DAILY-CAPITAL J0URNAL76ALiiM,'"0REG0N, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1804. , .,., inn miMfri u sf-or V 'WUVv.v, vWv - i I I f i h! v Stockton & Co. Come and fee tbo big papier macho map of the Panama Canal, which we will giro away November 30th Voting frill begin again this morning anil trill be conducted tho samo as formerly by J. J. Dairymple & Co. The votes east with Dairymple will bo counted just the fame, and November 30th, without fait. SOME SCHOOL WILL GET THE MAP. It is the most expensive and complete map ever shown in Salem.' Each 25c ptsxch&sc entitles yoo to a vote Tlie Dairymple Stock Always considered the best stock of merchandise in Salem. And to think that we bought it at nearly HALT ITS VALUE makes us hap py. You shonld rejoice with us. Sir. Dairymple is glad he is out of business. Business is good with us and WE ABE HAPPY. Bargains At tho Dalyrymple store Any HO or $23 man's suit in the store $ J 0.00 Tne Stockton Store The Old White Corner always con sidered tho handiest and best place to trade. The business of this good old home-stead store has nearly doubled since we took posession of it. Fair treatment and honorable business methods has made our store what it is. The superiority of oar values is neye questioned by our patrens; every Individual goes away pleased, and sends friend back to see us. 00 yd Spool Silk 6c Special Sale of Ladies' Cloaks, Suits and Skirts The largest stock in Saleu is shows at the old White Corner, and tvttv garment will be Sacrificed Witfioat Regard for Profit VISITED HIS OLD HOME Chas. H. Burggraf. the architect, formerly of this city, but now a resi dent ot Albany, writes tho Herald of that city, from the East, where he is visiting, aa follews: "Wo are In Omaha, a real city, and Ihls morning it Is raining a regular Oregon mist, consequently we feeJ natural, our webs are softening and the scales an our backs loosening. We stopped ofl In Hastings, our old home and school towa. What a difference la 15 years. It 1 Joot as Longfellow mid-, "AM scattered, an hare fled; come are married, some are dead." Whon we got off the train and started up Mala street, wo feet the same as old Rip Van Winkle, after IS years ot peaceful sleep In the "Willamette val ley e awoke In the "Queen City of the I'Mlns." fiverythiug chanced new places and new faces. I soggote ed we visit the cemetery pbapv wo woaW find some one there we one knew. After a while I ra lno a a- aid T resident who knew me and the nrst fhlng was. "Oh. yea. this ts Charge Burggraf. It was you and Doc Alax a&dor that stole Deacon Rtagtand'a turkey the night before Thanksgiving, and pot It in the preacher's coal ohqal The preacher thought some oae has made hrm a profeot. sad killed the turkey, a! Klagfcvod found it out, and cottM not he convinced that the preaeberdid net steal K. and caused a big church, row. Say. tho lawyurs a4 that luottoat ip the liar roUoai& case to Mustpato citcum staaUol evidence, "I met a lady who was a c sate mate. and the trot thing was, "R G S. Burke. Portland. A KelHng. Portland. H. N Pritchard. Portland. M. K. Lott, Portland. Cba. Gtisaer. McMinnvilie. F. W. Jackson. Saa Francisco. Chas. Gauhi, Portland. v Chas. Musson, Saa Francisco. H. D. HadeafeK. Saa Franclsee, U F. Daly. Dallas. Geo. W. Sfcerman. Tseoma Che. Scheaoor ana wife, Mtnnean- i- Mrs. John Spirit. Nebraska.' ' Mis Sotrk. Nebraska. . C. O. Clement. Portland, "s o Choynskl and O'Brien. St. Loots, Mo, Oct. M Joe Cboyn M. die Vetera heavyweight, and -Philadelphia Jack" O'Drioa are scheduled to como together in a H round njau toolaht at the Wo Bod Athletic Cluo and tho local Hag fot lor. tooether with numerous visit or with Sfortteg arocUvlttes are tooMnu forward seeing a rattling pood go. Notwithstanding the fact that he m oae of the oMost fighters still to the Hag. Cboyokt ha re taloed his pogMstto prowess to a warve'oo oooree and Is counted vtV.UA kM laJ Wilt tiiu. maSi- , .sm ,u - . 4 i to T PiM dew- of the aew oormfto wh. ihei "" "W " e does filexer laattor was sieeotac there A?oaeaat eooaeelod aU the elect He feejU. aJ cart the eeoa whUor loot sweceed la wiaaiag the dectsioo. Pleosoat memortest wosV yes. Wi left oo aoit Irala for fear some Sawed. Xo more -U to the eM home laws." The aext trip 1 make wtH be wost or "straight up We teavo tomorrow meraing lor Chicago. Years trely C 11 BUROGRAF." Moncy to Loan THOMAS K. FORD Over L4d A Bash's Baak. Salsm. Ot NEW TODAY For Rent A ?-reom hee. 7 blocks toata of hosiaeos center City water, sceptic taak. oa car Uoe. Ad drew P. ahitNt l-34t o ninib-w WdWtFM moy as a eempaaloa for a laiy. AMtM "A, rare Jewraal office. l-3o-St X HIIIIIMMMHIIItHIIIMIlimUMIIIIIII l J FiLiimg Eye Sight Rcstof cd If yo hava any treeU with year eyes, year eye gUvses mar aet be satisfastery. I am most eertata we eaa overs sme the diSeaky. Osr iystahoe Lass are th eest ta the market, a4 warrasted to he of ahsehitely perfect eeastrosUea. Oor iastromeots for testtag aad isdaag yeor eye defeets are the ktteet mveotiea, mA we have lately added oae wUeh wM test year gtee a soak a way that yea eaa see tvt yoarself if they are ahstotaty pecfeet. Coasohtauea aadl eyes tested free. HoAsor Ootfetea. MStetottraet. Next door to lt A Set Rank r al hy ZSc C State, dnkgrfsx. 4il ?" a The Piano Sale Of The Big Portland Hotfse When compared with poor little faint peeps of the little fellows if Y JOURNAL OPEN FORUM Correspondents need not sign names to communication in good faith, and not personal, and of local Interest. Slimes Like Tlie Stin When comjred with a little twinkling star. Reply to Prof. Drew. Ed. Jourr.-U: The Wil'amette Uni venity pedagogue who is publishing a Mttle campaign sheet for the Prohibi tion cause, seems to be an unworthy representative or what was once con sidered a decent institution in this town. We certainir have a right to aseume that a teacher in such an in stitution repreoats some elements of morality which would command the respect, not only of adults, but of his school as well, yet such is hartHy the case. If we are to Judge him by his prcducC In the first pace, by impli cation and by an adroit and deceptive method of quoting our President, he leaves the inference that Theo. Roose velt is a champion of his cause. Next he approaches the realm of the sport ing class by charging everybody with being a liar and branding every state. meat with which he doe3 not coincide. as a lie. In fact, his little sheet is full of abuse from beginning to end. Peo ple who disagree with him are "liars." cranks." "peisimists," "calamity howlers," and other names that fall far below the vocabulary of an edu cated gentleman, or a teacher in a moral institution. He .attacks the figures given from otaer seuree?, and, in his desperate effort to prove them I Special Piano Sale GEO. C. WILL Opposite Ladd & Bush's Bank. LET ME SHOW YOU MYj PIANOS and ORGANS I can convince you uiai my pntea mo juwer man ever offers J . . jul.. t till.. .n1tr "I nny piano uraicr m i"' ,iw I Will Not Be Undersold. I Mean What I J I Yesterday the finest A. B. Chase piano in stock was selected J a Salem teacher; a fine organ by a prominent Stayton lady, ostbi I resident ot tne a,s rwrj um, mu wro uj a joraan Valle;! Geo. C. Will, MUSIC DEALER Opposite Ladd & Bush's Bank. KM unassuming citizen who earns his liv ing, pays his taxes, minds his own business, does not parade his morality, and commits a few other like acts of which this teacher of Greek and Latin is not guilty. Shall we follow the advice of this intruder? R. I. TERROXG. Keyso In More Trouble. The following was discovered today, on account of a desire to avoid notor iety being kept sMll for a day. Mon- lies. he reports to the cunning meth- day evening Cheater Stevenson, of the ods of a deceiver aad hypocrite. He S. P. force took a ride down the road attacks the statement that the sa-ion the gasoline tricycle. Coming back looas of Salem virtually contribute,; between 6 and 7 o'clock a man in the Notice to the Pablie. tn .in pcrauns are warned soli,! any money uue to ma in mattoijj lug out ui me -uc.Nary estate Ul Lroisan, or anyone else, Tiisl authority, nor to allow tbenb tract any debts in my mat u anyone to pay them any moaei or on my account A. A. H5 10 I HOTELS j The Willamette. -C. C. Cox. Portland. C. E. Conners. San Francisco. A. R. Bell, Dallas. -J B. McCune, Boston. C. P. Herman. Boston. R. W. McLeod, San Francisco. Al. 1L Lent, San Francisco, a W, Blach. Dallas.- Henry F. Hans, Portland. 3J W. Kennedy. Denver. H. W. Ormandy. Portland. A. Rankey. Ash'and. W H. Miller. Jacksonville. Karl H. Vasper. San Francisco. Oscar Hayter and wife, Dallas. R. A. Cornelius. Chicago. 0. M. Werner, New York. Tie Big Sale Sliines For Yon Like a beacon light beckon ing yoo on towards the $10,000 per annum to the city's reven ues and to counteract this says there are simply 16 saloons at J100, and hence the revenue cannot be more than $8100 Of course, this dispenser Greatest Piano Opportunity Of Your Lifetime eastern part of the city stopped him and asked him for a ride. Just before they reached the depot the fellow, who was sitting behind him, grabbed Stevenson from behind and attempt- V Don't Forget Our Ffee Concept Saturday Night Allen & Gilbett Ramaker Co. Oregon's Leading House Sika Biih 299 CosiSHrcial St perhaps intending to skip with the tricycle or maybe rob him, but both went off together, and a live struggle ensued, the man, a big fellow, com ing out on the bottom and crying enough. A description of him indi cates that he Is undoubtedly G. W. King, the man put in jail lat evening on a 40-days' sentence. Albany Democrat. Another License. A marrtape Kceose was istoed hutl5" o troth aad morality does not recog- ed to throw him off upon the ground me the fact that about $2000 is paid b the saloon mea alone for slot mv cHne licenses, to say nothing of the other items ia this clase. He simpy assails figures net his own, and sets himself up as "hoKer than thou" apostle of decency. His figures are flatly deceiving, and yet he appeals to the citizens of Salem to take his word In preference to that of anyone e'se. By a deceptive combination of figures he attempts to show teat, with the sa loons abolished, Salem will not be short $10,000 ia licenses, but $4800. And then by further line of argu ments, tries to show that the growth of the city's valuations will readily make up that insignificant deficit. In the first place, bis supposed deficit is a fiction, probably brought about by the Jugglag arts of his profession. The botd conclusion that valuations will increase enough to make up ta's amount is a hypothesis unworthy of the merest novice la ecoeom'os. He knows. If he knows anyth ng oa such matters that, as a city Increase in slie and property valuation, public ex penditures iocreas corre.'-.poodoatry Bot let as aseume that the property for taxation should lacreose wlthcKt a corf espondoct tacroaeo of clvie expen dftures a; this goatleasaa seems t- aodelpate Thou wou'o It sot be oquivaent to an iacteatod vafoaton of o mii:ton dollars to raise $10 04 Bot this .opoiatry is only ca a par wtoa aU ether Boot of argmmeM If this geaileasaa wl.l ec!v ia ooe re sted, wl ) he not deceive hi fU w driaes lo others? to tho eye of the law. a witmoos who ts false to ooe in staaee is cooaMerod false ia every is- caaee. aou u is only reasonable tc apefe thte logic to toe efieru of this false prophet of morality. He asoomes to kaov more thaa those who coo Staatly deal with that subject. He ar re-pates to himself a greater kaow' ge of our laws thaa Is poKe! bv ay one :. Ho "knows more about tnaa those who have Has Returned to Salem. Dr. A. T. Roberts the ee spe rms returned to Salem andhm in the Eldridge block, where b be pleased to meet a', his old p and friends. Rocm 21 b'.ock. Killed Big Bear. Caleb Woods killed a 300-pcund bear out on the Woods Creek ranch last Saturday. Caleb resides In Big Elk. but went out to Woods Creek last week, and discovered that a bear was using what Is knows as the Starr placa He started his bear doss on the tiack Saturday. In about an hour 9 they raised bruin. After a chase of some length, the bear took a trail on which Caleb was sta'ioned. By and by there was a rifle shot, asd bruin was stretched at full length along the trail. Caleb waited uati his hearship was within 15 feet before he fired. Cmrallls Times. Police Matrons In Cenvente St. Lonis Mo, Oct M Thti era Police Matrons' wmen was organized two jtul began. It3 annual convecloa I Louis today. Amocg tie ddej i resented are Topeka, KtauC Dubuque. Des Moines, St Lincoln and Oklahoma C!tj o Dance at Pratura. A social Can. . wll U jira i Piatum Saturday e 'i&tobkti IlWl. Good cCe- w teneJ Music by Coo.ey & 0" axtoStl Tckets 50 cents L. J tootsr1,! manager. W1VU 99m99999mm9MMMM TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. Gold Dust Fta 1 ' Made by THE SIDNEY PC ER COMPANY, SldrtJ. gon. Made for family utl your grocer for it Btui shorts always on bad P. B. WaM AGENT VvVWhwSw99hhVv" la tke OsJr Porble Wr of IlnvlnsT , An CScrttve Core. If yoo see a woman or a man with lux urtaat jiossr hair, you may be sure nel- tsr mi dAacronT to amount to anything la Bearly every case where women and rata have thin brittle balr. they owe It to daodreff. There are hundreds of prep anUoai that v:UJm" to core dandruff. bat aot one but Newbro's Htrpicide tails yea that daadraff Is the result of a rra borrewtes- bxo tsa scalfc aad that rr aaaeat core of daadraff and Its conse qoat tentae and baldnes. can only be bad by kliHer the iko; and there Is no ebr preaaratloa that will destroy that reras but Kewbro's Herptclde. "Destroy tbe cause, aad yea remove the effect " S4 by leadieff drajrlsta. Esd Ke. in ?5! ftr. ua5,e to The Herpkide Co, Sp-1 AeenL IVtrolt. itlah. KbII J I Wall Paper Latest designs in st ? and good work gu teed. We have the store and small prices E. L. Lemm(H! 299 Liberty St ri oi rnone mu i? ,,pyj evooing to Gorge V. Taylor aad Mis Blanch Case. ali Weak. Kenroas People. TV have rosoived Uuers ft pans of the U. & highly r kg Dr. Ouna's Stood S'orve Tok, wUl ie faith we h ix the xeavsiy has Wa fuMy sojtaired. We had eooWeoee from the very VeghamUg that this medfoiae shooMmake cores, hot lacked that ummsm that rirnri after ntaay swototeinJ trials. Xow that we have he uaheM la our fee hf we waat to wtoart to others oor eonideaee. Nervous and unsteady peofde. weak, nestle ffit, nhojily, pale, or sallow people, are att viotkas of weak, watery oteod. Mike Mw, rieh blood, to ho foroid through the system by V the artedes, aad disease eaaaot reatala. This Tosie cores disease by giving yoa ttreagth to re tc AH orucgui seit H for 7e per box, or t boxes for ti The tah lets are to take after- each meal. They tow the fea4 you eat isto rich xe4 Porsoos who tiiie this Took gout us good sohVd nesh from 1 to i P per week been struggling with tho problem fir yeans. He is the only pnso& in the community who has a correct Mea of pubHc morass, and he would Use to f have his neighbors, an follow rtliirtn. aN look to htm tor dlrecUoa ta their moral aad pubhc wohfare He Is not ssosed wVh cosJoanarag tho saloon hosinoss. but must brand every am eagaged In it as a "dteoorsor of tn-sanKy- M tooahs of their Moss as saptont commintartoa. and tho Uey wouM ho more luMUtoontly reooived by a "pair of tugging mules" than in tho -maujruhae anmoncos" to which they are orOioanV aonrosseo. This so-caNed profossor ta & rottnioos ma. Ho takes every opoononity to occupy vacant. pulotta. He Voneres te the book which tohvs no to heW so man ia eoodemnatioB. yet raats aroo&d and tears down every mombar of the torn mnnky with whom he ooos not &Reo. Ho preaches morality, yet perrons facta and tho troth, and foments eeeOL Hte utterance would set neiih bor against neighbor hawbud againtt wife father ajmincc bos. and u hta ad vice were heeded ho wxu i have chaos reign, -a. tho coauaux.y Tho oetica catznu ; ccsces fy he (nicAGo Smm ,vjpjlM!& MAJRGAlNJHOIISIy Two Days More ol Our Great Underpricing! Wednesday and Thatsday Our competitors are howling Mke a lot of wolves on arE rf ' pocos we are selling ottr goods for. Wo sail the came goods boat t the same minufTirtiirnrr -hk ,., .. .i u .. t.ar have at H mt. -...- .i. -m.. ,, . , ,. ... ,. roe. F matmxi iaB iaey can anoca to son taeiu w expense does the work. 5 yard o&rk and Ught ohUd nanoete sale price, yard ..?ic ISfce wnnper ftaneUettos, aew styles, prje per yard 7345 Patt obe MankoU 5e 75c slUc flalshed velveteens, all 5M yards dark calicoes, yard., ic 75c stlk antshed veJeteeos, alt colors and black 45c 75e aM silk black taffeta, yard. .45c Laea AM doth capea $5.95 Ladies' fS new Jackets $5.75 ku i.m wi it towels -,-v .fcv. . - 39c Turkey Ked damsk Xs I 50c white table dama b. Ladles' 39c heavy fleeted j rlbebd undonrear "- 1 pants, price ,, tjniidren a uno Price P!b roods in even? MP1! at the tame ratio prices. of V TEE CHEAPEST STORE IN TEE NORTE M'Evoy BrothersXourt St., W a. JtMjttmit JUL 1 1 1 tlU Ji 1 1 M ! ; H M mi Vi i m n n i ,vta . :s2ic&fc "vn WW-' v