ninwriWiiiiiiwmfflauMi naai' ' ( r . 11 kMdMMMtttMem '"iwrv' DAIIiY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1004. lliiiiiriii?ialiiiTOmiiiiT" ffi Pale, thin, tired, nervous, depressed? Ask your doctor about taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for this bad condition of your blood. If he says, "AH right," then take it. If not, then don't take it. Wc feel perfectly safe, for we know . . . . .l u t 5l. !!!- J.CiTerCo.. wnat doctors sav aoout mis oiu INDORSE EXPANSION WORK Membership in the Commerc ial Club and Subscrip tions Growing Nine new members and a handsome subscription were the result of one iidur's canvass for the Commercial Si Club's expansion work this merning: filmon Ford, advertising $ G.00 Jew members 27.00 Total $33.00 The new members are A. M. Cnnnon, T. Slater, W. P. Babeock, Paul EHauser, Yannke & Disque, Bach & Nad- stanek, T. A. Livesley & Co., Fred O. Haas, Irwin & Pettis. Mr. Foster, who has just come here from Seattle Band bought a homo, sends 'word that ie will become a subscriber. Willamette University Opens. The formal opening of Willamette University, which was to bo held this f morning, was postponed on account of the receipt of a telegram stating that Bshop Mooro would be unable to I'nttond. Mr. A. M. Smth. president of I? the board of trustees, was present at E chapel this morning, and mado a few remarks. ( Itev. Selleck, who has been appointed to the First M. E. church, of this city, to succeed Dr. W. II. Hoppe, was also unablo to attend. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salvo for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: 'I suffered with an ugly noro for n year, but a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured me. It's the bost Salvo on earth. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. o Bought a Home. C. L. Johnson has bought tho J. II. B. Royal house in Lincoln Park for $2000. It will make him a beautiful homo in an olevated part of the city, and is near the Lincoln school. That school hhs a fino library, and that part of the city i$ a good church and Sun day school, and Is a very desirable parrt of tho city to" live in. o Episcopal Rummage Sale.. Tho ladles of tho Episcopal church are conducting a rummage sale in the Turner block, next door to Harritt & Lawrcnco's grocery. All those desiring to contribute articles will pleaso in form tho committco, at tho store, and the articles will be "collected. fllllHIIIIIIIIHIIIIlHII i : Fesh Today I . . v - ; A FULL LINE OF ChocolateOeams f rZinn's :: 154 State St. Phone 1971 t ' I I I I I 1 I I M-M I I I I I I I I I l ttggw8aatnaataeg g FRESH CELERY AND HUCKLEBERRIES Wo receivo by oxpress from the coast twiee each weok. The celery is not to bo compared with California or valley oelery, eithor in appoar anco or flavor, and the kuckleberries-woll, they make your mouth water to look at them. ATWOOD Phone 57 J'. Grocers Corner tuttmtitattimf the Council OPEN ALL NIGHT fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars .... . ........ -o i a !. Bran. Phana Main 491. mumy mcmi-iuc. low.u. m... WRECKED FARMERS STABLE Tho barn on tho place of T. ,T. Brack ctt, about four miles below Engenc, near the river road, was badly wrecked by a charge of dynamite or other ex plosives Sunday morning about 4 o'clock. The charge was placed under a buggy in a shed adjoining, the barn, and the vehicle and .shed were literally blown to pieces. Tho barn was pretty badly demolished also, but not com pletely. Thero is no clew to tho per petrators of this dastardly deed. The oflicers arc now working on tho case.' The detonation of the explosion was terrific. It was heard by many people fa Eugene, and everyone thought it wns in the city. The polico oflicers were almost certain that some safe was be ing blown up, but, after examining all the bank buildings, and looking around for an hour oT two, could find nothing. They did not know whero the explosion was until well along in the day on Sunday. o Testimony of a Minister. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a num ber of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Eiectric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had mo in its grasp for 12 years." If you want a reliablo medicine for Liver and Kidney 'trouble stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by J. C. Perry. Only GOc. o Removal Notice. C. A. Whale, tho well-known music dealer, has removed his stock of pi anos and organs to the J. L. Frecland storo, at 150 State street, where he will conduct his business for tho pres ent. 9-2S-lwk New Fish Market. . C. W. Emmett, who has for sOnic years been employed by Buron & Hamilton, is opening a new market at 151 Court street, whero ho will be pleased to seo his friends, and serve thorn to tho best of lis ability. Money goes further in Schilling's Best, a great deal further; besides the comfort oj feeling safe; you know you are safe. i,iiiiiiiiiiiiim)iiiiii ; Substantial :: Meals... at the I White House Restaurant George Bros. Props. M Mil HIHH II I I I lilt & FISHER, Commercial and Court. t Best of everything. NORTH PACIFIC COAST BEER ON DRAUGHT mm PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Hamilton 'eft last evening for a tour of tho Eastern stntes. They expect to bo gone several weeks. Miss Ethyl Lnpher, of Boise, Idaho, loft last evening for a short visit at Hubbard. Miss Mnbol Glover and Ronald Glov er, of Albany, enmo down last evening, and will attend Willamette University agaiu this year. Miss Conio Lewis went to Portlaud last ovening, whero sho will visit friends. Tas. M. Kyle has accepted a position with a fruit firm in Sau Francisco, and will be absent several months. Mrs. Kola Neis, upon whom an op eration wns performed a wek ago, is at Mrs. Xeelaud's hospital seriously ill, peritonitis having set in. There are hopes though for her recovery. Al bany Democrat. W. II. Kennedy, of Seattle, hns been visiting tho Ooulets, of Woodburn, and started for homo Saturday. Mrs. A. Vercler left Saturday for her old homo in Illinois, and will tako in tho St. Louis fair. Dr. Knrton, of Gcrvais, took John Wert to tho St. Vincent Hospital at Portland Saturday. Judge Win. D. Fonton, of Portland, hns returned from tho St. Louis fair, and is much improved iu health for his vacation. Mrs. J. J. Murphy hns returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clarke, at Portland, who, with her husband, hns just returned from u six-months' tour in the old world. W. P. George, proprietor of the White Houso Hestaurnnt, leaves today for a tour of the East, accompanied by his family. They will visit Mr. George's old Iowa home, after which they go to Chicago and St. Louis, and the homo of Mr. Oeorgo's father, in Arkansas. During their nbsonco L. II. Bnrnctt will bo in charge of the res taurant business. Mrs. II. George Meyer is visiting in Portlnnd. MNs Walling wont to Portlnnd last evening, where sho will visit friends for n few days. Mrs. Fred George, of Eastern Oro gon, is tho guest of her cousin, Mrs. Will Skiff. Seymour Skiff went to Portland yes terday, where ho will resume his studies in tho dental collego there. Mr. and Mrs. George Cnrey, of Sac ramento, Cal., who havo been visiting at the homo of Mrs. Knto Wntt, went to Portland last ovening. Mrs. W. A. Cusick loft yesterday for tho East, whero sho will visit the world's fair, and other points of in terest. Miss Carrie Moores will join her at Portland, and accompany her East. Mrs. Harry Minto, wifo of Deputy Sheriff Minto, and Miss Fay Wright man left yostorday for tho world's fair at St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Button, of Chicn go are guests tit tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Park. Misses Xellie and Lucy Parsons, of Skagwny, Alaska, havo returned to Sa lem for tho winter, and will attend Willamette University this wintor. Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Henry left today for tho East, whero they will visit in South Dakota and other states, and will bo absent about throe months. W. II. Fischer went to Portland tin morning on business. Hon. nml Mrs. T. Hiiteh and Mrs. P. II. Hatch, of Portland, returned home yesterday, nftor a visit with Sulem frionds. Attorney William Haslam, of C'orwil lis, is iu tho city today on business. Miss Virginia Mntloek and brother Bonnie, of Portland, aro visiting fncn'h iu this city. Misti OpIIb Stlllaeoin, of Portia" I passed through tho city today, en roiit. to California, whore she will vNit f"r some time, before going Kiust, wh'rr she will spend the winter. Mrs. C. II. Wood and daughter, l.u l.vii, of CltettiuwH, aro in the city lo'lr Mi Evelyn enmo tip to resume ) r fttudietf at the Saerftd Heart Aeudemv Louis Liiehmuml emue up from n short viit at Portland today. Newcomer Stopped Runaway. An exciting runaway occurred High and Court straU for short Im today, anil, but for the prewuce f wind of J. K. Shield, would have re suited In a soversl bad mixupa. The horso started Hear the Soleui Hotel, and turned from High into Court lire, t Several ether vebielee were directly m the jiath of the dashing steed, when Mr. Shields jumped in froet of it and grubbed the bit. He lueeeeded in toj. juBg the aaiwal within a few feet, and held it until its owner arrived a fen minutes later. Mr Shields is visiting with his brother, John BuirMs, at Fruit land, and is fra Detroit, Mictio I is the home of vsuie VETERANS HOLD MEETING .Ed. Jeurnal: At a mooting of tho Indian War Veterans todaj, wo find the statements mndn In tho papers in regard to T. A. Wood being tho only grand commander that tho India war veterans ever had, to bo a mistake, for Thomns B. Wnlto was organiser, fol lowed by Col. Kolsay, Colonel Corneli us. Captain John V. Miller, T. C. Shaw nnd T. A. Wood. Now, wh.Ho wo ro gret the death of Mr. AVood, wo regret that such men as composed our rnnk file, who wero real and worthy voter- nns, to bo erroneously iguorcd. A movement was also put on foot to erect a monument of tho four-days' buttle ground on the Walla Walla, near tho Whitman mission, besides suitable innrhs for other battle grounds, for which all Indian War Veterans will freely contribute. J. II. ELGIN. Got Everything But Birds. Two popular young men of this city, who hhve boasted long nnd loud of their prowess as pheasant shooters, and who even went so far as to Invito their friends to a pheasant feast, to occur on their return, started for tho sceno of action Saturday nt 4 o'clock, nrmod with young ennuons and oqulpped with a pack of dogs, and tho nocessnry amount of snnko bite. Upon reaching their destination thoy woro joined by two men who havo lived in tho midst of the pheasant country all their lives, and whoso accuracy at pheasant .hunt ing is only eclipsed by tho two Salem young men. After hunting nil day tho four returned with the biggest bag of tho season, nno bird. The boys say that it was not their fault that they did not get more, for they had a bad accident during tho day. One of them had his foot rua over by the buggy wheel, and, of course, tho sympnthyof the other three impaired their murksmnnship. If you don't bellovo It ask "Doc" or "Hrigham." Keizer School Opens. The Keizer school, four miles north of Salem, oponed yesterday with an attendance of 49. This school is one of tho most enterprising schools in any of tho country districts. Thero nro two rooms nnd nlno grndes. Tho principal is Miss M. L. Strnhbor nnd Miss Bel lamy is assistant. On the Great Trail. How T. F. Hoynl, of South Salem, Is working on the manuscript of a book on crossing tho plains and his export onees as a pioneer preacher on the Pa cific coast, it will havo a titlo somo iluy school, and Is u vory desirable part of writing u most interesting work. ' Romoval Notice The ln,w olllces of Turner & Inman havo been removed from nbovo tho Capital National Bank to rooms 10, 17 nnd 18, in tho new Broyman block. Clients pleaso tako notice. 10-l-0t Edison Theatre. Chango of program nt tho Kdlson theatre tonight. U ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of WZ&4 School Books As eertaiu as school opons, just n h certain must supplies bo bought to meet that ovent. The only question to bo con sidorod now is whore tho biggest values for tho least tnopoy be obtained Pattonfs Book Store. makes this claim. Y.aUh our smoko Monday Tho store that hns tho best farilitirs to handle your wants rapillv, &a&X : Wall Paper Latest designs in stock, and good work guaran- teed. We have the small J store and small prices L L Lemmon J 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 i ' l I The Wearin' of the Bown A Color Hint to the Wide-Awake In? cities and towns they'ro wearin dinned into your ears for n llfe-tlmoj pretty a piece of goods as you wish 5.A JBS- i & MBi "f i-Atof- A Bb, V. II t 'f ti.f&x You will find yots? choice la the swell new brown ef fects, in both solid colors, plaids and other fancy effects. From $15.00 to $25.00 Salem Woolen Mill Stoef C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor 1 Bicycle ? Don't put it to one sldo. Wo nro going to huvo somo good bicycle rid ing this fall. ytf WE FIT ALL MAKE8 OF BIMS 11 Ljj FIT ALL MAKES OF TIKES WW Md BEPAIB ALL MAKES OF BICYCLE " " FRAMES AND FORKS. If it is for a bicycle, we have it OUR MOTTO: Best Workmanship, Prompt Delivery. WATT SHIPP THE BICYCLE MAN mmiimammmmKBmmmmaamKtoMtmmMtomKmtmtMm IIHIIIIilUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHHIHI)HIUIIIilHH :; , The Shooting Gallety ; Will give away many cash prizes remodeled ana new. opposite the iiiiiKiiiHimninH ! 44IIHllltlltf IMIl(MtitM-4 OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH Begins Us 23d year September 20, 1004.. Four torma la each school year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course la Sep tember, November, February and April. THE BEST TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Is the Normal Course, with Ita assuranco of pood poiltlons at good wages. Write for new cataloguo containing' full Information con cerning course of study, training in teaching afforded under real conditions In town and country schools and full details about advanced course of study, with the additional advantages attached. Addroiw Socrotary. J. B. V. DUTLER, or President. E. D. RE88. LER, Monmouth, Oregon. lfll Hit f tit ttminnnxnimnHiHuiHH h-w-i 1 1 mi e t t - i n.i..i( n if.. T i ...Ci... I vyaoresaie ano xeiii rauiuy &iquuc oiui E. ECKERLEN. 258 Commercial Street ' ' ull line of Houom And wines. : McBrier brand th best for family ' ' trrA In Hi a nltv Unlit. 'Phl tho browns, You'vo had blue sorgos and now comes tho brown serge; as to seo; iu as pleasing a stylo as nny ono could wish to havo made. Brown is tho rage. A Bonsl bio color for fall or winter. Looks warm nnd comfortablo But moro than that, thoy look tho essenco of "swell ncss," and thoy arc. Thoro aro no end of brown patterns to soloct from; and brown shades of different hues. If you liko other colors hotter, it's up to you. From $15 to $25 takes tho choicest fall suits. Thoy havo tho Salain Woolen Mill Storo label on them, and that is nn addi tional good word for thorn, and moans much moro in tho mattor ot quality than you are awaro of 1 Busted A Successful Baking Always follows tho uso of Wild Iloia Hour. Whothor you make' broad, cakos, pies, or any kind of pastry, you will find this flour n safe and reliablo stand by. Try it onae, nnd you'll never use any othor. Sold by all doalcrs, kS Salem Flouring Mills . on Saturday night. Everything wnite House Restaurant. iiiiiiiii n t ii i n 1 1 1 1 1 iHUH HMf Cedajbrook whisky formerly the use. All orders filled and 'J- 1 Main 11SL r i). The Edtsoa vUe. lIHIMIIII'IIIMMIMMIIIHIMIIIIMIIIIMHIII? TiinHimiiiimtHmmH"1 n'"","a"