r"MWpreK3P"- cm"w"r","' T-fliffv KYr"" If "W DAILY CAPITAL J0USHA,A3AXZaX, OBEQOK, WEDNESDAY, OdOBBK 26, lSOi. 1 CLASSIFIED f WANTED. Wanted Lady or gentleman of fair education to travol for a firm of $250,000. Salary $1072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Salem, Ore gon. J0-24.lt Wanted. A house in good location, Hast Salem preferred, for small family; must have three or four bed rooms. Apply to B. W., care Jour nal 10-21-tf Wanted. German boy, to learn bak ery trade. Inquire at California bakery, 93 Court street. 10-19-tf Wanted, To rent small cottago close in, or near car lines. Must bo on lease of ono or more years. Address I). J., caro Journal. FOR SALE. Tor Sale. Clark Seedling and Magoon strawberry plants, $2 per thousand, F. II. Begun, Salem, Route 5. 10-24-3f Tor Sale or Trade A 10-ac're fruit and chlckon ranch. Good house, barn, and other out buildings. Excellent home. Mile from railroad, good school and trading point. "J. O.," Journal. ' 10-8-lm" Tor Salo. A team. Ihqutre of B. F. Baxter, East Saleci. 9-4-tf Tor Sale Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At great reduc tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or., care Journal. 8-26-tf For Sale. Tnree-tourtns oi an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good bouse and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice. 8-2-tf ror Rent. Rooms at 510 Commercial street. Mrs. M. A. Dice. 10-24-lwk Tor Rent. Farm 2 miles south. Ad dress "C. B.," caro Journal. -. 10-24-3t Booms And board, with privilege of bath. Reasonable rates. Inulro at 103 High street, 3 blocks south of State. 10-14-lm Rooms to Kent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to ront Loca tion on street car lino, and ono block to S. P. depot Call on J. C. Goodalo, 12th and Oak streets. -20tf MISCELLANEOUS. Rare Opportunity For young .couplo to tko charge of rooming house, and bonrd the landlady. Terms the best. Inquire of "O. T.," caro Journal of fice 10-24-tf Cash Paid For poultry and farm pro duce; also good apples wanted. Capital Commission Compauy, gen oral commission merchants, 177 Commercial street. 10-21-tf-dw O. K. Grubber and Stump Pullor Beats them all; threo stato premi ums; grubs an aero a day; one horse has tho power of 99; investigate. Jas. Finnoy, Brooks, Or. 10-10-lm Fuel and Teed. Tho Smith Fuel and Feod Company is prepared to fur jilsh sawed wood, coal, etc., on prompt dolivery. Oillco with Salem Abstract & Land Co. Phono Black 2201. 10-5-lm BhlngIeslShlngles. Now" lot received, $1.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathoid and P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Poultry and field fencing. AH at lowest prices, Walter Morloy, Salem Fence Works, 60 Court street. Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop, 7-6-tf. New Loaning House. Everything new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149-151 State street Mat tie Hutchins, proprietor. Phone Main 2874. 6-D-tf To Exchange. A good -comfortable 8 room house, new barn, nnd over an acre of land, in city limits, for small farm or pasture land. Addresj "L. D.," caro Journal. 10-253t Mrs. A. L. Dennlson Resident ageut for the Charles B. Stevens & Bros., Chicago's greatest suit, cloak and silk house, will gladly call and show you their fall and winter stylos if you will drop her- a card, 22d street and Turner road. 10-35- Capital Normal School First National Bank building, Sa lem, Or. Fall term of twelve weeks opens September 26th. Normal, ac ademic, preparatory and bnsiness courses. Address. J. J. KRAPS, Salem, - Oregon F0R.RENT- i wticirrvT?itTirTiear Bay Have you tried Edwards & Lynch er's for meats. We have iho best sausage In town. Come and tryt it, and be convinced. 410 East State street salem Truck and Dray Co. oldest and best equipped company in Sa lem. Piano ard furniture mov.ns a specialty Office 'phone, 81. W W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlcs No. 6" State street. 9-1-lm UNDERTAKERS. Undertaker. Wo carry the larcsav and finest lino of undertaker's goodi in the city. Prices to suit all Black and white hoarse. Prompt reliable. Save money by calling a No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J, Baa 14-tt HOP BUYERS ' DIRECTORY. Room 1, Bush-Breyman building. Phono Main 1851. 9-27- WM. BROWN k CO.-Uops. Mohair, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street, Salem, Qro- gon. mono jauj. BQUIRE Jc'ABRAS Uop morchant and purchasing agent. No. 210 Commercial slreet, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono 1651. T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in hops and hop supplies. Phone 1211, ofilce room 18 Oberbclm bldg, Sa lem, Orogon. KREBS BROS. Hop Merchants, Sa lem, Oregon. Pliuuo 1301. KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops. Bush-Broyman block, Salem, Orogon, also Albany, Oregon. TOIMUOHIAL AMD BAlntt EvanatrBair8nopJS shop on State street. Every OUa, now and up-to-uato. Finest porot lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut Si. baths, 2Sc. Two first-class bo blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor i Welch & wmte do a general dra: and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm BUSINESS CARD. DR. E. E. JACKSON Treats all dis eases of domestic animals. Office 61 Ferry street. Phono 2341 Main. Residence 17 Commercial street, Phone 2011 Red. Miss Eva Cox Teacher of piano and organ and sight reading. Evening lessons given. Studio, 333 Front street. Phone, Whlto 75. 11121m W. P.R. Smith On Monday, October 10th, purchased a half interest in tho blacksmith shop formerly owned by him at 181 Commercial street, op posite the Willamette Hotel, and the new firm of Arnold & Smith is prepared to do all kinds of general blacksmith ing and horso shoeing. 10-10-lm Dr. Z. M. Parvln Returns from his Eastern trip about October 6th( and will resume his. muslo teaching at 297 Commercial street, upstairs, on nnd after October 11th 10-1-lmo Sidney Hayes Teacher of violin, man dolin nnd guitar, formerly of Stein way Hall, Chicago. Pupils desiring thorough instruction at lowest rates pleaso address or call at Will's mu sic store. 9-20-lmo OSTEOPATHS. Dr. M. Theresa Schoettle, Osteopath Graduato of founder's school. Grand Opera House, Salem, Oregon. Of fice phone Main 2721. Residence phone, Reil 2003. Assisted by Dr. Madeline St ravens, late of St. Louh, Mo. D"R. W. It MERCER-Oraauate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. Office in Breyman block, Commercial street, over Stock ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phone Rod 2413. Residence at 300 Summer street. Phone Red 2541. PHYSICIANS. F, E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an office in tho Eldrldgo block over Fry's drug store. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. Residence North Capital street. Phone, office, Main 2703; residence, Red 91. Spe cialty, uiso.se i of children. 9-20-3m ASBAYEBS. B. E. IIAHbA-N Mining engineer, as sayer and mineralogist and consult ing metalurgist Mining properties carefully examined and reported on. Those having mining properties will do well to call on him. Room 15 Breyman block. 10-7-tf L00QE8. blTvTLeTftoriBVTbTrFre: O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:10 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q.j Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary 8alem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of thi World Meets In Holman Hall ovary Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frailer, ConsuL Wylle A. Moores, Seer tary. MMyr Foreatsra of America Court Vast wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fri day In Turner block. H. 6 Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, 8e. nPAVMCM " " Rill liWHa 4jK9vfl There are some men who seem to be favorites of fortune. They are indus trious, cheerful wirkers, full to over flowing of tho i nergy of splendid health, and success sccma fairly to drop into their hands. It is of such as these that the less hardy and less success ful man says enviously, "That fellow was born witha gold spoon in his mouth." And yet on aualyiils it will be found that this success is larpelv due to lcudid health, the endowment of a Healthy mother. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription gives the mother health to give her child. It cures nervousness, nausea and sleepless ness. It makes the body comfortable and the miud content It gives physical vigor and muscular elasticity so that the baby's advent Is practically painless. "I will endeavor to tell you of Ihe many benefits I haT derived ftora ttklor Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription. write Mr, tt B. Robert ion, of Medl :ine Lodge, Barber Co., Kant. "In the fall of 1939 I was expecting to become a mother and iuOered terribly with paint In the back of head ; in fact I ached, all over. SuOered with awful bearinjT-down paint) I wat threat ened for weekt with mUhap. A lady friend told me to use Dr. Pierce't medicines, she had taken them and felt ULe ft new woman. I began using the Favorite Prescription and took four bottles before my baby came and two after wards. I suffered almost death with my other two children, but hardly realized that I was tick when this baby wat born and the welched twelve and one-quarter pounds. She it now eleven months old and hat never known an hour's slckuess; at present the weight thirty seven pounds, i owe It all to Dr. Hercc'a Favorite Prescription." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, ana sick women welL Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. Valley lodge No. 18, A.O.U.W. Mwt In their hall In Holman block, eo) ner State and Liberty, every H day evening Visiting brethr welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cast Hall in Holman block, corner fUfc and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of t week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of It. and 8. Modern Woodmen of Am eric On gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. MaoCi every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'etoel Holman Hall, B. E. Matten, T C: A. I. Brown. Clerk. yyATER. .yfAY'. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sendee apply at oe Bills payable mdfttkly In adraBM Mao all complaints at the office. NIGHT SCHOOL Fall Term Opens Monday, Septem ber 26th. Subjects Foe 3 months. Arithmetic $2.00 Bookkoping 4.00 Ponmanship 2.00 Grammar , 2.00 Roadlng and Spelling .... 2.00 Other subjects taught if required. For particulars call at Y. M. C. A. OFFICE MMMliHtlMHIIIMHl ! Wfute Lily Fioti j ! Manufactured bv i ! Rikcrcal Milling Co. j i Is the Flour for Family Use Try a sack .t It it don't suit you, your money back. Capital Commission Co. f Salem Distributors MM Bicycle Repairing We are fitting quite a number of bicycles with STEEL RIMS Now for winter riding. Let us put a pair on your wheel. Salem Gun Store. Pad H. Hawse, Prop. an GRAND STAND GOAT Sam Castro, the race horso man nt tho fair grounds, has a pet billy goat that attracts th'o attention of tho vlsi tors to the track. The goat Is n large, fully developed "butter," but, despite Its size nnd formidable nppcarance, he has not learned tho art of bumping, In other words Is n pretty respectable sort of an animal. Billy, true to tho Instincts of tho goat family, and having fond longings for the rugged peaks nnd lofty crags trav ersed by his nnccstors, conceived the ii'ca that ho would take tho world as It was and not plno away mourning for such things as nature nnd his mas ter had not provided mountains nnd canyons within tho fair grounds en closure. Billy spotted tho grand stand early In his goat career, nnd it struck his eyo very forcibly as n substitute. Up the steps to tho upper scat the kill goat would nmblo, and ram his head through the small windows along the top side. Sam watchod htm. n short time, and, from tho antics of tho dimin utive pet, ho was afraid that ho would leap to tho ground, some 40 feet bo- low, and bo dnshed to doath. Ho liked Billy, and therefore wont to his rcscuo. In cnreful nrms tho kid was pnekod down to solid earth, nnd his boss felt relloved. Billy would not stay dawn, Sam was determined that he would save tho goat from death, nnd tho re suit w(as that 8am mado sovoral trips with his pot under his nrm. Ho tireu of the nionkoy business after n whllo, and mado up his mind to let Billy do or die. The goat was wiser thnn was reck oned, nnd after days of porslstont pleading to be carried down, for he seemed to enjoy tho fun, ho sottled down to n regular mountain climbing goat, using tho grandstand as his Alps. Ihoro Is hardly n spot In tho place that Billy has not ronmod, unless It la tho roof, nnd ho Is reaching a good, healthy slxe. HATUBE TELL3 YOU. As Many a Salem Header Knows Too WelL When tho kidneys nro sick, Na'turo tolls you all about it. Tho urine is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequont action; Any urinary trouble tolls of kidnoy ills. ' Hundreds of people testify to this. Mrs. Wm. Rninwntor, wife of Win. Rainwater, employed In Veal's chnlr factory, residing at 903 East First street, Albany,-says: "My kldnoya troubled mo off and on for eight years. Every tlmo I contracted n cold It set tled in my kidneys, causing my back to ncho often so badly that 1 could hardly get about to attend to my house hold duties. Accompanying this was a very nnnoying nnd distressing difficul ty with tho kidnoy secretions. I was troated by physicians nnd took a num ber of highly recommended romodics, but tho relief I obtained was only tem porary, nnd I was nbout dlscourogod. Finally I read nn advertisement nbout Doan's Kidnoy Pills, nnd got a box and began their use. I expected somo relief, of courso, but, to my surprise, thoy went quickly to tho root of tho dlseaso, und I had no moro trouble, un til recently I felt symptoms of a re currence. Doan's Kidney Pills nro the best kidnoy modioino I over usod, and I havo recommondod them to neigh bors." Plenty moro proof llko this from Sa lem people. Cull at Dr. Stono'e drug storo, nnd ask what his customers ro port. For salo by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-Mllbiirn & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho Uultod States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Bling, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'o Pile Romody Stops Itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. GOo a jar at drug gist, or sent by mail. Treaties free. Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phila., Pa, Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist OASTOXIXA. Bttnth TttKlftdYwHittJUwriBotjtt u Mn a mut twnt ;wui I PEiESB,"Bu0Slt 0U l.k.,1. uU.llll. V 1 IU. I M Ul S J tUtm (tf IkM ll I II w, ftkrllA. ' Dff Bl. U MwOUl. CUk&( f HI. Vltr K I smhIm f ft mn, I t fct . r.n(f. - tvutl Mb' raa, M un Suites rn. 1W trns1.M. USBTIK WIOI. UMCST(H. ffl. tM In SswSM by 8. C. Won. Gtt ttt tfrtt ftUBflsa. 1.11 -. i i ;.i y u,uut.iji 'k , ;j uu'r"1 UL ANttfctable Prcparationror As similating ftcFoodandRcgula ling thcStomaclB andBowcb of Promotes DigcstionXhccrful ncssandRest.Contaln.3 neither Opiumforphino norlfincxoL Kor Narcotic. tovtafcuArsiratumasn .ILfa f- A perfect Remedy forConstipa non.SourStomach.Dlarxhoca Worms.ConYulswns.Fcveriarv" ncss nnd LOSS OF SLEEP. Fas Simile Signature of NEW YDHK. IL: exact copy or wrapper. m 9999 8Citta GENERAL REPAIRING vr ! F. J. MOORE, Oourt Street, All work guaranteed, ee9ttef Star Restaurant Bost 15c meals In tho city. Coffee with cakes Go. 21 meal tickets for $2,76. 204 Commercial street, at)iMf imitnisjimt8isjeasiff t ! ::::A G E N f BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.: CR AINbdybrs andbhippirbofCR AIW ; Oats For Sale. . HOP OHOWERS SUPPLIES. Crude b& stick SBlphnr. j J. G. Graham, Agent, MfSifS)Oll&4riSHHaitHtlfiailillltl Bswiis' j wxr-3 i iiiiBtjeaaitinii4auinsnitsisss)tsnsft6t Jjip'vwi GASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Vm ettittuM rnY. utft Toaa errr. i : Wall aper Latest designs in stock, J and good work guaran- teed. We have the smaN store and smaff prices I E, L. Leinmon J 299 Liberty St. Phode 2475 C Y O Ftt 207 commercui at., mm, on. The Epicure's Delight Ts a properly broiled ami richly fla vored portorliouso or sirloin stoak that is juicy, tempting and delicious, nnd that Is appetising on tho warmest duy. Our prime beef, mutton nnd pork is tho nemo of excellence la meats. Our prices nro always low, considering the quality of tho meat. E. C. Ctoss. State Street Market Bears the . Signature AW iistoiml)MMiMtls THE PICK OF THE FOREST Has been taken to supply tho stock of lumber In our yards. Our stock 1st complete with all kinds of lumbor. Just received a car load of No, 1 shingles, also a car of fine shakes. We are able to fill any and all klndl of bills. Come and let us show you4 our stock. Yard and offlce sar 0. P. passenesrZ depot 'Phone Main 651. QOODAtE LUMBER CCS X It Helps SThe Cook And novor goes back on hor It is re liable and tatisfaotory at all times, when you bake with tho Wild Boss flour. Those using It oneo will coyer use any other. Salem Fioittin Mills ttb4wlMatii