Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    "T??. "
' JT"
Wanted. A girl of experience In
housework, at German Bakery, 12th
and Chemcketa streets. 5.00 per
week for the right one. 10-21-3t
Wanted. A middle aged lady desires
work on a farm housekeeping, etc.
Inquire 424 Cottage street, Salem,
Or. 10-21-3t
Wanted. A house In gcod location,
Bast Salem preferred, for small
family; must have three or four bed
rooms. Apply to B. Wv care Jour
nal. 10-21-tf
Wanted. A middle-aged lady as a
companion for a lay. Address "A,"
care Journal office. 10-20-3t
Wanted. German bay, to learn bak
ery trade. Inquire at California
bakery, 93 Court street. 10-19-tf
Wanted Dressmaking and plain sew
ing. Will go to house and sow by
the day. Children's clothes a spe
cialty. Address Mrs. Ella V. Wil
son, Salem, or call at one block
east, then one block north of North
school. 10-19-3t
"Wantod. To rent small cottage close
in, or near car lines. Must bo on
lease of one or more years. Address
L. J., caro Journal.
"Wanted. Two dry .goods salesladies.
Apply at the Chicago store, Court
etroet, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf
Wanted. To purcnase a piece of land
suitable for potatoes, hops or nay.
Address, with particulars, lock box
488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf
Tor Salo. Cheap, a square Cliickering
pinno, also a buggy, surveyor's
chain and comprtSs. Inquire at Fair
banks & ltutherford's, over Woller
Bros. - ' 10-17-lwk
Tor Bale or Trade A 10-acro fruit and
chicken ranch. Good house, barn,
and other out buildings. Excellent
home. Mllo from railroad, good
school and trading point. "J. G.,"
Joumnl. 10-8-lm
Tor Sale. A team. Inquire of B. F.
Baxter, East Salem. 9-4-tf
For Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in
first-class condition. At great reduc
tion. Address "L. F. II.," Salem, Or.,
caro Journal. 8-20-tf
or Sale. Tnree-fourtns oi an acre of
land, within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of all kinds. A bargain at reason
able terms. Inquire at Journal of
fice. 8-2-tf
FcT"Rnt!A7-room house, 7 blocks
south of business dentor. City
water, sceptic tank, on car line. Ad
dross P. O. box 263. 10-20-3t
Itooms And board, with privilego ot
bath. Reasonable rntos. Inuire ul 10S
High street, 3Vi blocks sonth of
Stnte. 10-14-lm
Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or
unfurnished rooms to rent Loca
tion on street car line, and one
block to S. P. depot Call on J. C.
Qoodale. 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf
in safo security to bring good. Inter
est. A. B. II , caro Journal 10-21-tf
Cash Paid For poultry and farm pro
duce; also- good apples wanted.
Capital Commission Company, gen
eral commission merchants, 177
Commercial street. 10-21-tf-dw
O. K. Grubber and Stump Puller
Beats them oil; thrco stato premi
ums; grubs an acre a day; one horse
has the power of 99; investigate.
Jas, Finney, Brooks, Or. 10-10-lra
Fuel and Feed. Tho Smith Fuel and
Feed Company is prepared to fur
nish sawed wood, coal, etc., on prompt
delivery. Office with Salem Abstract
& Land Co. Phono Black 2201.
$300 Can bo invested to bring 15 per
cent. Only one opportunity. Apply
to M, caro Journal office. O-So-St
Shingles! Shingles. New lot received,
$1.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathoid and
P. k B. ready roofing and building
paper. Poultry and field fencing. All
at lowest prices. Walter Morley,
Salem Fonce Works, 60 Court street.
Cab Service. Now cab .just arrived.
Can bo found at Lowo'a livery stable
Phone Main 1601. Best service and
reasonable rates. E. Townsend.
Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf.
New Lodging House, Everything
new, clean and comfortable. Schreib
er block, 149-151 State street Mat
tie Hutchins, proprietor. Phone
Main 2874, 8 9 tf
fay Have you tried Edwards & Lusca
ers for meats. We bare the best
sausage lu town. Come and try 1t,
and be convinced. 410 East Stat
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano ar-d furniture mov-nj
a specialty Office 'phone, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlcs
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
Undertaker. We carry the larn
and finest line of undertaker's goodi
in the city. Prices to suit all
Black and white hearse. Prompt
reliable. Save money by calling a
No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Baisj
JACK OARMOHAEL-llop buyer.
Room 1, Bush-Breyman building.
Phone Main 1851. 9-27'
WM. BROWN it CO.-ilops. Mohair,
wool, hop growers' supplies. No.
229 Commercial street, Salctn, Ore
gon, mono 13U1
SQUIRE 1'AKUAR Hop merchant
and purchasing agont. No. 210
Commercial street, upstairs, Salem,
Oregon. Phono 1651.
T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in
hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211,
office room 18 Oberueitn bldg, Sa
lem, Oregon.
KREBSBROS. Hop Merchants, Sa
lem, Oregon. Phono 1301.
KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops.
Bush-Broyman block, Salem, Oregon,
also Albany, Oregon.
tvan'e Barber Shop Only nrst-emm
shop on State street. Every thiai
new and up-to-uato. Finest por
lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut lit
baths, 2Sc. Two flrst-clasi boo'
blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor
eich a. White do a general dra:
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Phones, down town, Main
2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076.
Stand 218 Commefslal street 8-12-lm
DR. E. E. JACKSON Treats a'l dis
eases of domestic animals. Office
61 Ferry street. Phono 2341 Main.
Residence 17 Commercial streot,
Phone 2011 Red.
DR. W. L. MERCER Graaunto of the
American School of Osteopathy,
Klrksvllle, Mo, Oflieo in Broyman
block, Commercial street, over Stock
ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phono
Red 2413. Residence at 300 Summer
street. Phone Red 2541.
Miss Eva Cox Tracker of piano and
orgnn nnd sight reading. Evening
lessons given. Studio, 333 Front
street. Phono, White 75. 11-12-lm
W.I"RrSmlth On Monday, October
10th, purchased n half interest in
the blacksmith shop formerly ownod
by him at 18,1 Commercial street, op
posite the Willamette Hotel, nnd tho
now firm of Arnold & Smith is prepared
to do all kinds of general blacksmith
ing and horse shoeing. 10-10-lm
S. E. HASSAN Mining engineer, ns
Bayer nnd mineralogist nnd consult
ing metnlurgist. Mining properties
carefully examined and reported on,
Tlioso having mining properties will
do well to call on him. Room 15
Breyman block. 10-7-tf
Dr. Z. M. Parvln Returns from his
Eastern trip about October 0th, and
will resumo his music teaching nt
297 Commercial street, upstairs, on
and nftcr October 11th 10-1-ltno
chased tho old stand formerly occu
pied by John Knight, and nro now
prepared to do horseshoeing and gen
eral blacksmithing. All work war
ranted. 217 Liberty street. 0-22-lm
Sidney Hayes Teacher of violin, man
dolin nnd guitar, formerly of Stein
way Hall, Chicago. Pupils desiring
thorough instruction nt lowest rates
please address or call at Will's mu
sic store. 9-20-lmo
Dr. M. Teresa Schoettle, Osteopath
Gradual) of founder's school. Grand
Opora House, Salem, Oregon. Of
fice phone Main 2721. Residonco'
phone, Red 2003.
F. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an
office la the EldrMg" block over
Fry's drug store. Office hours, 9 to
12 n. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Rosidenco
North Capital stroet. Phone, oflieo,
Main 2703: reaiilnnrn. lend 01. Sne-1
cialty, uise.joi nf children. 9-20-3m
Olive Lodoe, Nc IBnToTcTFi IO
O. F, Hall, Saturday each week, at
7:30 p. m. D. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q.;
Frank F. Toots, recording secretary
Salem Camp, No. 116, Woodmen of t
World Meeta in Holman Hall ever
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. FrasUr,
ConsuL Wylle A. Moores, Seer
tary. MMyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mcxsu
In their ball In Holman block, ee
ner State and Liberty, every K
day evening. Visiting bretkrsc
welcome. Bmil Donaldson, M. W.
A. B. Aufranco Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of ft Umim
1111 in iiounaa block, corner
and Liberty Sta. Teaday ot uM
SfrOlJU FoR women
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures, u
record such as no other remedy for the
diseases and weaknesses peculiar to
women ever attained,, the proprietors of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription n6w
feel fully warranted in offering to pav
J500 in legal money of the United
States, for any case of Leucorrliea. Fe
male Weakness, Prolapsus, or 1'ollfnK'
of Womb which they cannot cure. All
they ask is a fair and reasonable trial ol
their means of cure.
The Vice-President Independent Order
ot Qo:d Templars.
An experience which manv women have mi
related by Hiss Agnes Ste&bings, of 331 Hast
jolh Street. New York City, as follews: "I
had very poor health for a year until life
looked dark and drear)' to me. Had. bead
aches, backache,, also pain, my sleep was
broken and fitful I longed for health. Tried
several medicines but none were or any last
ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierre a .Fa
vorite Prescription I soon realised that I
had found the right rcaiedy It helped nature
10 inrow on ine poisons tnai saturated ine
systtm, reruoved all pains and strengthened
the digestive organs, and brought the roses of
health back to mv cheeks. This medicine II
taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect
condition, helping It to throw off the disease
and consequences of exposure to dampness, 1
am pleased to give it my endorsement "
"1'avonte Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical,
Adviser is ivc&fret on receipt of ai one.
cent stamps for the paper-covered book,
sr 31 'stamps for the cloth-bound. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner
C. C; W. I. S-aley, K. of R. and 8.
r-oreaters ot America (joun ofc
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Frt
day in Turner block. H. Q
Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sea.
Modern Woodmen of America Or.
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meou
every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleel
Holman Hall, E. E. Matton, V
C: A. L. Drown. Clerk.
For water service apply at oSe
Bills payable monthly In advantn
W nil comnlaints at tho offlo
Has Returned to Salem
Dr. A. T. Roberts, tho eye specialist,
has returned to Salem, and has offices
lit the Eldrldge block, whero ho will
bo pleased to meet all his old patients
and friends. Room 21, EldrldgQ
block. 10-19-tf
Fall Term Opens Monday, Septem
ber 20th.
Subjects Foe 3 months.
Arithmetic $2.00
Bookkoping 4.00
Penmanship ; .. ,. 2.00
Grammar 2.00
Reading and Spelling .... 2.00
Other subjects taught If required.
For particulars call at
I White Lily Flout I
iUHUumcbureu uv s
Rikcreal Milling Co.
Is the Flour for Family Use
Trv 11 sick t
2 Tt it don't suit you, your mouoy i
I Capital Commission Co.
Salem Distributors
Wo "are- fitting' quite a number of
bicycles with
Now for winter riding. Let us put
a pair on your wheel.
Salem Gun Store.
Patri H. Hawser, Prop.
Live Wire in South Salem
Discovered by Stray
Saturday evening a young man who
docs not livo in South Salem, but who
lind occasion to visit that locality,
had just passed tho top of tho South
Commercial stroot hill wlion ho noticed
several sparks,, which appeared nnd
disappeared nt-jriiort intervals near tho
sidewalk. flunking tboy woro Bro
llies, nnd bring of an inquiring turn,
he started to investigate tlio phenom
ena, when ho noticed, to his surprise,
nnd consternation, thnt ho was about
to step on a llvo wlro of largo size,
and presumably highly chnrgod.
Greatly frightened nt his narrow cs
capo from being electrocuted, ho has
tened to tho ofllco of tho electric light
company nnd informed the night man,
who litis charge, of tho wire being
down nnd tho danger that threatened
any pedestrian who chanced to bo
passing that way. The 'power was im
mediately cut off from that circuit
nnd tho danger olimlnntcd, but tho
tioxr. tlinn tho young mnn sees a firefly
ho will find out how many volts It la
charged with boforo trying to catch It.
Tho Oattlo Market.
Henry Blackwoll has returnod from
Grant county, whero ho hns boon buy
ing cattle. Mr. Dlnckwcll says tho
present condition of tho cnttto market
Is not fiattcrlng, nnd that best prices
paid in Kastern Oregon nro bolng re
ceived in Harney county. Ho pur
chased lu Silvles nnd Hoar valloyr,
ycnrlings nnd 2-ycnr-olds for $12.00
and $18.fi0 respectively. Mr. Blnck
well says further thnt tho condition
of tho market docs not justify tho
prieo paid here, though ho states that
finished cattle in tho spring will reach
tho top notch. Burns News.
Lucas County. 1
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
ho is sonior partner of tho firm of F.
J. Chcnoy & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County nnd Stato
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each nnd ovory caso of
Catnrrli that cannot bo cured by tho
uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed
in my prcsonco, this 0th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1880.
(Seal) A. W. OLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken inter
nally, nnd acts directly on the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system,
soud for testimonials froo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by nil druggists, 75c.
Tnko Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. 8ure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce molsturo and
cause Itching, this form, as well as
Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. COo a Jar at drug
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties froo.
Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Fore salo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist
Bwi tli 1 15 m " ''" W"''
I Kind Yoq Haw Alwaya Besjtt
Assrs awiiisls.l If ?
; supposltoiy
MMU TilMHel, lH
C wrH " I m tf
IW 4 U r lia fr laua W I V lrf.
I lUfffl SMS, W Tft 1 riW " IsMf ! HirirB tSsMST
Vf flaws." fauc., V Csrrs. mfit tit, 'i
vntiui. uanriN M'jor, UNcatTin, pa.
sold In lilim by . C tton.
Call for Ptm lampUa.
Capital Normal School
First National Bauk building, Sa
lem, Or. Pall term of twelve weeks
opens September 301b, Normal, ac
ademic, preparatory nnd business
courses. Address.
Salem, - Oregon
Great sale of Chinese and Japanese
fancy goods. Wo also make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, under
wear and skirts. Gents' and ladies'
furnishing goods, fancy goods, laeei
and embroideries. Court street, corner
of alley, Salem.
AM?gc(abIc Preparolioitror As
similating incfooaandHcguia
ling the Stomachs nndBcrwcb of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrfur
ncss anil Rcst.Con tains neither
Opium.MorpWno norflneraL
sntslss) Jatrf
arnMsWyMWaV arSwOsTC
Apcrfccl Remedy forConstipa
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Conwilswns.Fcverish
nc3smidLos9 of Sleep.
sssHa snanataaM
Facsimile Signature of
8Ct(le 99M999
Court Street.
S All work Ruarantoed.
Star Restaurant
Bot 15q meals In tho city. Coffee
with cakos Ec. 21 meal tlckots for
$2.75. 204 Commercial stroot.
wuMuww" 1 "" " r. "A ?
s-Hi !! tfftwiwiiiiiaiatitt
BoRlns its 23d yar Soptombor 20, 1004. Four terms in each school
S year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a courao In Sop
tombor, November, February and April,
Is tho Normal Courso, with Its assuranco of good positions at good
wagos. Write for now oataloguo containing full information con
corning courses of study, training in actual teaching afforded under
real conditions In town and country schools and full details about
advanced courao ot study, with tho additional advantages attached
Addross Bocretnry, J, D. V. DUTLER, or I'rosldont, E. O. RESS.
LER, Monmouth, Oregon,
it.lsssfslt . lJ4tBttt, .!
kk::.:A G E N
Oats For Sale.
HOP OR0WERS SUPPLIES. Crude and Mick Sulphur.
waasiaaisiaiiawsMa.1 s i mttmmiimmmMmtimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm
I J. G. Graham, Agent,
i i
For Infants and CMldron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the : t
Signature lAit
r4i)F Use
For Over
Thirty Years
vm enrrausi ommsit, sn wm orrr.
I Wall aper
Latest designs in stock,
2 and good work guaran-
teed. We have the smaN
store and smaM prices
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St
Piwne 2475
C Y O Fttntm
207 Commercial St., 8&lem, Ore.
The EpictJi?cfs
Is a properly Irollod nnd richly fla'll
vori'il porterliouso or sirloin steak
that is juicy, tempting and delicious,
and that is nppotlzlug on tho warmost
dny. Our prlmo beef, mutton and pork
is tlio nrmo of excellence In moats. Our
irl nrn alvvaytt loiv-j cousldarlni! tha I
qmtlity of the incut.
E. C. Cross.
8tte Streot Market
Has boen taken to supply the stock ofl
lumber In our yards. Our stock Ul
complete with all kinds of lumber.
Just received a car load of No, J
shingles, also a car of fine- shakes.!
We are ablo to fill any and all klndX
of bills. Come and let uo show yoaj
our Btock.
Yard and offlca sear t?, P. pusengs-rX
depot 'Phono Main 651.