Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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anted. Woman to como to house
and do washing. Mrs. E. Hofor, Lin
coln Pnrk Place, South Salem, tf
anted. l'oultrymnn wants a situa
tion; experienced 'in breeding anil
raising pure bred poultry. Practiced
in artificial incubation and brooding.
Address "M. F. B." - 10-12-31
Ranted. To trnde cow for a good
flfarm horse, mare preferred, or would
'tako ono for its keep during tho win-
f ter. Inquiro of A. G. Smith, near
Pringle, Salem, Or., R. P. D. .o.'5.
Wanted. A girl .for .general house
work. Apply at 297 Front street.
Wanted. To rent small cottage close
in, or near car lines. Must be on
lease of ono or more yoars. Address
Ii. J., caro Journal.
h Wanted. Two dry .goods salesladies.
Apply at tho Chicago store, Court
(street, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf
Wanted. To purchase a piece of land
B4 nuiuiuiu tuL yuiaiuco, uujo wi uuj.
..I4a1a hi. wntnwrnn ntns A.. nOW
Address, with particulars, iock oox
488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf
For Sale.
Cottago containing seven' room,
three pantries and bath room, two lots
and barn, on South ingu street, norm
of Lincoln school For further partieu
lara call on owner at 249 Commercial
street, second lloor. 10-13-2t
For Sale. Muitled game chickens. I5-
quire of Fred S. Lamport, 289 Com
mercial street. 10-13-3t
For Sale. A nonv. in .first-class condi-
tion. A bargain. Carl
'art Beatty, Che-
. 10-12-3t
inawa, Or.
For Salo or Trade A 10-acro fruit and
chicken ranch. Good house, barn,
and other out buildings. Excellent J
, ,. , ii i '
home. Mile from railroad, good
school and trading point. "J. G.,"j
For Sale. A team. Inquire of B. F.
Baxter, East aalcm. u-t-tr
For Sale. Moving .picture putflt, in
first-class condition. At groat reduc-'
tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or., j
enre Journal. 8-2C-tf
For Sale. Tnree-fourtns oi an acre of
land, within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of, all kinds. A bargain at reason
able terms. Inquire at Journal of
fice. 8-2-tf
t'or Rent. Four turnished rooms
for housekeeping, including bath and
hot and cold water. 43 South Com
mercial street 10-12-3t
Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or
unfurnlshod rooms to rent Loca
tion on street car lino, and one
block to S. P. depot Call on J. C.
Goodale, 12th and 'Oak streets. 6-20tf
'Lost. An Enelish Setter pun, two
months old; color, white, with black
and brown spots. Suitnblo reward
rownrtl offered for any information
that may lead to the recovery of tho
pup. Address or call at Journal of
fice. 10-13-3t
.0, K. Orubber and Stump Puller
Bents them all; threo stato premi
ums; grubs an aero a day; ono liorso
has the power of 99; investigate.
Jas. Finney, Brooks, Or. 10-10-lm
iFuel and Feed. Tho Smith Fuel and
Feed Company is prepared to fur
nish sawed wood, coal, etc., on prompt
delivery. Ofllco with Salem Abstract
ts Land Co. Phono Black 2201.
$300 Can bo invested to bring 15 per
cont. Only ono opportunity. Apply
to M, enro Journal office 9-20-3t
Shingles! Shingles. Now lot received,
$1.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathoid and
P. & B. ready roofing and building
paper. Poultry and field fencing. All
at lowest prices. Walter Morley,
Salem Fence Works, 00 Court street.
For Sale. Old established hotel in
prosperous valley , town, doing fine
business. Will trade in part for Sa
lem real estate. Addross "F. W.,"
Journal office. 9-lC-tf
(Jab Service. New cab .just arrived.
Can be found at Lowe's livery stable
Phone Mam 1001. Best service and
reasonable rates. . Townsend.
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonablo prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-C-tf.
New Lodging House. Everything
new, clean and comfortable. Scnrelb
er block, 149-151 Stato street. Mat
te Hutchins, proprietor. Phone
Mala 2874. 6-D-tf
Say Have you tried Edwards & Luscn
er"s for meats. We have the best
sausage la town. Come and try it,
and be convinced. 410 East Stat
Salem Truck and Dray Co Oldeat
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano ard furniture mov.ni
a specialty Office1 'phone, 81. W
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlct
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
Jndertaken.. We carry the large
and finest line of undertaker's good)
In the city. Prices to suit aL
Black and white hearse. Prompt
reliable. Save money by calling a
No. 107. A. M. Clougb, A. J. Buey
Evan's Barber 8hop Only first-clu.
shop on State street. Every taiaj
new and up-to-oato. Finest poro
lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut Si
baths, 25c. Two first-olasa Ikk.
blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor
weicn & wnne ao a general dray
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Phones, down town, Main
2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076.
Stand 218 Commercial street 8-12-lm
Changed His Office.
Dr. E. E. Jackson, the veterinary
will bo found at Gilliam & John
son's Old Postofllco barn, 62 Ferry
streets, instead of at the Red Front
stables. Office phono. Main 2341:
resldenco No. 17. South Commercial
8treet: telenhono Red 2011. 8-25-lm
Room 1, Bush-Broyman building.
Phono Main 1331. 9-27
WM. BROWN & CO. Hops. Mohair,
wool, hop growers' supplies. No.
229 Commercial street, Salem, Ore
gon, i'hone 1301
SQTJIRE rARRAR-Hop merchant
ami purchasing agent. No. 21G&
Commercial street, upstairs, Salcia,
Oregon. Phono 1631.
- A- LIVESLEY & CO.-Dealers in
hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211,
offl'CQ room s rj0erhe.m bW& Su:
lom, Oregon.
KREBS BROS. Hop Merchants, Sa
lem, Oregon. Phone 1361.
KOLA NEIS Doalor in Oregon hops.
Bush-Breyman block, Salem, Oregon,
also Albany, Oregon.
American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksville, Mo. Ofllco in Breyman
block, Commercial street, over Stock
ton's store. Rooms 23 and 20. Phone
Red 2413. Resldenco at 360 Summer
stroot. Phono Rod 2541.
Miss Eva Cox Teacher of piano ami
" organ and sight reading. Evening
lessons given. Studio, 333 Front
street. Phone, White 75. 11-12-lm
W."FrRTSmIth Ou Monday, October
10th, purchased a half interest in
tho blacksmith shop formerly owned
by him at 181 Commercial street, op
posite tho Willamette Hotel, and the
new firm of Arnold & Smith is preparod
to d6 all kinds of general blacksmitk
ing and horse shoeing. 10-10-lm
"ASSAW-.Mining engineer, as-
saver apd mineralogist and consult
ing metalurgist. Mining properties
carefully examined and reported on.
Thoso having mining properties will
do well to call on him. Room 15
Breyman block. 10-7-tf
Dr. Z. M. Parvln Returns from ills
Eastern trip about October 6th, and
will resurao his music toaching at
297 Commercial stroot, upstairs, on
and after October 11th 10-1-lmo
liNMUT & flOiilWbLER-Havo pur-
chased tho old stand formerly occu
pied by John Knight, and are now
propared to do horsoohocing and gen
oral blacksralthing. All work war
ranted. 217 Llbortv street. 9-22-lra
Sldneyiiayes Teacher of violin, man
dolin and guitar, formerly of Stoln
way Hall, Chicago. Pupils dosiring
thorough instruction at lowest ratos
please address or call at Will's mu
sic store. 9-26-lmo
Dr. M. Teresa Schoettle, Osteopath"
Graduate of founder's school. Grand
Opera House, Salem, Oregon. Of
fice phono Main 2721. Residence
phone, Rod 2C03. I
F. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an
ofllco in tbq Gldrldgo block over
Fry's drug store. Ofllco hours, 9 to
IS a. m. and S to 5 p. m. Residence
North Capital street. Phone, oflles,
Main 8763; residence, Red 91. Spe
cialty, uite sei nf children. 0-2O-3m
Ollvo Lodfle, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. a
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at
7:10 p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. O.J
Frank F. Toots, recording secretary
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of th
World Meets In Holman Hall even
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. FraaUr,
Consul Wylle A. Moores, Seer
tary. MMyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W Msa
In their bail In Holman block,
ner State and Liberty, erery Kta
day ereclng, Vlaltlng breUirK
Of the child Is an event In the mother!
life. How proud she feels when th
attempt to walk is begun so early as tc
evidence childish courage and sturdy
strength. Such pride should be enjoyec
by every mother. But it often happenj
urn iue cutiu is imitu,
weak and deficient in
vitality, and clings to the
mother's arms with no
desire to walk or lay.
Mothers should learn
that to have strong chil
dren they must them.
selves be strong, for the
emu's strength is
tllo oif nf til
mother. th'
ine use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription by
expectant mothers
gives them health
and strength to
give their chil
dren. It nour
ishes the nerves.
strengthens the body and gives great
muscular strength and elasticity, so that
the baby's advent is practically painless.
"I have been uslne Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, ami can say it i lut what you adver
tise it to be, and can cheerfully recommend lt,
writes Mrs. Victor J Hadin, of Leonardvitle.
Riley Co.. Kansas. "I bemin taking It imUtwc
months before baby came and was greatly bene-
mca ov us use. i ne uoctor wno attenaeu me
said I, did about as well as anyone he had seen
(as I was sick onlv about three hours), and also
that your ' Favorite Prescription' was 'the one
patent medicine' which he did have faith in.
" We now have a darling baby boy, strong and
healthy, who weighed nine pouuds when born
mui)- iomj. uunng mis momu ne nas gatnea
three and one-half pounds."
"Favorite Prescription" make9 weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Tile People'9 Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing looS pages, if.
given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps
for expense of mailing only, for the book
in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the
volume bound in cloth. Address Pr.
K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
welcome, Emll Donaldson, M. W.
A. E. Aufranco Recorder.
Central Loago No. 13, K. of P. uaau.
Hall In Holman block, corner But'
and Liberty Sts. T-esday of as!
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turne-j
C. C; W. I. Staley, IC of R, and 8.
Foresters of America Court ,
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fti
day In Turner block. II. 0
Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sec.
Modern Woodmen of America u
gon Cedar Camp No, 5246. Mt
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clel
Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, T
C: A. L. Brown. Clerk.
For water service apply at offle
Bills payable monthly In advane
Wa nil oimnlaJntH at the office.
Tho forty-second scholastic year
begins September 12. Sanitary and
other Improvements lately made In
tho building. Academic, commercial,
grammar grades Intermediate and
primary courses. Pupils prepared for
teacher's certificates. Full courso In
music. Particular attention paid to
health and moral training. Address
Sister Superior.
j! White Lily Flow!
1 1 Manufactured by 1
!! Rifccrea! Milling Co.
la the I-lour for Family Use '
Try a sack
It it don't suit you, your money
Capital Commission Co. 3
Salem Distributors
F. Hhenrocl,
. lucom 1. 01.
Halter. Halem, Ore
Star Restaurant
Boat 15c meals In tho city. Coffee
with cakps 5c. 21 meal tickets for
$2.75. 204 Commercial stroot.
We are fitting quite a number of
bisyolos with
Now for winter riding. Let ns put
a pair on your wheel.
Salem Gun Store,
Paul II Haoser, Prop.
"T7r m
ORSflON, F&IDAY, OCTOBER l4, lfldtf
Tho Eugene Guard describes a foot
ball fracas at Albany as follews:
In the gymnasium of Albany col
lege, after tho football gamo Wednes
day, oceurredono of the most brutal
and dastardly assaults on a collego
man yet recorded.
Tho University of Oregon players
had gone to their dressing rooms, nnd
were conducting themselves in n gen
tlemanly mannor, when, without a sign
of warning, Sam Dolnn, a young tough
of Albany, and who plays on tho team,
stepped up and planted a tcrrifilo blow
on Frank Templeton's face, stunning
him, and covering him with blood. Tho
affair was unlookcd for, as thoro was
no vxcuso for such action. A number
of Eugene players immediately inter
fered, among whom was Claud Gray,
who received n stilt blow on tho neck,
staggering hint for n moment. Temple
ton was wholly unprepared, and was
not looking for troublo, but after tho
nffnir happened ho begged to have It
out with Dolan,
As a result of the assault, school
spirit was running high in Albany, nnd
for awhile further troublo was feared.
Tho 'vnrsity studonts declaro that
never ngain will thoy play Albany, and
also that if over Dolan appears In Eu
gene ho will be run out of town. Until
Albany can cut out such men from hor
school, other colleges will havo noth
ing to do with hor, among which will
bo tho Oregon University, which will
do its best to get even.
Tho Advertisement of a Murder.
From Leslie's Monthly Magazine for
Advertising docs increnso business.
Last winter a young mnn applied for
tho position of press agent with a mel
odrama appearing at tho American
Theater. Ho was told to furnish a
sample of tho sort of schemes his fer
tile brain could produce. That night
ho arose iu a box during tho progress.
of the piny, leveled a revolver at the
villain and fired two shots. Then he
rah through the emorgency exit and
escaped. Tho papers next morning told
of tho attempted murder, nnd various
theorlos, rnngiug from n wrongod hus
band to a lunatic were brought for
ward to explain tho affair.
Tho next day tho papers beenmo sus
picious nnd doubts werfi thrown on the
genuineness of tho attempt at murder.
Then tho too ambitious press agent
was arrested, and ho confessed. This
meant still more publicity. And it it
a fact that tho business of that partic
ular melodrama tripled immediately
after tho affair, anil continued largo for
two weeks.
Olympic Wrestling Championships
St. Louis, Mn., Oct. 1-1. Amateur
athlotes are displaying much interest
in tho Olympic A. A. U. wrestling
rhampiouships which tako place at
tho fair 'today and tomorrow. The
cIuhsoh havo boon arranged as fol
lows; lO.1), 11(5, lUfi, KI5, 14C, IBS
pntindH and tho heavyweight chain
pioiiNhip. Tho entry list is largo and
of a high class and the tournament
promiHOH to bo ono of tho best over
pulled off under tho auspices of the
Amateur Athletic Union.
Episcopal Rummage Salo.
Tho ladies of tho Episcopal church
aro conducting a rummngo salo in tho
Turner block, next door to Ilnrritt &
Lawrence's grocery. All those desiring
to contributo articles will pleaso in
form tho committee, at tho storo, and
tho articles will bo collected.
Havo you seen the hand-pnintcd
jiostors of "Tho Huskin' Bee." They
are decidedly original.
Card of Thanks.
Tho ohlltlron of the lato Hmldo Oar
l)n Stonsbrink doslre to thank all
wlin so kindly HMlsted during the
sleknoiM nnd death of their belovwl
Testimony of a Minister.
Jlev. Jno. 8. Oox, of Wake, Ark.,
writes. "For 12 years I Buffered from.
Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a num-j
ber of physielam and trie-l all serts!
of medieine), but got no relief. Then '
I began the use of Kleetrle Bitters J
and feel that I am now cured of a
disease that had me In its grasp for
18 years." If you want a reliable
medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble
atomasli disorder or general debility,
get Kleetrie Bitters. It's guaranteed
by J. O. Perry. Only 60.
Great tale of Chinese and Japano
fancy goods. We alio make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, under
wear and skirts. Cents' and ladles'
furnishing goods, fancy goods, laces
and embroideries. Court street, corner i
of alley, Salem,
" "
gffwrt , .wwmmuto
tjan.y fi.;i ,.
Atpclablc PrcpatationTor As
similating IhcFoodaiuiRcguIa-
Promotes Digcatlon.Chocrful
ncss andRcst.Contains neither
Opium.MorpMne norQucxaL
jtrv aroua-swuLrtTCimt
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUpa
llon , Sour Stomach,Diarrhca
and Loss of Sleep.
FacSlmllo Signature of
". M iJW
- ' I m m
r- JfcF''gnga rfl
siiWlHt sm. IH
BB saH1 19
"I shall not misrepresent the sltuattlon, or appeal for votes for tho tickot
upon false grounds. A Democratic victory will moan vory llttlo, If any,
progress on economic questions so long as tho party is under tho control of
tho Wall Stroot clement. Tho labor plank, an propared. by Judgo
Parker's frlonds on tho subcommitco, was a straddling, mcnuingloss plank.
Tho nomination of Judgo Parker virtually nultlfios tho antitrust
plank." Willinn Jounitigs Drynn, in "Tho Commoner," July 13, 100L
Bm tl p ll Kind Yon Haw Always BnfM
Begins Its 23d year Soptombor 20, 1004. Four terms In each school
year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a courso la Sop
toinbor, Novombor, February and April.
Is tho Normal Courso, with Its atsurnnco of good poiltlons at good
wages. Wrlto for now cataloguo containing full Information con
corning coursos of study, training In actual teaching afforded undor
real conditions In town and country schools and full dotalls about
advanced courso of study, with tho additional advantages attached.
Addross Secretary, J. D. V. BUTLER, or Prosldont, E. D. RE88
LER, Monmouth, Oregon,
H-ttim-)Satiiiaf ;(
mtigiiia imiatHMMacai)f if iaiHMi
, .,
::::::::! bUNUY u vtttutu
Oats For Sale.
HOP OR0WER9 SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur,
J J. G. Grata, Agent,
To the WolJ's Fai
Soon o Not at AH
Next month Is its last, you know, and If you are wise
you will go beforo the final ruh. Thoro are
Low Rates on Special Dates
And the Burlington olfere a splendid sftrviie vk the Bconlo
lines. ' .f . j
If you are lnterlo.l .tend
ywr name ami add row and
I'll write yeufulljwrUsulars. (
A. O. 8HELDOK, Otneral Agent,
100 Third fltree,
For Infants nnd Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t
Signature m
For Over
Thirty Years
THt etNTAvn eynn, mw irana oirr.
EdUon Theatre
Chnngo of program nt tho Edlion
theatre tonight.
itMtigtitMf soicf-Ha-fr
1-. "
207 Commercial St.. Salem. Ore. J