'fPWf OAKY CAPITA1. JOUKMAU SALEV. OREGOM. FJUDAY. OCTCQEH . U I l-I DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL SY HO f SLR BZOS. gggsr X&s32sf OFFICIAL CZSBS3& &AI3Z3S, 1CAT. &9i, ZtZt. Republican national Ticket rc Fre-rla-TKKO0OKS sooaraLT, f Jfenr Tee. Te YhtPmrUaC. GHA3. Wl FAJ&2AXXS. el tfrttz. Per Pxsldaattal Etecun: G. B, Pfaattft, f Outezmi. A. C Hffegfc. A Jsi'.aaiax X V. Mart, f PtCL J. A. J, et 3Casaar. THE eOTTOM DROPS OUT. O? mnatfc bier. dwtfw the ss4- toaa strap suet f Ui? Farter caassaiga Ti Jfw Tort UnnM, vase has bx a tmrto Parlor jrtr. aubMiajt A ctrru by eMtsts erf Jte-w Yarz fcer bees atMaiM& ssvl ea a itt TwftaVl ke zap taartt .ftfratT. I A Ummlk&r m rtefc eeaM ITktitr mat aaaC ntisuaa'i' 1 i. t rsr JMSertag fa HF -lBWr "'".""SV at ihs J a c ctf xtflHr -MdH k aaf kze aaziS a m4 Vftsvr, fJais. AS this I. a dTawt wauU af acker fcusarua fmr amtor asss aJ Mea k Ik m axae tars sasaki at x aXr tkkap ay aatnaw af a fea-ae cIuk (k t eiysaie as dautrVn yfca z laca a MUmai aaiieaV dut X la rMs patter wk iku ci4 af tuttrtw M ok juiiibsbTh prtsxjpiec. by af (Mfi. W iiuse satiate r m UtA tkat tk SMCk it toexff- aMM asauittkreaa flaac ear fciff 6. Ik sake af ta ha Battens ruesjllBi; fossa MR t tinfrtia of sirrery. wiilratte -9CMM tfce MK tffiSBK9 is w a SiT Imt 9MiSta xrx-i-: 9ue siAmt ay-n d kr k . . . VamX mm rmm tfc ! "W CHh; 7ar i mil! 'On nffc Tfc- I Piwrflnt CilO . 4if -tiiLri, 3c Tnrat arr. . ti arnt f tiWpjftilM Tli tj HenMXXJ S4ad ko4 trj Hs trr ttKiumtmAtmU iAtSi titer a. pjntttjr let &&riM cxAM Xrw rtic (Mr t at U-M 1ZAji. One tneiistn.ut - lx W j4l sortk rf tfe Ncv York Oty Atn) jmj itaeb thtt r&e A MfKtoferr in VVi. vat KM vtaratttr is that tt. T3m wt prts Dwoeratie cataM for Kw Vert: kar vx nx ctst4 WiVft ptmnlKj, vtMs Mr. pky MmMtM. the Taataaqr fea4r jaai fJMionA tMty tMA. Tfcl kwt a ytemMty fer Knwrrek. iav tk Siat o( 1rtm VtfH Ut ItMA. wMrat to irfcat 11 KfpfcHca lar tea trtZ they vftmtd yM. Tk Henkt ea TJkM 44Mtf tfc Jt ko rf tAe MStat of carrrtK t Hst Ux nkte Vzrter m Hrrtek. tor via, aaab s tfitml emmmt twmataz lor tH HiHea aattoca! UckM tie lvktknM MtM Uthm la er fain to t br to mwcmw aw. H4isfeafrr wMti ti DwtuxmU l os4ito of ;Vw Yerk U lfjoh teH, tm4 Mk sir from IfeMaaa. The VHUux At4t is f4faapaM m ik&Krtor bii oSotn4 2 U 1 o Xtofrk'j eatrrtm: Uw Mate as4 thf we bo taW. Os ert b( of XWt wm wa4 Uat Iloo-r woflM fcav phKallty la tM sOU: MKJi Umc Im of .Sw Yrrk a3 IMaa. htfjKmiAj tut hops r maia lor Parte. AM ptuUtrnt mt up ut irrim OMNMidiciil or Nnr Jtrwr ' lmoin kHUf ago. Tfcore t a ywfatow of faith i a c)mc to ranr H1mhm(b a4 WW Yirxiata. ImM m&tr Uk H aafkwatr TV jh; la ap for IrVr a4 Varfa Ftntr c It will Ml I 0a aaway Dart r OoMway Darta, Iwt Mjrtftf Caaiawar Darts. A SELF-DEFEATING ARGUMENT. As km4 urn arwwrnn for pKHt-V Uoi aa waa arr pHnioi way tnr femwl la a aaiayliMl wrttfcM by a 0&af4raUr hi 1MI to towrtne tlM IlngiMii iwMie of tk oaa4aift of. aotttlHtr fluaaclal thaortoa. In k ttw ithor atata aa a proof of lfc pe WOM MMrilUOH of ! MHHll M faof UmI U wa abla lo ataiU tk MdMlNM of part t aorta too fol tawlJHt aiwotiaU of : l'roftt of HMM4facttr..M4Woe04 Inlln of Imvurtora IMrtvAtt JnHH of aMMla M$f4 I!fifli o iravolora ttMijtm IVwflta by acboo' rotoaa lroii bjr aroia u4 bioaofa ... wjmjm l'ltoHm on aittat 4mR frwB iho south WfiWM WIU- HAVE THEIR WAY. ft U ibomt Hm Has. tte ptote - je Ja4 tfc4r ar; t Izra&n, stt- !kaau. iatlraa4 ae. iMr&i&wxt, tatter, tot maw 'r. at ssral irecfc 7 a ztsw? t Aariea Is4rrto! laf. T!t wmm t Ur4 of Ue -int aootatfoo sr- to ta tertaoate fev; Urt4 of tfc sagfeet iav vUcx ta loruaite zaasy ar lift. Ti for- twaat U-r ar to atcassalatont of rzM. -xf:Xk aa4 eorfxBil5 bwi. laooa, ao4 fate aof-axase: i& aje TVr fortaaat aaaar ar t TForfcwa iriw Bt la coatfoct. bot Jc sot oav n aorw. yaehta or aoto mmtMUrt to klB tfa&. yt tb taat turned tortooatfe aa vast to be b4ar4 la tb eovocfia of t satloo. TV?; ar erata4 to bare a Preat 4ot Vao thccU a4 caroa for tb atals pope. o irbo baa odared a4 bat ttra op to tb riaratto tbat "EACH MAX. HO MATTER WHAT HI8 OCCUPATION. HIS RACK OR HIS RE3JCI0US BBUEF. IS ENTITLED TO BE TREATED ON HIS WORTH AS A MAN. IN ANY AND ALL PLACES. UNDER ANY AND ALL CONSIDERATIONS." Tav'a I thH! Mad of democracy wbfeb la real cot a same merely. It la tb oMBCcracy of the flrat citizen of lb L'artea Staus. a raaa born in tb RopwMk-aa pany. a coMlateat ItofNrbKcaB all bM life as4 oae wbo ImKi to abas Ota lajuMce asd in hoaaaalty of tke party wbtcb ealla Hul "IVjjsociaUc." Tbis mas ol toaaaw aiaao. Jwattce aad Cbriatlan totfelKil la TboJore RxmveU, oar Prea44oBt now. aad oar PreH4at to b aaUl IMS. T plaja pi i 1 bare a chaace lo apMk ot loBdJy oarly next No vowb'ar. Aad Uty will give so urn cortaiM aoNMd wfa tblr day ooraea. Tboy trill Jrt tbar bmr by imcb a majority aa will aHoalah the world. Se4jp jmrnt n aat tt aaaa; 5 -x , jajoni b is tk gaw&aset pooc-i?i fa Zt4 fcj&A lAc ift ! I &.VTJX. ? oc a aofc- triezec Ji'(fiiiBiEani8t ITIie Stalwart Quartette At Tlie Big Piano Sale Saturday NigHt to tfce n 9C7r Vt b TSSsd oanni. Te JJilf Eveiybody at m4 :ili, bt t9ec ate Jirt ; Tbe ye y aK ate atft lei?s' aC RcaT4k. Saka Iaa. a Yoi? M-a R'jybsVtt CTjb. a FfciC Vot e Ckab. xod a Oasreeaky R7 eac Caak la to b lijLi'! pastor of Soft 0aas h it o of;;; Wbat hop U tbsra for young men to stieesed la Vvstooss or g' emplor it is tW dty without ptibMe Ira vraveiBeau? iiajw Waters it right la laytoR SakrtB akull bare at lean B0 porHMBfHrtly ifHTd atxsot. a ad that wltbOBt walUa 1W ysars. So caliod local fioHttrtaBs who are laJlf ferRt to alrwt iBtoroveaisota are not Kd gnesser aa to tb lemir of pufe'lc iitlet. Total i1.h If tboM Nturoa arw corract It Hfoww tbol ih oMtik bMt Jvat m lilitsb raab wbirb It Htiabt bars f falNl by fcUowlBK a pit of Us eapt I at lo lw tNHHoyod la BtafaotBriBg ImiKHllsg. ablbuliirlag. btaWsraB aa4 raw oaUbllahwsiK of srooola asd 09)la laatoAd iff ibia It ,rfrr4 ratatas: csftalo atapisa ks4 ssIMm !rH. paytaif ctirroM axsoBSOt rn4 ttMHorULtloii out of lbs rotwipu uN also psflni nvk fur UMUMMraot (Miica wbMt K Mtitat )Bot a won Mars bought at Moma Tbo iSrtos of tk mmik sines tb war baa trtwvoa taat tkors la ro Uuk of ma tttrtgl for iwmHfaotrlBK, or of oppor iWHt for cwnwsfTS. aad it woald UIHI'MetioiMbljr kavs boss bsttsr for tkj poorsr class of wktts psopls Is tk,i MMtk to kavs bssM workliMt far lU last omMur iH farlorfs. at skip IrtilWlDg una In Uop tlUor IhaH "MtvaiilAK In tks woods or ihmJiir JtlllfUlly SHINlt lUIHH In M0tBK4llpa wtth th Mk itktttlaltofla. Uitdor a ayatsiH Mkkk Howotad 00 KJUWTH or Yiiiaios. morsorer, a Tbo Joarsal btfMovaa Utat It will be RM.Ry yaari bstots the fopl qnH drtBklBK bor. la fact, tk cotwoBrp- tkm of beer la Increasing, and tout of atrasftor tltora la dlmlalaklR. Un dor tboHt rirctuaMasoss prefer to boe tse beer load at Saleem. Those wk wat to carry (kla cousty for pro klMtloa. aad 4rlre an Importaot In ry away from kerH, and ihaa buy tk beer ad brias It to Sniom tor coBSNmptkw. are pursuing a tkeory tkat Is nrtaoua to any oommNnlty. Uky voto to Imperil tke bop IndMs tryT ky oven wM to drive tke Sa lorn brewery sswwbe? To ote for theoretical prOblMttoR MBder a law tkat will Morsr aiasd. Ik test of the roarts Is slmjr to no bsklad tke bam aad kick yourself. Tkwre are aU kla4a ut ftMlde la Ike wn neaiaos proftiemoiMfci. .if we wast iMualcrutioN from tke whole arM. way adapt a poUey tkat not erea all tke ekitrck meatkow wiU ad- kere to or kelp carry lata Hraetieal ope ratios 7 X-RAD1UMS Weatker brlie aad tore. Hood rtver la growlag 3M acres of ninilw. thmt dapasd ob Mid oats loo tausk ffw a v&JaaUtr wip. ioa rekeot systsw eoaki Miilyl MUe 8lsMn. of BtijHme. liar d Harry X aa fvsaaaat Pre lytraa tk bcfgk(fic aafada la tke On-sos. yn. pit todar. A fTT JP9TMBM iBC t Bd trmitfi tag tkat k Is agataat tke laws of tk: city to zmmmAmz ?rkb a &&z wi'k.a Oh, cfy Ilasfu. aad skeot down ha f doasM4tea(d Mrda. a a Grarel is all rightjas a feaadattoc tor Keseth4s ktt&ls tke aaoarbt, bat tkfe la a ggSCTal kick a.aat pattta aay BMre oa tke beat baMsi aad riMeac KreeU. m Tbis part of Oregss aad tkli city baa got to gt qahe a more on If It waata to May la tke procassioa wltk tke more wide-awake parts of tse Pa cific Northwest. a At the coming city election there will be more young men elected for city officer and aldermen. Tke peo ple are tired of waiting until men SO years behind the procession, can catch up. a a a Charley Fulton wasn't, erea welled up over baring bees, asked to go on tke special train at special spell Wndw with tke aext rice Dres4deat. Well. Oregon will kave a lltt'e Influ eaee. m m s It would be at least manly. Ameri ca a aad patriole If you kare not reg Ittered to do so. Tke books ctoie 30 days before e:ectloe. If aot registered you will kave to rote oa a hoowhoW ers plank. a a a Of ooarse. tke nop growers should plow up their fields. oii tkelr hop bouses, and go to raising beans In corn pMaace wftk the edicts of ataHtle hand ful of prohibitionists who are opera V lag la tke name of local option. a a a Tke Japs Are the chaps To rush the Russian bear; They trap him They rap him. : Thoy slap him. And drive him from his ktlr. a a a The- First Geese. Tke first wild geese of the season were hoard passing overhead, this morning about 2 o'clock. Statesman. October ltb. Wild eB uega& ftylngr north on Sunday last, ami we are apt to have a eoW winter, says the almanac Jour nal, Oot. IStb. a a Of course, the nop growers and the. hop pickers and all who have any In teres la that industry are going 14 vote fay proklbltros, and kill that busi ness In Oregon forever more. Ther are aoiag to stop tke people of MIK 'wm ! t uu unnua usins Qreaon bops and waking beer, ort JULIB. It I... .....I-.. . i.i,. .. . j5 iiiamuD it, ij imaK l Hill U1B UCip Wiii4neaii rtakt bare where It Is uioitj lroaterotts, ' Enjoy It. The Greatest Closing Out Sa OF ALL In Full Blast Mrs, M I Erasers S Allen & Gilbert-1 : I Ramaker Co. ! ! Salem Branch 299 Commercial St n-H4f iifiiiai CASTOR i A Tor Tnfants and Children. Tbe Kind Yon Hare Always Bought &x Will Be Entirely Closed Out. Gf eate Bargains Than Ei These are facts, backed tp by the real thing, ingly low prices. One Lot Of corsets remain, la priees from 5c aad 12.94. Your ekoiee to dose 19c Bears the Signature cf &. Broke Into His House. S. Le Onion, of Careadisk, YL, was rbbel ef bis customary health by La ra sio a of chronic censtipatien. When Dr. King's New Life Pills brake into his house, bis trouble was arrested and new he is entirely eared. They're guaranteed to cure. 25c at J. C. Perry's dreg store. We hare recently, at a large outlay, fitted up the Red Star Custom Flotif Mills With the LATEST and BEST mill, ingmichinery. We solicit YOUR patronage. jjg- Fpecisl attention giea to custom work. T. N. HUMPHREY, Turner, Ore. Csth dealer In grain and feed One Lot Table Linen One Lot Of creasx caV jit- ; wide, worth &c a yard Tte, to ckx?. Of flannel waists all colors, good styles; $L2S to MM values. Your Cbctce to close N 50 One Lot Of bUtck satteen petticoats, black and colors. JI-To varues, to dose. 85c 35c Towels Extra large s zz hk w. Aetna, va ae 3 c, T 3 for 50c Undetwear Ladies' Misses' aad Children's ilea's and boy;" !a tace M wool at the lowest powible p.i Tailo-t Made Suits, Coats lad Ft A Specialty n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m mmttfu 1 1 ii n i iiiinminiw a jj The Shooting Gallery J WIU give away many cash prlres on Saturday night Eroriii remodeled and new. Opposite tie White House Restaurant MMMtaIIHIHHIWasi I Hops i Fruit Big Crop? I The crops in this line are not the largest, but good. As a result many will need repairs made on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work in this line. BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. . aaBf f atj sinin i e m ii ii 1 1 1 m mi H i a hhiihihihiw m I It was time feoatathtac w inriAtl to heap oat ImmiHraUoB, kiM our Hfomlaaat Industries, and force a, toy of pere to leave Oregon, and makgj VWln CJ. V. " " 1. k. ..l .L. .- 'i rm "tami viuaa, ana uia ptlC kIMtiaa nrRraat will do tke buelne Straase. that just wkeit old Oregonj was seeKtRs; aa opporuinlty to get on to her feet and lioUl up her head unions' tke states of the I'alon. the little; hordes of pmtjIbltlOB agitators descend upoa an uasuapecling community, ind et It going backwards again. But the peeple will reverse tkeso denrn.t&trs la tke name of morality, and say with1 Junius to Richard Brindsle.v Sheridan: Keep to jour psRtooiimei - October 0 Sunset Magazine (lives fiae pictures of California Life (leaera! MaeArthur and ethor array oiueers uescrtbe the recent military maneuvers in California, each artiele being profusely illustrated with half tones and solsred drawings by Edward Casual. Interesting articles on Cali fornia and Oregon, "Hew Olive Oil It Ma'de," "lUxt Alraeads Are Grown" and fine descriptions of Plumas and Sutter, two great California counties. 81 pages of articles, Western stories, sketches and TCrses. 10 cents a ennv .-lv. Yotf can buy Sunset Maga We Don't Have Old Prices' nor -Cot Pi'u Bat our every day prices are always as low or a trifle lower than the so-called cut prices. R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, Otf RELIABLE HARDWARE DEALERS MiMrSjJ aBTaaflaaamaaaBBBBB)Ba9sBaal D0t.1I.Mt Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from Hatitt & Lawrence If not, you are away behind the times. However, they srt "J ways glad to see new patrons, and if you call on them, you rfflJ more than pleased. You will find th.jm at tie corner of Comoj anu retry streets. aaaaft,,,,,,,. rM 7-t- ll'llin iMIIIinilllii Illllll .. . . -----...........,......-- Wholesale and Retail Family Liquor Store E. ECKERLEN. 258 rnmmml.i ctrt t Full line of liquors &nd wlnea. Cedarbrook wblsky-foroerU & McBrier brand-the best for family use. All orders filled a, .iiTerea in me city limlta Phn t-i net I 4"mm-4-m--m I mil ii mw1 " ' " -""M,,akaawakaaassrasaj It Helps The Cook And never goes lfk on ""' Until anil satisfactory when yeu bake with the flour. Those using it o uso any other. V: zine at all news stands Salem Flow1 I I FmM aWaaatt aMkMstt a,ai..iaV.ii.aei.