Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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tated. Poultryinnn wants n situa
tion; experienced in breeding and
mining puro bred poultry. Practiced
In artificial incubation and brooding.
Lddress "M. F. B." 1012-3t
inted. To trndo cow for a good
farm horse, mnre preferred, or would
kike one for its keep during tho win
er. Inquire of A. Q. Smith, nenr
Priugle, Salem, Or., It. F. D. No. 5.
Wanted. A girl .for .general house-
fork. Apply nt 207 Front street.
rantod. To rent small cottago close
ill, or near car lines. Must be ou
leaso of ono or more years. Address
111. J., care Journal.
ranted. Two dry .goods salesladies.
f Apply at the Chicago store, Court
Iroet, Saloni. James' McEvoy. 8-30-tf
anted. To purchase a piece of land
I, suitable for potatoes, hops or hay.
'Addross, with, particulars, lock box
&; ?oo, anient, uregon. , y-i-ii
For Salo. A pouy, in first-class condi
tion. A bargain. Carl Beatty, Che-
V nmwn, Or. 10-12-3t
E'or Sale or Trade A 10-acre fruit and
F chicken ranch. Good house, barn,
and other out buildings. Excellent
I' homo. Mile from railroad, good
ft school and trading point. "J. Q.,"
Journal. 10-8-lm
For Salo. A team. Inquiro of B. F.
Maxtor, East aalem. u-4-tt
For Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in
first-class condition. At great reduc
tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or..
U care Journal. 8-2fl-tf
For Sale. Tnree-fourtns or an aero of
land, within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of all klndB. A bargain at reason
able terms, Inquire at Journal of
fice. 8-2-tf
for Bent. Four furnished rooms
for housekeeping, iucluding bath and
hot nnd cold water. 45 South Com
mercial stroet. 10-12-3t
Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or
unfurnished rooms to ront Loca
tion on streot car lino, and one
block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C.
doodalo, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf
; 6Tk 0ber"wa1i5Stunip" Puller-
Beats them all; three state promt
urns; grubs an aero a day; one horse
Iiuh tho power of 99; investigate.
Jus. Finney, Brooks, Or. 1010-lm"
IFuel and Food. Tho Smith Fuel and
Feed Company is prepared to fur
nish sawed wood, cool, etc., on prompt
delivery. Ofllco with Salem Abstract
& Land Co. Phono Black 2201.
15 in.fi.im
(300 Can bo invested to bring 15 per
ceut. Only ono opportunity. Apply
to M, enro Journal otlico. u-'JU-st
Bhinglosl Shingles. New lot recoived,
.-11.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathold and
P. & B. ready roofing and building
paper. Poultry and Acid fencing. All
at lowest prices. Walter Morley,
Salem Fence Works, CO Court street.
fcTor Sale. Old established hotol in
prosperous vnlloy town, doing fine
business. Will trade in part for Sa
lem real estate. Address "F. W.,"
Journal office. 9-16-tf
lOab Service. New cab .just arrived.
Can bo found at Lowe's livery stable
Phono Main 1001. Best servico and
reasonable rates. E. Townsend.
Hotel 8cott Newly furnlBhed, every
thins clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf.
Nw Lodging House, Everything
new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb
er block, 149-151 State street Mat
tie Hutchips, proprietor. Phone
Main 2874. 6-9-tf
SayHave you tried Howards & Luscn
er'a for meats. We have the beat
sausage In town. Come and try it,
and be convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Cc- Oldest
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano ard furniture mov.ng
a specialty Office 'phone, 861. W,
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street 9-1-1 m
Undertaker. We carry the Iar-s
and finest line of undertaker's goodi
In the city, Prices to suit al
Black and whlto hearse. Prompt
reliable, Save money by calling &'
No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Bauj
Evan'a Barber Shop Only flrst-clSM
shop on State street Every tkl
new and np-to-uato. Finest pores
lain batha. Stave, 16c; balr-cmt Mt
htXt. tic. Two 1 rt-cls feM
blacki, C. W. Stmu, jroritar.
Welch & Whlto do n. general dray
and transfer business, moot all
trains. 'Phonos, down town, Main
2181, residences, Dluo IB, red 207C.
Stand 218 Comnerslal street 8-12-lm
Crtanned His Office.
Dr. E. B. Jackson, tho veterinary
will bo found at Gilliam & John
son's Old Postofilco barn, 62 Ferry
streets, instead of at tho Red Front
stablos. Offlco phono, Main 2341;
rosidenco No. 17, South Commercial
streot; telophone Rod 2011. 8-25-lm
JACK 0lRMK3Sl-Hop buyer!
Room 1, Bush-Broyman building.
Phono Main 1851. 9-27-
WM. BROWN & OO.-Hops. Mohair,
wool, hop growers' supplies. No.
229 Commercial stroet, Salem, Ore
gon. Phone 1301.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant
nnd purchasing agent. No. 21C&
Commercial stroet, upstairs, Salem,
Oregon. Phone 1051.
T. A. LTVESLEY & CO. Dealers in
hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211,
ofilco room 18 Obcrheim bldg, Sa
lem, Oregon.
KREBS BROS. Hop Merchants, Sa-
lorn, Oregon. Phono 1301.
KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops.
ijusu-ureyman mock, Haletn, Oregon,
also Albany, Orogon.
DR. W. L. MER6ERn:alhTatobTThi5
American School of Osteopathy,
Klrksville, Mo. , Ofllco in Breyman
block, Commercial street, over Stock
ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phone
Red 2413. Resideuco at 300 Summer
street. Phono Red 2541.
Miss Eva Cox Teacher of piano nnd
organ nnd sight roading. 'Evening
lesKons given. Studio, 333 Front
street. Phone, Wliito 75. 1112-lm
W. P. R, Smith On Monday, October
10th, purchased n half intorcst iu
tho blacksmith shop formorly owned
by him nt 181 Commercial street, op
posite tho Willumetto Hotel, nnd tho
now firm of Arnold & Smith is prepared
to do all kinds of general blacksmith
ing and horso shooing. 10-10-lm
S. E. HASSAN Mining engineer, ns
sayer and mineralogist and consult'
ing metalurgist. Mining properties
carefully examined and roportod on.
Thoso having mining properties will
do well to call on him. Room 15
Breyman block. 10-7-tf
Dr. Z. M. Parvln Returns from Eis
Eastern trip about October Ctb, and
will rcsumo his music teaching at
297 Commercial street, upstairs, on
nnd after October 11th 10-1-lmo
KNlflHtf k floMNbUBtt-Havo pur-
chased tho old stand formorly occu
piod by John Knight, and nro now
prepared to do horsoshoelng and gen
eral blacksmithiug. All work war
ranted. 217 Liberty streot. 9-22-lm
Sidney Hayes Teachor of violin, man-
uoitn anu guitar, formerly or utein
way Hnll, Chicago. Pupils desiring
thorough instruction at lowest rates
pleaso addross or call at Will's mu
sic store. 9-20-ltno
Dr. M. Teresa Schoettle, Osteopath
Qraduato of founder's school. Grand
Opora House, Salem, Orogon. Of
fice phono Main 2721. Rcsidenco
phono, Red 2003.
F. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an
office in tho Eldrldgo block ovor
Fry's drug storo. Office hours, 9 to
12 a, m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Residence
North Capital streot. Phono, office,
Main 2703; residonce, Rod 91. Spe
cialty, uiso .sci of children. 9-20-3m
Ollvo Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. . O
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, u'
7: JO p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q.
Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary
Salem Camp, No. IIS, Woodmen of tn
World Meets In Holman Hall ererj
Friday at 7:30 p m. P. L. Fraalet
Consul. Wylle A. Moorea, Beer
tary. MH-lyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.-Mu
In tholr ball In Holman block, cot
ner State and Liberty, every M
day evening. Visiting bretbr
welcome. Em.. Donaldson, M. W.
A. E. Au franc Recorder.
Cantral Lodaa No. 18. K. at
nan in tioim&n mock, corner nu
and Liberty St. T-esday of .
week at 7:30 p. m. II. H. Turnei
a a; W. I. 8taley, K. of R. and 8
Forester ot America Court .
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets m
day In Turner block. H. O
Meyer, O. R.; A. L. Brown, Sea
Modern Woodmen of America ut
gon Cedar Camp No. 6248. Marti
every Thursday evening at 8 o'deel
Holman Hall, E. EL MiOten, H
C.: A. L. Brown, Clerk.
For water servlca apply at oflet
Dills payable mostaty la advuM
laaa ail coaplalats at Uto oAe.
The jury returned a verdict of acci
dental death on the man who fell from
the window ledge on which he had fallen
asleep. Dut the death was really due to
ikf-L.Bfir'-tfAii carelessness
which made
the accident
There are n
freat many
i v e s s u a
denly termU
nated as a
result of
although the
medical cer
tificate may
read " heart
When'a man
chances with
his stomach
anil iiptrlprt
the warning symptoms of disease, he is
carelessly inviting calamity.
Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach nnd other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
enables the perfect digestion and assimi
lation of food, which makes strength.
It stimulates the liver, cures biliousness,
and removes bilious impurities from the
"I had been troubled with a pain in lower
part of ray stomach for three years, so severe I
thought it would kilt me in time.' write Mr.
Aaron Van Dam, or(Kenalngton) i,M9 MMh St..
Chicago, III. "I could hardly work, it felt like
a big: weight hanging on me and got to bad that
I had to take medicine. I used Stomach Hitter
for a time, but it did no good so I wrote to I)r
R. V Pierce for adlce, which he gave me im
mediately. I followed his directions, used two
bottles of his medicine and was cured I had a
torpid liver which was troubling me instead ot
cramps (as I thought) so Dr rierce told me.
I have pleasure in living now; have gained In
weight is pounds since then,''
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. They do not beget the pill
Murshfield, Or., Oct. 12. The Spreck
els coal mine nt Renvoi Hill was opened
nt 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, after
being hermetically scaled for 97 hours,
Thnt afternoon attempts wcro m a do to
put out tho fire, whoro it was smolder
ing iu No. 0 gangway, but with only
partial success, and at 0 o'clock last
night tho main entrance wns again
settled up nud tho mino closed to smoth
er tho firo. When tho mine will ngnin
be opened is not known, but it is prob
able it will bo only tt day or two. Every
preparation has been nuido when it is
opened ngnin to quickly extinguish tho
It can bo confidently nuuoutu'cd that
tho danger is past, and that tho great
mino is saved. It is bcliovod that Su
perintendent Chandler has tho situa
tion under perfect control, nnd thnt tho
question now Is simply ono of delay,
Thin is u serious matter nt this season
of tho year, whon orders nro piling iu
for winter eoul, but it is not so serious
ns tho loss of the mine, ns was at first
s)W8B WMifWg
! White Lily Flour I
Manufactured by
Rifccreal Milling Co.
Is tho Flour for Family Use
Try a sack
It it don't suit you, your inonoy
Capita! Commission Co.
Salem Distributors
linker. Halera, Ore
Star Restaurant
Boat 15c meals in tho city. Coffee
with cakes Be. 21 meal tickets for
J2.7G. 204 Commercial streot.
We are fitting quite a number of
bicycles with
Now for winter riding. Let us put
a pair on your wheel.
Salem Gun. Store,
Paul H Hawer, Prop.
Henry Clows, tho woll-known New
York hanker nnd broker, in his regu
lar report for tht? week ending Oclober
8th, says:
"Powerful manipulation and a good
supply of fnvorablo news combined to
stimulate tho market into greater nc
tivity, the only check to it further rise
being tho outpour of stocks front both
Inside and speculative sources, which
caused more or loss erratic ilui'tuutious.
History is onco more repeating itself
In the stock market, nnd nt last the
confidence so persistonly displayed by
insiders for months is extending to
tho outside public, simply becntiso cur
rent developments prove that this cou
fldeucu had been based upon actual con
ditions of which tho lenders naturally
possessed previous knowledge. The
week lias lieen fruitful In favorable do
volnpments. A number of very satis
factory railroad reports) wcro forth
coming, some of which showed gratify
ing gains in gross earnings, others im
portant reductions in operating ex
penses, wliilo others have joined or
promised to join tho1 ranks o the dividend-payers.
All of theso disclosures
prove thnt tho railroads, its n whole.
nro enjoying continued prosperity. Nor
is tins nil. Traflle mnnngcrs appear
very confident in n continuauco of this
prosperity for another season, and it
must ho conceded thnt such views nre
well supported.
'The riso iu tho market hns now
been carried to n pitch whero sharp ro
actions nre inevitable, nnd yet tho sit
nation nt this writing appears so well
In hand that the leadora nro qtiito llko
ly to rcsumo tho upward movement,
Ono thing may be taken for granted,
nnd that is, with so much success bo
hiug them those in control nro not like
ly to stop until tho riso hns boon pushed
to tho extreme limit. If this should
bo their pulley there is nothing in
sight to check it except sudden deser
tions from tho bull ranks, or else a
slinrp contraction of tho money mnrkct,
Neithpr of thoso contingencies nro very
probable just now, for tho public have
only recently oomo into tho mnrkct,
and tho surplus holdings of tho largest
financial interests have not yet boon
sufficiently distributed, nud until thoy
aro tho market will not turn. Tho sit
nation in tho money market is not yet
unfavorable to present bull operations.
Thuugh loans are nt high-wnter mark,
and though u) reserve was cut iu half
long boforo tho crop demands hud
reached their maximum, tho surplus is
still much above tho uverago nt thin
season, and tho margin of safety hap.
not yet boon exhausted, Tho inonoy
market is just now largely controlled
by some financial nud banking Inter
osts who tiro engineering 'llio current
riso, nud who nro quite likely to be
among tint first to appreciate monetary
limitations Nevertheless, tho first iu
illcatinu of n turn will come either from
heavy iutddo selling or contraction In
the money market. One of tho main
sources of buoyancy is tho Increasing
supplies of inonoy. .Several millions
of gold aro now on the way from Ana
trnlin, to bo added to our already ple
thoric stock of gold, tho inflntlounry of
feet of which upon values Is not yet
fully appreciated, Our circulation in
creased over $3,8000,000 in Septem
ber, and is now more than $lfi0,000,
000 in excess of October 1st last year.
This redundancy of inonoy nud IU
elTect upon interest ratos is unquestion
ably one of the most powerful element?
in the present bull movement.' '
Episcopal Kummago Salo.
Tho Inditm of tho Kpiscopal church
aro conducting a rummago wilo in the
Tumor block, next door to Harrltt &
Lawrence's grocery. All thoso desiring
to contribute nrticlex will pi on ho in
form tho committee, at tho More, nnd
tho articles will bo collected.
Have you noon the hand-painted
potor of "Tho Ilunkin' Ileo." Thoy
are decidedly original.
Testimony of a Minister.
llov. .Ino. 8. Oox, of Wuko, Ark.,
writes, "Tor 12 yours I suffered from
Yollow Jaundice. I consulted a num
ber of physidlans nnd tried all norts
of inodiolucH, but got no relief. Then
I began tho uo of Kloctrle Hitters
and feel that I am now cured of a
diiteano that had me In it grasp for
IS years." If you want a reliable
medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble
stomach disorder or gximral debility,
get Kloctrle Hitters. It's guaranteed
by J. O. Perry. Ouly Me.
Or eat sals of Chinese and Japanese
fancy goods. We also make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, under
wear and skirts, dents' and ladles'
famishing goods, fancy goods, Iaees
and embroideries. Court street, toraer
of alley, Ealem.
C -?
ANtgcfablc PrcpnrntiouiorAs
slm'tlatlng UicFoodnndllcgtila
Ung ilieStoinachs andBowcIs oT
Promotes DigcslIon.Checrrul
ness andRest.Contalns nellltcr
Oplum.Morpliiuo norIiiu?raL
flmhn Smi"
Cttvuifd .far
Apcrfccl Remedy rorConslirvi
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
nnd Loss of Sleep.
FrtcSunlto Signnlure or
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
25c, 50c
f llHttll 8 fit
liogltifl lta 23d your Soptombor 20, 1001. Four terms in onch school
year, affording equal opporlunttloa for boglnnlng a courflo In Sop
tombor, November, February and April.
Is tho Normal Courso, with Its assuronco of good positions at good
wagoa. Wilto for now cataloguo containing full Information con
cerning courses ot study, training In actual teaching affordod- under
real conditions In town and country schools and full ddtall about
advnncod courso of study, With tho additional advantages attached.
Addross Socrotnry, J. D. V. DUTLER, or Proaldont, E. D. I1E88
LER, Monmouth, Orogon.
f itnsnMnniiHi ft imiinMjiMf
Wltsf llial8ll I !!
I ::::::::A G E N
i ' i
! fl-R AIWbdyers and shippersof GR Aipj j
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude anil stick Sulcbur.
J. 6. Graham, Agent,
Jto'W iSBsW 1 VmL Oujrlilkr Imiluuntl
Mi Wfl ' SH 1 IE Or tiiil l iuiili co llki
m iiihiii .r m b a .-v. .w ..hw am ....... ..
IS ft! 8
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature m
For Over
Thirty Years
- MHM liP0a9iffr
M9lf Uti lf ltWKg
C Y O F:::::t
207 Commercial St., Silm, Ore.
Wbi I'll tx kit 4iMail'-.
Aui I muu jut cui InJ mt a lit Plk,
-A DxlUS cf lb. f Ik." by W.llu Ii.lo. CrilikM4j
bf C4Ut'i Wfckly. fufclUfe.4 if laUo,
s a lf'
rVf At
To St. Louis and Rtturn
Ium 16, it, 11, Jklr i, I,) Auiwt S.Vi lt UfUuUt f)
6,7 0ti.b.r,4,
Ki lli,sUctf Jtri.
Tlic Rock Island System offers two route
W the World's Pair City via St. tttuU
Minneapolis, and through Scenic Colorado,1
No change of can, OjjJcn to St. Louli and
St. Paul to St. Loul.
Full Infornutkio ua feuuett.
A. H UcIJoMaLo Owurral Ar,
lU3tlHtrtt,iMr. AUUueHtfet,
lVf tUtvt, O0,