised by the Morning Post and other papers us apparently that of si lunatic, whoso continuance iu a po sltion of responsibility is a menace to every vessel that navigates the sons. Tho Daily Telegraph, representing tho government's views, says: "There Is no doubt whatever of the government 's ticrlousnoss. No rc-spou slide minister would order u fleet athwart tho path of vessels of a for oigu power without recognising tho re spousibility of such a grave step; yet this is what his majesty's government has done with its eyes wide opon. Vigo, Spain, Oct. S7. Simin hns granted permission for tho Halt le fleet to tnl,.. on 400 tons of coal enoh. Tho ttlgot will probably louve Vigo tomor row. London, Oet. ST. A Pnris corro pondent learns on the liighoH author Ity that within 94 hour Kussia will give Hnglaud complete satisfaction inlud ing an apology, the iymHt of an in deuuilty, and u full lHvetlgHiou. Seattle Tunnol Clear. Settle, OtL ST.-At 11 o'elock last night workmen broke down tho wall between the north and south Bastion of tho Great Northern railroad tunnol, whlsh runs dlfwtly bath tho bust- nos section of Seattle, nnd the abaft is now clour from oml to end. All that now remains is to complcto tho con oroto work nnd lay tho track. This should be completed in two months. The tunnel is tho largest Is area of any In tho United States. It Is SO feet wide and 93 feet high above the tracks. It is 0130 feet In length. The work was Iwgua in May, 1903. arge" Meat Ortfefr . Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27. D. H. Mc Mullen, a Tacoma, Wash., lumberman, who arrived here from Omaha, says that tho order for 3,000,000 pounds of meat received by an Omaha packing company was given by the Itussisn gov ernment. Hesaid: i t 'Thq-Jbeofnitist bo shippedJEont of San Francis within' 3uayi. Thfre were .two Japanese agents in tlie pack ing house offlco at tho time that the Ihissians woxo there to giro tho order." McMullen added that the Japanese also had given an order for meat at the samo time, but on a smaller scale. . CH ; Gold Exports Heavy. Now York, Oct. i 27. Indications point to heavy exports' of gold from this country to Pnris and Berlin before tho year's end. Ono estimate places tho amount at not less than $20,000, 000. Tho now Russian loan Is beliored to bo the basis of tho probablo' outflow. Paris bankers, it is said, kayo notified Berlin, which Is a heavy dobtor to France, that , loans aggregating many millions of francs will hayo to he met with in the next 00 days. -o L OASTOHIA, Ila Kind You Hara Ulnars BotgM Bears tlie 4 m M"" "m 3 ADVERTISE In a recent number of McClurc's Magazine Is a story in which the facts relating to the profit? of a baking powder were brought out through liti gation In tho courts. It was shown that the compnny manufacturing tho powder was capitalized at $100,000. Tho profits amounted to $17,047 In 1870, nnd thoy continued to grow until they reached the enormous aggregate in 1887 of $725,102, tho income that year being four times the amount of tho capital Invested. Tho profits since 1887 havo steadily increased, but tho featuro of particular Interest In this connection Is that tho company spent $17,000 for advertising in 1870 nnd $201,081 In 1B87. The linking- powder mar or may not have been auperlor to other pat on the market, but the bnalnefa rvaa made to pay the Immenae rftnrna noted through, liberal and Jndlclona ndvertlalnir. Another feature In thla matter la that the company haa ad. vertlaed almoat exclnalvelr In the newapapera. The men behind that baking powder realized the value of the newspaper press In reaching tho public, nnd to It they owo tho mnrvelous results. Newspnperdotu. If you vrant to Increaap your prof ItN, adyertlee In thla paper. No bet ter medium to reach the buyera of thl community. . Refused to Advertise a! iCl v7 ESTABLISHED 18 Eraai tBiojq c . A special to the Indianapolis' News from Marlon, Ind., says that after a hard fight of seventeen years dgainst competitors who advertised. Guilder Bros., dry goods merchants, the oldest mercantile linn In Morion and nt ono time tho largest retail home In north ern Indiana, havo given up the hope less struggle nnd sold out their busi ness. When ens was discovered In Marlon tho town began to grow rapidly, nnd competition In all business was soon encountered by nil tho old local rner. chants. The new merchants adver tised, but many of the aid established firms were slow in bellevlug that It was necessary for them to uso print ers' Ink, ns they know noarly eVery man in the county. All of them who aro now In business concluded that It was necessary to mhertlse In order to hold what trade they hud and to In crease It, except O under Bros., who absolutely refused, claiming It was money thrown away. Tho firm had tho best business slto in the city, but tho store was neer Ailed with shoppers. Thousands passed and repassed the place day after day without stopping. Tho tlrm carried an excellent line of goods and treated customers well, but only K few fanners and some of the old cltUens of Marlon patronised the place. The store Is now closed for is rolce. Mod taercaaat bow aarre that al YartUtna I a aaeaaalty and tfcat the Mt M41n I ta tc-l payar. Bought at a Bargain 75 Suits of Men's Clothing. This clothing Is from the factory, and was bought at a big reduction fm- In order to Bhow our customers how we can glvo them bargains la clothing, we will offer tho following call Men's $ 1 6 Suits fo . . $12.00 1 Men's $ i 5 Suits for . . TJ $U.00! men's $1 &mzs io . . . j $j. u.UQ Men's $10 Suits for . ''; $ 8.50 Men's $9 Suits for . . . $ 7.50 Sizes ranging from 35 to 39. No suspenders given away with suits at this cut price. This is a gennlnj m you aro in nooa 01 a goon winxor sun you can save om put uouv m. mo uuuvu yums.. aii coats aro made to latest styio, paaaea noavy, ana nave tao aoii-ioi.iiuuis uau uum, suu win mm iuoir snapo almost eqwi . tom-maao suits, uon-t put on ouying untu tnoy aro an gone, iot iuuy wm not last long at these prices. THE BEE HIVE, GEO. MELSON, ptopAJ SALEM'S CHEAPEST STORE MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make 8alem a Good Home Market" Poultry at Stelner's Market Eggs Per dozon 28c. Hens 8c. Young chickens 9c. Ducks 10c. Harritt &. Lawrence. Eggs Por dozen, 28c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Eto. Potatoes lc. Onions 24c Wood, fiince Posts. Kt. Second-growth $4.50. Big fir $5.00. Ash $3.00. Oak posts 15c Ccdnr posts 10b. Hides, Pelt and un. Orcen Hides, No. 1 Sc. Oreen Hiues, No. 2 1c. Calf Skins 45c. Sheep 7Bc. Goat Sklna 26o to Sl.N. Grain and Frou Oats-Buying, $t.25l.35. Barley $21 per ton. Hops 2528c. Salem Flouring Mills. -Flour Wholesale, $4.10. Wheat-SOc. Live Otock Market Steors 232V4c. Cows llc. i Sheep $1.502.00. Dressed veal 46&c. FntMiogs 55V4c Hay, Fesd, Eta. Baled cheat $12.00. Baled clover $1011. Bran $22.50. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 27 &c. Butter-27H!30c. Butter fat 27'je at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat-Walla Walla, 82c. Valley-85c. Flour Valley, straights, $$4.154.40 graliam,$3..r0$4.00. Oats Choice white, $1.25 $1.30. Barley Feed, $2121.50 per ton; rolled $2323.50. Mlllstuff Bran, $19.00. Hay Timotby,$1415. Potatoes 90c$1.00. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2G27c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 10c per pound; turkeys, live, 1415c, dressed, ltl17c. Pork Drossed, fl0Vic Boef Dressed, 4W0c. Veal 67c. Mutton Dressed, 35c. Hops 1903 orop, 2831c. AVool Valley, 1920c; Eastern Or egon, 1017c; Mohair, 2025c. Hides dry, 18 pounds and upwards, 1515c. Butter Fancy creamery, 25(270. further sorviees may bo expected, in the first, highest nnd noblest of nil causes, that of purging the earth of its foulest stain, tho killing of human be ings by human beings liko wild beasts. "Gentlemen, I give you, tho com bined toast, probably nover proposed befere: To tho rules of the English speaking race, hailing them ns potent npostles of peace." Mr. Cnrnegio's toast was drunk by all standing, and amid great applnuse. The assemblage sang "My Country, Tis of Thee,' 'and "God Save the King' Taft Make BeolT. Ithaca, X. , Oct. 27.-8wil war xatt discussed the is', enmpaign nt a largo Repute meeting nt tho Lyceum thi last night. Secrctarv Tifti', - - was devoted to a r-ply ts ! charges against tho Philir "No man.' 'ho saiil. "., ... perialfst nnd completely blindti tonso prejudices could make t of tho conditions in tho islnnds which Judge Parker i flciently deceived lato aceepti giving tho widest publicity." Carnegie Complimentary, New York, Oct. 27.-The annual din nor of the Trqa nnd Steel Institute. whieh was also tlie second meeting of mo society m Amerlen, as hold here tonight in the grand ballroom of the WaldorfAstor. Along oithcr side of the banquet hall the Stars and 8trir.es wore intertwined with the British na tional colors, and during the evpning repeated rererenee was made to the In creasing friendship between the two great Kngusn speaking peoples. uescnuiug fifnisolf as an hnmbl disciple of the uiiehtv anostl-. n ponee," Mr. Carnegie proposed a toast to President Roosevelt and King Ed- warn. "In bolb rules.' said Mr. Carni.rU "we have apojlles of peace, from which nlnaai Ft aaa m H ' $750 LINE M This week only for IB $4.95 J ElVuHaW. B9999W999WBWmm9S999m9999 With a Beman's Automatic Oil Can ono can fill a lamp in the I nnd not overflow it quite an advantage with a lantern or a mettll TOMORROW ONLY Wo offer any sizo 1-gnllou, 3-gallon or 5-galloa at 20 pet cent off from the teguht pt If you can apprcciato rcllablo goods, prompt and careful ilehrl nilow us to fill your grocery orders for a month. f ATWOOD & FISHER Phone 57 1. Grocers Corner Commercial and ce3)es(eiMaieaaieecc w ah, m iw O $AJun (mwS " II II I II I II III 1 1 is; i KIWH-I ;; Fine Popety at a Ba Choice pieeo residence proportj on principal street nitttatkrrt busings nnrt nf nit.. ; Nice large, modern home, about ono acre of groun l pear teA ; ; ear line, all kiuds of fruit, beautiful shrubbery, etc AU bk veaicaces. t '. '. These are both ctni choice buys for homes or iflVMt"J DERBY & WILSON, . . t commercial st. oaici SM """llllllllllllllllllllllllllllUH i I I ""aBBBaBBBBaaaBE&ui2uaaBBaBl mmpw"1