' ,r , DAIL CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1001. !'f '! IMS li i. "I H I? Come now, own up, tell the honest truth You don't like those gray hairs, do you? And your husband certainly doesn't like them. Then why not buy a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? It restores color to gray hair every time. Cures dandruff also. Sold for over sixty years. Lwiif.'Li: JAPANESE REPORT GAINS EVERYWHERE Drive Russian Army Northward in Dis order and Capture Many Cannon FIREBUG TOUCHES MATCH'S WMmwmwmimmnw mm ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY, OCTOBER 25, 1885. (Continued from first page the St. from Petersburg, Oct. 17. Messages tlic front Htuto Unit tlio retire- 'v. mont of the forceH under Gcnernl Atcy enloff, on tlio Jiiiiwiiin right flnnk, has been turned into n route, anil his army lms Buffered tremendous losses. Tokio, Oct. 17. MujorTnkiishiinu's bnttnlion captured It guns at Sunchiat z.u This mnkus total of 31 guns cap tured by General Xodr.u's center army since October 14 th. Koine, Oct. 17.A (lifljiatofi from St. Petersburg states that, nfpr a consul tntion with tlio CV.ur, Qeuornl lppjn berg lias decided that the move to mobilize 000,000 ndditional troops in Manchuria will bo abandoned for the present. A Itussinn note will probably bo issued, announcing to the powers tlio Czars' intention to continue the war. Tokio, Oct. 17. "Reports from the scat of war this morning says that 14 more llussian guns were captured yes terday. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17,-A dispatch from Mukden states that Xndzu has ro tirefl from the cnmmaiid of his' division on account of wounds received. Mukden, Oct. 17. Vesterday the iiuydiiiix carried a brillian movement on the left, storming and carrying the Japanese treuahos at Sntikhutung, and capturing 10 guns. Tlie Jnpnneso re sistel desperately, their losses being enormous. The Itussinn movements on the right were also successful. St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. A dispatch etntos that L'3,000 Russian soldiers linve nrrlvcd at Mukden tlio past week. Ht. Petersburg, Oct. 17. News from Irkutsk states that the noarly com pleted Clrcum-iiaikal railway is in n bad state, owing to the poor material tisod in the construction. The tlrst train took over ilt'co days to make the jour ney, and Wis derailed threo times. It will bo necessary to use horses instead of engines to pull the trains during the winter. Ht. Petersburg, Oct. 17. A dispatch from the front Mates that the battle was resumed at daybreak today. The Russians are still holding the right bank of the Hhahko river. Tlio pros wire on tlie- Itussinn left Im's been re' Moved, but the .Japanese are still try ing to break through the Russian cen ter, in order to get possession nf tho railway out of Mukden. Odnernl Sak- linrolf wires that the Russians venter- t day recaptured I.oneTv Tree hill, south qf Shake, and eupturnd 11 .lapancse tfiins, one a piiok lirer St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. General Sakharoff reports that on Octobor l.'tli the .lupauese attacked the Itussinn center, but wore repulsed. The no.xt day two Russian regiments attacked nn Isolated position held by tho Japanese, dislodging the latter, and forcing them to retrent across the Shako river. After and other hot engagement tlio Japan ese were forced to retire still further. The lighting did not end until this morning, when it was found that the Russians had captured a whole Japan ose position, with 11 guns, one Maxim. At S o'clock tliis morning desultory fir ing was in progress along tho wholo fiont. The losses on Sunday were not heavy. Tokio, Oct. 17. The Japanese are continuing their advance, and have oc cupied additional positions south of the Shakhe river. The left army occupied W'u Pitkin Tun nt iinon yesterday, dis lodging live battalions nf Russian In fo n try, several batterios of artillery, mill crushing anil repulsing a subse quent counter uttnek. The artillery from the renter, it ml infantry from the left nrmy are linrnissing the Itussinn re treat. MORMONS PURCHASE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Two Members of the Congregation Get 1 Title and Transfer It to i the Saints KJjilt Uk, Oct. lT.-Pr Smith trustee In trust of resident Jos. !'. rjfiitth trustee In trust of the Mormon ejmreh, today received deeds to the (first Prenbyteriuti church building on Monroe ami PuuIiiih streets, Chicago. The property was for sale, und Mormons attempted to purchase it, but ut a meeting it whs overwhelmingly voted not to Hell to the Mormons at any price. Piually two members nf the congrega tion secretly bought it, and transferred it to the Mormons. It will bo used na Mormon headipmrters in Chicago. RECEIVES , FIRE LADDIES y yorn, Oct. it.-nr rnittr Crokor U euterUlwInt: 30 members nf the VQluMtMr fire department of Sun PtmiicWo. hh1 lx member of tin r irfkr department, who ure oh tour of mpctliii. Ttiev Hill ultttMs exltl lJtloH drills, take u tup u tU utiknay, tl'jld nl tend uoHiermi" reeit loft. DEATH IMPLICATES PRINCE ieuna, Oct. 17. -The uddeu dUt nf the MquUmsftTO minuter of jutiee, "M. HclmuUeU, willi symptoms of poison ing, after eourt dinner, lms given rU tu ruwr4 implicating Prime Ktcliolu. Tim triuea will nUr a post wortom exnmlnutku. Sttmulflli wa a rltwQHpr, It i wpojtad. tUat hit widow refuted to r.vehe the tsnloleuecs of Prinze Nieltoliu, PAINT WORKS BURN HulV.lo, Oct. 17. -The McUnnon PHlut CumpMHy's works wer dHmgl to the extent of $180,000 tudy. An tniHieum tank of vnriiWh. wNieh whs punctured. Dower down the river, Uk lag Are ud creating m eteuUir veue. The firemen protect! th Mvijck boriuy UuiMiug uutll tke rlre buruod out. Iiikwo ortloer's Deed. iUnilt, Oet. 17. Sewd l.itnMt W'm. D. PrHeu.rd. of the IStk mHlry, toiliy) kliWU itoa UIutMHt Prwl I lWu, of th 13th Hilry, ami tkeu oiHwUttnl shield. The tmgwly o furred at Cainn Stttaburjr, 90 wlli froM ManlU. Pritcuurd w in$it, Ohlwgo Market. CblcHgo, Oct. IT. Wkwt, DtMuiber, l.l2(Hl-13U! May, l.Utl1.12M(; urn, 4$Vdt0; oat, SSW&aSft. o o ja. m a? o i. x .a. . Buntb lte KM Vw Hn Unn BwtH UifUtU cf HOTELS Tho Wlllaxnetto. Clyde Kelty. McCoy. ( . I). IVazer, F'ortlninl. P. II. Ooiin, New York. Ir. V. O. VaiiDusen, Chicago, (ico. Kimbroiigh, Quiney, 111. J. S. Morln. Dayton. I. C. l-'itzhenry, Miissachusettfl. Mrs. Martin, Portland, , T. J. Murphy, Portland.' P. II. Wilkerson, New York. K. li. Stock, Sun l'runoisco. W. A. Seutsch, Portland. P. L. Hlggiugs. Wheeling. .Mrs. Dr. K. W. Atkins, Ilollisfell, Mont. I'!, li. Nelson, New York. I. I.. Patterson, city, Wullaue Livingston, Sun Franoisco. Cao. A. Crux. San Francisco. T. It. Iiub, Chicago. II. K. liouusbury, Portland. A. R. Ururor, Portland, C. It. Jnrtlnn, Portlauil. H. F. Armstroug, New Yurk. J. II. Willinms, Or, Alw.skn. J. C. Wolf, SllverUiu. II. ltrnsh. Portlnud, J. M. Rice, Port Und. J. J. TyudHll, PortiMMit. I. Cohen, Smh Fnilec .1. R. J'eki, Ihilibenl. C. A. Taylor, llublmnl. O. II. Keillor, Purtkiul. Morris Wech(.r, New York. O. A. Penned v. ludiMua. NIP IT IN THE BUD. Pint ,iirnrnnr uf Dnmlrunr a For runurr of Kuturo Ilnldnras, Tttnt sueh Is the cum bag bn eon elualvel' urovnn by rtntlAc rarfU. Pwf tlnnn. tlio noted Buripan ktn IMMitalltt. toolrci that dn.lruft Is tlie burro wJ.up outlclo of ttis oulp, mumiI by iwrtt ltroylHir the vitality 1h tU hair blltK The balr toonwa ItfeUtM. ami. In ttnie, fuiu out. Thi can b rro vonteU. New tiro's 11rr-lctlrt kills this Jamlruff Krm. and rtore the hotr to tta natural oftnMs and nbuiulanoy. llarrlcldo U now uwd by thauMnda of po4o-ill lAtUded that ft t tho most wonderful lialr preparation on tha mar. Wet to-day. fold by Itadlnr drucicUta. 0tnA 1(K'. In stamps for aamnlo to Th Herplddo Co., Detroit, Mich. IHnlel J Vrr, apaclal Asent says that Is his conviction thut man ho passed near tlionpplo trci was the jneondiary for liftd lie dot been ' fonneetml with the stnrtiug of the fire lie would havo tnrne I in the alarm, tor he could not help seeing the blaze when he passed the mill. Not3 of tho Fire. Great showers of cinders fell through out the burning of tlie first buil ling, and many lara ones were curried as far as 14th and Chenleketn street, on the asylum car line, while women who wore less than two blocks west of the North Salem school had to cover their bonds to keep the fire from their hair. Church wns being held nt Frnitiaml, which is ubout four miles beyond tlie asylum, and the glare of light was so bright out there that church was broken up, anil the congregation nil came to the fire. ' B. Roles who resides ut the corner of High and Divisim streets, three blneks south of the mill, saw'u blaze several minutes befo.e the alarm was sound ed. He rubbed down Division street to ward the mills, and almost collided with a mnu lit the corner of Coiam-r (linl and Division streets. He is certain that tlie man is a ne ;ro, mid he contin ucil his flight northward. Another man met Mr. Roles within a few feet, and he reported seeing the colored man rush north on Commercial street. Those stories coincide with tho re port of tlie street enr people, and may be u clue to tlie identity of the llre bug Severn! parties who went over to the burning building ut the first nlurm re port seeing a plank several feet in length leaning against the window sill on the southwest coiner of the build ing, where the fire was burning. These parties nay that a garden hose would have extinguished tlie bla.o at that time. Mr. Posse is prostrntod as u result nf the fire, as his losses amount to many years of hard labor, and tho people sympathize with him in his trouble. He carried about $11000 insurance, and his net loss will bo upwards of $40, 000. Manager Habcock, ' of thd Salem Flouring Mills Company, was unable to state the exact loss of the mill com pany, ns the insurance policies are enr rieil through Portland ugencics. Mr. Wilcox, in conversing over tho tele phone this morning, Miid that the insur ance on tlio buildings was very small, mid would not in any wny recoup tho ln. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK OF SALEM J. H. AL3EET, President. E. M. OROISAN, Vlce-Pres. JOS. H. ALBEET Cajli. Transacts a Regular Banking and Exchange Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Pays interest on savings accounts, compounded semiannually, i-ass oook issueu to each depositor. M of one dollar or more received at any time. Home savings banks furnishod to depositors who desire These little banks are strongly constructed of steel, finished in nicKeinnu are ornamental, ns well as radA helping to save. This being a national bank, tho savings department is conducted under tho laws of the United Stalej erning national banks, including examinations by United States bank oxaminors. Under those laws tlj t holders of this bank are personally liable to its depositors to tho full amount of tho par value of their ( addition to their original investment, thus giving double tho protection afforded by tho corporation laws t; state, which specifically exempt holders of paid up stock in state corporations from nny further liability. A SALEM INSTITUTION, CONDUCTED BY CITIZENS OF SALEM, LICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF SALEM PEOPLE. aawBrawTwafly WMir'n Pianos Cheap I will not be undersold on Pianos and Organs. I am not working on a salary or consignment. For this reason I can give you closer figures than any consigned agent, by at least $50.00, as this is the price wc have to charge them for profit and damage on every Piano. I buy direct from the richest and most responsi ble companies in the Unit ed States. Being in business steady for over 25 years, my guarantees are safer than those of other Piano houses in the valley, as they, hav ing all changed their name and management, they are not one half as old as a Piano guarantee. If you call on me I do not take you for a sucker, tak ing advantage of your ig norance in Piano prices, and charge you $1 00.00 more lhan former manag ers charged you for the same Piano. If J you want a piano cheap now, call on GEO. C, WILL Opposite Bush Bank lllllllltBIHa j Wall Paper Latest designs in stock, J and good work guaran- teed. Wc have the small J store and small prices E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 e CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of OS Another Man Ptt To Wotfk WATT 5HIPP Tho Bicycle Alan bus addod another mm his already large force of skilled help, and is Better Ptep&ted Than Evei To repair your wheel or umbrella needs repairing. " " promptly. If the wht-l Get it Done Right WATT SHIP! THE BICYCLE MAN iv-H'miwywrwra; w wrwsrt&uwnw2isai!Bwum3tiU.im wjiywn Yoi Should Consider Catefc Tl,. qi :ihr llll till' li.-S.t- of i-l..tlun$ "u buy for the rainy senson. It is true ec'l 0111 Overcoats and Raincoats i tin- newest fabrics. Jnat the same :is exclusive clothing stores Wl pri. on are 15 to -u per cent lower. For roiiL'h wear we sell the f Fish Brand Slickers Ti'i. bot waterproof goods on tho market. For those who prefer T i oats and Cotton Covert louts, we have an nssortment for all kinds oMl Also Rubber Coats and Mackintosh The Hoton Rubber Company's Rubber Boots and Overshoes Are reliable. That's why wo rocommond them. If on wear cloves for work in tlio rir. fnnklln' Vir nnl WM Ilorselude cloves. whi)i w cn 41 k ... ...i.. .... ,i Thev H ' " -- .- .th .p....;, mi: limit i uu hvi .. ways soft and pliable, and outwear buckskin. Our shoe department contains nil styles nn.l qunlitios suitable for H .-... ...v are mint to give satisfactory wear. Nooien underwear gives better protection uguiust sudden c'angM went hi 1 Wu m,t find it expensive if you trndo nt The New York Racfo New line of dress goods and waistings just in SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PEIOE CASH STORE. 0. T. BARNES, PROPRIETOR I PILES R" Suppository I K BtMiWu. Jilt," 'V"- " " k.1 MXinwv- "'Jot, lmc3tih r. P r- old In Saltm by 8. C, Ston r Tt an"'- n,uuJff mg at the Uuskm" Important. Rock Island 'Fris- s - ramie! for salo of r r. -ns"! rlBM .1 -,i.,...rv oo.t St. T.OL1. Oi'tW "vti, nA oofi, Thes'' a' ' .lov-j nn .t.i), mr-Ml rjtO tl U..(, 4 v.. ., W.VM -' - m . ... ti bn nurcliBSAil on aCcOi.ct Of lBa.,J fair. oas-x-oiJ Btk. TMWaiwS Q&&mzx JSm cf MM? mjvgk