DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1D04. Eft III.' mi r"i !? mm He t if B-1 .fi a m : THE - ', 1 1 i ' ' r ' Mm ' ' ';t v '' St-"''" J-'A' , ! ."rawirar .;. afei'nf nmivw .y 'A&Wl V 07v. 5lLMtteidaJt- UUM) CL DJ&yfWU 1! i A Afc J4ffcbL : urS-L Awarded a Grand Prize. 8t. Louis, Mo., Oct. 24. A grand prize lias been nwarded by the world's lair IO l"v exuiuit ui luc jiuupaier a Jlasslnchcr Chemical Company, of New ! York. The exhibit as ail unique work of art 1ms attracted more Attention than any other. The firm conceivol and carried out the idea of reproducing the famous old masterpiece, "The Old Alchemist" now at the Museum in Brunswick, Germany, for the group ing of their chemicals. In the fore ground, but occupying only a small portion of the total flour area, is a display of the products of the com pany, nnd back of this, elevated above tho general that proves fascinating to every visitor who sees it tho repro duction of nn alchemist's laboratory of tho ago of chivalry and the baby hood of science. The reproduction is perfect. There are tlig heavy stone furnaces, tho mnssivo pillars support ing the roof, tho narrow windows ad mitting only faint suggestions of light, tho shelves lined with huge tomes, tho queer shaped nlembica, retorts, etc., and even the gowned ilguro of the old alchemist is shown seated at liis desk deep in tho study of a dingy volume, with a boat-shaped lamp, giv ing him nn apology for a light, nnd a hooting owl perched on the desk rim. Another Man Put To Wotk WATT SHIPP The Bicycle Man has addod anethcr man t his already large force of skilled help, and is V Better Ptep&ted Than Eve To repair your wheel or umbrella needs repairing. promptly. If the wheel JVUU 'f f-f.f ;jj .-!.'. ; v V -' 'M IKS' Saves Two Prom Death. "Our Httlo daughter nnd an almost 'fatal attack of whooping cough and 'bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havil 4 and, of Armonk, N. Y., "but when all other remedies failed, wo saved hor wjife- with Dr. King's Now Discovery. Onr niece who bad consumption in an advanced stage, also uipd this wonder ful mcdiclno nnd today sho is perfectly well." Dospcrnto throat and lung disenscs yield to Dr. King's Now Dis covery as to no other mcdiclno on earth. Infallible for Coughs nnd Colds. SOo nnd $1.00 bottles guaran teed by J. C. Terry. Trial bottles tieo. Broke Into His House. A Love Letter. . S. Lo Qujnn, of Cavendish, Vt., was Would not interest you if you're rnl.l.n.l nt M. ffi.fnmn, lmniM, J,v n. I looking for a guaranteed Salvo for vasion of chronic constipation. When Salem Boy Promoted. Kdgnr B. Piper, a former Salem boy, has been appointed managing editor of tho Oregonian, vice Ernest Bross, who linn nccmttivl a position in th Knst. Mr. Piper held 'the position of news editor on tho pnper for several years, and his ninny Silem friends are glnd to hear of his promotion. I Get it Done Right Dr. King's New Life Pills broke Into his house, his troublo was arrested nnd n6w ho is entirely cured. Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: 'I- suffered with an ugly sore for. n year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured me. It's Th nvlrn ttin linot Qrilt.A nn Anvtli Ol. nt T C Kiiiiriiuiuuii iu cure. sue ui j, j, Perry's drug store. To St. Louis. Tho Southern Pacific have made ad ditional salo dates for tho salo of world's fair tickots, as follews: Oc tober 27th, 28th and 20th. W. B. COMAN. Perry's drug store. Chnngo of bill tomonow night at the Edison. , Important. Rock Island 'Frisco systems have ar ranged for salo of round trip tickots to Chicago and St. Louis, October 27th, 28th and 20th. These are tho last days on which special rate tickets may bo purchased on account of the world's fair. 10-S-td WATT SHIPP THE BICYCLE MAN CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bern th ? 11 Kind ton Hara Always Eesght Boars tho Slgnaturo of C&h4 Out Entire Blanket Stock WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE WW WWW WwWWWwWwWWWW l Something Doing Tiiis Beautiful Moonlight Night Come Otit and Enjoy Yourself A musical entertainment for everybody. Something new for people on the street in front of Geo. C. Will's Music Store. EVERYBODY INVITED You can't miss the enjoyment even if you arc a block away, but you should come to the store to fully appre ciate iu i r : l All the profit and part of the cost goes with them. p r I I stores S I ' I vmmmmmmmmmmmmmm miiwii HOUSE FURNISHING CO, NEXT TO JOS. MEYERS & SON. Salem and Albany Fverv Home Should Have A Piano. A Piano is absolutely es sential to the educational advancement of the young folks. ATTEND THE BIG SALE X i Geo G Opposite Ladd & Bush's DanJc, Will, That New Woolen Underwear Should be sent to the Salem Steam Laundry and he cleaned. We have the only steam table in Oregon for this work and guarantee satisfaction. Those blankets probably need at tention, too, and remember vre have the only facilities for hand ling this work outside the woolen mill. The Salem Steam Laundry C7VfADE MARKS 1 BAKIN6 POWDER PUTUPINGLASSJAN aimii i iiuisga 4Pt i. Allen & Gilbert-1 i I Ramaker Co. Oregon's Leading Hoose f Salem Branch 299 Commercial St. ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART 8ALEM, ORE. The forty-second Echolastic year logins September 12. Sanitary and other Improvements lately made in the building. Academic, commercial, grammar grades Intermediate and primary courses. Pupils prepared for leacners certificates. Full course in music. Particular attention paid to neana ana moral training. Address Sister Superior. Sold in Salem by Atwood & Fisher. Harritt & Lawrence A. Dane. Puller & Douglas. A. 1. Harvey. Roth & Grabcr. Joseph Albricn. A. M. Patrick. Land For Sale. 120 acres or more of the best hop or gram land. All under cultlvnt!n ..-.i .loan., can be worked at any season. All , level and in one block, 3fc miles from , fc ,wlu xiaiance of land has plenty of wood for 10 years. Buyer apply direct to Journal office. 10-17-lm mm Has Returned to Salem. Dr. A. T. Roberta ,, .. ,... has returned tn RnUm j v ,in tho BWridge block, where he will be pleased tn moot ii v ... , . . ' U,B " pauenw and frtende nwn 01 toj-.-. iWltMIIIMIIMMtWlM block. TT" fB Jacob Vogt Is now carrying a fine line of t famous Julia Marlow shoes. BEPAHUKa NEATLY DONE JACOB VOGT 99 State St- Salea CALL ON YOUB 8TEPM0THE At theEUilem Dra Worki when you ail,2 eloihe cle.neJ, died, repaired or pre"??! If lined, velret eolUn on. Vlw uiw V!! the month. You cn get anything cKn J" pair ol glorea to the moat elaborate iJ l,B Mrs. O. H. wwi Prop,, HJCommercUlft fiHUU'C ONION ii iunn a Ani CURES COUCHS. OOLOS, T blUi HOARSENESS A CROUP. V "' OestRtmhtaf CWIdrto. PiutUUS Uaierlaaaetrdo4. Thaeid wljiaal K " Said byaU MMKtaaStareala UriitwKM.bfa UAit oaly by OK BOSAMKO CO, PtOUJo?ir MM uw trtti $t1 yw a Sampit it"' " I z BStuVI