- tsmmmmmmtmBmmmmmmmftmM tfWHftiltotogratafrta IXIV. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1901, KO. 220. . MORE DRINK AND HE'LL TELL IT ALL MILDRED RUSSIANS RESIST JAPANESE ATTACK bAJLY&Fffi&Jj TOTTRNAT, smm Louis Boodler Squeals? on Boss and Implicates an Other Prominent Citizen ?tt5fs, Oct. 3. Cbas. F. Kell& flight to Europe He declared, that WgBpcakcr of the house of dele-l"""' Butler" gave him $15,000 to , ..., .4.,,' uee, iinu unit, uuuer joined uiin in under conviction for perjurjr ' .,'.,.., ,, don, nnd remained with him nb Lon- nbrond. Off Bnecuon wmi iuo uuouiu . Tr :,,:,. ... at T ... nd whoso trial comes up this wj)0) Jl0 sav8i visited him at Sault Ste his morning gave out a written Marie, while en route to Europe, and son of the circumstances of his gave him $800. -SUICIDES I larine Reserves Strike. allies, Oct. 3. The strike of the" reserves was resumed this morn- Phe men refused to comply with is of arbitration to which they themselves. The authorities 'solution to tho present situation. o Vanguard Strengthened. 'Borae, Oct. 3. A telegram from Ekfop, asserts that General Stoessel as ordered that nil women anil chil dren at Port Arthur, except nurses, to leavo the city in order that food nnd water, which are scarce, will last longer. St. Petersburg, Oct. 3. Gen. Sak haroff reports that tho Japanese' van guard has been strengthened, nnd has reached a point 23 versts southeast of Mukden. There have been no serious engagements or movements at other points. ,ei IONS TURNED , DOWN kicngo, Oct. 3. The Pulliunn car ke opened their doors this morning took back 1000 employes, nfter eral weks' shut down. Tho men lied individually, and there was recognition of the unions. Fivp lusand aro still out, but they will be ten back gradually. It is believed' be tho end of union sway in tho Dps MULLAH PRETTY HOSTILE Aden, Arabia, Oct. 3. Th Mnd Mullah is again on tho warpath, and is reported as hnving looted the vil lago of Ogade, killing 500 men, wot men and children, and capturing on8r mous quantities of camels nnd sheep. Ho lately received great quantities of rifles. er of ; Prominent Mill Owner Ends Her Life" Left Letters Saying Tlfat She Had Bad Luck in MSe Af- -ti fairsl htuml luck' J ,ove' Charllo Ponnell better than nnything in tho world. You did not want mo to marry him, but he is going away, so am I. You hnvo Elsie. Shcivill be good to you. I lovo you pnpni but 1 can't always stay hero, so lllOWLWOll't Vnil lllonuo irlvn Pl.r. i-ll.. tl.l. i n rclf0ck'1nri'' n"cr """""K.noto tcll.ng him goodbye. Leave his about 20 minutes, she did likewise. Af-1 pletnte in tho bnck of WB tor about half an hour she arose nnd.ug ,cavc ,t y bfl tQ swallowed tho contests of tho bottle, 80ifnm, E8e. Goodbye. Your unh- ucr suiierings soon nuraeung tuo ni- ,,v Mildred " Miss Mildred Brynnt, the 17-year-old daughter of Geo. K. Eryant, commit ted suicide th'is morning by taking strychnine. The net was premeditate!, ns tho poison had been purchased on Friday at tho drug storo of P. G. Haas. Last evening her parents went to Twenly Thousand Brown Men Said to Have Been Kilied at Port tention of the other occupnnts of tho house. Drs. Iteynolds and Smith were called, nnd nfter several hours' work left at T:30 this morning, nnd thijy pronounced her out of ganger at that time. About 2:30 sho suddenly grcjiv worse, ami died almost immediately? The girl left two letters on her tnblc, one to her father, tho other to Chas. Ponnell, the son of her fnthcr's part ner. Tho letter to her father is as follews: "Dear Papa: Ueforo you read thfai you will know where I am. I havo ' Tho contents of thq noto nddressed to Mr. Pennell have not beon made pub lic, but it is of lnrgar sizo than tho one nbove. The deceased girl was well and fa vorably known in this city, whore she lindjH host of friends. Sho was always happy and contented, so fur ns outside appearances went, and such n rnsh uct was never hinted at by her to any of hex1 friends, except to Miss Anna Davis, to whom sho divulged her inten- (Ctfntlnuod on Fourth Pace.) St. Petersburg, Oct. 3. Ambassador McCormick has beon granted a leave of absonco to go to tho United States on urgent prlvnto business. Ho leaves ou Thursday, and will stop nt Berlin to consult tho Japanese minister there regarding tho repatriation of Japanese refugees. McCormick will nrobnblv bo awny for six weeks. To diplomatic sit uation is quiet, tho question of contra band having passed tho acute stage. Secretary Spencer Eddy will uct nc charge d' affairs. , Shanghai, Oct. 3. A Russinn war ship, supposed to be tho Rayun, is re ported ut anchor off Gutzlnss Island, ilnnclinu bay. Two tuts havo cono to bring hor to Shanghai. Headquarters of Genernl Oku, Oct.. 3. The first southbound trnln over tho reconstructed railway left yesterday, carrying -1110 wounded Jnpnnese, 100 sick and 33 wounded Russian prison ers, en route to Japnn. The wounded aro practically tho Inst of 'the Japan oso wounded 'nt Lino Yang. St. Potorsliurg,"6ctT 3. Gen. Misoh onko'n cavalry, with 22 guns on Oc tober 1st attacked Genernl Kurokl's left flnnk, but after' sovero fighting tho Russians letired. Their casualties wero two ofllcers and 87 men killed nnd wounded. General Kuropntkln's ensu; altios, from September 0th to 21st, in clusive, was eight officers and 400 men killed and wounded.' ' to achiovo success, and to mako the necessary sacrifices. I hope that wo? may bo nolo to sccuro iv grcator econo my with grenter efficiency in tho locafc" administration. A meeting of tho? governors of tho provinces will bo held tomorrow." Chefoo, Oct. 3. Tho Russians cstf mate tho total Japancso losses during; tho four days' lighting at Port Arthur,. September 10th to 20th, at 20,000 nioi Tho official report from General Stoes sel says tho fighting wns of an ex tremely sovero chnrnctcr. Toklo, Oct. 3. Premier Kntnrsnin, in nn interview this morning, said: "The war will continuo for a long time. Tho notion must bo determined Jlotno, Oct. 3. A messngo from Lino Yang snys that tho Jnpancso havo re paired the railway between Da Pnssi and Li no Yang, and that trains arc now running direct to Field Marshal! Oynmu's headquarters, thus reinforc ing his troops, nnd felicitating tho for warding of supplies. By next week tho Japanese army ut Vcuti will have reached its full complement. St. Petersburg, Oct. 3. News front Port Arthur states that forngo Iw scarce, but ammunition is plentiful. Clothing is lacking, but storo cloth iff bulug miido into garment by tho wo men. Tho sanitary conditions nro good. Thero nro now 30 truinoit nurses for every NJ0 sick and wounded. But 100 women nnd children not bo longing to tho military forces remain in towiu Tho (diluvium from tlio; itead' bodies left on the field 1ms beon blow ing Into the town, mid tho RuKfttniitb forced tho Chineso to collect tho bod ies and throw them into tho sen. Waitings Elegance in Fall Suits Daily arrivals aro making our wom en's Section, ou the second floor, more and more attractive. Tho styles aro so varied, and thero nro so many now matorinls and effects that the finding of n stylo to suit each individual tasto is surprising ly simple. Fashion's newest crea tions can be found here in n great ariety, EXPANSION SALE PRICES PREVAIIi The cool days coming demand something wnrmer than the thin shirt waist, and every particular woman's wardrobe will include nt least one waist mado from tho new heavy wuistings. Thero nro a vn riety of weaves; entirely new. Many different varieties and color ings to select from, nnd remember when mnking your purchaso that tho GOODS ARE ALL NEW. EXPANSION SALE PRICES PREVAIL P EXPANSION -" PROTECTICM Fall and Winter We'll all s ion be buying new lots f lieuviei 7NDER- WEAR "MtiRODB" Wand FiniskiS) UNDERWEAR If it's buying a fresh lot, that's whore we.figuro prominently. When it como3 to materials and weights wo hnvo no end of variety. Worn- on's on children's, no mnttor what you wuni, wo imvu ii hi u iru " suit. PROTECTION SALE 46c to $2.25 Children's Dresses Thenew fall dresses for tho little ladies posses all the newest styles and fancies in up-to-dnto wear. Ktyles include the Buster Browns, Russian Blouse, Kilts French and Fonev Dresses, etc. All siws. PROTECTION SALE PRICES PREVAIL Ft fS Furs from fur headquarters, rep resenting tho largest furrier in merica, from tho small seek boa the large, long furs. PROTECTION SALE PRICES Hosiery Our stock is all carefully soloetwl for superior quality and service abloness. Uoe for tho ontiro fam ily for all purposes, from tjio wee baby to the grown matron. EXPANSION SALE 9c to $1.85 Skirts The newet mannish effects in In dies' tailor-made klrti for ttrt woar. This seotoo's stylos. Price range from $2.90 BAR0ANSJ0RLM CESSfSSeSHPn Out Sales Inorcasc every day, "because our ostomers nnd OUR STATEMENTS ARE CORRECT. It's a case of EXPANSION. -The style and appear ance of our merchandise brings Dullness. Rest aisured that you will bo shown the latest and nowest styles, and not an accumulation of '.old shop-worn merchandise Every article in this BIO STORE (except con tract goods) radically reduced in price. Trade at the safe store. MenTs Hats for Fall Wear Wednesday Only WMatvtidny Special Kale No. 1U. Cotton Comforts, Bilkoline covered. WEDNESDAY ONLY. 88c The great store I has shown its I superiority by offering spoeial inducements in this section. Men's 2.fi0 am! 3 hats, PROTECTION SALE $1.50 Tfffifj r&M$i IK "'tfeSri' Tho now changeable- Taffetas, fur shirt waists, petticoats, etc. Posi tively tho latest doslgns and col orings, EXPAN8I0N SALE 78c yard Men's Shirts The bcit shirts to bo found in the city at prleos not to bo ("jtiuled elsewhore. Ilwil $ 1.50 vuIuoh PROTECTION SALE. 95c Men's Neckwear, Men's Suspenders Dent's Gloves Men's Hosiery The essence of quality prevails In tho ontiro dcjwirlmunt. I'rUitu to suit tho oeuslou. New Coats For tho llttlo mhlm, linludlug tho finext CUUHHKD VHLVHT, OHINL'HILA, BKAH SKIN and Cloth Coats, made up in tho latest and bwt styles. EXPANSION SALE PRICES PREVAIL liii Jmmm mvh Copyright 1904 b Hart Schaffncr 6f Marx: Men's Clothes Dozens of fine-looking young mow wero hero every day last weuK buying their fall suits, mid muro wlll come this wok, for tho wordi koams to hnvo gono round tiiat tlifw IS THE STORE for young mwr' elothliig. It Is. All tho iii'Wimt lfotH In fine full elothliig is hcrir in tho largest variety to bo fmmf In the city, ami at prlo that meuu SHviiii;s for yiHi. EXPANSION SALE PRICES PREVAIL Boy's Clothing In tho boy all fixed for schoolf Did you find you had forgotten any thing In tho hoy' outfitT If thcrtfV anything miii anything t(nt a boy weM, you "n buy It bur at A lower prico than you ran buy hmc quality for aiiywherw oImv PROTECTION SALE PRICES- PREVAIL 3 V