Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    wscwj v&?mfw vr
Pale. thin, tired, nervous, depressed?
lAsl your doctor about taking Ayer's SarsaparJIIa for this bad
rendition ot your blood. it nc says, aii ngni, men ianc u.
if nnf. thn rtnn'f rake if. we reel nerrecuy saie, lor wc mow
I " ""wj w - ... "... r i.rtA
rlrat doctors say about this old family medicine
TjowftlT, Vui,
"Xamorrow morning tho cltlzons ot
SJdarian county will meet at tho court
SdiouaS, for tho purpose of deciding
VKluSor or not the cdunty will pro
jfMLTBVnn exhibit for the Lewis and
ClxAJ- fair. The question Is a vital
weo "for tho community, and tho
lawintlng should be largely attended.
Clarion county Is tho foremost dl
trJtfiqa in the state, In point of popu
ttatoin, wealth and resources, outside
Dl "Multnomah county. It contains the
urate capital, and Is tho second city
wifbln tho Oregon country, and other
ennUe3 will naturally take their
woe from us.
"rrjgehmugh and short-Ightednesu,
Marlon should fall to- make proper
provision for an exhibit, other coun
ties would do likewise, and the result
would bo detrimental not only to the
fair, but to the state ot Oregon.
Evci(y business man In the city of
Salem should, bo at tho court house
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The
county court in asking the advice of
tho taxpayers, and4 Is desired that a
largo number of tho representative
citizens attend the meeting, and ex
press their views. Tell tho gathering
what your Idea are of a successful
exhibit, and the eed that you sow will
return ten-fold during the next year.
or two
Mayor Waters Wants
A Progressive
Jenty of First-Class Material
to Select Men for All
the Officers
atayor Waters was s.een today by a
SRywrtor, and said he was doing noth
live to secure a renomlnatlun, In fact
o'dld not want tho otuce unless ho could
3ia.ro associated with him men who
would work for tho advancement ot
Mho city along every line.
Asked about street Improvomonts,
3ie Mild he hoped to havo at least one
yennanunt Btreot Improvement under
way boforo tho end of his present
Ktena, which expires In January. lie
awld the contractors who wanted to
Mubmlt a proposition for the Ultullthlc
lyuvomont had shipped n sample of the
Tiwk fiei: tho quarry south of tho city
llilladolphla, for a tost, and wou'd
Sie ready In two weeks to make projK)
silOonH to tho property owners. Thoy
bad secured terms on labor and team),
asud cost of rook and bringing It In by
electric cars. They would employ all
x&dr labor, but n fw exports right
Aero jit Salont.
Vtr olty recorder petitions havo
3&een signed up" for W. A. Mooroh and
S3. A. McPnddun. These petition will
not be published, as they nr on'y
signed up to bring a candidate botore
tbo prlmurle, and aro not oousldonsd
an endorsement.
IVUtloiis art) also lit circulation for
Tom Coriitt'lus and I .on Goauor for
Hslty marshal. I.ouls Folsom ami
Sight Pollc'tjumn Jamos IjOwIs are al
so iiioiitliw! for thee placet.
Kor city treasurer II. Frank More--11th
has th leoway. and It la safe to
wuy pint have tho nomtimt'ou It h
will tnke H.
Out of thU material tho city can ko
tire a ticket ot rtwin, strong, capable.
nd proitriMHriv men Tho dlrvct pri
mary yjjl, d th Ka.p.uMeau.s a ul
iK)Urffrj.o, Uiv. nil oanultjulow. It Is
aomgjrThan likely thai other .namps
rirs5u lufiitionml and brought oii, tpr
-?& on the tkkrt. '?'
X For Cly Fathers.
fnh tlrst wanl the name ot A. T.
MomU. ward commltUemuu. has boon
uiujuioned fur nklorman.
In tlm second ward Hal I). Patton
an(fejClnir Hakor ure talked ut by
iDQUf frianda.
lihe third want Paul VnUac has
butfn7!iu.M(Mtl ai a wan who would
favor ivmsMtejtv poMctat
Inth fourth ward VV. C, Smith,
l-Yod WlKitrtiw, 0. M. Hunan and Hur
ry OJIhrw are lalkod of.
Inslho tUU wurd the mini of J. F.
Uoqb ka tho call among Ote local
lu,)h alxUt ward JuhN Knttkt can
lmv h uoHtiHaUon If X ftUl take i
fe. U was Ih th council imk. ant
p!e ttht that roltl In SKm
jtims Um ftnM tw Mr nlue
la lh svU wanl L Acfceson
will ,roUabljr b rone4uliald without
.HtloR. n baa favoril streot im
ipixhdinents, awl fought oonXautly to
-Awrri MrUU ur the ward.
Ud Gang: of Yew Park Hoboes
and Escorts Them
to Jail
Tho gang ot hobos who havo been
making Yew Park their headquarters
for somo time past aro not likely to
disturb tho peace loving residents of
that comunlty again with their petty
thefU very soon.
Special Officer James PonlnnJ, ot
the '711 ward, last night with patloaco
exhausted and blood In his eye, de
termined to rid tho city of these ver
min who have been complained of to
him so long and loudly by Salem cit
izens, leaded for bear ho started for
the scene of action with the deter
mination to do or die and from the re
sult It U to bo su posed that It was
more "do" than die. When he hove
In sight of tho camp, which was a
verltnblo "robbers' roost" ho could
smell tho lavory odors of, In tho ver
nacular, a "mulligan," composed of
chickens from the neighboring roosts,
mealy spuds and vegetables of all
k'mls and desciiptlons, added to which
were many dainty bits boggod or pil
fered from tho tables of the good
housewives of Yew Park. When thi
majestic aim of the law appeared In
their midst, the gang, with much
grumbling and hewalHng ot fate, sub
mitted to tho Inovltable and meekly
aceomimnled tho officer to tho city
Jail, where thoy remained, and
dreamed of the feast which was still
simmering over the fire In Yew Park
On account of a leak In the water
pipe In the jail this morning the
gang att turnod loose with a repri
mand, upon thlr promise that they
will leave the town and return ao
mo to.
Football Game.
Saturday, nt 2 p. m. the dy
team from Columbia University of
ISrtlad. will go up against tho WII
JamoU heavyweights on the Unlver-
Ml eammts. The game is expected
to prove vory Interesting, as the field
U fan. which will be, to the advantage
ot ttie vhllors. WIMamette Is deter
mined to show up well, and the Port
jlaihjijoya.iir coming up to win. A
targe crowd is oxpeoted, as the aU
tendance at the Monmouth nam
nhowed that people are Interested. A
good gam Is aure(l.
' o
Sketching from the Model.
The Friday evening sketch c'ass
from life will lein work this even
lag at Mrs. Winn's studio. No. 37
High jitrtKH. A no one wishing to Jom
phone 20.35 Mala. I.omoiu 25 rents.
SiHH-ial tates to poplU In oiher c a-e.
Hasn't that man Jim Robinson's
remains been found often enough?
Dnllv lo(lirn nm Rant . twin. Catom
to the Oregonian on how; to vote for
The Woman's Club netted $130.35
out of the "Huskln' Bee." That is
proof that the club Is a strong team,
with Miss Thompson In tfio lead.
This la Just about 15 years since
the X-Ray man set foot In this town.
Ho still lives.
Between thoio who "cuss and dlsx
cuss The Journal, It Is talked about
moro than any paper In the state.
People read other papers, but they do
not dlscusB them.
It Is believed that Parkerwlll carry
Kuropatkln's campaign,, lags owing
to "bad roads."
Geo. L. Garrigus, formerly a Pull
man car emp'oye at Portfand, was
killed by a street car at Denver.
Salem postoffice receipts jhow an
Increase over last year, being: $25,521.
Editor Conklln, of Grants Pass, has
appealed to the supremo court from
tho verdict of a Jury for criminal libel
In favor of Hon. Robert G. Smith.
"About half tho women In' Portland
are bad,' 'Is tho cheerful assertion ot
Rev. Rader, the newly appointed edi
tor of tho Pacific Christian Advocate.
Advice to 'would-be plaintiffs In libel
suits: "Better endure tho slings and
arrows ot an outrageous world than
fly to evils you know not of."
(Continued from first page.)
since the commencement of the siege
amount to 60,000.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 21. The official
list of officers killed and wounded be
tween October 11th and 13th totals
172, Including Major-General Rabln
skl and 17. field officers killed. The
wounded are in proportion of one t
six. The list for the heaviest day's
fighting south of Mukden are still un
reported. Doubtless they will exceed
the total losses at Llao Yang, where
500 officers were killed or wounded.,
The losses among the men are not yet
approximated, but are thought to ap
proximate not much over 20,000.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 21. Genoral
Sakharoff reports no fighting yester
day. The armies maintain their re
spective posltlonsf but their is contin
ual reconnolsance on both sides.
Five cenls.
A Lovo Letter.
Would not interest you Jf you're
looking for a guaranteed Salvo for
Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of
Ponder, Mo., writes: 'I suffered with
an ugly soro for a year, but a box of
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured me. It's
tho best Salvo on earth. 25c at J. C.
Perry's drug storo.
Change of bill tomoi.oiv night at the
Moore No Mora.
ivSrnarrlaKe Meetwo was li
-"tiiotnM J llunUe and Mil
Imn1 to
n Mablo
" Vfi. Vomeu nhoul.l
' CtUBRWCO VJllllir f,lllBg
b.,il:h ai Kng
as thv con
Hii.e to suflVr
from monthly
ftio letters is
U.i it t ri aw
J i a siu U
t.m'i cat.
It ttlwUNX
cnns Bickach, VonUtlns, Tainting
Spells, 8leplssnes Indigestion or
Dyspepjl. Try ue feHU.
liVfHfc E7i V !
I Chance
j To Miss I
t Allen & Gilbert- I
Ramaker Co.
Oregon's Leading Hoase
Salem Brandt
; 299 Commercial St.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 21. A dUpatch
f'om Mukden says that a .force of
Russians yesterday evening surprised
a ja.aneje battery, killed the gun
ners and captured three guns.
The cough that holds on
in spite of all remedies needs
energetic and above all thor
ough treatment. A mere
cough mixture won't do.
Root out the cold that causes
the cough.
How? Scott's Emulsion.
Why Scott's Emulsion ?
Because, it stops the irrita
tion, soothes the tissues and
heals the affected membranes.
When? Right away.
Scott's Emulsion begins to
help with the first dose.
We'll tend you a utoptt free upon request.
SCOTT & nOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York.
Has Returned to Salem.
Dr. A. T. Roberts, tho eye specialist,
has returned to Salem, and has offices
In the Eldrldge block, whore he will
be pleased to meet all his old patients
and friends. Room 21 Eldrldge
b'.ock. 10-19-tf
Bum tka J Yoa Hare Alwars Bocjtt
! Gold Dust Floor i
ii. I.. - , i ---
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Made for family use, A6k
your grocer tor It Bran and
shorts always on hand.
I P. B. Wallace
We new have a full stoek of Hy
acinths, Tulips, Croous, Narcissus,
Suow Drop, Jonquils and a nico as
sortwetit of Chinese Saerod Lilies.
Would be pleasad to have tho public
eall and iBpet our stock at
Savage & Fletcher
322-324 Commercial St.
. I
M.U ninuo ur l-HUIl 1 HAYS
shop of
i G. F. Mason i
Miller street. South Salem
PHONE 2191 Red.
f iiiintiimMmi
Only 5c Cigar
So Good That A
Million Men Smoke
It Every Day
Largest Seller in the World.
The 'Band is the
Smoker's Protection.
The "Band is the
Another Man
Ptit To Wotfk
WATT SHIPP-The Bicycle Man has added anottur 'min to
his already large force of skilled help, and ia
Better P?epaect Than Evef
To repair your wheel or umbrella promptly. If the wlell
needs repairing.
Get it Done Right
TTI Hill hi ' 10ff&
Sold in Salem by
Atwood & Fisher.
Harrltt It Lawrence.
A. Dauo.
Fuller it Douglas.
A.'L. Harvey.
Both & Qraber.
Joseph Albrich.
A. M. Patrick.
Jacob Vogt
T now carrying a fine lino of the
f.iwuus Julia Marlow shoes.
99 State St Salem
A1 V1 Um ?? w wha Jo wJt loor
Me Bv.aib cm can gtt aartUox cktnM (rota
a pir of iIotc to tht bow elbote7iU jowbi,
Mrs. a H. Walker,
rrois. mcbmmereUlBt
That New
Woolen UndetvMi
Should be sent to th
Salem Steam
and be cloaned. We have tie
steam table In Orec""n for
work and Guarantee satiifct
Thoso blankets probably ntl '
tentlon, too, and remembM
havrj the only facilities for l
ling this work outside the w!
The Salem Steam Law
Tho fortv-second scholastic
hnMrv. Ranlamhor 12. SanltaTf '
other Improvements latey ni
tho building. Academic, conuw
nrlmarv rviursea. Punlrfl preparM'
teacher's certificates. FuJ cooflj
health and moral training. a"1
Sister Superior.
Land For Sale
11 nrs or more of the best Ut
grain laud. AH under cultstwo,
loam, ean be worked at any WV
level and in one blwk, 3- ""
Kaim. on poad road. Balance of J
- "'- . . .. . ft
has plenty ef wood fpr ai y"
. A .1 Ailtrff
appiy iurei 10 jonrB " ,1