Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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. Tt ., ,
MAT, 1904, 13,287.
Republican National Ticket
For President.
of Now York.
,( For Vlco-Presldent,
I ' of Indfana.
ft , For Presidential Electers:
O. ILDlmickJ of Clackatnaa.
A. C. Hough, of Josephine.
X X. HarL of Polk.
Jm. A. ico, of Malbour.
"Look back at your lit of stocks and
fcooil. How do quotations now compare
wlli 18D2-180f
Look Imck nt your Lank book. What
Aai your average balance in in 1S02
3J8O0I "Jjnok back at your account receiv
able. How much wa overduo and un
nDeeta!)lo in J892-1890T
Look back at your wage, your unlnry
rtu-junr Jncotno in 1892-181)0. How docs
kl oerapnre with the years J897-1004T
TjfJt hack at your manner of living.
Blow iWs it coinjinrc now with 1892
ItflflPJ Hfcwe your wife look back nt her nl-
ttnvance for the house and for herself
wad the children. How was it la 1802
iSbSHJ, as compared with 189M904?
..Look back at farm and farm product I
nuw.x in JBDiMttno. now mucii coma
70U have sold your farm for, nnd how
much did you sell your butter, your
gg, your poultry, your live stock,
your wheat, your corn, your cotton, nnd
all other products for, compared with
Look back at the exports nnd im
ports for 1892-1890, nnd compare them
wil those of 1807-1004.
Look back at the busines1 failures.
Look buck at the soup housos.
I.ook book nt tho "Coxcy nrmlos."
Look buck nt the yonra 1802, 1803,
18IM, 18013, 1800. It will bo worth your
while, If you hnvo forffotton conditions
then, to look at the record of bank
lftArlilKS, postal receipts, Havings bank
deposits, farm values since tho election
of MeKInloy.
, IJook 'back nnd you will volo for
Itnosaviilt and Fairbanks
In his letter of acceptance President
3fooseve.lt has made clear his Intentions
nnd those nf his party, and there Is no
Sxeuso for any one's not knowninc tho.
course which tho Republican party has
In tile raeos for tho Vanderbilt oup
Saturday one automobilist was in
stantly killed and another man a
millionaire is dying from injuries re
ceived. Both victim of too fast and
too reekIos driving, or "speed mad
ness," as It isjiflw called, says tho
Seattle Star.
This "speed madnew" is a new
form of 'ilemenJtM whlrh motlteal wi-
ontlsts litive differentiated, cJassifietl
awt applied to people who drive auto
mobiles recklessly through crowded
streets and highways.
It is a form of domentia' with which
the public has bome unpleasantly
familiar and it is good to have it
named. Hut something more than tho
tfiere name ought to be contributed by
the scientists.
"Seientc," once said a sarcastic
wit, "consists in giving a known fact
a name and pigeon-holing it." If it
is not to deserve this definition, sci
ence must do more with this well rec
ognized form of demontin than morely
name it.
There is something more in this do
meutia than a madness for speed. It
affects not only the motorist's reason,
but his moral sense. The daily stories
of niltomobilists running over and
killing or Injuring people nnd then
hastening nwny without stopping to
inqtiiro its to tho condition of their
victims nre not to be accounted for
in nny mere infirmity of reason.
This blunting of the ordinary feel
ings of Immunity must in somo way
or other bo connected with tho prac
tice of motoring, since the peoplo who
own motor curs nro ordinarily persons
of some social pretensions nnd ac
quainted with the obligations which
civilization imposed upon human beings.
Out of their automobiles they are
snne and have regard for tho lives
and limbs of others.
That, they should sneak nway after
hurting or killing some one indicates
unmistakably that driving tin nutomo
bllo has a tondency to demoralize In
n lnrge proportion of enses. And the
proportion is entirely too largo for
public safety or comfort.
Medical science hns achieved much
In evolving tho name of "speed mad
ness," bitt the uamo is not broad
warrantthe school board
success, and
in establishing free'ewing"elnes in
the public Behoofs.. The Tclases at
present are to be conducted on the tin
tioa plan of fifty cents per month for
eh child or person. The clHes are
interesting, and tho teaching i fuO'ia
mental and shoulft bo. on&mraged as a
stop in the direetion$fffejaching girls
to be able to make' ilioISJpwn clothes.
and the clothes fertile cinfflren. Moth
ora. Investigate the matter! Go to the
efasses that are tt8Ii1ntoaeh school
house, an ! see for yourselves if i will
not be a good investment to let tin
girls take sewing lessons at 50 cents a
Fair mindotl men will approve of the
decision of tKe Salem saloOn men to
keop cloned on Sunday, pending the de
eision of the Courts.
There are those unreasonable enough
to be unwilling to give these SHloon
men credit for nny good actions what
ever. But why not tnke,thc saloon men nt
their word, and give them credit for
bolng law-abiding citizens in this in
Tho .Statesman says this dgrcement is
to last only four weeks. But this is a
mistake. There is no time fixed, except
that the courts are to decide first.
It is to be regretted that the first
step In the right direction toward an
nmicublo holutiim of the Sunday en
forcement effort should be misconstrued
nnd belittled.
But there will always be those who
give the saloon men no credit for nny.
thing. To n fair person they are citi
zens, with rights, feelings, taxpayers,
men of families, and even church mem
bers in a free country
to cover the whole condition
of mental nnd moral derangement.
marked out for Itself. But whnt will
linppon In the event of Domoflrntly
snrr.ejg seems to bo one of thoso things
which iur ruuow obii nun out;" unit
It in important, beenuso as the he
roine of a roeoiit Western story of the
wit'tlo country said, "It don't matter
no iiiiien wuoro wo come I mm us it
loos where wo'ro a-goln' at." If
Judge Parker knows where ho nnd bis
jmrty ure "golu' at" ho may as wull
It may be, of CSrtrua,-;ht they nro
Vgoin' nt" uiiythinj; wii tali t hoy have
reasonably prospect of getting. There
was oueo 11 (leurglR 'onieker" who
tthutllod into a rnlhwiy station, nnd
laying down dollar bill," called for 11
tlokitt n thji ijext train. "The ngont
nsk'" I In hi where h wanted to go.
Th.- "irm-kar" looked ralloetlve for a
I'm in 1 mi t mi, v1 then r piled:
I iluiino. what twins have von
' IVrlmp, after all, It Is a proof nf
mtutenoM In. $0 Dtiimierntta oaudldwtw
to wait uiiUl hi) ktiuw what'' trains
III party JJff lioforo dftelding
vrliDther It Wtslirtl t IravoJVmt one
thing Is ewrtiilit, ho fltjinot triivel on
two tralua golajt in oplt dlreetions
without Mtralaing lltmself oousider-
men Ar.E tuoud or
A lwl' lll.
Ttialr ehiMt mnasurwiMMit
Their null Uys" AghtlMg rtrtl.
Their own Hhtinic rveunbi,
Thutr nttrlorlty over tiirfr wlvat In
the iHHttwr of judgwHt.
Their party (uuliw tUy nn UrtHMl
iowu at tJie priuiHriM.)
Their church or rathfr the oh thlr
vrlviMi blHg to )
, Their pKl'R'w. an uialUr how ld
U .
Thfir wliuker. roirtUw of th
Wlor and eut
Thulr aW)n to luak fcwliiiH haarls
Utlpkitt ON iMt HMtWIIMtlUlfA.
Their akill with tMilHjc tackle
TKeir 11k III with guH aad dog.
'tyiir ability to k) their teuitn(
liu ll.eir wivt low theirs.
Their liRHity, Mtept Uting a UU
It is hard to conceive of nnything
morn inhuman, outrageous and crim
inal than tho reported prnctico of tho
Xonparoil Cork Works, at Camden,
.Vow Jersoy.
It Is said that nt those works, in
milking life preservers for ships, in
onlor to bring the cork goods up to
tho required weight, bars of iron wore
injected into them.
Indictments hnvo been returned
against the manufacturers, but, ns
nbly. ' v.
usual, tho raptyulblo pnrtlos enirnot
ho Intuited.
Arthur Beddell, u inombor of tho
Federal grand jury that returned the
indictments ngaliist the cork mtinu
fncturers, said:
"A sporlnt agent of the government
was appointed a short time ago to in
vestigate tho cork produooil by the
plant, us a result of a complaint from
a Now York firm. Ho testified to find
ing tho bars pf iron in the cork and
submitted n broken block In evidence,
it eontnlned nu iron bar four inches
long, one inch wide nnd about ono
half inch thick."
.lames Jonos, u mulatto who worked
nt tho plant, said that last mouth he
wus told that there was too much com
plaint about tho eork being short
weight nnd ho wns ordered to put nu
iron Imr into enoli piece of eork. He
said that altogether he had made 251
blocks of eork with iron In them.
The Invostigntiim into tho (louernl
tfliMMim disaster proved that tho life
preserver! had boon storod so long
without examination that the eork
hd ruttod to powder, nnd that they
rer absolutely worthless in eonso-
Hud not thin lUtmuvory at the Cam
den eork works lon made how, in 11
short time the wrjjl wuld lmve been
hwrlfiad by the ijftovri made In
roMHPHee of uie like disaster,
that all the life jifAswvers wre
nl((kt4l with irau. Um-d hs it Is,
there mint 1m m9lM f thee siukera
alrful' on HUjjftktfrd. hh4 t totig d-
Uy th in-arch for thp would U
erlwlMi. "
At tho flist regular business meeting
of tho Studeut Body held in the Chap
el yesterday afternoon, nominations
wero made for tho different student
body ofiiccs, far tho ensuing year.
According to the new constitution
which was adopted last spring, nil
student body elections must be in ac
cordance with the Australian ballot
system. The nominations are to be
mode on the second Wednesday in Oc
tober of each school year and tho elec
tions nre to be held one week later.
This system is used almost exclusively
in the larger Kastorn colleges, but the
University 'of Oregon is the only oth
er institution in this stute which has
adopted it.
The nominations made csterday
wero ns follews:
1'oc t President, dltu-goss I'oril '05,
and aims. H. Skidmoro '07; for Vieo
President, Alma ilnles '07, nnd Roy
Hewitt " 'OS; for Seerotnry, Hello
('rouse '07; for Treasurer, Win. Rob
haii (.Medical) "'00.
Tho roslgnutlon of Howard II. Mar
kel as editor) in-chief of the Collegian
was accepted and Ronald C. Olover,
it student In the law department, was
elected to tnko his place.
Tho Willamette.
K. R. Thomas, Portland,
(leo. Sourisslan, Sim Prnneisco.
Louis Fremiti, Now York.
M. K. Lett, Portland,
(leo. II. Durhnm, Grants Puss.
J. W. Finlgan, San Francisco.
J. T. Coe, San Prnncisoo.
11. II. Ciprlco, Sou Frnnolsoo.
(1. Y. Harry, Portland.
Robt. Barrio, Mnson City.
Lewis Mills, Newberg.
Thus.. Bamum, Portland.
W. 11. Fish, Chicago.
.1. M. Ward, Portland.
C. W. Mulkln, Portland,
Win. Hardy, Portland.
Arthur Kalstou, San Pranpiseo.
Sol KutxuithuL. PhilmlulithiM, Q
c. P. Hlnlngpr. Sim Fmaelseo.'
II. I). Morton. Grants Van.
Chan. P. McColm, New York.
M. 1. Hansen, Su Prnueisco.
Thoa. Oubin, Urants Pnsh.
jtfauia yc & lt eawpj;.
x Tholr alll ability to pick the wia
tAK lier.
Their narrow tvncapM In all tho
vrnlk. alleys and bwn of life.
Taa UtblUhwut nt twiat ehtswoa
in tho nubile frrhoola U broeaadiui!
rather slowly 1 all atiAflt Mtiity are
taklap, tht Iwuona, laeladlag sohi of
th teachurs aad vie of the priwi
paW. Thaw i a MthmMdafataadiag
to the iHtrotltwUntt of sevviag teaehiaf;
fraa In the public sahoois next year
Thare is uo sh arraNaweat made,
aal uultift) thare are more who tnko au
intartat in taaehlag thi praetical
brmi oh of industrial work, there will
be bo such department established. At
least two or three hundred shoul show
an iaterwt iu this brnneh to make, it a
Many Majr Sre Hut It Take Gcutua b
When Jamea Watt saw the ateam
eauh)ir the kettle thl to Jump up and
l4wn ho wit J 'Thoro must tio powar tn
that staain that tt oan Utt auah a
Thr was.
Millions prior to Wm had aan tho
ame phenoranon and regarded It an
an unaxplalnetl mystery
neMit olnttno reveareh has put lta
flnuer on tho -oausa" of Itemlrurr, Fall;
tntr Hair, and consequent RaMnMa, and
ha URwrthPvl a tlay Berm which eat
the llfo from the root of human hatr.
Newbro'a llcrptclJo deatrom thia
Krm and consequently reatorva tho
hatr to lta natural state
Sold by leadlnir dmnlilL fijn.l IIVv In
jUtnpa ror aampla to Tho HarpJclda Cvv
IHnlel J. Fry, 8dM1 Ageat
Yout Attention Is Calt
Because of the many BARGAINS Mentioned BeloJ
MiSo M. E. Ftaset Sold G
The items mentioned for Saturday's selling will be placed on sale Saturdny morning at ast nisi
prices, and, as some of the lots are not large ones, they will not last long. You better come earlr.
38-inch yard
rash, 15c kind,
quality unbleached
Closing prices.
9c pet yd
These towels are
buck, worth 35c.
20x40, bleached
Our closing price
"Or three for 50c
Ftus, Fitts
Our fur department is larger and
more complete than any in this city.
We have the scarfs from 75c up.
We have the Martin, Mink, Opos
sum, Fox, Isabella Fox, etc., all
good prime furs and new shapes.
When you buy furs here we guar
antee them to be as represented, so
you nre perfectly safe.
75c to $25
All will
cau buy
be sold at less
same qualities
than you
for else-
The Black
Giant Hosiery
Misoes black ribbed
quality, fast black,
kind. Closing price.
hose, superior
regularly 15c
Oc pair
Boys' Black
Giant Hose
Heavy ribbeti, fast black, every
pair giarantccd for wear, tluee
thread knee and foot, four-thread
heel nnd toe. Closing price.
i 9c pair
Ladies' Wrappers
And outing tlannel gowns at 20 per
cent off.
Ladies' Hose
Ladies' fast block cotton hose, high
spliced heel and toe, regular 20c
kind. Closing price.
2 pair for 25c
Ladies' Skirts
)ne lot made of Scotch mixed goods,
mostly dark colors, $3.30 values,
closing price.
Ladies' Skirts
Ono lot made of light, atiA
dark gray and black materui J
aro strap seams, neatly jtittlj
worm up to $4.50. Onr
One lot made of good &th
tures, assorted colors; valnti,
$6.50. Our closing price.
1 00 Children's
btzes from 4 to 14. All qtilJ
mnrKecl down, some half ui j,
more; just the time to tilt
vantnge- of this sale. Prittjtp
Tailcr Made
Tailor made suits, all going
greatly reduced prices, and alltM
ations free of charge.
Evety Article In This Store Mtist Go
I putupInqlassjars
Sold in Salem by
Atwood & Fisher.
Harritt & Lawrence.
A. Daue.
Fuller & Douglas.
A. L. Harvey.
Both & Qraber.
Joseph Albrich.
A. M. Patrick.
Wild Rose Flow
Is what cverv housewife a-iitui
sho purchases flour for hertml,t
or pastry. She can never muil
mistake when choosing the Till
flour, made by tho best prow
the choicest wheat, such ai ill
fnctured nt the Salem Flourqa
Our flour is unsurpassed fori
and flavor. H
Salem FlottringM
Jacob Vogt
Is now carrying a fine line of tho
fnmous Julia Mnrlow shoes.
99 State St
Capital Normal School
First National Bank building, Sa.
lem, Or. Fall term of twelve weeks
opens September 20th. Normal, ac
adomie, preparatory and business
courses. Address.
Salem, - Oregon
ON YOUH. RTrmrnimmr.
cYo.t?oUneJrur?u?rk?enw.ln,y "m Tour
lined, relTct wll.rV'n.i yf P""ej' re
the moath. Voi Van t .nwMUlu.PreMod br
a pair o, Me nTo.,nJi,S1.e1tg)
Mrs. c. II. Walker,
,,roP.i M Commercial BU
Storm Aprons
and Winter Robes
Here's KOOl, ,o
to-date asrtwent of seasonable robes
cheapest pluah r to ,. .
-ret covert al4)i. fvii ., , t
Also rubber stow vnas for lm
anil liHcka.
Robber Bike Capes
The lUg chap tWjU k
'''""'"rwWKio the rest.
F- A. Wiggins'
That New-
Woolen Undetw
Should bo sent to the
Salem Steam
and bo cleaned. We have tkl
stenm tabln in Orenon f
work nnd guarantee satuM
Thoso blankets probably Mtl
tontion. too. and rememltf
hnvo tho only facilities fr
ling this work outside the
The Salem Steam LaunS
25M57 Liberty 8t
Court Streot,
AU work guaranteed.
Implement Houaa
Frm Implementa, Automobllea,
Sewlno Mvki. ..
" c ana supplies.
TLe Euscn theatre has a no pro.
: Wall Paper
. . " . .tA.
I afoct HpciPflS 111 Mwl
and good work gu
teed. VVc have the:
? store and small prices
I E. L. Lcmmofl
2 299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
WHWWMIHllHHgtt( lgu.a tBiJ wefk