Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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DAILY OJlMttAL' JOUltWAL, flALBM, OaSOOW, ttiyflflDAV, 066BfiB 2fi,1804,
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I Again Special 1
For Out Next Week Surprise Sale
Wliite and Green Enamel-ware
Customers ask us time and again for us to have anoth
er Special Safe on this line and we decided to do so for
one more week. Everybody knows what the Triple
Coat White and Green Enamel ware is. Now again at
such a ridiculously low price. Such as a
16 and 18qLDish Pan, regular $1.65 to $2.00
Special $1.00
Large Tea Kettles, $1 .50 to $2.00. Special .... $1 .00
Large 3-gal. Water Pail $1 .35 to $1 .50. Special $1 .00
6 qt.Stew Kettle, $1.00 to $1.15. Special 75c
4 qt. " " 75c to 85c Special 50c
Ifyil Line of Everything in Proportion
Phone Main 801
Free Delivery
Vinol, the New Form of Cod
Liver Oil
Not Only In America, but In Europe
"Oiioil nows goes flint," Hild Mr.
Geo. V. I'utimm yesterday, talking to
u reporter ubout Unit wonderful Vinol,
(.'oiirerniiiK which ho much In hoard now
adays. "Why, you know that besides
lielnj; talked ubout in Now KiirIiuiiI,
many of tho prominent upupcrs InAiner-,
lea aro devoting euro or less upaeo to
thin wonderful discovery. See here,
what do you think of this?" Where
upon Mr, I'utnnm produced uu article
from the Lancet, of London, Knland.
Tho Lancet is tho firoutcst medical
pnldication in the world, and anything
nppeiiriiiK in Its columns Ih eonnlder(,'d
nit indisputable evidence. "Let me
rend thin to you," imid Air. Putnam.
"I won't bother yon with much of it,
hut hero Ih uiioiiIi to tdiow you what
tho Rrent men of the old world think
of Vinol," whereupon lip. road tho fol fel fol
eowing: " Iteoent investigation haft led to tho
Nidation of several distinct bodies in
rod liver nil, nolalily ninonjjst which
urn thu alkaloid. TIicho principles
linvn been tcRted fuithtully, and the
results from tho ttubject of an qxcIii
Ivo report by flautler and Mouries
in tho Journal de IMmrmnoip, who con
eluded that tho combined active prin
ciples) of cod liver oil net ux powerful
stlmulnnts of nutrition and assimila
tion, and show definitely tho nature
of tho principles to which the oil owes
ltd valuable medicinal proper! leu,
"And tho bout part of this is," con
tinued Mr. Putnam, "it is not only
tho physicians that nro enthusiastic,
but tho people- who nro taking the rem
edy. After nil, 1 do not blame them
miTch, either. It doe not tnko but a
minuto for any one who is obliged to
tnko cod liver oil to find out thnt Vinol
is tasteless. Then tho patient noon re
allies its advantage. It does good no
much more quickly, ami accomplishes
the desired end in muoh tnoro marked
inamier than cod liver oil in its crude
form win evor nblo to do. Oh, yes, of
course I consider tho siicces of Vinol
s assured. How can it bo otherwise
a discovery thnt has revolutionised the
form and made it practical to pre
scribe tho prentest known tncdlciuo for
all wasting diseases.
"Just think what it meant getting
nil the benefits In it concentrated form,
nud no more nauseating, vile smelling
grease. Yes, come nny time you would
like to c mo. I am always glad to
. ire you ulkHit Vinol, nud I find out
imjro to say in its, prulso every day."
i m
A Good Abstracter,
Wank Davey has resigned m man
ager of the life insuraueo agency-, and
has associated himself with the Union
Abstract Company, lie Is n Inwyer'of
ability, and n eonietent man for the
nark ho has undertaken.
Correspondents uocd not sign
names to communication In good
faith, and not personal, and of local
Warming Up Drew.
Kd. Jeurnal: I'rof. Drew's, et nl.,
littlo dodger, which is now Issued on
Saturday instead of Sunday, nH former,
ly, cites us ono of tho reasons why
loeul option is going to carry next
November, thnt Tho "Journal" is
I against It. This sort of three-cornered
ugui, or stnio or aiiuirs, uciwcen tuo
two dully papers and tho professor's
dodger, reminds us of tho condition in
which wo find our Presidential cam
paign. Populist Watson, in his lotter
of acceptance, declared ho had respect
for Itoosevolt, who camo nut into tho
open and says to tho enemy, "hero I
urn. You know what I stand for and
what I represent, f'onio along and
light me." lint ho had no respect for
Parker, who like a sphinx, sat silent,
nud for aught anyone knows, wns play
ing two hands in tho game. Parker
retreated behind u mask of sllcnco
nud stood for nothing, but always ro
piled that ho was "ngainst" whatever
tho other fellow was for. Now, the
Drew dodger is positioned liko Wnt
son. It has a chance to npprcciato
open campaign work, but reserves its
slurs for an open fighter, whllo It pat
ronises a Parker, Watson, on the eon
trary, Hays tho silent coward and
highly commends tho position of his
most formidable enemy. Dodger, how
ever, attacks the only open fighter in
tho campaign. It has been said, bo
foro now, that one press won't print
in two colors. In tho stress of break
ing tho Sabbath by working, is there
uny technical difTcrcnco between
'tending bar on Sunday and getting
out n campaign dodger between ser
mons! The "Journal" at least don't
bronk tho Sabbath by compiling inn
terinlistic political "wnp" ou Sun
day. Tho dodger's first issuo started
with u Sunday edition. Tho serious
effect this impractical warfare iunug
united by "what we cannot control,
shall not bo controlled," is going to
hao upon the students, coming from
far fls well us near, who aro register
ing under this exponent of Sunday
campaign dodgers, will bo considered
In tho near future- Parents at this
da;l lire growing slower in sending
their children to institutions under tho
governing hand of campaign artists in
local politics. The institution from
which tho editor of tho Dodger gets
a chance to earn a livelihood, has been
a pet with Salem for years. It has
been touching tho public purse ever
since it was formally opened. It is
even now asking that wo forget our
resent raising its $30,000 indebtedness
ami put up h nice new $3000 medical
bull. Wo wint to see new buildings,
but it will never be said it was
"Drew" out of us by tills sort of
campaigning. When President Colo
man wns questioned as to local affairs,
bo said, "It is never good polioy to
meddle with local politics," yet we
all know ho waa as thoroughly awake
Have you a friend who has a hard cold?
Thca tell him about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how
It cured your hrd cough. Tell him why you always keep it
la the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doctors
have known the formula for over sixty years.
T CAJtvO..
One 7
i Found
Big ,:
j &Gilbert-
Ramaker Co.
Oregon's Leading House
Salem Branch I
229 f
Commercial St.
to both the legal and moral naturo of
tho existing conditions ns uny ono else
in Salem. In tho week-day edition of
the Dodger it cites u remedy for re
placing tho deficit impending tho loss
of Billoou licenso to the city and
states it is offered upon tho suggestion
am advlco of a "prominent attor
ney," who, doubtless is tho very ut
torney who sits nml votes for n saloon
license, and novcr records his em
phatic NO! when tho roll is called.
How can tho editor of tho Dodger seek
the nid of n sub-editor who is voting
for license Tho position of tho ns
sistunt, counseling and advising ed
itor is untcnnblo in this Watsou-Pnr-kor-Hoosevolt
campaign, for tho aim
plo reason he is voting for a liconse,
and thus selling tho right to carry on
criminal business for $100 n year, nnd
at tho same time aiding in a fight to
closo tho very saloon which bo him
self gives the privilege of operation
according to city ordinance , If a
man can't see this with ono pair of
specks, how many pair of specks will
it take to muko him sco that!
A Word for the Boy.
Kd. Jeurnal: Our part of tho city
is torn up over a boy. There seems to
be no one to say a word for tho boy,
who has been tho Innocent cause of all
the trouble. His mother wanted him
to comb his hair before going to school,
nud did not succeed in making him do
it. She thou took him to school, and
asked the teacher to mako him comb
his hair. The teacher triSl to make
him perform his tousnrial duties, but
failed, nnd the mother suggested that
the principal be invited in, and tboy all
three hud it out with tho boy right then
and there before the whole school. Ho
suit, boys' hair still not combed, sever
al black and blue murks on boy's neck.
mother enraged nnd tnkes tho boy bo
fore the school directors, and the elty
superintendent spends several hours
trying to straighten out tho matter. It
will nil be fixed up, but tho boy is still
unkempt. The mother is right in try
ing to have her child go with his hair
dressod to school. Hut tho publicity
given tho whole subject is not right to
the child. The boy's hair should have
been eouibed in private. The" mother
should have spoken to the teacher pri
vately. Tho tonchor should not have
reprimanded the child in tho presence
of others. The principal should not
have token n hand in the wny, he did.
The lxy probably has some feelings of
his own, and the three grown persons
sliould learn to rule by intelligence and
govern ly love rutlier than by Issuing
orders and laying down laws that they
must then proceed to enforce or suffer
loss of authority. Tint tho loss of a
child's self-respeut should also bo con
sidered. If grown-ups do not cherish
that article ns highly as it should be.
Kd. Jeurnal: As a resident of Yew
(Park, I desire to nay few words eon
eerntng the treatment wo aro receiv
ing nt the hands of tho city officers.
About a weok ago Special Officer Pen
land arrested eight hoboes who were
camped in Yew Park. These fellows
had lived there several days, nnd were
very Independent nnd impudent to the
neighbors. They helped themselves to
chickens, potntocs and wood, in fact
everything catnblo suffered from this
gang of luzy marauders. Tho next day
they were turned loose by tho police
judge, with the warning to get out of
town. They immediately returned, nnd
it was necessary for tho officers to ngain
servo notice on them to move. Sunday
night Officer Pcnland ngain arrested
eight in almost the same place, nnd
guilty of tho samo crimes. They were
lodged In the city jail, charged with vn
grnncy, nnd Mr. C. ltogers, on whose
place thoy wero camped, went down to
tho polico court Mondny morning to
swear out warrants on a chargo of tres
pass, but thoy had been turned out.
People out our wny nro determined to
stop tho tramp nuisance, nnd if tho city
courts will not protect tho residents of
this part of the incorporation, thoy will
hold nnother style of court out in the
suburb. It is up to tho proper chan
nel. YEW PARK.
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Deposed Sovereign to Marry.
Pnris, Oct. 25. Tho cx-Empcror of
Annum, Hani-nghi, who sinco his cap
ture in tho mountains of Kwnng-si,
after n long nnd bitterly-waged wnr
of rebellion ngainst tho French, has
been kept a prisoner nt Algiers, 1ms
just obtained the authorization of the
French government to his mnrringo
with n young French woman named
Laloe, tho daughter of n judge nt the
nppcal court of Algiers. Mile. Lnloe
fell violently in lovo with tho deposed
sovereign some tiino ago, but tho suit
was opposed by tho girl's father, on
accoult of the would-bo bridegroom 'r
color and religion. Finally, through the
supplications of tho young Indy, all
barrierri to tho match were broken
down, nnd n marriage urrnnged. The
ox-empcror .now receives nn annual
pension of $0000 from tho French
government, nnd will recoivo about
$20,000 a year after his mnrringo.
I ' Mil
y Mike
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So grent is tho success of William 13.
Gorman's farce, "A Friend of tho
Family," that ho hns been induced to
try fortune on Brondway, New York,
with it, nnd nfter the present tour of
tho West will go to tho Bijou thentor
for n run. His company will bo ox
nctly tho samo as tho ono which ap
pears nt tho Grand opera houso one
night, Thursday, October 27th, which
includes Willlnm Friend, Into stnr with
"Stranger in u Strnngoi Land." Ilnr
ry Crnndull, tho original "Burgomas
ter," Eugene Bedding, who was a
member of "Why Smith Left Home"
company, during its successful New-
York nnd London engngemonts, Miss"
Helen Trnvers, of Charles Frohman's
"Are You a Mason," Thais Mngrane,
into woman with Joseph Hnworth, Vio
lotte Villiers, who scored n hit with
Klnw & Erlanger's "Liberty Belles,"
and others.
Lovo Drove Her Insane.
Beenuso her parents objected to her
marriage with a Gentile, n young
Hebrew girl named Roberts attempted
to jump from tho Madison street bridge
in Portland this week, nnd is now in
the asylum In this city.
Bnjor Using Ilerplclde on Account or
Ita DlatlncMrenna.
The ladles who have used Newbro's
Ilerplclde speak of It In the highest
terms, for Its quick effect In deanstne
the scalp of dandruff and also for its ex
cellence aa a general halr-dresslng It
makes the scalp feel fresh and It allays
that Itching- which dandruff win cause.
Newbro's Ilerplclde effectively cures
dandruff, as It destroys the germ that
causes It. The same germ causes hair to
fall out. and later baldness; In killing It.
(terptclde stops falling hair and prevents
baldness. It Is also an Ideal hnlr dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that la quite distinctive. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps
for sample to The Ilerplclde Co, De
troit. Mich.
Denial J Vrr. Spelal Agcmt
Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice Pres. Milwau
Wis., Business Woman's AssociatiJ
another one of the million women
have been restored to 'health by
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Come
" Dear Mns. Pinkuam : I wns married for several years and J
blessed mv home. The doctor said I had a comnlicatlnn nf fn.iJ
and I could not have any children unless I could be cured. UtrtM
me, but alter experimenting lor several months, my husband M
gusted, nnd one night when we noticed a testimonial of a wotua
been cured of similar trouble through the use of Lvdfn, K. PlJ
Vegotablo Compound, he wont out and bought a bottle for k
your medicine lor threo ana ono nan momns, improving steadRrt
and in twenty-two months a child came. I cannot fully expreutlii
manuiuiness uiai is in my neuru uur noma is a uiuerent pl&cts
have something to live for. and all tho credit is due to Lvdln ELPh
Vccotoblo Compound. Yours very sincerely. Mns. L. C. OLovnrl
St., Milwaukee, Wis." Vice President, Milwaukee Business Wosul
Women should not fall to profit by tho oxncrlenra of tl
women ; just ns surely as thoy wero cured of tho troubles
rated In their letters, lust so certainly -will Lvdin E. Pld
Vegotablo Compound euro others who suffer from vombtJ
inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous eicl'J
nnd nervous prostration ; remember thnt It is Lydia El
ham's Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and doni
any aruggisi io sen you anyiuing eiso in its place.
An Indiana Lady Tells of a Wonderful Curo:-
" DEAR AIRS. msiUU I It IS I d
lor me to write and tell what your n:
medicine has done for me. X was
threo years with change ot life.
physician thought i cancerous cood
tno womb. During inese mrte
suffered untold agony.
" I cannot find words In wblo
press my bad feelings. I did notes
ever see nnother well dav. Ireadloa
testimonials recomendlng your atiM
decided to write to you ana ge
ment a trial.
Ttofnm T bnd taken half I
Iiydia E. PInkhain's VegetobliB
pounu, l oegan io sieep. i u m
six bottles and am so well leaadoM
of work." Mrs. Lizzik Uvsvj,W
If there is nnvthinir in your case about which you
special advice, write freelv to Mrs. Pinkhum. She canrorsB
you, for no person in America can speak from a wldertwiM
In treating fcmnlo ills.
.and always noipuii
Address is Iiynn. Muss.: hcrsatkM
produce ths or!tnl lettinull!
AfAnn FORFEIT it wecsnnot forthwith produce ths orlstntl lettinul
hllllll ! teitluioulalj, wbloU will prors their absolute genuinencM.
VUUUU LjdUK. X'lukhamMed.C,!
MMIIIHmillHtHltinilllllMIIII Hrt"H4
y awaf m cs
Big Ctop?
The crops In this line aro not
Z tho largest, but nod. As a
result many -will need repalra
made on their driers. Ve are
prepared to do quick and good
work In this line.
Sheet Iron Workers and
j The Shooting Galley
; Will glvo away many cash prizes on Saturday night, fr
remodeled and now. Opposite the White House Bestaurant
ti i m 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 itt iiinimi m-M im in
We Don't Have
'Old Prices' not 'Ct Pfjj
Bat oar every day prices are always
low or a trifle lower than the socillei
cat prices.
R. M. WADE & CO., Salem,
f at MMMMlJaMMMt
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Hamtt & Laweace
i ,.. itr l
.. us ,ou axe away oenina the times, howotw, -
ways glad to boo new patrona, and U you call on them, 7
""" "" pieasea. you will Una them at tao corner
anil CV..W 4.
' It K 1 ...... .1 ....... .AUJLJ
Wholesale and Retail Family Liquor Stof
E. ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street. j
; ; Full line of llquoni and wines. Cedarbrook whisky-1".!
.. yn.. t j .t. ... . ailad Dl
..v. uiauii inn nMf rni famii tiaA aii ariun ---
, , llvered In th riw limit. t,nA f.i itci
IIIIHIIIIHIIIihiiiihiI i.t,i i " m n 1 1 1 t i f m 1 1 t , i . i . , i i i r r T H
MiiiWiirmiilinnimiiitri-mn'- -""--" -?,