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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREQON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 19M. . f P' b'l J I & It! V ft tf B1 I 1 IL ft DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFER BROS. ioH9yMgE OFFICIAL CENSUS SALEM, MAY, 1001, 13,287. can Republican National Ticket t For Presldont. THBODORH ROOSEVELT, of Now York. For Vlco-Presldent, CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS, , of Indiana. For Presidential Eleeters: Xi, B. Dimlck, of Clackamas. A. C. Hough, of Josephine 0". N. Hart, of Polk. Jan. A. Fee, of Mainour. ' o SPEECH. ' (Ella yheo!p Wilcox.) Talk happiness. Tho world Is sad onough "Without your woes. No path Is wholly rough; JLook for the placos that are smoo'h and clear, And speak of those who rest the weary oar Of earth, bo hurt by one continuous strnln Of humnti dlscontont and crlef and pain. Talk faith. Tho world Is hotter off without ' Your uttered Ignorance and morbid doubt. Jf you havo faith In Ood, or man, or BOlf, "Say so; If not, push bock upon the shoir Of silence all your thought? till faith shall como; 3io ono will grlovo because your lips tre dumb. Talk health. Tho dreary, never changing talo Of mortal maladies Is worn and stale. i on cannot cuarm, or interest or pleasj, By harping on that minor chord, disease. Soy you are well, or all Is well with you, And Ood shall hear your words and mako them tiuo. WE ARE ALL BENEFITTED. "How Ib It posBlblo for a mna not directly Intoroited In protection to bo honolltted by It?" aske tho froo trader. lt us see Then are several thou sand growers of prunes In this state. Their Industry has been called Into oxlstouco by tho protective tariff, which onnblos "thorn to tompoto with forolgueiu, and finally take possession of tho domestic market. Thoso grow n. as a rule, havo families, nnd thoy employ domestics In addition to tho la borers In tho oichard Tho latter ma 'ho rvgarded as direct bonenclarloa. but "tho domestic aio not, yet thoy are "certainly bonollltiMl. The grower nnd tholr famllltM and thulr hliod peoplo need profuislonnl assistance. They require doctois, dentists, lawors, ministers, schoolmasters, etc., nil of whom nto benefitted lndlreetl by tho establishment ami prosperity of the industry. Thou there nro merchants In nearby towns who soil thing- that meot tho wants of tho growers; thoy nnd their clorks nro also bonotlttod. Ami then como tho artisans who sup ply the wunts of tho growers, tho tnll r. nhoomakois, o'o. Thoy too. are lHinefltted Tho merchants In tho small towns buy from tho jobbers In the big city, and they ami tholr clerks nro bunotUted. And so Is tho servant girl nnd the bu'lor who lifts u Job In tho house of a merchant who does a profitable hUMlueea In tho prune grow ing district. And Hum, too, wo must count In 'the mechanics la the cll. who build tho homos for tho mer chant ami tho cloths who soli to tho prune grower -bttf why go on? In. stead of It being dlllloult to show how -any but the dtteot bonoflelarlo nro nf tooted by protection, It Is simply Im possible to OMiuWne Into the matter without realising that every worker In ii protected country It bshetltted. The InterdetMMuleitce U complete, and .nil ehnre In the prosperity which tho stimulus to tmlurtry afforded b pro toot Ion promotes. PARKER A SECTIONAL MAN. Judge I'twkwr, so fur as be is u pub lie man at hM, is exclusively a Nw York pehllc man. It is doubtful whether he run properly bo oalled nn eastern huh. If h has ever been west of the Allegheny mountains ne men tleu of K has been uiwde slneo bis nam Ihkmh knuwn outside his own state, lie U satd nnd ballevod to know alumlutaly ue.Uiliig ovou of the middle weal save from hearsay. Of tho great west wo knjaw ho is totally Ignorant, bceaose tie man ean know a country so uullko lit own unless he 1ms wade it long visits. This Is a 4ra defest in any candidate for th cast nre settled. No President greatly influence their- character or destiny, Tho west is in a formative State. Jts control is largely still in Federar hands, and its future must bo greatly affected by 1'cdoral ac tion. The Pacific coast hns no quar rel wijjl rfny part of the east and no JoSlovAVi whatever In regard to It; but we do need, and if possible, must Jmvc, n. President of the United States who M fierannnlly fnuiilinr with the groat wost nnd In personal sympathy with its ideas, its material require ments and its spirit and aspirations. To tho west in Its present state these qualities in a President may bo of more importance oven than his general views on tho larger national policies Tor tho west Mr. ltoosovolt is nn ideal President. With his home, his Interests and his early associations in the extreme cast, lie has nevertheless spent much of his time on tho open western ranges, where he at ono time had intcrosts; is familiar with its needs nnd possibilities, and, almost inoro than any of our own people, in spired with its freo spirit und its pos slbiliticH. And this is no local inter est. It embraces half n continent. Upon the development of tho west moro than upon any other one thing deponds tho material prosperity of the east. I'or both sections nnd all sec tions of our common country it is vitally important that tho ofliee whose Incumbent enn do most to nffect the destiny of the west should be one who is famllinr with its conditions 'and in sympathy with its people. Tho west, rccogiilres this. It lias adopted Presi dent Roosevelt for its very own. The majorities which he will recclvo In theso states will bo phenomenal. It it not to convince western men that theso lines are written, but to call on our brethren at tho east to remember that the west has now nrrivod at that crnciiil point of its history when the interests of tho entire nation demand n President familiar with tho undo- you must get your liver, stomach and bowels right. Beecham's Pills act like a charm in setting you right. The appetite of youth comes with all its old relish after using Beecham's Pills. Nat ural sleep is the result of a short course of this famous remedy. To Work and Play use Beecham's Pills. You will find a vigor and life which adds zest to both work and play after using Beecham's Pills. You will feel like a new person with a clear eye, sweet breath and a keenbrain. To enjoy life take BEECHAM'S PILLS. Sold Everywhere In Boxos, IOc. and 25c. you must get your liver, I pjk JCl &MmdkJM H Hr veloped half of it ami who can bo most helpful in .shaping and determining the character of its civilization. A FARMER'S IDEA OF ROOSE VELT. Mr. Piivld Hnnkin bus the credit of being the most extensive individual farmer in tho United States. He owns fourteen farms in Missouri which con tain about liL',000 acres of bind in all. He personally supervises tho opera tions on all, aided by a resident fore man. In summer ho etiiplovs us many as 701) hands In the Held, nnd uses from -'00 to -fiu horses for tho vniious divis ions of farm work. He raises corn by thousand nere patches, mid in n single j oar has sold 8000 hogs nnd 73,000 cattle of his own raising. Mr. Rankin stands sit feet two Inches without Jiis boots on, weighs 180 pounds, nnd be gan life as a poor boy. Ho resides at Tarklo, Mo in the vicinity of his farm property. Ho writes to Leslie's Weekly: "I like ltoosovolt because ho is a ltepiibllean, I 'in a Itepubliean farmer. We fanners nro moro interested In the tnrilt than anybody else. Tho miinu faetururs iniiko our markets. Our only trouble under a Itepubliean ml ministration is to get men enough to do our work. "I like ltoosovolt 's expansion Ideas. The I'auiima Canal business is one of the biggest things this country ever undertook. It means larger opportun ity for our young men. It will take mono niK'h mini as Hoosevelt to put it through. Ho bus the 'scat' to make It go. I ltko men that hao 'scat.' "I like ltoosovolt beenuso ho isn't afraid. Most men go wrong in politics because somebody has seared them. Wall street don't like ltoosovolt bo eauso he don't scare, Tho labor untons, Home of thom, try to run things by sraring the men who ought to run thom. Thoy haven't near ml ltoooovelt and they won't. 1 like men who don't scare. "1 like ltoosovolt boenusp ho aims to do what's right, lie's fair. Ho Isn't trying to break 'trusts' for political effect. So far as its legal nnd right ho will prevent their nhuos. That's all anybody should uk him to do. "D. R. ItANKl.N." CONSIDERATE ATTENTION. The recent decfelou of our supreme ewirt In the Christian Science ca.o has l on rlo to many newspaper comtneuu throughout the country, following from the Press Knicker bocker, of Albany. N. V., Indicates the drift of sentiment: "Perimpe the pubHc may have no ticed that the opposition to Christian Science, which was very mutih In evidence n few years nto. is dying out. "WorWb as a majority of our peo ple may be. thoy havo been quick to recogulse the oodnoe which Is in tho new religion. "Thoro Is nothing lu Christian Sci ence which would suggost opposition. Faith is the foundation of tho belief wftlch baa Mm. Kddy aa its chief ox ponent. Thoso who accept tho good woman's teachings Hvo pure and up. Fathers, tho Chris Ian Scientists are moro liberal tniu those pioneer ot religion In the r.qw world "Since the Immortal Declaration of Independence was, given to freemen, our,jeople havo held that all men are 'endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights,' among which nto 'life, liberty, and the pur suit of happiness.' As men and wo men nro happy In their religion, any belief which contributes toward the happlnojs of the world must at least recolvo the considerate attention of tho American, public." AND BUY YOUR- Tailor Made Suits, Cloaks, Fats, Skirts, Millinery and Dry Goods at the Gieat Closing Oat Sale of Ms. M. E. Ftfasetf's Stoci EVERYTHING TO BE CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS OF FORMER PRICES. THIS SALE IS ' RESERVE. prMtdouey. The Initltutieus of the right live. As pious as the Pilgrin CLEAN THE SCHOOL HOUSE GROUNDS. The shabby condition of the public grounds about the school houses In tills city Is a cause of some unfavor ablo comment. Much hns been done to Improve the Interiors, In the way of tinting the walls and hanging pictures. But the giouuds aro neglected. If tho walls and tho pictures and neat buildings aro an aid to make the children neat, how much more tho ap pearance of tho grounds. Whethor ,thls lies with the prlncl pals, the Janitors, tho city superintend ent, or tho school board or tho peoplo makos llttlo difference. Unsightly vvoodpllos,x brush and rub blsh, old bcatds, tin cans, and waste paper scattored over the school grounds nro not educational. Ono beautiful school house on natur ally beautiful grounds has six wood piles scattered over It. With a world's fair year ahead of us this Is a matter that needs attention on the pnrt of same one. o SALEM FOR ROOSEVELT. Tho city of Salem can be looked for to give President Roosevelt a rousing majority. All remombor the presonco of tho stoillng young cowboy Prosddent In our midst laH jear. All recn'l how, when somo one shouted "Hurrah for Harvard," (ho President arose In his carriage, and asked "Who's that?" Na'urally a Hopubllcan city, and fa voring aggressive pollclos, tho ltooso volt voto horo will bo large. Tho working Republicans havo de cided to havo ono grand rally on the 31st of this month. Keep jour iowdor dry and your shouting organs In trim for thnt'occa slon, nnd they will boneoded. Important. Itock Island Trisco systems have ar. ranged for snlo of round trip tickets to Chicago and St. Louis, Qctobor 27th, 23th and 20th. These nro the last days on whioh spoclnl rate tickets may bo purchased on account of tho world's fair. 10-S-td Good Spirits, Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source is the liver and all tho fine spirits ever made in tho Bluo Grass state could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred aud one 111 effects it produces. You can't havo good spirits and a bad liver nt the same time. Your liver must bo In fine condition it you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye. light ot step, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. You can put your liter In fine condition ty using Green's August Flower the greatest ot all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thlrtjNflve yeara. August Flower vlll make your liver healthy and actlre and thus Insure you a liberal supply ot "good spirits." Trial size, Kc; regular bottles, 75c At all druggUt. At Dr. Stone's drag stores. Underwear Wo hnvo n large line of ladles' misses nnd children's underwear, all marked down to the lowest possible prices. Call in and look through. It will pay you. Corsets Odd lots of corsets, all sizes and colors, worth up to $1.00 to close out quick. our choice. 19c Men's Undeuwea Men's hygenic fleece lined shirts nnd drawers, superior quality, three thread, double cuff, 00c quality. Closing price. 39c Men's oxtrn fine ribbed under shirts nnd drawers, fleece lined, flesh color, 7Cc quality. Closing price. 45 Men's extra heavy ribbed wool undershirts and drawers, flesh color. Actual value $1.25. Closing price. 90c Millinery This department is one of the most busy cornors of our store. Such values never wero seen in this line boforo in this city. Ladies' Wrappers $1.00 quality at 80 1.25 quality at $1.00 1.50 quality at 1.50 1.75 quality at 1.40 2.00 quality at 1.60 Ladies Shirtwaists One lot ladies' fiannelett waists assorted colors, figured and striped, vnlucs up to $2.00. Your choice to close. 50c Outing Flannel Gowns Misses outing flannel gowns, good quality, nssortcd colors, closing price. 39c Ladies' outing flannel gowns. $.75 quality $ .50 1.00 quality 80 1.25 quality 1.00 1.50 quality 1.20 1.75 quality ... 1.40 2.00 quality . 1.60 tOO Children's Jackets Sizes from 4 to 14 nil reduced about one-half. Prices run up from 50c Ladies' Coats One lot of ladies' Kersey Cloth coats 27 inches long, new slcovo, with or without collar. $8.50 qunli tv closing prico $5.95 Capes One lot ladles' Black Ker; J x., VU(S) wfu worm o.uu. nosing pnjj. $5.75 Ladies' Dress Skirts One lot black chevlnf .t .i sergo drosses, well made uj 3 iiiuu, uAiiu vuiue ai fVMf), price. $4.95 Tailcr Made Suits Our suit department tijudm so full of bargains we cajy.1 tiou them all. Wo liavegjJJ prices so it will be impo&gl you not to buy. We havefiu ironi $4.95 Our lots of suits at $ 2.50, $15, $ J 8.50 and $2 Are tit least 25 per cent ! than you can buy same quihtiah elsewhere. Furs, Furs Our furs are of the best qaLl and are being sold at toe lai prices. Broko Into .'ills House. S. Lo Quinn, of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by in vasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills broko into his house, his troublo was arrested and now ho is entirely cured. Thoy'ro guaranteed to cure. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug store. P ! Hops Fruit Big Crop? I e The crops In this line are Hot S iuu largest, uui gooa. as a result many will need repairs made on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work in this line. BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. Z 8HJ)f October Sunset Magazine Gives fine ptoturos of California Life General MaeArthur and other nrmv ofllcers dosenbe tho recent military maneuvers in California, each article being profusely illustrated with half tones and colored drawings by Edward vvuouei. interesting artleles on Cali fornia and Oregon, "How Olive Oil It Made," "How Almonds Aro Grown" and fine deseriptions of Plumas and Suttor, two great California counties. 224 pages of articles, Western stories, sueteuea and verses. 10 cents a copy. Yotf can boy Sunset Maga zine at all news stands l 116 Milt M II II I 8 1 II I I ift HI I I I I I Ml HIIIIIHHi ;; The Shooting Gallery ; ; Will give away many cash prizes on Saturday night. ErerrtttJ romodeled and new. Opposito tho White House Restaurant. till M I.I M MM IMIIHIIHIIIItlllllllll litHHj We Don't Have 'Old Ptices9 not Ctt Ptid Bat oar every day prices are always as low or a trifle lower than the socdlled cot prices. i R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, 0 RELIABLE HARDWARE DEALERS ttB8a8aMt)sjata(ia(iM Have You Cver Ordered Your Groceries from HsLttiit &r. LAwfnce It not, you are away behind tho times. However, they .... i.j i. nib tffll ws giaa io see new patrons, and It you call on them, yon ; moro than pleased. You will find rh,m nt ia rnmer of Como &ua nrrv nrmata ft"' IIIMIIIiirin. j..... -c.i -- .T- III . - - - w noiesaie and Ketail Family Liqaor atore i ; E. ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street ( u uo ui liquors and winea. Cedarbrook whisky ronn -1 . McBrler brand-the best for family use. AH orders filled ssl ."I. " ,u luo cy limits. 'Phone Main 1151. """""""I 4-M I M I I I HI I - LT It Helps The Cook And novor goes la.k on j nauie anu sawa"v uj wnen you oaku ip nour. a nose usms -use any other. Salem Ffoitfk1 5,gafr Wi.n i i!tiefejtiiii"1"'-