Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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II' i
Tc5onsuiH "y S'luTir-""3S cSgmt Sfeam-1: your cough
At the same time ask him what he things or Ayers ncrry rec
toral. He will know all about it, for we send doctors the
formula. For over 60 years doctors have endorsed it for
coughs, colds, weal; lungs, bronchitis, asthma. &?.
Bobber Gives Up Money.
Dm Moines, la., Oct. 1". -Tracked
ir bloodhounds to bis borne Karl Kar
srer, today jjave op $1500 secured by a
Wnyligbt hold up from, the bank at
Treynor. Karrer, who ran a saloon op
posite the bank, entered it, disguised,
aud locked Miss Flood, the 17-year-old
-assistant cashier, in the vault, and then
cnade his eseape. He was sot reeog
oii!(, but the action of the Wood-
sjotinds lel him to confess.
A Love Letter.
"Would not interest you if you're
looking for a guaranteed Salve for
, Burns or Pile. Otto Dodd, of
SPondcr, Mo, writes: 4I suffered with
aa ugly sore for a jwr, but a box of
Bueklen's Arnica Salve cured me. It's
4he bent Salre on earth. SS at J. C.
Herry's drug atore.
Change of bill tomes. ew night at the
o .a. m t o aa. x .a. .
3rstla yuTbiltei m Hatt Atop toga
Clubman Shuffles Off.
2tir York, Oet. 10 -Frank Depeys
iwr Hall, n member of several pronii
i mnt eub and wealthy, shot and killed
TiZmself in his apartments today. Hall
recently brought suit against two prom
iranent elab members, alleging slander,
und asking llOfl-,000 damages.
In July, 1883, 1 began to break out vritt
TEcxem on my bead, legs and arms, and
Ixgan treatment with local doctors, but
did not gel much relief. They said the dis
ease had become chronic. I then quit then:
nmi,tned various ointments and soaps fot
another two years, but as soon as cold
wesUier came I was as bad off ru ever, so I
finally decided to letmedione alone and
for twelve or thirteen years did nothing
towards curing the Eczema, except bath
ing. This seemed to do ataut as much
good as anything I had tned
During the time I lost about one-half oi
my hair I began S. S S. doubtful of a
curc, because the deAse bad run so lone,
but soon discovered your medicine nra
doing me good, and continued to take it
I used seven bottles, when I was com
pletely cured, not having durtc spot on
my body, which before .v almost com
pletely covered. V C Nokmi.U
1017 Ilackbcrry St.,pttajw, la
The bead, feet ami h&mU r usuMl
the parts affected, though thdnet?j
pearsotiotherpatltof thvhudv V!;.tex
teraal apicatiooa allay the Whiau aax
burning ' m.p iranly. v the Is t ..-ow r
off by the i.loud that cmk the ir-i'.atior
mad erupttuivs pott the skis. TV and
must be neutralised and the syaten .1 &au
ed of all humors and poisons br th
cute upTui.ncui
S, S S u Kuaran
teed entirely frr
of Potafc. Arsemt
and other lataer
al. Book en th
sk.n .tad iu dh
exc ent fre
icl al advtct
fnnihrd free
The Swift Seeciflo Company Atlanta. Ga
Not content with his experience with
the bear a few weeks ago, Hob. William
Anderson, purveyor of exbilirating bev
erage, and instigator of weird tales,
sauntered down to the banks of the
slough yesterday, armed with a fish
polo, one sum II hook and plenty of
"ITnele Bill" tells the story of his
adventures In the following language:
"I hadn't any more than tossed that
book into the slough when I realised
that I was not the only live thing that
laid elalra on the cord. I tell you that
it i something of a sensation to be on
the bank of a 10-foot slough with a
20 fishing tackle at stake, and some
drasted ereature at the other end, and
doing Its best to go the wrong way.
"Well, I worried aloifg for what
seemed to be an hour yanking the beast
around, but I could not even get its
snout above water. I wanted to yell
for help, but I didn't have time. Final
ly after an unusually bard pull I got it
on the bank, and imagine ray surprise
when I viewed the eateh, and it proved
to be a 36-pound salmon.' '
Tbe fish is at his place of business on
Commercial street, and many bare
viewed it. "Uncle Bill' maintains
that be raught it in tbe slough, awl
has tbe fish to bark up his story.
Navajos to Olve Free Dance.
Albuquerque, X. M., Oft. 10. -The
24th Xew Mexfee territorial iir
opened today with flatUrinc prpc't
of success. Many visitors are dr,'v
arriving, and the attendant-? pmtnies
to be a record-breaker. Iu addition t
the exhibits representing the ri-h re
sources of the territory tbe attraction
include numerous features of eatea
taiament. Probably the mot interest
ing of these is the" Navajo sacred fire
daaee, iu which 100 Indian, led by
Chief Beurfaee, will taka part. It will
be the firt time the dance has ever
been given off the Xavajo reervation.
o '
Minnesota Baptists.
Minneapolis Oet. !. Laj ''
elerieal delegatus are arriving in large
numbers for the state Baptist eonren
tion which begins its sosdons tonight
in Calvary meeting af exceptional in
terest to the denomination. Among
the scheduled speakers are Profeor
C. K. Hunderson, of the University of
Chicago; Dr. T. L. Ketman. district
secretary of tbe American Baptit
Publication society, and Rev. C. M.
Antidell h well-known miioaary
worker lately returned from tbe Congo.
The Hotse Finishing
Appreciates Yovt Business and Strives to Merit i,
Dispersal of Whitney Stud.
Xew York. Oet. 10. The sale of the
thoroughbred mares and utallioBs be
loaging to tbe late William C. Whit
ney, which is to take place tonight iu
Madison Square GardeB, is regarded in
horse rireles as tbe most important
sale ol thoroughbreds sinee the dis
perjnl sale of Msreus Daly's Bitter
Hoot farm. The horses are to be sold
in order to sottle up the Whit nor es
tut. It is expected that many of them
will be bought' in by Harry Payne
Whitney, who will continue the breed
ing of race horses at La Belle stud
farm, near Lexington, Ky.
There are eight stallions in the lot
to be disponed of. They are Hamburg,
Meddler, Yankee, N'aMurrim, Ballyhoo
Bey, KiluMtraoek. Blaekstuek and
KeU to Fight in London.
New York. Oet. 10. Alttut the vuri
rosorta where uportlng men eon
grugato iu the metropolis a topie-ef
eoarersuliou today was the fight bo
Ikni Pruukie Null, tbe bantam-weight
rbampiou, and Jew Bowker, the Kb
gllh tighter, which is to W Mllel off
iu LoadiMi touighu Though Bowker
has uthin of a reputation ia Bag.
htud he h not euusidered by the ex
pert on this Me of the water as any
thing like a match for the American
i-hAMpiuu, aad the latter is expected to
dispute of him without much difficulty.
EViiftHuuuuuuuuuTJ 'uuvSEj-WaVn
tBj .LgjBujEMrP1
Is Remembered
Eyaa-Douglas Bout.
St. Louis, Oet. 10. Bob Douglas and
Tommy Ryan are (dated to furnnh the
fistic entertaiument at the show to be
given b the .Tai Tlai eiub tonight.
The two were scheduled to fight a
week ago, but the contest was post
pone!. The meeting of the two is ex
peeted to result in a lively bout, as
both are clever fighters and hard hit-
A Great Invention.
Joe S. Purdon, now of Oregon Citv,
who is well known throughout the Wil
lamette valley, has been in the city for
several days in tbe interest of a great
invention, whieh is bound to some day
revolutionise the entire vehirle bui
aess. It is an attachable ball-bearing
hub made for all manner of vehicles,
and ean be attached at a small cost.
It lightens the load and will prove a
boon to horses as well as their drivers.
A great movement of Carpets is now taking place. We have made great prepares
for this extraordinary movement with a stock adequate to the demand. We have
quantity and quality and we allow no one to underprice us.
Episcopal Bommage Sale.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
are conducting a rummage sale in tbe
Turner block, next door to Harritt &
Lawrence's grocery. All those desiring
to contribute articles will please in
form the committee, at tbe store, and
tbe articles will be collected.
Infant Son Died.
A son was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mrs. William Armstrong, but died with
in a few hours after birth. The funer
al was held this morning Hi 10 o'clock
and burial was had ia Odd Fellows'
Mimic War In California.
Is strikingly described in October
Sunset Magazine. Articles by General
MaeArthur and others. Beautiful col
ored drawings. Many industrial ar
tides, stories, etc., 10 cents from all
newsdealers. 10-5-eod 5t
Vagrants in Court.
Two vagrants were the ouly offend
era in the itoliee court this morning
W. Hardy and Harry Witeun. Both
were stoamboated out of town,
Removal Notice.
C. A. Whale, the well-known music
dealer, has removed his steak of pi
anos and organs to the J. L. Freeland
store, at 166 State street, where be
will conduct his business for the pros
OBt. 9-33-lwk
1 Jjgg" '!"-jC'"' C, Ji","- T.'Z&!!M.&
iSJp mattressesTjIjQ
Are you satisfied with the mattress you are using? Has it come up to your expecfaj
tions? Did you think you were getting a wool bed and it turned out to be old cast of
rags? Or did you order a hair one and it turned out to be hog bristles and moss i
something worse? We are makers of all kinds of mattresses except the filthy Win
The poorest kind we make is composed of excelsior and cotton. Whatever kind )
buy of us willjbe clean.
The House Fut mshmg 0
Next Jos. Meyets & Sons. 269 Liberty SI
QBKffU oh V asts: iukteetf. tBLumsx
Long after price is
The vital part of
1 IU m da 4lu ft tfcuai Vi Laihi tu.au! kkpUMLM auhnsiirmm.jsl iAaA
UP 9T9V W J'WWl ps. " u, uust ussvrur uusuuuuuy uuwus ajuvuuut m ww Jinf VVjp
rf4 f4nK f th iihauhjen, ! uuul hsfuii auiy not hu insjmwuj n
the juiusuad itansMHit, but thv ult Iu the it and wear.
tf jruu wmut U W Mtr that th iai ! f tr rMkiag u ritui, M wutt W
lk Mrtuidu, you should buy
Ctotsse and Brand e gee
Smts and Overcoats
,The New York Racket
Everything In Ladles' and Men's Furnishings.
That Albany Cnurcn Affair.
The eoufurouee last evening between
IrHdiBg Btder Iloakwell and th efti
rial boant of tbe M. K. church was bar
mouious aad amicable, aad will hb
doubtedly result in a new aujwintwout
sutwfaetory to thu board and wwlrs
of the church. Democrat.
E nonP-.i." KW L .fvSuVK L",uW
R 7B34p"'V 0 suuuuuuwuuuuul uuuuuBUsuuuMHI uuuubbbuuu mum a a 1 1
I TAiMcr,nuir,FD
Wild Roe Flow
1 whnt every housewife niS
slio piircliiiscs flour for her bresi
or iustry. She can neret wi
mistake when choosing the M
tlour, mnde by the best ptw
the choicest wheat, encb. aim
f.u tnred at the Salem FIobbjj
t)ur fiour is unsurpassed h !
and flavor.
Salem Floiwiflgl
Notice to the Public
Alt prs ar warned net to pay
any muy due to roe in matters grow
ing out f the McNary etate to E. M.
CtuIsuh, or auyuue ulsu, without ray
aatkerity, sur tu allow them tb con
truet any duhis iu aty uaute ner for
mgwnt tu yy thuut any sauaey for rne
r . say MUWat .V. A. it 'NARY.
Sold in Salem by
Atwood & Fisher.
Harritt k Lawrence.
A. Dane.
Fuller & DongUs.
A. I Harvey.
Beth k Qraber.
Joseph Albricn.
A. M. Patrick.
WoBun'i AuxiUary VU1 Meet
TV Wauma's Auxiliary uf the Y.
M. C A. will ImM their first meotlag
f taw yuur ia the Y. U. C. A. ru
Tuuiiday aiieruouu at -J o'cluuk. Jt-
C A. l'urk wiU 4itm thu hvuius, and
Itht wftrwhunuU will b surved. Ai
thk U th trut MMtiuc. a Urge aUuuJl
mm uf thtt UHm it duuuud.
Broke Into His House.
S. Le Quit. CavMdwh, YU 1
ruhlnd uf hi euitiuisrv health by In
vudhju uhruuie eouutipattou. When
Dr. Ksay's Now LW IMtt bruke inlo
hit huMVMt his truubU ws arrested
aad bow he it titiy cured. Thayrc
puarauieed t ear. 3&c at J. C.
Purry's dru; store.
Come aad laugh at ts "Iluiklu
Sunset Magazine
(ie tne ptcturus of
California Life
OotMral MaeArthur and other amy
effiaers describe the ruessvt auMUry
UMUuuvun iu CnUrWuia, uah artWe
Wistg fuajy itluuiruUd with half.
Umm and talorad druwwge by Balward
OujeuoL luiorottiag arUcius a Oali
furuMi aad itrogou, "How Ottve Oil It
Mm." "How Alasoudi Are Qruwa"
and iau 4nUoas uf Ptuusaa aad
SsHVtur. two cruat OaltforaU uuuatiea.
ttt is uf artuhks, Wustora storios,
skeths aad verso. 10 teats a eofy.
Yok can bcry Sonset Maga
zine at all news stands
Jacob Vogt
Is now carrying a fine line oi the
famous Julia Marlow shoes.
99 State St- Salem
O a. J3 t o art X J. .
Ila tad YmHm Atop BKffl
At tkestea Dj Work when rou wnt rour
a Mr ot gtotrt to tae bom eUtiorite ilti iown7
Mrs. 0. H. Walker,
Prop.. lS CommercUl St
White Rotary
Sewing Machines
Anv one who has ever used a rotary
saaraiue would have nothing els, and
aay one who has evor mm.1 wl.i.
ary, wouU aovor waat aav of the
taer sort
There are a lot of exclusive features
the Mhite aad thev are real ad
vantK. 11 aad k ua show you
F-A. Wiggins'
Implement Houso 2SS7 Liberty St
Farm Implements, Automobiles,
Sewing Machines and Supplies.
That New
Woolen Uncled
Should be sent to tt
Salem Steam
and be eloAned, We hT '1
steam tWe in Oregon i j
work and piarantee sw,tl
Those blankets probably
tentian. too. and rem"5!
, ,
have the only faclittes '"
ling tjis .wrk outsue tie j
The Salem Steam Lan
: Wall Paper
Latest designs in stfl
and good work S3
. . ... it.n cm
m teed. wenaveu-
store and small prices
: E. L Lemmofl
; 299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
:..... nc