r" pWfrnpv- DAILY CAPITA!. JOUSKAL, 3ALEM. OREGON- TPE3DAY, OCTOBEB 4t 1901 -isaaaaaaaTaaaMsaWaaa.Baaann--.i ogg !i i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. P2a ffljk$CABEL- ornciAii census salem, MAY, 1901, 13,287. Republican National Ticket For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. ' For 1ce-Presldet, CIIA3. W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana: For Presidential Btecters: O. B. Dlmlck, of Clacbaraaa. A. G. Hough, of Josephine-. J, N. Hart, of P)k. Jaa. A. Pee, ef Malboar. o THE OREGON EXHIBIT. "While the Lewi ami Clarke expe dition in making fine pregraM at Port land, it is a fact that the Orega balld lag' anil exhibit at St. lAnmln I a an umental failure. California and WnAfciagton hare grand buildings, striking rftsptays, gen eronf hospitality, and are erowded ail the time. Keeent visitor at St. Loals confirm Urtt reports that the Oregon bailding ii neglected, and there is ae one to grtet yen, Thft displays are insignificant and ftet-overed. The old Pepalist gentlo MtB with whisker baa even Rene to ek better entertainment. Well, that was an inheritance of the old political regime ef tfcW Mate, aad Oregon has entered spaa a newer and lkstfer era. The Lewi and Clark fair at Port land, seems te be in the hands ef yatiag or and brighter men. aad Oregon if catering on a botter day. o PLAYING THE OAME Or CLOSED TOWN. That is the great game at Portland it present. Slot machine are silent. Money flames are stored away. 'The district attorney is oven threat ening to prohibit people from eating in private boxes at restaurants. The fountains of beer at the Sunday theatres nre next to Ihj dried up, and ecnsatlonnl cannon at the chnrelies prohibited. Sheriff Tom Word is threatened with assassination, if ho does net lot up on ills orusado against gambling. The mayor issues e pronMHeiainento nfter another against vice, aad the eity of Portland is to be put under the Most stringent regulations. It is said all this Is to make the streets dead as ia u ' deserted eity. and eat kwn the crowded street rnrs on Bandar. Then the pelitieiaa hope for a reac tion that mtII again Niake Portland as wide open s ltabyloa ia the palmieet days af Xalmahadneaaar. ' o BRIGHT AND BUSY WOODBURN. The Uew tit of Preaea Prairie aer or had a brighter prt or wore hope ful future than right nw. Walter UTmm still lire there, aad flnnnHally KNd palltleatly, W at least 100 eaHdle-power iKejHkMtioa. Fruit aad hop lend Is bringing Idg flgarog. So fa vegetable lead, aad it vrlll be a btg Mpply eeator far Port bind Market ia this liae. Another Ibrre front idoek la beiaff put in. aal tnim imnmhw wwr Wilt this year. A big bvw .table u om af tea val uable addition t.. the city, waiok ia ntill ! I rir ligliioi frm SOvertoa. Three tbowkHii I lina beott aubaeribed toward mo ii-ru ..ra keaae, aad that iatpruM-mrat i urs tala. A number r the muei latotliitMU peo ple are regular aabarriaer la the Daily Capital Jour mI. al hmot take the Weekh. SETS A TINE EXAMPLE. The T. H K v ,h.,.ii UiUt feet tbia etty a gwv.1 fi.U f pubU owraer eblp of a ligMmg plant Thai rorj. rati. inkr-i us owa alee tri4- light wiili wHirr tnkva from the Mill rrek w iter potter that is offered the eity fur A0 turn The wool' m milU waki their ova lights, aad hgln tknr nfli.Mi ad Ute The. Kay r" -u iu stt street. What U a gMl tliim l.tt the T. JlJ IV.v Mitoleii tn ill i iiiftiratlM woaluV iu the loeg. run I'.- . ((...hI Ibtag fJT the eit nf ,vl ui PORTLAND JOURNAL PAYING. Tbt daWii eatt-iuso ef oataMinh ia anotknr kjUetaa daily awr at Portland uroasl t ba aaaeaedl. It is aaid tW Purtlaad Journal ,1a i!v j now on a paung bavais, lut the sUu l p IT u at ill a bill uf rxpeafe t' th -iupn l'oitUn-l i one f the aitidsrn tiniji. ipahiiea Mttb a full-rtedKed New York .TiMsmal trU f a uewaftaaar. Howl yellow journal all wu waat to. wrk a pht as the PortUal Joar ttat txi aJterti a twn. GREAT FORCES FOR ROOSEVELT. here" are three great fareee wrl iag together for Reseveit's election aad that they will prve to 1 in sitible n oae who has foll'-we-l the eour.e of national eleetioas ran JonI. J. There is the erop sitaatma. This ecwisUy Je ta Jar. the largest cott .n crop let its history bad oae of t'.t greatest wheat aad eora enps ev kamri, Thjfcj jaeaae atoae.i, jtv r ity aad eeeteatiaeat the farmers. iaereaeed earaiags for the railways aad eoatiaaed activity ia the steel, rail aavd ether iadowrrt whleh pro- bee railway tmtfMm. Vthm the farmers are proHaroaw aswl the mlMsys are ia like eaaditiea. asoaey U pleat if at aad trade of alt kiads feel the rtinrahns. S. All the great lades ries of the eoaatry, all the btwaeee latereets, are far Roaeerelt. beeaase ther kaaw that hi eleetioa aeM a eoatiaaa tioa, withoat joit or ehaage. of the preheat eoditie. They know that if hie eleetioa ki aaaovaeed oa the aight of November S, no aaxiety will be felt for the fatare, ratt that, oa the contrary, every bMaet3 and in- dastry will say: "Welt, we are all ricbt now for fear years mere. We eaa go ahead with ear plans in abso lute roafideBee that nothing disturb ing will happen." If Parker should be declared eleeted, doubt nnd uneer taint) would begin nt once, for the simple reason that no man eould fere tre what might happen under a Pres ident backed by a party without char acter or coherence or unity of purpose and pledged to give the country a change. Nothing is so injurious to business as uncertainty of any sort, and for that reason all the forces of busineM are Halting against Parker. for Parker's eleetioa means a step from eenfideaee to doubt, from pros perity to business itaratysis, from stability to uncertainty. S. The people as a whole are for Koosevelt oa the broad ground that a change is always undesirable ia a time of (reperity, aad a change bow is so obviously n leap in the dark as to be a change for the worse. What possible assurance ran any man give that Parker aad the Democratic party will give the country n better ndmin 1st ration than MeKinloy and Roone velt and the Republican party has been giving for eight years and are pledged to give four years longer! Thnt is the question which the Demo crats are confronted with and which thoy nan not answer. They must not only say that a change is desirable, but innt prove that it is. To do that they must prove that n party which eonfossots that it ba been on a wild dehanrh for eight years and is trying to sober up i better fitted to rule the country than a (wrty that ia sobriety ami widHN baa been ruling it with woaueriui suecuM! tor the Mine per iod. It le a good deal of a Job. o BELMONTISM. It bogAae to be uppareat that, ia delivering the party over to what may be called Haiwoatiwti, the Democrats laid up traalde far tbeuteelveg. They are nt wst iu tbo elntcbee of the party manager and capitalists, . aad neither appear to be doing them rouek good. OapiiulUta are not aa evil, la a imrty or la a nation, unlaw they are using latlaeaee to the detri ment of their fetlowmea; but when a party become the party plrdged to the interest of capital aad palitb-al maeutaery, the mas of the voters do well to Ite nueaay. The demagogue ia pretty bad, but euaituirwd with the tboreughguiag base be has his good poratx, IU eaa not continently dis regard the right of the Majority of the people and then aek defiantly. "What are you going to, do about it?" aad this WU. Uorasaa aad Sb.. baa aae repeatedly done. Judge Parker Matted out, atteat lag to da a Mrt of circa act stra I die two borne at oar. A th- ta horttea pallod apart be foaad it n- -i sarv to chotiae bctwevu the one ln repreaeatxl tbr capitalist cmt ..f l,n party aa! the one wlnrU rere i t . the rural tolert of tlio et ll. rhoua the former. Th- part i.. . . hare trouble airl. im (be othtr li. . whe it is waated. - - 'Madam' said the grocer, "let me Intro duce Golden Gate the highest tfrade coffee on the market. NoUtei" goes with GOLDEN GATE COrfEE bat atlafacllaa. o pri o caipm is crock fry. I aad 2 lb. irona-lUbi tlaa. NrTcr sold La balb. J. A. Folger Co. S.atabllaha half av Cantarjr 9an Francifco any three bop bank nowadays. growers can start a Another bank has been added to the Capital City. The wise bujinets man will welcome "another" in almost any line of business, because "another" always means something doing, prop erty renting, more wages paid, more people employed, better service. We have almost got to the point where we would welcome "aaother" comng of Christ. The Rugeae Register reports the loss of its office Bible this week. The pa per is charitable enough not to accuse the Metbaditt conference miaisters of stealiag it. The dogwood is ia the seeoad bIiom awl the vine maple and hawthorne is painting the hillsides scarlet. i:alem is growing so metropolitan that mre help would seem to be need ed celling tickets aad checking bag gage nt the Southern Pacific pninger depot. 9H X-RADIUMS Carelessness the Cause. Wt are reminded by an -. ident which occurred in Portland lar week of a matter of which man people nre guilty. It is regarding rarleness in throwing peach skins, banana peel, or Mich sulxtaaees on the sidfMalks and thus (tutting danger in the rath of pe dettriuHt). It may seem a light matter to throw a small grape skiu on the walk and is thoughtlessly done everv day in the week. And yet thete many small kiaa are as capable of doing injury ae their roMtpaHto, the nm-h offend ing aeede, which were former! thought to be runpomible for the lr-a.led ap pendicitis. As proof of tin we refer to tint neebleat meNtioacd as hating ae enrred iu Iortlaud, when n mui teach er of that rity alipped on a grae skin and, falling upon the pa-iu-nt. dislo cated her hip. Learn a lfMn from thin uee the street, insteai'l of the side walk as a rereptable for tin h things. A little caution nun utt. much trouble. oA.S5"oni-a. BriO stoW&)tttHUlfi&il Blgutu cf To St. Louis. The Southern Pacilie have made ad ditional sale dates for the sale of world's fair tickets, as follews: Oc tober 27th, 2sth and J9th. W. F i OMAN. , Aurora is a fuua t.-wu . ran buy a building lul taorv f..r I v. or money The old grat families ( I be eoteamt have about alt there is ta the way of ral cat ale. and they u not bate to a-ll. Hut the Uwn growls anl it U vail thero is room for a I. ml Ulk. aU.it fctartlag Hew baaka, their is 4iu( a 6eW ta the Willamette vaihu. Indtatenilrine, Qerral. Woel Intra, Aarom and ML Angel are alt atJ to be wanting a small bask lot at d i a ore, aad it is said uk as lustitu no would d a gK4 Ivuilnet. The W.iatnute rallcy t all ilfiM. Why, 3.?:. llfMal JMII am nnatSaiT sli nnuiaT amil TraaaniTMiWaisaai' al Economy Brand Evaporated Cream bears the above cap labeL Contains luUy as muJi food substance per can as the watery imitations in larger cans. It Is smooth and perfect because skiUfully pre pared Its purity Is guaranteed. I The Great $20,000.00 Now Going on at THE LEADER, Mrs. RLE. Fase Sold 27 COMMERCIAL STREET And Still They Come Gte&tet Bargains and Bigget Crowds . . i. ,.., t .v- ...in rir A ffnnlne closlncr-out sale no humbuir. ti .. ... We nave engaged extra ueiji ioi mo kuuuos nv. .. 0 - "nni, like many you sec. advertised, just the name without the low prices bnck of it. Wc believe the cltweaj ,j lem know a good thing when they see it-judging from the way tney nave oeen picking up tue h the pat two weeks, we know it. There nre plenty more, and will be until this entire stock is c1om4w! is The Rush and Jam In our ladies' cloak and suit de partment surely means something. Come and sec what it is all about. Your time will not be lost. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits In all wool Cheviots, Serges, Covert, Venetian Cloths, Zibollne, etc., as sorted colors, 315.00 and $16.50 values.. Bale price. $9.95 Ladies' Rainy Day Suits One lot of these suits, assorted col ors, $12.50 values.. Sale price. $7.50 ONE LOT OF Taitwed Suits Made of good materials, Brown, Bluo and Black, $18.00 values. Sale price. $12.50 Ladies' and Misses' Coats Made in the latest style, new col arlt".? coat, full sleeves, neatly stitihed. worth $..j0. Sale price $5.95 Ladies' Skirts One lot of lijjht pray, dark gray, and black, worth up to $3. Sale price $2.75 One lot of light gray, dark gray, black, tan and mixtures, worth up to $0.dO. Sale price $3.95 ONE LOT OP Tailored Suits Neatly made, assortod colors, val ues up to $25.00. Sale price $5.00 All alteration of suits free of charge. The Tourist We have a good nssortmett it J sortetl colors, which will j, at reduced prices, from $12.50 Furs, Furs Black Coney Scarfs, $1.301 bale price 85c Opossum Scarfs, with u w tans. o values. Sale prin "i eafl' $3.75 Water Mink Scarf, nice iliitrl brown, six tails, $o valuei Sill price. $3.50 Brown Mixture Scarfs, gn lengths, $6 values. Sale price $4.50 Mrs. Fraser is still het and will remain for a while yet That New Woolen Underwear SI, .nil. I he sent to the Salem Steam Laundry and lw cleaned. We have the only steam table in Oregon for this work and guarantee Mitisfnction. Thin blankets probably nood at tent ion. too, and remomber we have the only fueilittot) for hand line thU work outside the woolen will. The Salem Steam Laundry IWIIMHUHMIIMMHIM White Rotary Sewing Machines No woman who ha eer nsad a lio- ,tv vwiujf machine would i-a baalc ta - -dd typa of shuttle. The White i IK t irv Shuttle eawbluM tk good i ut of all other rotarie, aad has a n filler of now features that pat it in a i.l by itaelf. Tension Indicator, Automat matlc Tension Release, Double Feed Shuttle Instant ly Removable, Ball Bearing. I H,-i.lf othtr uiaikd fttmeuieueea that put the White in a elaas by itself. I i 'all and ee it Tlio uew ones are IxNtutim. F. A. Wiggins' Implement Houm 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implement, Automobiles, Sewing Machine and Supplies. Star Restaurant Bast 15c aaaU la the city Ooffw wltb. cake Se. SI meal tickets for 179. SOt CommtrclaJ street. w .rrmmmwmmm- mat tm vMmmmmmmK mat v1 -- "- x. r r sr t-o & - -s. w-fc orvKiCMp A GOOD APPETIZING MEAL Can nlways be made on our tes tier and juicy steaks, tboft roasts, filets. Those who lovt cboico meats of excellent fliv nnd succulenco should try steak, roast or chop from oo primo beef., lamb, mutton K veal. Our meats are favonta with thoso who wish fiwt-clfl nud nourishing foods, at ies .nblo prices. E. C. Cross. State Street Market for ror for m tio iFc a)av)M9aae9S9ec f) Rev. Walter T. Mills OF CHICAGO, Will address the public at the Labor Union Hall, om g rw store, Tnwday eveniK, Oetolwr 4th, 't 7: Ij. t ou paiutc! WOB0n. md ih soeUl and Ubor problem, of the proa at aad future. If the evening is Pleasant he will rk on the street. Ulnv unloo, wd frtiwMl a,W tX ". all cordially in vited to hear tht n.Mei gH.aker ,t HUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale of rh,nee Rntl j8paneso wear aad skirts. GeilU, aaU u zrzr tMfy S "S- :r a;tte,r court - OALL ON YOUR STEPM0I At the Salem Dre Wnri when you u lined, velvet eollan on. alio .ulu'J wie rnontn. You can get anytmng enw-" pair ot aloT.'j to tha mot elatiorteil" Mrs. 0. H. Witt I ITop., m Commercing 1 TheYoi No. 10 piles SSI -lr t .rtO. t..., ' a i-..i-f 1 BlMM Or B ( k J r, ',"l,,'Hlturnl I v "HZ s? .. ss STir'"!re-rss-' sSTil Tho Machine Behind the IFne W Eels all othera In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY, 75,000 SoW J. D. BROWN, Agent. 230 Stark Street, Portland. v nf.UVJOOO, Local Agent, 28S Commercial Sb! Salem, Oregon. Wo Rent. W Sell. We ExehW J sti O. l'l A h: F To il e I i t MnilM. Wa Repair.