"""iTtlj 3rSSS5Si Sty u..fc,li,ai i iii i. .! .!.. '-"'"-'""ni' Jf iiiiiriiiMcrofmiiriiwiiiiwiiiiiiiji(a partly cloudy, cooler Satur- sably fair. 8AXEB1, OREGON, PEIE-AY, OCTOBER 7, 1904. NO. 233; i a wrr m vjt t thttih A ft IRASKA LAUNCHED IN PUGET SOUND (Thousand People Witnessed New Battleship Strike Water Wash., Oct. 7. In tho prcs- 'ully '50,000 people the .great Nebraska, sister ship to gia, Now Jersey, tho Rhode lid tho Virginia, and tho first Sam 'a sea fighters con- in the Pacific Northwest, the ways in Moran Bros.' this afternoon, baptized pray of cbampagno dashed her bow by tho hand of ATario Ickey, daughter of John H. chief, executive of tho statq game tho battleship bears. kuge ship, as soon as sho was from her stays, 'moved swiftly tho ways and rode gracefully into tho waters of Elliot Bay on even keel and camo to a stop far v'among the hundreds of gaily doco- ed jOraft assembled to witness tho rstAfusction of this character in julw&tors. Eiong the many who witnessed the ing were Governor Mickey, of aska, his family and staff, to- with a party of fifty other No- braskans, and practically every state, county and municipal official of Wash ington, also the officials of the Puget Sound navy yard and the officers of tho warships stationed or under re pairs there. Several hundred craft of every sort from deep sea vessels, Alaska liners, and Sound steamers, down to launches, tug8 yachts, barges and row boats, constituting tho largest fleet ever ever gathered in Puget Sound waters were assembled for the occasion. Tho Nebraska has cost to date $2,010,000. Her total estimated cost when completed is $3,733,600. She is 441 feet long, 70 feet beam, displace? incnt 15,000 tons, and has a speed of 19 knots per hour. Her armament will bo as follews: Main battery, four 12-inch breech loading rifles, oighl 8-inch breech loading rifles, twclvo 0-inch rapid firo gun's. Second ary battery, twelve 3-inch rapid fire guns, twelve 3-pounder rapid fire guns, eight 1-pounder rapid fire guns, two 3-inch field pieces, two machine guns and automatic guns. WARSHIPS ENGAGED IN EIGHT Che Too Report Is Confirmed But Details Are Not Known KANSAS JUDGE SAYS BLOODSHED WILL FOLLOW If Carrie Nation and Her Crowd Were Allowed to Go Unpunished Wichita, Oct. 7. Carrio Nation was joint-smashing bee, were lined $151. found guHty of wilful destruction of!L-vtlin M"n8 Ancd $50. ATI p- Sharp Skirmishes Are Occurring Around Mukden and Battle Expected RTLAND SALOON MAN ASSAULTED BY THUG rtland, Oct. 7. William Vnnder- proprietor of the Cosmopolitan )n. located under tno Paris House; nurderously assaulted at 2 o'clock morning by James I'liillitis, tuc hgor of the Paris House. be assault took place in Vanderi I's saloon, nnd after he made his Ipo from his assailants, he staggered Hie police station .and told his story Captain Bailey. He had been beaten at the head and kicked in tho There were several bad cuts on scalp. He alleges that the trouble , started over his refusal to sell his sa lpon to Gus Routh, whom Ie alleged held him, while Phillips committed the assault. From Vandergoot's story it appears that ho was about to sell the saloon to other men, and that Routh de sired to get. possession of it. Routh and Phillips entered tho saloon this morning, after closing hours, precipi tated the quarrel and assaulted Van dorgoot. His wounds were dressed by a physician, and warrants for tho ar rest of Routh and Phillips were sworn out this morning 8t. Petersburg, Oct. 7. Tho report from Chefoo of a naval, battlo off that place is confirmed. Refugees who are arriving there, say that it will be nec essary to institute a long siego and to complete tho blockade in order to take Port Arthur. Tok'io, Oct. 7. It is reported that four Russian, warships wero damaged by the Japaneso gun firo at Tort Ar thur, and one of tho vessels is said to have been complotoly wrecked. ' Vladivostok, Oct. J. It is reported hero that General Kuropatkin is very ill. Since the defeat of his forces at Liao Yang he has been unable to per sonally direct tho operations. Tien Esin, Oct. 7. A junk which has just arrived from Port Arthur re ports that on tho day it left tho Jap aneso wero renewing tho assault upon Port Arthur, attacking from four sides simultaneously. They wore meeting with heavy losses. discovered recently -. Tho Czar has formed a new bodyguard of 500 secret service men, which surrounds hira con stantly. Tsing Tnu, Oct. 7. Tho steamor Progress, which left hero 20 days agb, with a 'general cargo 'consigned to Vladivostok, returned todny,' and re ported that it is easy to elude the Jap anese 'ships in tho vicinity of Vladivos tok. A number of largo ships havo been in Vladivostok recently with Btorcs of coal nnd ammunition. Vladi vostok is being heavily fortifiod.nnd the harbor is being mined, whilo tho re pairing of the damaged battleships is going on. The Russians ,aro in con stant communication with Port Arthur by means of wireless messages to Cho-foo. Berlin, Oct. 7. News from St. Petersburg this morning confirms tho 'report that tho Czar is in n state of terra as tho result of lots against his life, which tho polico claim to havo St. Petersburg, Oct. 7. General Gripponberg, who will command tho second Manchurian army, will lenvo this qvening for Vilna. He refuses to take his secretary, nnd said that tho second' army would. .corjalnly concen trate in Manchuria in March. property 'and fined $IG0 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. Myra Mcllenry am Mrs. Lucy Wllholt, her partners in the pealed and gavo bail. Judge Aloxnart- er, in pronouncing Bontence, eaMr "Bloodshed will follow these crusade if you pcoplo go unpunished." . LOYE'S DREARY TALE Seattlo, Oct. 7.,Tnfet Ritkinonen, n young man ngeVUO years, blow out his brains in Volunteer Park this morn ing becausc-'jf ,his lovo for a young woman. Alaska Cable Open. Seattlo, Wash., Oct. 7. Telegraphic communication has now been estab lished betweon tho state and all parts of Alaska, At 4:47 o'clock yestcrdajf nfteruoon tho following official message was received here, announcing tho open ing of tho line: "Sitka, Alaska, Oct. 0, 1004. Tit? completion of tho government cabTt from Vnldcz to Sitka, making n cotrs ploto connection by nn all-American line, with 40 stations in Alnska,, is the beginning of a now era for Alaska. Wagon ronds and railways will, open vrj tho greatest mining contcr of tho world.. Other industries will quickly follow and insuro this country's fu turo prospority. "WILLIAM L. DISTINr "Acting Governor of Alnskn." FUNERAL OP POST MASTER GENERAL PAYNE Toklo, Oct. 7. An ofllcinl repor.t of the skirmishes south of Mukdon, which (Continued on page eight.) HOLE RUSSIAN NATION WILL CONFRONT JAPAN Petersburg, Oct. 7. Tho Bourse ette today expresses gratification "President Roosovelt's idea of trig ppaco conference to tho nceom- Intent of the thunder of cannon has Srently been shipwrecked." .It centinues: "Xo ono knows when the wnr will end. Tho time will come when Japan will be confronted with tho might of the whole Russian na tion, and then s,he will meet the fate Gonhisknah." I Foot Ball Tomorrow Delegates to Convention. Ion. John T. Jeffries left Thursday emoon for Minneapolis, via St. pis, as n deleente from Oregon to Modern Brotherhood of America, Ming, which will be held there. Ho ll mnko several speeches in the inter- of the order in Western cities. He 11 be absent about three weeks. Japs Caught Ship. Shanghai, Oct. 7. Tho British steam- Slshan, from Hong Kong, has been seized by the Japanese off Newchwnng. o Band Concert Tonight. Tho Salem- Military Band will give a bnnll concert tonight on tho corner of State and Commercial streets, if the weather permits. in i in mil iiiii 1 1 1 mii nmm hhhiii imiiin Washington, Oct. 7.0nicials of tho government and representatives of for eign powers nathorcd at St. Johns church at 11 o'clock this morning in honor of tho memory of tho lato Post-master-Genernl Henry O. Payne. Tho church was crowded, and thousands of government employes stood In tho church yard. Tho funorul party, con sisting of the family, members of the cabinet, nnd eight uniformed lettci' car riers, who wntchod tho casket, loft tho apartments at tho Arlington shortly boforo tho hour set for tho ceremony, and walkod to tho church, a guat distant. President nnd Mrs Rorvdfc occupied n front pow, opposite Mr Payno. Hov Cotton Smith nnd two assistants, Rovs. Dunlnd nnd Blgtfovr,. conducted tho services. Beautiful ssB costly ilorni offerings surrounded tli chnnccl, Following tho services, the? hoarso wbh escorted to tho FoniiHyIv nlii station by letter carriers of thw Washington postofllce, where a special train of threo oars, carrying tho funer al party, left for Milwaukee at 3:3ft o'clock. WILLAMETTE vs. O. S. N. S. University Campus, Saturday, 3 p. m. Admission 25c. i Salem's best will be there. I stand free . i m i m a 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 Gr.and HlllllMinilllllllK (fk c&7t1eiieiS&& -v EACH SUCCEEDING DAY We Sell FLEISCHER'S YARNS PULLING FOR AN EXHIBIT HAPPY HUNTING GROUND Marlon County Court May Act at This Term he best known brand in the United States. Oar assort ment la the best in the city. :TLAND FLOSS. SHETLAND ZEPHYR, SPIRAL GERING YARN. GERMANTOWN ZEPHYR, ICE OOL. IMPORTED SAXONY. DOMESTIC SAXONY, Spanish yarn, Fleischer's knitting wors ted, GERMAN ICNTTTING YARN, DKY UVVDS, XOTHING, SHOES UNDERWEAR. Everything in Ladies' and Men's Fornishkigs. rhc New York Racket SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PSICB OASH STORE. E. T. BARNES, PROPRIETOR County Judgo Scott ami the commis sioners hope somo ateps will be taken to start a movement for nn exhibit from Marion county at the Lewis anil Clark fair, and are disposed to take up tho matter at this term of court. A eouuty convention of farmers and business men hag just been ild at Or egon City to get up un exhibit for Clackamas county. Judge Scott rath er favors the Claekamas eounty plan. I'mler that the farmers get a repre sentative in each preoinot, and the Granges have representation and the eounty official are represented. The Comrnereial Club ean tako up the oud gel for a eunty exhibit at the next meeting,, If It is thought desirable, and at all events Marion county should not go without an exhibit of the most cred itable character. o Xehriag With Seattle. Fred Xehriag, formerly with the Sa lem Raglans, and well-known in this city, is son playing first base with the Heattle league team. In yesterday'! game ue made one hit seven put outs aod tWi. (tests, a very good record. Receives Another Inhabitant Via the Hemp Rope Route Fulsom, Cal., Oct. 7. Charles Law rence, 11 half-breed, was hanged this morning for the murder of an old man, J. ''. McCurty, near Elk Grove, Sacra mento county, in September, 1UQ4. Two other-half breeds, Charles Pndillo nnd A. Mierundl, are serving terms of life Imprisonment for the same crime. KHtnlilishcH more than ever the stipre lie importance of tliln Expansion and Protection Sale Tfae thousand) who have como and gone away satisfied have npmi the nows till now it seems that nil the Willamette valley known of (lie final savings to be made horo ou bright, new, seasonable inert'haudlso. Waistings Mrs. Fairbanks Speaks. Clean, N. Y., Oot. 7. Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of tho Mepublieun vlff presidential candidate, was the prmelpal speaker here today at tho exereisee held in connection with the dedication of a beautiful boulder monument to the meory of Adam Hoops and other Revolutionary sol diers of Cattaragus eouuty. The mon ument was ereeted by the Daughters of the Revolution. The nowost and prottiost patterns In flno French Flannels, in the popu lar Persian designs. Ileal 7fio and 85c values. 1'xpanstou salo 68c yd Tho newest genulno Ct avenettes In colors and mixtures. Hppnged nnd shrunk ready for use The right materials for skirts and eoafs. Protection sale. $J.73 Umbrellas Hotel Destroyed. Bt. JosephMo., Oet. 7. The TraeyJ li.u-, suth of the St. Joseph stock yjils. was destroyed by fire this morn-1 ing. Peer unidentified bodies were takes fram the rains. i Now stock, now dnslgnj of !hiv dlos, best made. Or wit MM values Kxpation sale. $(.05 Hotter grades and qualifier real $1.60 values. Protection sale' $1.28 Men's Clothes You may bo strong In the Mfof that no ready made suit will fir fu. If so, lot us 0I111 111:0 It. TAiitff or short, slim or stout, we oau ebHoe you with apparel which wilt tit iT requirements. EXPANSION BALE PRICES PRBVAII. Boys' Sweaters Here is to be found tho Iurgrat and most complete nsMirtmeut, cC boys' sweaters ever brought to hr "WHIaiiiottn Valloy. Size range from 16 to 34. Hvery color I tvy resented. Protect Ion sale. 75c to $2.25 Just Received Another large shipment oC the ttdelirotiHt Gordon Hats In up to the mlnuto shapes. Your jmrtlcular style in the eorreet col or is hero. The Woman's Clnb. J WiU mtvt tooiorrow at 2:30 o'clock in Ue rooms of the public library. I Ftidsiy & Satofday SzJo!c Pin- Gloria. Shoes. Introductory Safe EUBBEKS rBEE WITH EVEEY PAIR OT GLORIAS PURCHASED OK THESE TWO DAYH. J I ' !: ii