n: Ihi PI il & Ik & DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BR08. . mm TornoiAL CENSUS SALEM, MAY, 1004, 13,287. Ticket 1 Republican National 7 J. '' For President. THEODOIII3 ItOOSEVELT, of New York. For VIce-I'rosldont, OHAS. W, FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. For ProaldorHial Mecters: Q. Ii. Dlnilck, of Clackaman. A. C. Hough, of Josoiihlno. J. N. Hart, of Pdlk. Jns. A. Foe, of Malbgur. o KEOOONITION OF A GREAT PRIN CIPLE. Tito vordlet of tho Jury In the Oil) son-llofor libel suit wu j;ivoii in rec ognition of n profit prinriplo tlio rifjlit nml duty of a newspaper to publluli tliu notions of public officials, l'vuu uiiplimmint iih it niuy be, tliore is Htlll Incuinbont on tlio publitdior of a public nowspapor the duty of mak ing known to tlio public iuindeeds, or what ap)car to tho public to bo m is tloeds. Hunco tho bringing of u libol Hiilt for a largo amount of dnuiiigcH wiih an illustration of how far an ofllclfil may be mislead by tho bad couiihcI of a lawyer. While couiiHol for Gibson fought for IiIh oliout and got tho HtrongeHt possl Mo instructions from thu court in favor of daiuiigoH for hiri client, the jury wits actuated by tho higher prin ciplo of protecting tho public. Thoir verdict was not n personal finding ngaiiiit Chiof of Police Gib son, nor for liofor Uros., but the unun--ciiitinii of tho truth thnt tho nownpu por linn a four loan duty to perform in -audi (jiihus. Whilo tho wording of tho reporter's article may Imvo been technically libelous ucrording to tho Oregon slut ute, which Ih about iih vicious as the "Oregon boot," tho jury found for .tho defendanlN. Tlio Journal Ih Hilling to admit that tho nrtlolcx published about Chiof of Police Gibson may have been incorrect in hoiiio detailH, and may have dono him mi Injury, tho Jury found for the principle. This vordlet crttnblitdics tho princi ple that a dally uewspupur una pub lish wlint iippcnrn to bo tho iiiIhcoii tluot of u public; oulclnl in good faith, and oven score that ofllcliil, and no jlaningos oau be eolleeted. Tho argument of nttoriiuyx for tho dofoudiintN that a despotism iih bad an that axlHtlug in KuhhIii would bo es tablished if the press could not criti cise public oIIIcIuIn wuh ncceptod by tho jury. Tho composition of a daily nuwspnr por In grunt htinto I wives riioiu for or rorn of Judgment uiid error of fact, but If tho new simper 1m seriously call Jug intention to inlscouduet of an of ficial, and acting in good faith to ward tlio public, Mud not nctuated by personal nialluo, tills vorillet shows that no daiuago suit can bo maintained by tho ollldinl. A public ofllolnl belongs to the pub lio and so do nil lit not, unit a corn inanity would not support u new spa- illloinl misconduct dogs and ono was 'whal' you wight call a dead dog." j? ThaK-'witnew Ban! Oibsffh left the "dead do" nt the alloy while he went and put the two live dogs in the poonil. Thnt witaoM anft Gibson testified thflit Chlitf CHbsflH thn came biek nnd carriod the uwrorttfloiis dog to tlie pwind, Now h dog that had merely been choked Into nufontrt'iotisueM wowld not have natitfitiy laid there fird or ten DAILY CA? ITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1904. ""J -'- '" ,- nrrKmnaxKffiBvrnfmmTns I !&& UlmKaMm- tr mlnutta ijppl Glbcift 'returnL , , He would have recovered hie breath and would have hiked for other parts. The OroRoninn reporter, who is not always Incorrect, says in his reHrt that "it developed afterward that the dog did not die." He draw 8 a conclusion that tho jury did not draw, and that no reasonable, man could draw, from tho evidence. We aro not nrguing that Gibson killeil the dog. Wo aro trying to show the misleading, deeoptivo, orroneous, twisted character of the report or" the Oregoulan. Because u man went to tho pound the next dav and cot a small lilac dog, that !oos not prove Unit tho dog referred to in the libel suit was alive, if it liui) been conclusively proven that tho dog reforred to was alive, uu der tho instructions of tlio court, the jury must havo found for plaintiff. It is probably too much to expect that tho religious icporter of tho Oro goiiiau would tell the truthwihout oven a small dog. A NOTED OREGON EDITOR. In the death of Ira L. Campbell, for many years editor of tho Daily Eugene Guard, this state loses a good man. Ira Campbell, ns he was familiarlv known, was a good citizen, devoted in tlio highest degrco to his family, hie friends and tho public. iio was a life-long Democrat, but his broad-minded good-fellowship included nil mankind in Ills conception of duty and benevolence. Ho was hearty, cordial and gonial In all his relations to others, and It can bo truly said that he left his edi torial labors without an enemy. It was his good fortuno to have a sunny disposition, u smiling, open na ture, n hearty hand grasp for ovory human being. Ills Intense loyalty to llngeno nml to I.ano county will never bo forgot ten by tho people of this stnto ami lie wns ono of tho factors thnt made that part of Oregon prominent and pros porous. K SSlL 'lib SSsS WAG R htfrNr"W5 1 -JBytsSKA'M ' III llblVA S JSKAJIB.CTrKS kg ! nmtt BffAmv- Mm nnna . PliKm 11 ml .if r- III I -rlwftno C,oI,ea MMert G. W. JOHNSON k CI (INCORPORATED.) X hee HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR FALL SUIT YET? OR ARE YOU TRYING TO SQUEEZE A LITTLE MORE WEAR 0Ul THAT SUMMER SUIT ALREADY LOOKING SEEDY? BETTER COME HERE AND TAKEA LOOK AT OUR SNAPPY OF GlilOSS THE POPULAR LOAN. The Journal in!ocatoil""a popular loan, when to iiccinnpllsli that Its own- eis suffered a personal loss. Hut tlio popular loan was a success each time it was tried, and did much to put this city and .school district out of debt. At the trnil of the proscut school year this school district will have a cash surplus of $15,0011. With tho sumo tax levy tho district will have iKln.UOO to $10,000 cash at the end of the next school year. This city should proceed to erect a substan tial flro-proof high school building this coming (onr. In two years it would bo paid for, ami for ono year tho board should em plo the popular loan plan. Hand Tailor Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER, BEFORE ALL THE CHOICEST PATIQSl HAVE BEEN GOBBLED UP. V WOU CAN'T TELL THESE CLOTHES FROM THE HIGHEST CLASS MERCHANT TALI V WORK, BEC USE THEY HAVE THE SAME TONE AND REFINEMENT OF APPEARAND Mt SOMETHING NOT TO BE FOUND IN ORDINARY KEAUY-lu-wiiAK-tjAKiYltiNlS. DALLY WITH THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY OF DOUBTFUL MAKE, WHEN THERE'S' ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY OF ALWAYS GETTING PROPERLY MADfc, tiAKJVUiW 1 5 JtihKE AT RIGHT PRICES. iUITi LIKE THOi E IN THE PICTURE FOR SO LITTLE' A PRICE AS btvU' V 985 W 50 to $30.00 IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF HOW LITTLE YOU PAY, BUT HOW MUCH YOU GET FOR WHA YOU PAY, THAT IS THE SECRET OF REAL ECONOMY. "Drop In and Let Us i alk It Over." G. W. JOHNSON & CO. (INCORPORATED.) i Kre77,TtTTarjy,??.r.; tfril por that sm mined that had eumo to the oyos of tho pub Ho gonnrnlly. Thoro is no other course for a public. nuwsHipor to pursue, Ijfit to publish surh matters us nous or sulfur the accusation of hulng been slloufod. All that Is mild In this nrtlolo is in support of the principle of publicity us thu host means of protecting the public and as the only moans of so 'curing dec tnit administration of public affairs. Tht ueewsxtty of keeping before tho public the records nml nets of public oillcluls rUni tho newspaper pub 'Usher of the Imputation of persons! luallcs. It is as much the duty of a now spa per to pnldWu such natter us it is the dutv of public olitetale to perform their dutv iutl;i, farlMiy and lu a proper inuHiier. . Tin- uespHMr has a publbi duty to perfoiut, and tWe olWclal who U ad vised to jump luio tat court hhU seek riMlreim in a llbul suit ls o other uatlsfMctboi ItAj r aiurUtg a bill of costs i" pay. Of count, he can put til pultUikef to trouble aaU expense ta dafenn, but In followiuK sueh ld sdvlc he my uionuy and pnm iicHher reepeet nor exoueratioH. LET SALEM GO AHEAD. Nevoi lu ono year wore thoro so many new buildings erected in this city as for tho year now closing. With butter streets and better snul tary regulations, bettor street cars, bet tor light and water service, this city will double in size In two yours. In splto of knockers, neoshn.lt, chnrter lighters and how'lors and kickers (and their number grows bountifully less) Saloui Is destined to bo tho City lioau t If ul of Oregon. X-RADIUMS THE SMALL DOa OFFICIALLY DEAD. The way tho matter was finally de .il.nl it was1 olHctally decide.) that The Journal libel suit dog did tlie. Tho Journal is willing to glvo Chiof Giluou tho benefit of tho doubt, rvud let that dog possibly bo alive. Ouo of Gibson's witmusos, YanuVe, said ho saw tho Chief leading thre There are 5000 bales of hops tdorod in one Salem warehouse $280,000 of hell and dauiimtiou, us Prof. Drew would say. The prohibition (tarty is trying to steal In the Hams of 1ih1 option wlwt it never oouhl get flvo pr eent of tho (wople to oto for under tho namo of proWUitlou. Let the prohibition party stand oh Its own merits nuil platfomi, aud it eould not carry a single preciitet lu tuls 5Uil. Juhu the llaptkt oaaio with fHstiug and prater, and the people said he was a fuiwtle. The Saviwir otituo outing and dUuklng with puhlloans, and sin tiefs and the Pharisees crueifloil him. Moral t Thoro aro somo people who will not ln sattsried uudor any oiroum staueed. Tho Jurnal llbol suit dog was of ficially deelnrod to be dead, uo matter how uuioh ho may bo nllvo and kick iug. stunidng together for t'io Pipnldieaus in Hout,,tru Oregon North Hend is to hie two-stor. citv hull. Thnt Is, next to Nilem, the lto town of Western Oregon. A souvonir postal mrd ot Salem, showing Hue public lirtitdint;- on a finely puvod stroet would be u grand advertisement. Whnt will Prof. Drew luuo to stnrt litigation about now f Ho will find something. lie, is not gutiig to live without u few dozen lawsuits. Mothers who tiro lotting their little girls attend the public school sewing classes are doing something to mttHJc sweet, lovooble houecuhos of (.hob daughters. The gumchcuiug, ogling young wouinu who oau do nothing but the two stop in store inude clothes will novor niiiko a substantial ceuter-pleco for any mini's affections. Let lior learn to sew and p.ituh and ilurii, and to tiim a bonnet or dress with lucos und tlouuius, und array hgrstdf aud her children in n becoming mniiuor, and she will bo mare apt to muko some man happy us the muther of his child"! en, and fnr less likely to figure in n dloroo court. lluxe this enmity carried for prohi bit ion, and it will ml vert Uc Marion county to the wurld as a place of uu licensed bUjji pigs, and driinkou ca consuls by bovs In horus. The l'rohi bit ion l r t itnaus well ennugh, but prohibit ioo of drirfViag places does not remove the appetite aud the missed- Hess In uiurtal man. It will glvo our city and county a black eye. Vfoodburn RoVibepy. Tuer wer eijit w uiae jruns In & 1. IteiulugtoH's fruit wladow hud lNblay wbcht, when the plate glass was smashed la b soiiicone golag 'through town, wH usetl a stoae in a plaee at oprpeU fh thief whs iwt pjirtleuksr lu to choice aud mdwted a loaviug others much uiore valuable. The gun was a IS gauge. 30 inch, doub-lp-bureled, with bluett steel barrels, mattotl oxtenslon rib, orottbolt through oxtenslou, nice wutaut stot-k, struight j;rlp, idato leeks, branded Og1i1 lllb bitrd." Mr. Remington offers a rowerd I of $15 for the unrest nnd eouuetioa of tho thlof and recover) of gun in good Broke- Into His House. S. TiO Quinn, of Cavendish, Vt., was robl o I of hia customary health by in vasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's Nov Life Pills broke into'T his hous., his troublo was nrrestod ' and mw he i entirely cured. They're giririinteed to cure. 2oe at J. C. Perr 's drug store. ti HIHniHIII M Hill IHUHWIMI illlllHHti ena4doo9oeQOaie St I I Hops Fruit Big Pop? Wm lolug and Geo. W Cohig are order IndcpeuJcut. The crops In this lino are not g the largest, but good. As a a result many will need repairs made on their driers. Wo are prepared to do quick and good work In this line. BURROUGHS & PRASER - Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. Ee0)a)9eftaMefl October Sunset Magazine dues flue pictures of California Life Genera! Mac.Vrthur and other army eflleers describe tho recent military maneuvers in California, each article being profusely illustrated with half, toaee and colored drawings by Edward Cueuel. Interesting articles on Cali foraitt and Oregon, "How Ollvo Oil It Made." "How Almonds Aro Grown" nud fine deseriptious of Plumas and Sutter, two groat California counties. S24 pages of articles, Western stories, sketches and versos. 10 cents a copy. Yoa can bay Sansct Maga zine at all news stands jj Tlie Sliooimg Gallery. . Will glvo away many cash prizes on Saturday night. Era remodeled and now. Opposito tho White House Eestaurant K-t-M-m HUM I Mc I I I I I I 1 I I j 1 I j a I I I 8 1 1 1 WWj HIS5CTI We Don't Have OU Pukes' not Ct Ptk Bat oar every day prices are always as low or a trifle lower than the so-called cat prices. R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, 0 RELIABLE HARDWARE DEALERS 99999999699 Bmf99mm999B999B9 9 Have Yoti Pu. nj.-j v... -i....ia fMin - -- iurou luur viiveoiisn Haifitt & Lawtence If not, you are awav hohin im, ixnaver. they "! ways glad to 100 nw nnt- .j . ' ,om too fll ,. ruuiiun, ouu ll ;uu tail uu m"i - more than nleaseri Va m j ., t .- nt ComB g - '-- " wm uuu uii;ul Ul IUO wuiuu "' -- ana r erry streets. -- . . . -. - i i i Hi-fc.ii , . . ,. iii niilrl Wholesale and Retail Family Liqaor Stofe i p, ii ii E' ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street. , rim line of liquors s.nri nine. n.K v. hiaifv formw : ?lcBrler rand-the best for fomllv ,.BB. All orders flUed 1 Jfithe city limits. 'Phene Main 1161. W"--"-M-t IIIIIHIHIHIIIIIMI I H It Helps The Cook ..., i,.v oak-1 .tun uovor B" .-- jh litiblo and satisiac ? - when you uaue wi - tlour. Those using - use any other. Salem Flow w gnu jatff