Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1904, Image 1

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    r, Saturday showers,
NO. 245.
t Be Allowed to Land Troops and
Supplies in
Small Skirmishes Result in Very Few
Changes in the Position of
the Armies
ct 21. Tho British gov-
1,3 positively reiuseu w
eauest of Germany to per-
i'er to use Walflsh Bay for
jips and supplies for use In
alnst the natives In Gor-
rest Africa. The refusal
By mtenere wun me wr
man military plans In Southwest Af
rica, as Walflsli Bay Is the only good
harbor for 1000 miles along the coast.
The reports of German reverses In
Southeast Africa continue to be re
ceived. The German s'atlon at Nom
tsas has been captured by the Hot-entots
Cisco Oct. 21. The grand to oust tho election commissioners
IB I on uie gruuuu iuui. iuo .zuimoo. un
decided to Instruct the dls-. violated their oath of office In not
HSrney to Institute proceedings ) properly appointing election pincers.
MTTi :
CoUggo Men for Roosevelt.
Oct. 21.. The American
lol'.ege League reports a
Progress In Its work of
Irganizatlonj In colleges and
throughout tho country
ictlon of President Roose-
formatlon of many college
jbeen reported within tho
In the eastern states Har-
.with a membership of over
;clubs havo been organized
:lvanla, Columb'a, Cornell,
University, Yale, Prince-
ise. and many otnor cot-
memberships ranging
undred to one thousand.
item states the University
hai the largest club, with
twenty-ono hundred men.
Illinois Y. M. C. A.
Alton, 111., Oct. 21. Many of the
ba3t known Y. M. C. A. workers of
Illinois and near by states are at
tending tho thirty-second annual state
convention of the organization which
is being held here. The formal open
ing took place this afternoon In the
Flrjt Baptist church. The principal
business session will be held tomor
row, and on Sunday a men's mass
meeting will bo conducted In Temple
Theatre by Rev. Henry Ostrom.wThe
onnvnntlnn Is nn of the lalCCSt In
point or attendance ever "held by the
state organization and the reports
from all the locals show the associa
tion to bo steadily Increasing In
membership and influence.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 21. A dis-j London, Oct 21. Tho St. Pcter3-
rot)i this mnrnlnr' ronnrro thnt Hon. i,(.r nnM-asiuimlnnt f Vi lvnhnnra
l'ii. x.t w.. ixuiHiMp a ,fv ..- w. . uikl fc) .fi Vi9FVilUOUV VI HtJ A,4Wev'
eiui iMirojmiRjii rtBiunuu uiu uucusivc TeIegraph aS9ert3 thattho general
yesterday. He took an ImiKirtant lxMtnff hn8 recclvert a telegrttni renort.
and captured two guns, 140 shells and ,lnS that the Japanese aro preparing to
KR men. Tho Riisslnn losses were E00.ruuru u,u" l"e """'" ""'"
killed and wounded. Tho bad weath
Be Invited by Letter to Send
Representatives to
The Hague
er continues, but Kuropatkln Is deter
mined to persist in the forward move
ment in tho face of all obstacles.
London, Oct 21. The St. Peters
burg orrespoudenl of the Central
News wires that an unconfirmed re
port has been received from Mukden,
asserting that the Russians have cap
tured 47 guns.
Copenhagen, Oct. 21. The Baltic
fleet today wolgheft anchor oft the
saw, and steamed north Into the North
Sea. Tho vessels are thus fairly em
barked on their long Journey to the
Par East.
Chefoo Oct 21. A Chinese Junk
which 10ft Port Arthur on October
19th, brings the news of a fierce bom
bardment, which began on October
ICth, and is still progressing, without
Interrup'ion. Many buildings are
damaged" and a Bhlp In tho harbor was
hit by the shells. Tho extent of tho
damage Is not known, but tho Japan
ese main force are now posted at
Lltohlatung, and have placed guna pf
larce calibre on Iunjlda mountain
Tho Russians continue making sorties
successfully, nnd Inflicting heavy loss
es on tho besiegers, whoso losei
Washington, Oct. 21. Tho cablnot, letters will bo sent out wllhln JO tlsapR
at tls regular meeting today, devoted to tho ambassadors nnd mlntstom
most nil of tho time to tho formation abroad for presentation to inoir ro
of a circular letter to tho powors, In- spcctlvo foreign ofllcoB. Tho lettciv
vltlng them to participate in anotnor maKOS no reiorencu 10 mo luisou-a,-peace
conference at Tho Hague Tho anoso war.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Democratic Editors Confer.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 21. Pursuant
to tha call of President J. T. urau
Lome Bishop Cranston.
r r-A ot T
(ton, L). J., ua. i. iu io uiu van ui i iv-iu. -. - .-"
E. church, tonight all tho I Bhaw. tho members of the Democrat-
Fmlnlsters of tho District of ' ic State Press Association of MIs-
fgathered with representa-1 souri held a meeting here today witn
111 tho congregations of all
dlst churches will gather
Bishop Earl Cranston,
iiPiuinnnrters at the Laclede Hotel.
Tho conference was attended by
members of tho Democratic state
... i st-A I -.. wl , !. nftptv lonrierfs
irom roruanu, jrv., w canmiucu "u mv -
sflldent Bishop of tho Dls-'and the principal business was the
ilumbia. Rev. J. C. Nlchol- discussion of ways anu mean ioi
nt THnitv church, will etvlnc a rouslnc finish to tho cam-
id there will be -addresses pagn and getting out the full Demo-
some of the- best known cratic vote on election aay.
irs of Washington. "w
Minnesota t. m. v n.
C. A. Conference. Winona. Minn., Oct. 21-Tho Young
j-a i . A ! ilfin n Kiln.'
-Tex Oct 21. A largo Men's unrisnan abmjuiuuuu ui .......
tentative attendance mark- nesota Is holding its twentiein annua.
enlng here today of the convention hero wun nuuqu...
kte conference of Y. M. C. at tto Central memomsi wn;... .
jIgs and physical directors, visitor numbor more man one ....-
amonc those who partipl- drcd ana come irom uh i. - -
Hi... .i.... nnh... w.rn state. Tho unlvorsitios nnd schools
iper, of Waco. Samuel Warr. are especially well represented. The
2,. it vi coiinr nt Tom no. sosfi onB will continue Intel) u)
Two games for ono prlco
Promptly at 3 p. m. Immcdla cly following thU tho Salem Hlgli
School vs. Muto School. See tie exciting game. Admission 25c
Grandstand 10c.
HlQIHHHIHllPf eKKf !! HHMHif !(
Washington, Oct. 21. United States chased abroad 20,000 rifles nriil a lorcro
Minister Daweon to San Domingo supply of ammunition In order ta'lws
cables to tho stato department that ' prepared for amy possible rovolutlon-J
the Dominican government has pur-nry movoinont.
Indiana W. C. T. U.
Columbus, Ind., Oct. 21. Tho Stato
convontlon of tho Women Christian
Temperance- Union bogan "noro today
m a gratifying attendance. The
1. : .nB are bolng held In tho Tnbor
r . church, with the stato ' prosl
vnt Mr. Cjillllo Veyingor, prosldlng.
The program covens three days and
provides for sovoral addresoi and
featuros of ontortnlnment In addition
to tho transaction of tho regular
New York, Oct. 21. Tho annual re
port of the Union Pacific railroad was
made public today. It shows a large
Increase In tho net income nnd the
surplus available for dividends. After
pacing tho regular dividends, of four
per cent on preforred stock, tho sur
plus will equal 11 per cent of tho com
mon stock. Tho gros soarnlngs are
$55,270,231, and tho operating ex
penses 126,026,007.
Overdue Steamer Arrived.
Now York. Oct. 21. A cnb!ogram
received today nnnouncod tho safe ar
rival of tho Spanish steamer Buenos
Ayres at Havana, It wus four days
overdue, but the delay was duo to so-
vere gales encountered. There woro
210 passengers aboard.
Printers Don't Oct Coin.
lnrtliinanollB. Oct. 21. At tho head
Jennie D. Balloy haj filed a corr
plalnt In Justice of tho Penco Tur
ner's court ngnlnHt 2. J. Rlggs, tlwir
druggist, for tho sum of $240 on thc
ground that Bho had a proscription!
filled at his storo with modlclno thfc
Injured 'hor.and which sho bollovou waar
calomel, nnd that modlclno Instead of
holplng hor mado her sick and sore;,
nnd greatly weakened and reduced?
her In bod! and flesh, and that sTier
was rondored unconscious and hvt
her 'mouth bocamo soro and' Is threat
oneil with wllvatlon. And Jo vlw
.1.. .,.. lt l.n r1nlnlfr tinllnVOl'
in viiunu LvoHiio "v . .... .... ....,-
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 21. A slight
earthquake shock was folt hero to
day. It traveled from tho northwest
o M. H, Seller, of Temple, sosslons will continue mreu )'i to the southenst, and rained aisnea
i, of San Antonio, and T. C. during which time the convention will and win(jows, but no damage is re
't Dallas The conference be addressed by evera. speaker ofJ)0rto,j
udo Us sessions tomorrow, note.
niyn ocnuoi bvmmciou imuibh
New Haven, Conn., Oct 21. Presi
dent Hadley, of Yale, will dollvor tha
address of welcome this evening at
the formal opening of tho second an
nual meeting of tho Now England
High School Commercial Teachers'
Association. The particular object,
of tho association, la to elevate the
standards of education in tho com
mercial lino and to pjace commercial
education upon e lovol with othor
branches of high school Instruction.
Should Consider Caeftflty
Bty of clothing you buy for tho rainy season. It Is true economy to
Overcoats and Raincoats
Hswcst fabrics. Just the same as exalusive clothing stores fhow but
ore 15 to 20 per cent lower, ror rougn wear wo sell the laraous.
Fish Brand Slickers
St waterproof goods on tho market. For tboe who prefer Duek
Cotton Covert Coats, we havo nn assortment lor all kinds of wear.
io Rabbet Coats and Mackintoshes
iostoa Rnbbcr Company's
Rubber Boots and Overshoes
Sellable. That's why we recommend them.
fcT ...... ......
wear gloves for work In the rain, uoniciia's i-'iro anu waterprw
le gloves, which we sell at 1,15, are what you neyl. Tbey are al-
t and pliable, and outwear mention.
loe department contains all styles and qualities sultb,le fer this ell-
n I...U In nltro AtIafsilorV WCST.
in underwear gives better protection against sudden changes in the
You Ml not find it expensive JI you trau ai
ic New York Racket
New line of drew goods and waJstingt just in.
irranhlcal Union It Is said tho union
voted to onforco tho 8-hour Jay in
commercial printing houses, nnd the
only proposition voted down was tho
ono to Increase tho salaries of tho
prosldent, secretary and treasurer of
tho union.
. n
Texas Town Burned.
DallaB, Texas, Oct. 21. Flro swept
tho business district of Wills Point
on Thursday. Tho loss Is $100,000,
trnitrters-of-the-lntornatlonrUpxJjalULJaLJentlU , 1 J249 ttmaM anrS
tho costs nnd disbursements of this?
Tho defendant was given until Oe
tobor 28th In which to fllo his nnswtw.
Ames Jury Disagreed,
Minneapolis, Oct 21. Tho Jury to
tho third trial of ex-Mayor Awes',,
charged with brlboity, extortion ancS
malntonnnco of a wholesnlo Byatem
of blackmail of disorderly women, to
day roportod a disagreement
sWHiWIi w
is run on a system that .pell. "ucce.s. Public Interest Is kept continually al.vo by value offerings that
pu competition utterly to route. Our bargain sale never fall to bri,B a .real crowd o every depart,
m n Teca so they'r. planned on broad, libera, lino, Wo carefuUy plan ahead, seeking out every ndvana.tr
L large buying and spot cash comnnd-an.l thoontcome Is a collection of wanted merchandise at price
that ovory shopper's Interest is aroiuecl to t!ie hlghani pltph. ,
Today is BARGAIN FRIDAY. Remnants Half Price
Big Pilgrimage to Esopus.
New York, Oct 21. Tho largest
party that has yet visited Judge
Parker was that which wont to
Esopus today fromJorsoy City. The
pilgrimage was made up of nearly
two thousand Hudson county Demo
crats. Accompanying tho party were
Charloe C. Black, the Democratic
candidate for governor of Now Jer
sey, and former Senator James- Smith,
French Crusers Sail,
New York, Oct 21. The French
cruisers Depllox and Jurlen do la
Oraviere, which have been visiting
the port of Now York for Beveral
weeks, departed today for tho West
Indian station under command of
Admiral Itlvet
Cho'ate Will Resign.
Manchester, Oot 21. The Guardian
teams that Ambassador Choate will
MlgB his post on March 4th, next.
wfce'ber President Roosevelt Js re
elected or not. Whltelaw Held it men
tweed m Choate' probable ucceor
Two special linos of Ano thread,
good grade Torchon Laces, excep
tional values.
5c and 9c yd
New Embroideries
Wo are Just In receipt of a fine
lino of newest Corset Cover Em
broideries, in all mnnnor of pretty
designs and widths.
Have you seen tho new effects
in this celebrated flannel, It 1.
non-fihrinking, fat color, and pure
wool. Ask to see them.
Ladies' Collars
Jnat received a new line of Env
broldered Collars. Newost designs
and effect
Lapies Waists
Tho cooler woathor suggosts the
woarlng of hoavlor clothing. Wo
havo choson widely for you In llan
nel waist. Among thorn Is a spe
cial lino In all wanted colore
Wo aro ready with tho largest
assortment of now and up-tolato
wrapper and kimonas that you
will find In tho city. Prices are
'much lower than you'd expect to
pay for such qualities.
80c to $4.50
Men's Clothing
Don't consider our clothlnK with.
tho.10 of tho usual ready mud
kind. Thoy are not that hind. Ours
aro morohaut tailor made, and
don't fuol on you, or look llli.
roadr madu. Tho only difforoneo
Is in tho prlco, and wo'ro only try
ing to save you money. Wo'vo
ploaied hundreds and con please
$10 to $25
Another cool weather suggestion
Is fura. Don't you need ono? Our
are new, tyUb and rightly jriood.
98c to $37.50
New Things in
Men's Neckwear
All tho protty patterns and dlt
oato coloring that glvo a styllsli
appoaranco to tho wearer, aro horo
in most tempting array of fall
nookwear ever shown all shapes.
Ladies' Suits
At Almost Half
This season's stylos;
22 SO to $2C00
3000 to 3C.(K