6&a&sWjtnL, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OIlEdON. SATURDAY, OCTOBEE 1. 1904. mWmmimhmiMti&Jifitm' ULASSIrlU) MP I s WANTED. Hted. A girl to do general house- &rk. Apply at northeast corner of lial anil Court streets. Phono Red h. 9-30-3t Sited. A competent girl or woman do general housework. Inquire WournaJ office. 9-30-tf fwated. Two apprentice girls at the Juke Millinery Parlors, opposite toe York Backet store. 9-29-3t .Special representative in this county and adjoining terrltor- est to represent an old established business .house, of. solid financial Banding. Salary $21 weekly, with enses advanced each Monday by rebeck direct from headquarters. ibrse and buggy furnished wheu necessary; position permanent. Ad dress" Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. A, Mo Son Bldg, Chicago, 111. 9-29-Gt atedi A girl for general houso Work. Inquire at 492 Cottage 9-2S-3t Street. sited. A girl to work for board and go to school. Inquire nt The Jour nal offico. 9-28-3t -nted. To rent small cottage close mi nnnn rtnt unna imr iih mi ease of one or moro years. Address . J., care Journal. iWanted.A position by a young man Embti i. !t.i. i ....:.,.. fnr l,i hoard nnd attending school. Ad dress J. J. Kraps. Salem, Oregon. F j& 9-26-J.w ited. Two dry .gooas salesladies. pply at tho Chicago store, Court Salem. James McEvoy. 8-JO-tr fanted. To purchase a piece of land Suitable for potatoes, hops or hay. tAddress, with particular!, lock box R488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf FOR 6AL. -Baled whoat and choat fstraw, nt $3, S3.50 per ton.' Inquire of e, Salem, routo No. 1, or t-on.imH O. E. Price, Uhono 79 Farmers. 7-29-lwk fit Sale.-Vetch seed, both kinus. Fre'd" , 'Achilles, four miles north of Salem, half mile west house. of Keizer school 9-0-2rad&w For Sale. Three new cameras, never used, nt manufacturers' prices. In quiro of O. A. Schnefer, 306 Liberty street. P-2S-3t" A team. Inquiro of 15. t. Baxter. East Salem. SM-tf ood for Salo. Uood second-growth fir delivered for $3.00 cash on deliv ery. Soo T. L. Williams, Leslie street, between 23 and 24th street, or ad dress by mail R. P. D. No. 5. 95-lm -.I,. ......i,. For aaie. Aiovmg .picture ouiui, m first-class condition. At groat reduc tion. Address "L. F. II.," Salem, Or., care Journal. 8-26-tf ror Sale. Three-Iourms or an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason-' able terms. Inquire at Journal of flee. 8-2-tf MISCELLANEOUS. (fork for Board. 1 have two or tnree young men who want places to work for their board while attending school. One has had oxperienco clerking in a general merchandise store. Call or phono W. I. Staley, nt Capital Business College. 0-30-lt ost. Between tho Oren Havago place and Huyesville, a fur boa. Finder please leave at this office nnd receive a liberal reward. 9-29-3t Shingles! Shingles. Now lot received, $1.25 to $2.35 per 1Q00. Mathold and P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Poultry and field fencing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morloy, Salem Fence Works, CO Court street. Woo Can bo invested to .bring 15 per cent. Only one opportunity. Appij to M, caro Journal office. 9-20-3t" Lost, Strayed or Stolen. On Septem ber 18th, a black collio, witii wiuie face and white feet, front teeth on upper jaw gono. Answers to tho uamo of "8noozlc." Finder please return to W. II. Howd, Suaw.Orcgon, an 1 receive suitable reward. 0-20-lw :'ound. Good bicycle lamp. Inquire at Journal office. 9-23-tf ftr Sale. Old established hotel in prosperous valley town, doing fine business. Will trado in part for Sa-I'-tu real estate. Address "F. "v7.," J vrnal office. 9-16-tf Cb Service. Now cab .just arrived. an bo found at Lowo's livery stable Ptane Main 1001. Best service and reasonable rates. E. Townsend. Si'lem Steam Dying and Cleaning Works. At this establishment you can get anything cleaned, dyed and paired, from a pair of trousers to tbs most elaborate silk gowns, also ' its presse dby the month $1.00, by ! suits 50 cents; velvet collars on overeats, coats relined, buttons P-t on, hats and gloves cleaned. 8u ts called for and returned. La dies call and we will perfume your kanlkerchiefs free. Mr. C. H. Walk , 195 Commercial street. Telephone 8683. George H. Hall & Co. Livery and. transfer line, Newport. Or. Special attention given to handling baggage and camp outfits. Hack' to Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle horses. One block east of steamer landing. 7-13-2 m Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prico3. In Cottle .,, block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new. clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149-161 State street. Mat- tie Hutching, proprietor. Fuono Main 2874. 6-9-tf 'Bay - Have yon tried Edwards, &Lusch. ers lur meats, we nave mo upsi sausage in town. Come and try it and be convinced. 410 East State street 8alem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano and furniture mov.ni a specialty Office 'phono, 8(1. W W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 State street 9-1-lm TON80RIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrat-clitt shop on State street Every' talaj new and up-to-u&to. Finest poitt lain baths. Shave, 16c; hair-cut Si baths, 26c. Two first-class boo blacks. C. W. Evaca. proprietor UNDERTAKERS. Undertaken.. We carry the large and finest line of undertaker's good' in the city. Prices to suit al) Black and white hoarse. Prompt reliable. Save money by calllni a No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Ba l-t-tf Changed His Office. Dr. E. E. Jackson, the veterinary will be found at Gilliam & John- . 8on's Old streets, li lef - ililns Postofllce barn, C2 Ferry Instead of at tho Red Front stables. Office phono, Main 2341; residence No. 17, South Commercial Istroet) telephone Red 2011. 8-25-lm FOR RENT. ror Rent. A 350-ncro farm on Howell Prairio. For particulars inquiro of M. A. McCorkle, Salem, Oro. Phone Black 2401. 9-29-3t Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca tion on street car line, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. O. Goodalo, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20 tf HraPBUYERS-DrRECTOBY JACK CARMICHAEL Hop buyer. Room 1, Bush-Breyman building. Phono Muin 1851. 9-27- WM. BROWN & CO.-Hops. Mohair, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street, Salem, Oro gon. Phone 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant nnd purchasing agent. No. 210V4 Commercial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono 1051. T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211, offico room 18 Oborheim bldg, Sn lem, Oregon. KREBS BROS. Hop Merchnnts, Sa lem, Oregon. Phono 1301. KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops. Bush-Breyman block, Salem, Oregon, also Albany, Oregon. BUSINESS CARD. DR. W. L. MERCER Graduato of tho American School of Osteopathy, . Kirksville, Mo. Office in Breyman block, Commercial street, over Stock ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phone Red 2413. Residence at 300 Summer street. Phone Red 2541. KNIOHT & SOinNDLER Havo pur chased tho old stand formerly occu pl6d by John Knight, and nro now prepared to do horseshoelug and gen eral blacksmithlng. All work waf ranted. 217 Liberty street. 0-22-lm Sidney Hayes Teacher of violin, man dolin and guitar, formerly of Stein way Hull, Chicago. Pupils dosiring thorough instruction at lowest rates pleaso address or call at Will's mu sio store. 0-2G-lmo Dr. M. Teresa Schoettle, Osteopath Graduate of founder's school. Grand Opera House, Salem, Oregon. Of fiee phone- Main 2721. Residence phone, Red 2003. General Blacksmithlng. I am doing business at the sahie old stand, and will be pleased to meet my old as well as new customers. John Knight, ' 217 Liberty street. 9-22-lmo r. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an office in the Eldridge bloek over Try's drug store. Ofliee hours, 9 to 12 a. nr. and 2 to 5 p. m. Phone, oflle, Main 2703; residence, 91. Specialty, diseases of children. 9-20-3m DRAYMEN. Welch & White do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains, 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076. Stand 21S Commerslal street 8-12-1 m HUN OlOTirigMSas ot his winning a race, but a question beiutr able only to keep afloat Tho man who is suffering from malnutrition is like the fettered swimmer. His stomach, and its allied organs of digestion and nutri tion are diseased. It is not a question with him of inning In the race for busi ness but of simply keeping up under any circumstances. Whenever disease affects the stomach it is affecting also the blood and the health of every or gan of the body. For blood is only food converted into nutrition and nutri tion is the life of the body and every organ of it. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health. Tor ls louss years I suffered with tmllge Hon uttd my liver and kidueyn, which baffled Ce best doctors In our country," writes It. t. Ran ell. Kq . of Woolsey, Prince William Co.. V. "I suffered with my stomach and back for a Ion time, and atter taking a cart-load of medicine from three doctors I jrrew so bad I could hardly do a day's work. Would have death-like rains In the side, and blind spells. I began taking Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets.1 Before I had taken half of the second bottle I began to feel relieved, I got six more bottles and used them, and am happy to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and Jungs. The Common Sense Medical Adviser. iooS large pages, in' paper covers, is sent free on receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R, V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O O. F. Hall, Saturday each woek, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holman Hall ererj Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fraslei Consul. Wylie A. Moores, 8ecr tary. 1-12-Itt Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.-Mt In their hall in Holman block, eo ner State and Liberty, every M day evening. Visiting brethr welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance Rocordor, Central Lodge No. 18, ,K. of P. Ctau Halt in Holman block, corner Hut. and Liberty Sts. T-esday of easl week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staley. K. of H, and S. Forestern of America Court 8a: wood Foresters No. 19. Meet Frl day in Turner block. H. O Meyer, O. R.; A. L. Brown, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America U gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Uh'j every Thursday, ovenlng at 8 o'clwei Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, 1 C: A L. Brown, Clork. WM l-H COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at otHe Bills payablo monthly in advant Mao all complaints at the office CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the rt&a&ffi&fa Signature HUJE WING SANG CO. Great sale of Chinese and Japaneso fancy goods. Wo also make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Gents' and ladies' furnishing goods, fancy goods,- laces nnd embroideries. Court street, corner of alley, Salem. Star Restaurant Best 15c meals In the city. Coffee with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for $2.75, 204 Commercial street. Bicycle Repairing We are fitting quite a number of bleyelos with STEEL RIMS New far wlntor riding. Let us put a pair on your wheeL Salem Gua Store, Pad H. Hawser, Prop. j ' PUBLIC OWNERSHIP DISCUSSED ' (Continued from first page.) A. A. Lee said public ownership had, not been a success in small places. Ho lived in the cast part of tho city, and they had neither light or water. Ho bo lioved tho city should ncquiro a plant nt the earliest possible moment, nnd put light and water in reach of nil. John Bayno said all seemed to favor public ownership of a light plant, al though thero hnd been great improve ment in tho service. Ho belloved the city had best wntor servico it ever had. Ho had visited tho crib, and his appetite for Salem water hnd been im proved. No effort nt regulation had so far been successful, as tho corporations had ways of evading the attempts of the city council. Still he would try both. The timo for the city to act was when tho water power could bo had, and ho believed tho offer mado to tho city should bo accepted, as water pow ers all over tho valley are being picked up. R. R. Ryan said in no case where n city of 10,000 or over had" ever taken up public ownership had ever been ti failure. He, cited a number of cities where the cost of light hnd beon re duced one-hnlf to one-third. Liko tho other speakers, every point mado for public ownership was heartily applaud ed. W. A. Cusick spoke in an nblo and convincing manner for a better lighted city. Ho favored a committee of busi ness men to take up this wholo ques tion, nnd go to tho bottom of it. Ho be lieved the city hnd tho ability and tho power to do as well or bettor than a private corporation could do. He would not act hnstily, but he belloved in get ting hold of the right end of tho club, nnd proceeding to ncquiro a plant, if necessary to protect the Interests of the city. J. L. Stockton tnlked on n similar lino, lining great moderation, uot agreeing with Dr. Cusiek nbout tho streets being well lighted. Ho compli mented the present management of tho electric light plant, ns it hnd improved matters r0 per cent. Ho complimented tho nmliunco on tho fine business spirit it had manifested, nnd commented on tho good spirit of nil tho discussion. It wns tho right way to go at these things and ho belioved great good would oonio of it. On motion a committee of threo wns appointed to tako such ac tion ns wns best deemed in tho inter est of tho city, and report at n future meeting. The following wero nominnted and appeinted: Dr. W. A. Cusick, ,1. U. Stockton and E. I of or. Adjourned. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Fow People Know How Useful It Is in Preserving Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that chnr coal is tho safest nnd most efficient disinfectant and purifier in nnttire, but fow realize its value when taken into tho human system for tho same cleansing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that tho more you tuko of it tho bettor; it is not n drug at nil, but simply absorbs the gases nnd impurities always present in tho Htomnch and iutostines and carrios them out of tho system. Charcoal swetens tho breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Chareonl effectually clears and im proves tho complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acts as u nntural and eminently safo cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects tho mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal und tho niopt for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal Ldzcngcs; they are composed of the fiuost powdered Willow qhurcqal, nnd other hannes untlsoptfos in tablet form or rather in the fjgrm qf large, pleasant tasting l"7!ig0j the elmronnl being mixed with honey. The dally use of thoeo lozenges will son toll in n much Improved condi tion of the general health, better com plexion, sweeter breath and purer bluoiLyund tha beauy of it iv, that no puMiblo ha'rm oan r&nult from their 'ntlnued use, but oh the rontrary, great, bonyfit. A Buffalo physlekin in speaking of the bosofita of eltureoal, says: "I ad viw Sig&rt'j Charcoal Lozenges to all latlnts, suffering from gas In stem ah amUuliwebi, and to elear the com pli-xiun and purify the breath, mouth nl tlirt; I alto believe the liver li greatly benefited by the daily uw of thesi; they eest but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although la some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Ktuart's Charcoal Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tab lets." 1-9-13 22 29 LX. Mi($? Vegetable PrcparationrorAs slmilaUng UicFoodandRcguIa Ung UrcStoinuclts and Bowels oT Promotes Digcslion.Checrfur ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium.Morplunc nor Mineral KOrUAttCOTIC. JZtveafCUA-SUNVXZFlTCmi Jtx.Svi tfiriitJ Aft IWBIJftH fWTWt Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUna non.SourStomach.Dlarrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a The Finest Line Of HFATFRS Ever placed on display in Salem. Note corner window R. M. WADE & Good Pointing Good printing is like good clothes. It looks better, gives a better im pression and commands attention "Good clothes make the man." So does good printing make the business. ,We do good printing, printing that commands attention. Call tip 2824 Main and we will call and get your work. The Gault Printing Company ON TIME Y. M. C. A. Building 71 Chemekcta Street. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAY8 AND ORCHARD DOXES at the shop of i G. F. Mason Mlllor street, South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. HIMIHHIHM I Gold Dust Flour i Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family uie. Ask your grocer for it Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace I AGENT fMMtlMlMMHHMiMUM CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the if. t Signature $ y For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMSOtNTAURaOMMtNY, flCW VOHK OUT. CO., Salem, Ore. 1 EVERY TIME. SALEM OREGON 'Phone 2824 Main Capital Normal School I'irst National HauK building, Sa lem, Or. Fall term oktwclvo weeks opens Seplouiber.SOtb. Normal, ftOj adomlc, preparatory and business courses. Addresi. J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Oregon - f GENERAL REPAIRING -AT F. ). MOORE, Court Street, All work guaranteed. ill I II ':i