DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBH, OBSSOI?, THURSDAY, OOXOBEB 27, 1004. , hey te .etc esh tpply .ckatd's ihet's id idwig's 11 tanking lew uanos est I (om She K:toy g le 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK SUBWAY OPENED Great Rapid Transit Under City's Streets Line ttend he II Allen Gilbert- imaker Co. jon's Leading House ilcm Branch 299 immercial St. ) Now York, Oct. 27.-Thc Rapid Transit rnilwny, tho subway, as It is popularly known, and the most collos sal undertaking of its kind in the world's history, was formally opened today with imposing ceremonies. The exercises took placo under tho point auspices of the Intorborough company and tho board of aldermen. Tn City Hall park, where the great downtown terminal is located, and whero the first spadeful of earth wns turned, the principal ceremonies of the day took place shortly before noon. Tho park and city hall were lavishly decorated. Bishop Potter opened the ceremonies with prayer, and was followed by an nddress by Alexander E. Orr, presi dent of the Rapid Transit commission, who turned tho subway over to the city. Mayor McCIellnn accepted the trust, and then turned tho road over to August Belmont, president of the Interborough company, who also made a brief address. Archbishop Farley closed tho ceremonies. At 1 o 'cluck llm first train was started over the road, operated by Mayor McClellnn in person. Bands of music were stationed at all tho prin cipal stops along the route. Included among tho passengers on the first trnin wero the city officials, officials of the Interborough company, n largo party of distinguished engineers and other invited gflests. Promptly at midnight tho road will bo opened to tho general public. That part of tho road that will bo operated for tho present in cludes the wholo of tho main lino from City Hall park to tho Ilnrlem river to traffic within a month or so, and nlso tho cast side branch to the Brnnx. Tlio great subwny today consists of 21 miles of railroad under tho city's teeming streets. Tho actual work of construction has tnken just four years and the cost has exceeded $30,000,000. When tho entire system is complete it will enable ono to travel from the limits of Brooklyn to the northermost jend of Manhattan entirely under- , ground. j A dazzling nrray of facts and figures tell tho story of tho building of the mammoth underground road. For in stance, more than 3,000,000 cubic yards of dirt and rock wero blasted and dug from tho streets of tho crowded city. To tear away tho rock, 000,000 pounds .oi uynnnme wero used, isiovcn thou sand men wero employed in tho work, and of tliirt number several hundred lost their lives through nceidont, pre mature explosions, cave-in and falling rock. I It is entlmated that the road will carry 115,000,000 passengors a year. Tho faro is 0 conts. When tho ex tension to Brooklyn, under tho Knst river, has beon completed, it is osti 'mated that the road will carry 200, 000,000 passengers a year. I Express trains will run through the subway at the rate of n milo n minute for the benefit of tho long hauls from tho Bronx to tho busiost Bootlons of tho city below Fourteenth street. Lo ,cal trains will stop nt all of tho un derground stations, overy half dozen blocks along the routo. Tho tunnel is vontilated by a system of electric fans, and illuminated tho entire route by inenndosoont lights. A 'trip through the great tunnel is all that is necessary to convince one of itH entire security. White enameled briokg wall up the sides to a bricked nrch overhead. Kvervthing olso is of stono and steel and heavy plate 'glaw nt tho stations to let tho, light in from tho streot ovqrliead. It would vw j'wtw tut tunnoivr m uj cur whero ovorythiug is as now and strong and perfect, apparently, as it is within- the power of mnn to con trive. The pneumatic blook system is pronounced by oxperts to bo tho most wonderful thing of its kind in the world, and it is caloubitcd to make collisions impossible. The ears have steel bottoms, oopper sheathed sides, and there is very lit tle wood in their eenstructlon. The lighting system is entirely separate from the power plant that will move the trains by means of the third ralL Tho route of the main line is up Fourth avenue to Forty-soeond street, then up Broadway until One Hundred ami Fourth street is reaahed. There it branches into two sections. The first continue straight out Broadway to Kingsbridge, a distance of more than 14 miles from Battery park. Tbe seeend section runs east, cutting off a wild rek earner of General park, then north through Lenax avenue and on to the borough of tbe Bronx. Headache Can be Cured with Dr. Miles' Anti- Pain Pills. If your nerves are subject to disturb ances, such as Headaches, Neuralgia. Backache, Rheumatism, Menstrual Tains, Sleeplessness, etc., their Jarring and jangling can be quickly ended with a Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Till. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills aro pleas ant little pink tablets, which do not act on the bowels, nor do they have any disagreeable weakening; or habit-form-lng effect on the system. They are tho result of the latest scien tific knowledge on tho subject of Pain, and bring relief safely and quickly to the greatest sufferer. Tou should always keep a box of Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills In tho house, since you never know when pain may attack you, and It Is wrong to suffer when your suffering can be so quickly relieved. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills contain no opium, chloral, cocaine, morphine, or similar drugs, and are sold by druggists under a guarantee to relieve you, or pay your money back. By relieving Pain. Dr. Miles' Antl Paln Pills shorten suffering, and length en life. 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. "I have used Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln rills when troubled with headache, and And that one pill Infallibly effects relief In a very short time. I also use Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills when necessary, I am considerably nfnicted with neural gia of the head and find these pills of much benefit to mo. They aro all that is claimed for them." aEOnCJE COL GATE, 219 Oakland St, San Antonio, Tex. TP'D'Ii',P Write to us for Free Trial XbXij Package of Dr. Miles' Antl Paln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnoso your case, tell you what Is wrong, and how to right It, Free. DR. MILES MHDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, KI.KM.UtT, itiO. Weak, Nervous People. We have received letters from nil parts of tho U. S. highly recommend ing Dr. Gunn's Blood & Ncrvo Tonic, until tho faith wo had in tho remedy tins been fully sustained. We bnd confidence from tho very beginning that this medicine Bbould mako cures, but lacked that assuranco that comes nfter many successful trials. Now thnt wo havo been upheld in our be lief we wnnt to impart o others our confidence. Xervous and unsteady people, weak, ficshlcss people, pimply, pale, or sallow peoplo, aro all victims of weak, watery blood. Mako now, rich blood, to bo forced through the system by tho way of tho arteries, nnd disease ennnot remnin. This Tonic cures disease by giving you strongth to resiBt it. All druggists sell it for 75c per box, or 3 boxes for $2. Tho tub lets nre to take nfter each meal, They turn tbe food you cat into rich rod blood. Persons who take this Tonic gnin in good solid flesh from 1 to 3 lbs. per week. For salo by Dr. C. S. Stono, druggist .. ss. War Makes Carpets Dearer. New York, Oct. 27. An advnnco in tho price of carpets is cxpoctcd in n tew dnys ns a direct result of the KuHsn-Jupnncso wnr. Tho war has forced tho prico of carpet wools so high that tho manufacturers havo been making goods at a loss for soiuo timo, Ituasm and China aro tho two great sources of supply for carpot wools, both countries huvo been denuded practically of their supply. Ituxsin has tnken her own wool for clothing her soldiers, nnd Japan hat) bought up all the available Chinese supply. What is left has, advanced in prico until it is almost on n lovel with tho lino cloth ing wools, and in addition to this the increased valuation has put it into a elusti paying much highor duty, o Lucas County. State of Ohio, City of Toledo! Frank J. Cheney make oath that ho is sonior partner of tho firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing businoss in the City of Toledo, County and State aforeMiid, and thnt said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and overy case ' of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of Decern ber, A. D., 1880. (Seal) A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nelly, and acts directly on the blood and raueous surfaces of tbe system, sead for testimonials free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. w Notice to tho Public. All persons are warned not to pay any money due to mo in matters grow ing out ef tbe McNary estate to E. M. Croiuti. or anyone else, without my authority, nor to allow them to eon- tract any debts in my name nor for anyoae to pay tbem any money for me er oa my account A. A. II 'NARY. 10-odlmo . a Bun tie IMabdYwtoitJilwrtBetfJit ef (Xm Next aturday One Day Only, Oct. 29 Cot Price oa Brooms On next Saturday we will sell a first-class Broom, such, as other dealers sell for 25c, hut out regular 20c Broom, at JOc Each 10c 1 Only one Broom sold to any one customer. Remember the day and don't fail to get a broom at one-third price. Hereafter this store will have a special cut twice sale on I some article every Saturday. Watch for it. . . Remembety-- 25c Boom iot f 0c. ECONOMY STORE, NEXT TO CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK. i" When Your Cold Catches You Just There There is No Time to XJ & sr It la not a "little thing." It's a deadly thing. It will not "get well by itself" if you let it alone. Whiskey rnii quinine and such things brace you up for tho time, but Uv don't cure you. jlsk any intelligent doctor why you catch cold so casir. He will say, "Because you arc a bit run down." He i,4aus that the force which naturo placed in your body to kai out diseaso germs tho resistive force is weak ened. n. door is open a littlo way toward disease. Thera is not a gravestone in any cemetery in tho world caused by consumption or pneumonia or any lung trouble whatever, which did not start with what you call "Noth ing but a cold." A cold should not be beaten back or drugged over it should bo cured) and the general hoalth chould bo built up. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY should be taken at the first symptoms of cold. It is a tonic for tho wholo body, a specific for sudden colds, coughs or sore throats. It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it got there, we know that Acker's JSugliNli Remedy will reach it and cure it. It is sold on a positive guarantee. NO CURE NO PAY. H you have a cold no matter how slight it means something. Take Acker's Eilgllftll Remedy at once. Keep it in the house. If it docs not rclivo you almost instantly, wo will refund you the price paid. e'Acua's English Rkmidy saved my life. A cough, slight at first, m fttf WW IWJ. grew constantly worse and I finally bad to give up my work iu the Knife Factory at Waidea, I bad frequent bleeding ipelli. Was eiamlned by local doctors, prominent physicians in New York and at a Medical Co! mm YytA ns lege. They all pronounced my case hopeless. I began osing Aqkik's English Ruudy and a few bottles cared me. I am today a perfectly veil man." (Signed) A. . SIMPSON, Walden, N. Y. Acker's Kj;IIsl Remedy is sold on a posi tive guarantee that the purchase money will bo refunded in cose of failure. 25c., 60c., and $1.00 per bottle. , I , SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY DAN'L FRY, DRUGGIST, SALEM, OHKQON. Meets In Springfield. mam of tho state eapitul. Tho mel Bi.nnfjflold, III., Oet. E7.-The Cea . ws devoted enjlrely to tho bureau tral Illinois Homeopathic Modieal so eiety bold its twonty.secoud nnuual weetieg iu Springfield today, the ft mobs beiBg held to tbe wiprenie court To St. Louis. Tho Southern Puclflo havo wade edV of medicine, of width Dr. W. K. Net dltlonal salo date for the sale Qtf Wor, ef JJIeeralnjjton, is ehairmnu. world's fair ticket, as followst Oc Tbe treatment ef tubereulesls was one toW 27tb, $Stb and 80th. ef the jirlOMjxil matter discus. I W. K. COMAN. it i i TV ifWfgsj Mg."'a