.-VT - T1JJ TfSf mmiwt Tw " L.JI asi DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OBEOON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, UKU S N IT I! i kJ t PUSHING . ."' STREET! Salem May See First ) Permanent Im v provement Arguments in Favor of the 'New Blthulitic Street Con struct! n Process The Water administration Is doing nil In its power to promoto the con struction of better jftrects. A short ifpio ngo Mayor Writfru nnd a cfjnimit te of aldermen nn) County Judge Bfiott went to Portlnnlftm inspect" some afreets' thnt arc being constructed on a largo scnlo by what is known as the bUhulitlc "process,, crushed rook and a coating of bituminous material, Hint Is tat more durable than asphalt, it is claimed. 1 . ,W. L Arc,hembqnun practical strcot pavement 'man, representing tho War ren Construction Company, has been Id tho city the past week interviewing a' number of business men nnd city of ficials in the interest of tho pnvement. He made n very favorable impression for his kind of street, nnd hopes to re turn soon to our city nnd closo a con tract. This pavement is now in use in wore thnn SO cities, and scorns to stand tho tos.t of heavy trafllc. and tho erosion of time. It seems peculiarly adapted to our kind of streets, and would utilize all tho foundation work that has been done. Tn nn oxtonde.l nrgumont boforo tfio committco the following stntomontt yhro brought out In rofcroneo to tho foundnyan required for bituminous or asphalt pavement: I Tho eompetitiors of tho 'Wtullth lCj" or "Wnrron Bituminous MiiQudnm JJavcnicut," anddhvor to mako a point agnins it by stating it Is not laid on n concrete foundation. It is not laid on o conorcto foundation. It is not laid on hydraulic concrote, but is laid m a base of crushed stono and bltunii ndus cement, which is in actual use ami sjlll in good Condition under pave ments laid in tho city of Washington 30 years ago. Tho fact is that hydraul ic concrote, in point of durability, is an clement of weakness oMho ordlnnry' sheet pavemont, for tho reason that it docs no unite to tho surface and pro vides a lino of separation between the foundation nnd surface, tho tendency of which is to cause the blanket to fibrson, city cngiDeecofNorrIstown, Pa,. ym .55,000 square yards of Ifltuntlilc pUvcmcnt Is In use, under date of February l, 1903, as follews: "Last nionth A heavy load passed over your pavomont on Airy street-a flOfoot girder weighing 17 tons, wagon 84 tons, or a-total of lOyt tons; tires 3 inched wide, or nbonl 3250 pounds per square inch, which speaks very wotyfor vour pavemont.' 2 consldor no Bitu- litliic pavomont to bo the best pave ment laid today, and sincoroly wish tho urometers overy buccoss. Tills trusk with girder, drawn by 10 horse, was photographed." Another point. In tho shoot pave ment laid on concreto foundations the blanket surfaeo has so llttlo inherent stability or strength that tho blanket, whatever tho thicknoss may be,- does not provido conditions insuring tno full wear of tho thicknoss of tho pavo mont. That is when the surface wears down to say one inch in thickness, tho material not being united to tho foun dation, hnsa't sullleierjt strength to withstand tho pressure yf trafllc, arid breaks into holes. With an original thickness of one and qno-hnlf inches, therefore, tho life Of tBc pavomont it represented by wonr of only about one half inch. ' With a bituminous base, however, tho surface nnd basq being untied, nnd the surfaeo pressed into tho bnsc, tho en- tiro thickness of surface will wear evenly, and after worn to tho baso it will still provido further wearing qual ities. This is not a theory, but is well borno out by tho oxpcrlpnco in Wash ington with bituminous bnso 25 to 30 years old, nnd with concreto for a shorter time, and in Buffalo where, on Franklin street, tho bituminous bnsc has been in use for 25 yours, nnd is still in "bettor condition than sheet pave ment on concrete baso laid loss than 10 yearn ago. HOW IT STICKS. Salem Has Found It Off. Hard to Shako 41 slip or "roll" 'on tho foundation under tho rolling effect of trnlllo. It Is a wry common thing to hco hoot pavements which have rolled into waves or billows, anil on examination, to find that tho blanket has slipped on .ho concrote to such an extent that the upper surfaeo of tho concreto and the lower surfaeo of tho sheot hnvo become polished as smooth as glass. To ovor como this a "binder" course of fine stono nnd oil lull laijl between the concreto baso and tho blanket surface liss bceu used during the past few years. Tho binder course only partial ly overcomes the slipping nnd opous new element of weaknoss. Tho Wild er is more watertight than a basket nnd provides a course between tho foundation and the blanket surface which oasily hqlds nny molsturo which works into tho pavement from above or below, nnd permits tho moisture- to bo taken up by the smut-porous surface, causing the same to rot. Tho bituminous foundation of the "Hltullthle" pavement provides a rough surface of the twmo character as ' the "llitullthie" wearing wirfase, so that under prwmure of the 15 ton roller used, (Jt fndaUim tt4 nurfaeo bo !omtt" thoroughly kn together with up Hue of eleaVtige ftr sparjitlmi f,wcen the" two, so Thai slipping or roll Ing of the surfaag oq tho lmso is Ihijkw ajble. Kxcvpt thut w add tho Id tumliioiiH cement to th foundation M is tho same as tho foundation iu tb regular inaendnm pavement. N'o one y$r hvM af !tfuk l,kl maailum pavement ou a well-reftetl shImmi!) fall ng because f sttf3ent af the fmn. datlon. The wktift uf the ordinary macadam i in the twrfae and not the foundation. Itegardlug the feuiMbiUttn url tinder ctur "IHtuUUile" pavwtrtmt irf. A. W. Dow, Inspector ef asphalt and e menU af the I'nltoa Mtntos government at Washington, syi Th jiastavhusts nvnuef Wash ington, mveaient, whi)i is now tti jivr old, wns In id a a bituutiaous foundation, at it al our oldest as phalt pavemwut, $n Yermout avenue, ,aud numbers of Mr eldest pavemeut. Tho bituminous foundations arc- mark (nlly uprlnr ftr .bltuuiiaeus pare went t the wntrete batfw" To haw vfhat the lavement will ijweie irta leuer si Air. u. vameron Hard to boar, hardor to got rid of, Is nn itching skin complnint. Kczemn or itching jiilos. Doan'M ointment1 roltbvos nnd cures. All Itchiness of tho skin. Scores of people endorse this state ment. ( Mrs. Dr. M. Amos, residing nt 1111 East Buapnd strpet. Albany, says: "I bad for qulto a long timo a soro over my eye, and, while it was not painful, it was very annoying, nnd I wnntcd to rid myself of it, I happened to read an advertisement about Dean's oint ment, and got a box. Its use cured mo. Tho soro entirely heal-d up. I Juiow that Doun's ointment does nil that is claimed for it I hnvo used Doun's kid ney pills for dull heavy aching across my loius, nnd, whilo they did not euro inc. 1 think them a very good remedy. You may refer to mo ns ono who enn recommend Doun's Kidnoy Pills nnd Doan's ointment. " 1'lonty more proof liko this from Sa lorn people. Qnll at Dr. Stone's drug store, nnd nsk what his customers re port. For snlo by nl dealers. I'rine 50 cents. Fostiir-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, JC. Y., solo agents for th& Unttod States. liemember tho nutno Doan's and take no" other. ,o . PatronUo Home Merchants. It is u surprise to those who visit country districts us well as to discov er the number of city people who pat ronise Kastorn order houses, and yet no mall order house helped to build the little white school house in your dis trict gr tho road past your door. No mall order houso over took you by the hand when you were in distress, and tgld you tn lot it go until lifter harvest next yewr. No mail order house sold you a machine, and thou spout moat of the profit in the community where you and your ueighlMirs live. No mail order kotf'0vor Mil at yuur tablfyinjl ro jolcetT with $Ju wUmj ;yousvflsf j-ld, nor sXoV ouiauraging jvimfa. in a Mic tion, nor stood with uncovered head tawide the grnvt" when your children died. ARE YOU AGEING? V Dr. Holmes usee! to say he was "seventy years young." Some men are old at half that figure. Age is not in years. It is in the blood. Scott's Emul sion helps to keep you young by keeping your blood young; by supplying it with an abundance of rich, pure, vital nourishment; carrying con stant life and renewal to every fibre of your body. It will help you to rob advancing years of half their sting. W11 m1 jot i uapl tn apt rto!. ECOTT & DOWNE, n Vwl Sunt. K Vwk. BODY OF RUMBAUGH FOUND Tho body of J. M. ltumbaugh, the Liberty farmer, who disappeared last Wednesday, was found in tho slough nonr tho river nt the, Croisan place Saturday evening by his son, wyuc, nnd a young man named Dove, who were soorehing for him. They at once notified othor members of the searching party, nnd tho remains wero conveyed to his Into residence. Coronor Clough was notified, but, after an invostigntfon'concluded that an in quest wns unnecessary. Deceased undoubtedly was laboring under n tomporary dolusion, and was not responsible for his rash net. Ho was a prominent fnrmer, nnd well-to do. Insanity is tho only enuse that can bo advanced for tho deed. o -Master Horscshoers. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 10. Several hundred dolegatos ' assembled nt the Hotel Cadillnc today for the 13th an nual convention of tho Master Horse Amors' International association. The association, ,whiqh was orgnnized 1 yenrs ago, has branches throughout tho United Stntest in two of the Cnna dinn provinces nnd in Hawaii, and is regarded ns ono of the strongest labor organizations in America. Tho present convention will cover four or five days and will bo devoted to tho discussion of. a number of mutters of great im portance to tho craft. Play by.T. B. Akbjicn. Boston, Mns4.; Oct. 10. An event of much interest to plnygoers is tho initial production of "tho Tents of Assur" nt the Trcment Theater to night. Tho piny is tho work of Thos as Aldrich and troots of ancient Bil- Heal timos. Mist Nance O'Xeil will have the principal part in tho performance. Weak, Nervous People Wo havo received letters from all parts of tho U. S. highly recommend ing Dr. Gunn's Blood & Ncrvo Tonic, until tho faith wo had in tho remedy hns been fully sustninod. Wo hnd CQiifidcnco from tho very beginning that this medicine should make cures, but lnckcd that assuranco that comes after many successful trials. Now that wo hnvo been upheld in our be lief wo want to impart to others our confidence. Nervous nnd unsteady pooplo, weak, flcsblcss people, pimply, pale, or sallow people, nro all victims of weak, watery blood. Mako new, rich blood, to be forced through the system by tho way of tho arteries, and disease ennnot remain. This Tonic cures disease by giving you strength to resist it. All druggists sell it for 75c per box, or 3 bdxes for $2. Tho tnb lots arc to take after each meal. They turp tho food you cat into rich red blood. Torsons who take this Tonic gain in good solid flesh from 1 to 3 lbs. per week. For sale by Dr. C S. Stone, druggist t Hops "Fttsit Big Pop? The crops in this lino are not tho largest, but good. As n result many will need repairs mado on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work In this line. BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL Fall Term Opens Monday, Septem ber 2Sth. Subjects Fee 3 months. Arithmetic $2.00 Bookkeplng 4.00 l'eumapjhlp 2.00 Grammar .. 2.00 Reading and Spelling .... 2.00 Other subjects taught if required. For particulars call at Y, M. C. A. OFFICE Headlights of the remo You see them everywhere the signal of en joyment and satisfaction that shines brightly from the face of every Cremo Smoker 5c. Largest Seller in the World. The 'Band is the Smoker's Protection, '7'aMMST?5saa&iaanwifr nriansFiBigtaas Yout Atte r.vd m. wkararwTa-mreratttrrasa nil oil Is Callei itEKHH Because of the many BARGAINS Mentioned Below Ms. M E. Fase Sold Out The items mentioned for Saturday's selling will be placed dn sale Saturdny morning nt astonishingly low prices, and, as some of the lots are not large ones, they will not last long. You better come early. Towelings 18-inch yard rash, 15c kind. quality unblenchod Closing prices. 9c per yd Towels These towels are buck, worth 35c. 20x40, bleaohcd Our closing prlcp 20 Or three for 50c The Black Giant Hosiery Misses black ribbed hose, superior quality, fast black, regularly 15c k.nd. (losing price. Funs, Furs i Oc pair Boys' Black Giant Hose Heavy ribbed, fast pair guaranteed for thread knee heel and tno. black, every wear, three- and foot, four-thread (.'losing price. i 9c pair Our fur department is larger and more complete than any in this city. Wo havo tho scarfs from 75c up. Wo have tho Martin, Mink, Opos sum, Fox, Isabella Fox, etc., all good prime furs nnd irew shapes. When you buy furs here wo guar antee them to bo ns represented, so you nro perfectly safe. 75c to $25 All will bo sold at loss than you can buy snme qualities for elsewhere. Ladies? Wrappers And outing flannel gowns at 20 per cent off. Ladies' Hose Ladies' fast block cotton hose, high spliced heel nnd toe, regular 20c kind. Closing price- 2 pair for 25c Ladies' Skirts )no lot mado of Scotch mixed goods, mostly dark colors, $3.50 values, closing price. $1.95 Ladies' Skirts Ono lot mado of light, medium and dark gray nnd black material; some aro strap seams, neatly stltched,and worth up o $4.50. Our closing price. $2.75 One lot mado of good Scotch mix tures, nssorted colors; values up to $6.50. Our closing price. $3.95 1 00 Children's Jackets Sizes from 4 to 14. All qualities marked down, some hnlf nnd some more; just tho timo to tako ad vantage of this sale Prices up from $J.50 Tailor Made Suits Tailor made suits, all going at greatly reduced prices, and all alter ations free of charge. Evey Article In This Sto e Musi Go ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART SALEM, ORE. The forty-second scholastic year begins September 12. Sanitary and othor Improvements lately made in the bullous- Academic, eotmnerc'l, grammar erodes Intermediate and primary courses. Pupils prepared for teacher's certificates. Full course In muutc Particular attention paid to health and moral training, Address Sister Superior, MM aaaiMM ' SEED VETCHES SEED OATS CEOVEE SEED OBASS BEEDS SEED EYE GRASS SEEDS OBCHABD OEASS ENGLISH EYE QKASS ITALIAN EYE GRABS BLTJE OEASS LAWN OBASS trt Via .Uh , . i l.vcrA lots v ar t. .- . wu, irraa seeas. ay nuymg u - rice? qUU tte lowest PrfcM i tt city. Call er write for All seeds are jmarsnteed prices. S01 Coml. St EEC-MEN SEEDMEN. Salem, Oregon.