-z.,, ,. iir.'jw...-IiAimw i mm " ..'.r" - --.tt , . B&iiaiBaag5wV5iMiwBgr'M" 1 ' " " " ' r TfV"'" - I DAlr OAPITAli JOUBNATa SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1901. CLASSIFIED WANTED. itntod. At once, at the Salem hos atal, a competent girl to wait on able, and nsslst in general house- rdrk. Apply n person. 10-4-3t gjiatod.-Boy with wheel, to work day ino, and attend nigliBchool. Leave Smo and address at 'bftlce. LOCK- Bort Messenger System, 22S Com- fercial Btreet. 10-4-Jt I. Installment collector, to col- linr to collect sonii-wcekly pay- Ints oii merchandise account; good Y&rv. position permanent. Globe Sorapany, T23 Chestnut street, Phil- Welphla Pa. 10-3-0t atod. Special representative in this county and adjoining territor ies to represent an old established business .house, of. solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with Expenses advanced each Monday by Sheck direct from headquarters. Horso and buggy furnished when Bocossary; position permanent. Ad- Sress Blow Bros. & Co., Dopt. A, Mo- Son Bldg, Chicago, 111. 9-29-0t MRted. To rent small cottage close a, or near car linos. Must bo on lease of one or more years. Address IF. J., caro Journal. ' . KWaated. Two dry .goods salesladies. jtApply at tho Chicago store, Court Wrfot, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf LWjWited. To purchase a piece of land Isaitablo for potatoes, hops or hay. BCldress, with particular, lock box f88, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf FOR SALE. Per Salo. At Mountain View farm, peaches; good canners and cheaper grades. Inquire of W. II. Egan, K. D. No. 2, Gervais, Or. 10-3-Gt or Salo. Baled wheat and cheat straw, at $3.50 per ton. Inquire of j'O. E. Price, Salem, route No. 1, or rhihono 79 Farmers. 7-29-lwk r' . for Sale. Votch seed, both kinds. Fred Achilles, four miles north of Salem, half mile west of Kolzer school house. 9-G-2md&w For Sale. A team. Inquire of B. F. Baxter, Enst Salem. u-4-tr. Pood for Sale'. Good second-growth fir dolivcred for $3.00 cash ou deliv ery. Soo T. L. Willinms, Leslie street, botweon 23 and 24th streets, or ad dress by mail R. P.' D. No. 5. 95-lm for Sale. Moving .picture outfit, In first-class condition. At groat reduc tion. Address "I. F. H.," Salem, Or., care Journal. 8-20-tf -or Sale. Three-lourtns or au acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice. 8-2-tf MISCELLANEOUS. wheels Exchanged. Friday, Septem ber 30th, my wheel was exchanged by mistako for another. Owner call up phono 301 Main. Paul C. Hansen. 10-3-3t" ost. A nurse containing soino mon ey and other vnluables. Return to Swart Notion Store, Commercial street, and roceive liberal roward. 10-3-3t fchlnglesl Shingles. Now lot received, $1.25 to $2.35 por 1000. Mathoid and P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Poultry and field fencing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley, Salem Fonco Works, 00 Court street. kdOO fan bo invested to bring lb per cent. Only ono opportunity, Appiy to M, caro Journal office. 9-20-3t' for Sale. Old established hotel in prosperous valley town, doing flno business. Will trade in part for Sa lem real estate. Address "F. W.," Journal office. 9-lfl-tf tab Service. Now cab .just arrived. Can be found at Lowo's livery stable Phono Main 1001. Best servico nnd reasonable rates. E. Townsend. ost. Strayed from tho farm on tiie Oarden Road, nbout thrco weeks ago, ft sheep with tho clover brand on r mp. AH information will be thankfully received by John Cassldy, Oarden Road, Salem, Or. 10-l-3t lotel Scott Newly furnished, every- th'ng clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottlo block. Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. Iw Lodging House. Everything nam MlAAH M.l .nMfj..loMa Rfhrfl!h uwn, UCUU auu tuwiwiwtwi .., .--- er block, H9-151 State street Mat t n Ilutchins, proprietor. Phone Main 2S74, 69-tf My Have you tried Edwards & Lusch- rs for meats. We have the beat ausage In town. Come and try It, and be convinced. 410 East State treet Vem Truck and Oray Co. Oldeat aaa best Quipped company ia a tvar Piano ard furniture moTJi specialty Offlca 'paone, 8!L W, W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 Btate atreet 9-Wffl x -tr T0NS0RIAL AND BATHQ. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrst-clui shop on State street. Every tila new and up-to-uato. Finest pore lain baths. Shave, 15c; halrtcut XI. baths, 2Ec. Two first-class boo "blacks. C. W. Evacs. proprietor UNDERTAKERS. Undertaken.. We carry the large and finest line of undertaker's good In the city. Prices to suit aU Black and white hoarse. Prompt reliable. Save money by calling s No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Baiej l-te-tf Changed His Office. Dr. E. E. Jackson, the veterinary will be found at Gilliam & John son's Old Postofflce barn, 62 Ferry streets, instead of at tho Red Front stables. Office phono, Main 2341; resldenco No. 17, South Commercial streot; telephone Rod 2dll. 8-25-lm FOR RENT. For Rent. Part of furnished house. In qulro 6f Mrs. Young, South High nnd Kearney streets. 10;4-3t N-W-S Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca tion on street car Hue, and one block to S. P. depot Call on J. O. Goodalo, 12th and OatT streets. C-20tf HOP BUYERS' DIRECTORY. JACK OASMlolLllBLHopTniy Room 1, Bush-Breyman building, Phono Main 1851. 9-27- WM. BROWN & CO. Hops. Mohair, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street, Salem, Ore gon. Phone 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR Hop morchnut nnd purchasing agent. No. 21GVi Commercial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono 1051. T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in hops nnd hop supplies. Phono 1211, office room 18 Oborheim bldg, Sa lem, Oregon. KREBS BROS. Hop Merchantti, Sa lem, Oregon. Phono 1361. KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops. Bush-Broyman block, Salem, Oregon, also Albany, Oregon. BUSINESS CARD, Dr. Z. M. Parvin Returns from his Eastern trip nbout October 0th, and will resume his music teaching at 297 Commercial street, upstairs, on and after October 11th 10-1-lmo DR. W. L. MERCER Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Office in Breymnu block, Commercial street, over Stock ton's store. Rooms 23 and 20. Phono Red 2113. Residenco at 300 Summer streot. Phone Red 2541. KNIGHT & SOHINDLER Have pur chased tho old stand formerly occu pied by John Knight, and nro now prepared to do horseshoeing and gon oral blacksmithing. All work war ranted. 217 Liberty street. 9-22-lm Sidney Hayes Teacher of violin, man dolin and guitar, formorly of Stein way Hall, Chicago. Pupils desiring thorough Instruction at lowest rates pleaso address or call at Will's mu sic store. 9-20-lmo Dr. M. Teresa Schoottle, Osteopath- Graduate of founder's school. Grand Opera House, Salem, Oregon. Of fice phono Main 2721. Resldenco phone, Red 2003. r. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an office in tho Eldridgo block over Fry's drug store. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Phone, office, Main -2703; residenco, 91. Specialty, diseases of children. 9-20-31 DRAYMEN. Welch & White do a genoral dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town. Main 2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076. Stand 218 Commerslal streot 8-12-lm L0DGE8. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, a 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. O., Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tn World Meets In Holman Hall ever; Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fr&sUi ConsuL Wylle A. Mooros, Secrt tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge) No. 18, A. O. U. W,-Mw In their ball In Holman block:, cot ner State and Liberty, every Mea day evening. Visiting bretan wolcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cotis Hall in uoiman diock, corner bww and Liberty SU. T-eaday of week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Tamer, C. a; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court kr wood Foresters No. 19. Meets m day in Turner block. H. a Meyer, O. It; A. L. Brown. Bed. ft-J LmJm.m m ,-- fL gon Cedar Camp No. 6248. Mteta B&R&Am Babies If babies were for sale the most invet erate bargain-hunting woman in the world would not look for a bargain baby. She would want the best baby that could be bought, regardless of price. Every woman naturally craves a healthy, handsome child, nnd her crav ing can be gratified if she will but re member that the child's health is her own gift, and to give health she must have it to give. Mothers whose babies have been weak and nunv have nursed in strencth 1 their first strong child alter using lit. nerce'3 Favorite Prescription. It is the best Dreoarativc for maternity, encouraging the appetite, autetin? the nerves mid inducing- re- j freshing sleep. It gives the mother I strength to give her child, aud makes the baby's advent practically painless. "My wife hiil been sick nearly alt her life.'' taya Mr K. E. Frlcte. of Petersburg. Menard Co.. Illiuol. Box 367. "and after trying every thing 1 cnuM thint: of I made un inv mind la Irv Favorile I'rcscriptlon ' I got sfr bottlev which my wife took, a tablespoonful three tlmev a nay, uiun me oauy came, one ieu nciier after taking the firtt bottle, and when baby wn born he weighed nine and a half pounds. T .day he is ilx months old and weighs twenty-two pounds. II; U as good a child as any one could wish. The doctor says he is as healthy as nuy baby could be mid also says the use of your 'Favorite 1'rescriptiou was the cause of such a healthy baby." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. every Thursday ovenlng at 8 oxloe. Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, v C; A. L. Brown, Olork. W.TtH COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at oQm Bills payables monthly In advan Mrp all nomola'ntu at ths nfTW Euchro Club. Tho Fortnight Euchro Club will meet Friday, October 7th, at tho homo of Mrs. F. A. Moore. This is tho Ini tial meeting of tho second yenr club, nndna full nttondanco of the members In oxpectod. 0 L. & N. Annual Meeting. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 5. Stockhold ers of tho Louisvillo & Nushvlllo Rail road Company held their nnnunl meet ing today at tho general offices In this city, Only routino business wns transacted. Sold in Salem by Atwood & Fisher. Harxitt & Lawrence. A. Daue. Fuller tt Douglas. A. L. Harvey. Roth & Graber. Joseph Albricb. A. M. Patrick. - ' Bicycle Repairing We are fitting quite a number of bieyelea with STEEL RIWS Now for winter riding. Let us put a pair on your wheel. Salem Gun Stone, Paul H. Hauser, Prop. v t v li?r I BMIN6 IHMOB PUT UP IN GLASS JARS THINGS AT THE FAIR Salmon From Oregon One of the Chief Features St. Louis, Oct. 4. Seeing so many Now Jersey mosquitoos, lobsters, ma rine worms, Dungeness crabs from Senttle aud pink salmon eggs from tho Columbia river hns given mo a "creepy feeling" and mndo 1110 so nervous I can't sleep. But John has his mind set on tho mosquito exhibit and wo hnd to seo It, and as a eon sequence I am seized with an irresist Iblo impulso to "swat" something every time I hear n buzzing sound. But the mosquito display was In teresting nfter nil. Wo found it in tho forestry and fisheries building nnd nlso found much to our surprise thnt this wns ono of tho most inter esting and instructive buildings nt the fair. Tho exhibit is not intendod to convey the impression that mos quitoes nro New Jersey's only prod uct. If my memory servos 1110 right Now Jersey nho produces a good brand of lightning, at least I have often heard "Now Jersoy lightning" referred to ns being somothing awful rapid. But tho lightning is not on exhibition here. Tho mosquito ex hibit is the work of tho New Jersey experiment station and is intended to show tho methods that have been put into operation for exterminating tho pest. Thoro nro millions of mosquit oes in bottles and pinned to cards, ring-legged salt inrush mosquitoes, dnpplo-wing mosquitoes, pitcher plnnt mosquitoes, common house mosquitoes, woodland pool mosquitoes, enough to raise blisters on tho face of common humanity. Tlicro wero largo charts showing the mosqultoo's digestivo system, nlso a cross section of his lancet, or "proboscis," a foot long. Thoro wns a largo plcturo of a mos quito "in tho net of biting." "I liopo you notice that is a femnlo mosquito," said John. "Tho mulo mosquito Is ns harmless as a Scotch Collio dog. He never bites nuy one," By this tlmo I wns inspecting tho salmon hntchers which showed tho entire process of hatching tho Colum bia river Chinook salmon from pink eggs about tho size of pens. Steel bnskots wero sunk in running wntcr showing tho stages of development from tho larvae to tho live minnows. An Interesting feature of tho salmon exhibit wns tho mlulaturo canning fiietory of tho Alaska Association, In this building wo saw DungonoHS crabs mil all sorts of murine lifo from tho stnto of Washington, murine worms and deep sea reptiles by tho biological association of tho United Kingdom, nnd all varieties of growing oysters and clams. The oysters in tho Vir ginia exhibit taxed John's credulity so heavily that ho pulled n measuring rule from his pocket nnd asked the privilogo of measuring ono of the bivalves. Liko all men John has tho "measuring habit." Ho wmitod to iiiousuro tho great plcturo by Rem. hrnndt, "The Night Wutch," brought hero by Holland and exhibited in tho liombrnndt house, and it was with grout difficulty that I rcstrninod him. But permission to measure the oyster was readily grunted and wo found It measured just eight and ono hlf indies noross tho shell. What a glorious boon one of thoso Virginia oysters would bo to a "church sooia able." Half tho oyster could be used for the soup and the rest served in steaks or outlets. Hero wo saw spocimons of animals and woods indigenous to every state as well as oxhlhlts from Japan, Ger many and South American oountrlos. Here nro Georgia and Oregon white pinsv Montana spruce and Cottonwood, California redwood, cherry, birch, ash, white cedar, and a thousand other varieties ef woodn nativo to AwerlsHH sell, T. A. D. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal nttask of whooping cough and bronsbitU," write Mrs. W. K. Havil ad, of Armenk, N. Y., "but when all other remedies failed, we wived her life with Dr. King's New Diseovory. Our nieee who had consumption lu an advanced stage, aa used this wonder ful medleino and today she is perfectly well." Deperate tlirot and lung Jiseases yJeld to Dr. King's New Dis covery as to no other inedirine on earth. Infallible for roughs and Colds. S0 and 1.0O bottles guaran teed by J. C. Perry. Trial bottles free. OAMTOXIXA. fiigsstve (&&m&& LCIVXyNXVwSv$CSSJsSNZCCy3N Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought nnd which Iirts boca in uso Ibr ovor 30 yenrs, has homo tho signatnro of - and hns heon mndo under his pcr- z jCJ&ffi''A sonnl supervision since Its Infancy. uif7rt 'CCCM Allow no ono to decoivo you in thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and11 Just-ns-goodM nro butr Experiments thnt trlllo with nnd endanger tho health of Infanta nnd Children Exporlcnco ngnlnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is n harmless suustltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains noithcr Opium, Morphhio nor otlter Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worm nnd allays Foverishncss. It cures Dlnrrhooa nnd "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ind Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the (ajtyZ JcUc&M The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. - th eiNTitue oommhv, rr wuniMr iTinir. hiw vorn city. The Finest Lme Ever placed Salem. Note R. M. WADE & Good Pointing Good printing is like good clothes. It looks better, gives a better 'im pression and commands attention. "Good clothes make the man." So does good printing make tibe business. We do good printing, printing that commands attention. Call up 2824 Main and we will call and get your work. The Gault Printing Company ON TIME Y. M, C. A. Dulldlna 71 Chemeketa Street cMinnMiit ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAY8 AND ORCHARD BOXES at the shop of G. F. Mason Mlllor stroot, South Bilom PHONE 2191 Red, Gold Dust Flour ..III.-,.!,' I .- .I...I. -1 Made by THE SIDNEY POW. ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon, Mado for family uie. Atk your erocer for it Draa and abort always on band. P. B. Wallace AGENT iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi Xu . Signature of Of on display in come window CO., Salem, Ore. EVERY TIME. SALEM OREQON 'Phone 2824 Main Capital Normal School l'irst National Bank building, Sa lem, Or. Fall term of twelve weeks opons Hoptomber SiOtu. Norma), ae ndomlc, preparatory aud business courio. Address. J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Oregon i GENERAL ! REPAIRING i T ; F. J. MOORE, i Court Street, ' All work ffuorsnteed. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiif ft