PHONE i i ' COMPANY IMPROVES Pacific States Take Up Long Promised Re pairs J. II Thatcher superintendent of Or- ogon for tho Pacific States Telephone , rp , . . .,' .. & Telegraph Company, was in tho city ,.,!,, .... , . tcsterday taking notes for the proposed !. ' , ,, . . , , i, improvements, which have so long been kLi..i - It.- c,i, .i.i. ..... fnm TVTr Wlmtnlini aftvo flint n IMinnrrfi ' " Salem has waited a long timo, that is .,' . . . ,,.,,., . . n i ii - i ii .i'dh the first prize, and Miss Velma to bo repaid b the improvements that , , , . , . . ,. , ,, . , ILiilirmiin second. arc to bo put in, which would not hnvo been obtainable if the now exchange had been constructed before. The now nnnnrnrns inclmln n mnlMnln rnnfrnl energy board, ariel cable construction on tho outside, thus doing nway with I) a great number of exposed wires, which aro bound to cause trouble, and some underground cable, which is accepted by all telephone men as being tho fin est way of running wires. Kew wall sets will bo put in the houses, and, in fact, an entire new system throughout will bo the much-needed improvement. James Curran, the constriction fore man, is in tho city now, nnd the work will bo dono as fast as tho material can be manufactured. If theso plans aro carried out Salem will havo a bet ter system than Seattle or Portland, and as good, if not better than any other city on tho coast. Miss Helen Calbrcath, graduato of College of Music, University of Nash ville, Tenn., will opon a studio in room 8, Odd Tellows' building. Classes in vocal, piano, theory, harmony -nnd sight reading. Students prepared for examinations to enter Eastern Con sorvatories. 9-25-3t Our free trade friends who object to tho selling of manufactured goods abroad at a loner price than at homo forget thnt the Democratic party it self provided in its Inst tariff law for just such sales. Bean tin lha u Hara ,MP BoogW II I .. Dance at Tioga Hall. Saturday evening, September 24th. Admission, gentlemen, 75c; ladies, free. Tho Edison villo. is tho home of vaudo- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tho partnership of Drs. Schoottlo and Mercer hns this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Those knowing thomsolves indebted, pleaso call and settle. Salem, Oregon, September 22, 1904. 9-22-lm jjFtesh Today! A FULL LINE OF ChocoiateCreams J at Zitm's t 154 State St. Phone 1971 i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mm ii i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i m-M-A Substantial :: Meals... :at tiie j : ; White House :: Restaurant George Bros. Props. f I MHHMIIIIIIII'M OIL CANS II THAT WONT LEAK Are exceodinglv rare-you've found that out, espeoially with your large can. Come in and let us show you one that CANNOT leak-one from which you can fill a metal lamp or a lantern, in the dark, and that absolutelyOANNOT OVEBFLOW THE LAMP. Don't believe H Come and see. We also have tho best of everything in groceries, fresh fruits, etc, and our own delivery insures prompt and careful deliveries. ATWOOD & FISHER, I Pkrt57i. Gtaatts Comer PIIHIIIIIIIIIII -,. SOCIAL EVENTS Juvenile Party., jitss oe unnstenu entertained a largo number of her frlcjiils at her home, Xo. 45 Union street, Thursday afternoon,, in a most delFg'htful "man ner. . Tho Olmstcad home wag decorated Very prettily, the color schemo being pink' and white, and wns carried out most effectively in sweet, peas and vnana Tiiirtnrr tlin n f f ftrnnnn tlm tlimnrt , . .,,, . v t , of happy children spent part of the .. . , , .. . ,, . time in playing games in Marion ,. y. i . , i isqunre, after which they returned to ., nl . 1 ., tho Olmstead home. Another very tilnnannt fnnfriirn wna n nnvnl wrtlinrr nnntnot in t ltfnli AT too T.mtfcm Wtinln Mrs. Olmstead was assisted iti serv ing by Mrs. C. Ji Olmstead nnd Miss """-"'" ..i.i-, nunc iurs, uunu- ftt a1 I A C3 nlitn.TlrtB lmfl XTaM T .. in Prcs;,le'1 .nt tho Pnch bowl. Tho pink and white color scheme was also carried out in tho ice cream and can dies. Those invited i were: -Ksther Mason, .Tuann Holmes, Oraco l'nwk, Georgia Starr, Alta Jones, Ruth Holmes, Helen Perkins, Berylo Hedrick, Claudino Rose, Cueenia Belle, Alico Warner, Maude Evans, Volma Viesko, Rosa Viesko, Alice Hatch, Opal Hatch, Nellio Roles, Martha xSwnrtz, Margaret Wilson, Mar garet Mulkey, Marie Wilson, Hazel Downing, Vulmu Luhrman, Hazel Olm stead, Mcbel Smith, Mabel German, Laurn Pugh, Helen Penrce, Dorothy Steusloff, Dorthy Pearcc, Helen Krnusse May Steusloff, Graco Baker, Ruth Da mon, Letn Humphroys, Lola Hum phreys, Gcrtrudo Hunt,Anna, Birdioand Mary Yautii, Constnnco Cartwright, Glndys Cnrtwrlght, Blanche White, Ruth Hansbrough, Helen Mercer, Ova Derby, Maudo Durbin, Irene Curtis, Mario Martin, Mildred Rhodes, Nellie O'Harn, Faye Wrightinnn, Margaret Ostrander Ostrander, Margery Kay, Ostrander, Margaret Kay, Ruth Manning, Zenia Gregory, Ethel Dorcas, Louise Whale, Azel Singleman, Lola Simpson and Roy Duncan, Ray Pom croy, Meric Robert, Mert McCurl, Geo. McElroy, Androw McCarl, Arthur Toovs, Roland Toevs, Monroe Tbevs, Arthur Mason, Albert Mason, Clarence Byrd, Donnld Byrd, Robert Roles, Lloyd Cospor, Lloyd Rigdon, Phil Per kini, Carl Muths, Robert Muths, Ercil Kay, Clintoi Ostrander nnd Otto Albright.- " . Birthday Anniversary. The beautiful country homo of Glon Hnrold, in Lake Luhisli, was tho sceno of a happy gathering of relatives and neighbors last Thursday in honor of the 7Cth birthday nnnlversary of "Grandmother," Mario J. Harold. x.. K.mlUrn.g;waS n eomp.c e -nr-, prise to Mrs. Harold, planned by her! ciiiiuron, and will long bo remembered by all who wore 'present. Tho many little gifts received will always sprvoL. as pleasant reminders to tho recipient.! About 30 were prebont. I Merry Gathering. The homo of Mr. and" Mrs. W. S. Gilmore, on 21st street, wns the scene of a merry gathering last ovcnlng, when about 25 of their friends gathered nnd spent a most enjoyable timo. Music whist nnd dancini; wns indulged in un til n Into, "hour, when refreshments. Wero served. Misses Lulu nnuKtnnin? Gilmore nssistod tho hostess ing. in sorv- Fish Are Biting. Black bass and trout aro biting trolls in tho Willnmettc. Several fine catches woro made yostorday. Somo fine trout aro being tnkon with flies, in Mill creek. The 'grocer5' would be too .. - .. " 4.1. cqmfqrtableif all hisjgoods were like Schilling's Best and backed by the maker as they are. Moneyback. Commercial and Court, ) J81ter Superior, Pgg OAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, PERSONALS Mis Oskie Rotan is visiting Portland friends. State Treasurer 0. S. Moore went to Portland today on business. "AttorneyGYncrnl Crawford returned last evening from The BnlW. ' Dr. Ford returned to Eugenb fester day after a business visit hero. W. 11. Matthews returned homo from a business (rip. to Eugene last evening. iuiss jjeua juurcn went to rortianu this morning after a visit with friends in this city. Mrs. E. T. Reese, of Pueblo, is visit ing her sister, "Mrs. A. G. Smith, of Pringly, Oregon. J. A. Waddle, commissary-gcnernl of the Oregon National Guard, wns a Sa lem visitor yesterday. v Mrs. R. D. Allen is at tho bedsldo of her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Knight, of Wood- jiurn, who is very sick. Miss Editli Hazard returned to her home at Jefferson today, nfter a fow days' isit with Salem friends. Androw Hansen left this morning for his homo in Albany, accompanied by his mother, who v. ill visit there. A. B. Seeley, of North Bend, loft for his homo Inst night, after spending several days visiting in this city. Mrs. W. W. Skinner, left this morn ing for Spokane, where sho will visit with her" son, Will, for several weoks. Miss Lila Patton, of Hnlsey, who has been visiting Miss Mary Frisbv for several weeks, returned homo this morn ing. Mr. C. V. Stokor and MUs Josio Stoker, of Oregon City, who havo boon visiting here, returned homo last ov cuing. Mr. and Mrs. Deadrlck, of J.lkhorn,, who have boon tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. .lermnn, of this city, returned home last evening. Attorney and Mrs. Frank Davey re turned from Newport last evening, wheio thoy havo been taking thoir va cation since tho fair. Miss Maudo Meyers has returnod from 'spending tho summer nt her homo nt Scio, and will teach in the Lincoln BChool here this winter. Miss Zulu Hunt left last Monday for Medicine Hat, N. W. T., whero sho will spend somo time with hor sister, Mrs. W. H. Turpin, who was formerly Miss Maudo Hunt. Mrs. G. W. Thompson, of Verdn, No vnda, who has beon visiting for tho past three weoks with family of E. A. Kniser, in North Salem, loft today for Oakland, Cnl., where sho will tnnko her future home. President W. H. Lee, of Albany Col lege, passed through Salem today on his way to Portland. President Lee says that nover before did tho school open under sueh-favorablo auspices, and that thoy havo a 45 per cent in crenle 0VQr ,Mt ,r. .A, oronco Gnrnuhnn, of Astoria, who has been tho guest of hor ooushi, Miss Ernestino Hnlloy, of this city for ,, f. WA . . ,,',, tfflmorrn nftll '" ,t1inr ,, , m1 . wn, .. ., home. Miss Cnrmihan nccompanlcd Miss Hnlloy homo from her summer visit at Astoria, and during her brief stay hore hns mado many friends. . Midshipman IVed Perkins, of tho V S. naval academy, has started on his return trip to A'nnnpolis, after a tno woqks' yisjit with his paronta, Mr. and Mrs. V, T. Perkins, of this city. Ho wont by way of St. Louis, whero he will take in tho World's Fair, nnd nlso mako a short stop nt Washington, I). ('., after which he will resume his studies nt Annapolis. Change of bill tomorrow night nt the Edison, Miss Helen Calbrcath, II. M., will open n music studio in room 8, Odd Follows' building, on Tuesday, Septem ber 27, 1901. 9-23 31 A Boy's Wild Bide for Life. With family around expeeting him to die, .and a son riding for life 13 miles to get Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Lcesville, Ind., en dured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave in stant relief and soon cured him. Ho writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip proves its matohloss merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles C0o and $1.00. Trial bottles freo at J. C. Perry's drug store. ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART SALEM, ORE. Tho forty-second scholaMic year begins September 12. Sanitary and other Improvements lately made in the building. Academic, commercial, grammar grades Intermediate and primary couraoa. Pupils prepared for teacher's certificates. Full course la muaic. Particular attention paid to neaHb and moral training, Ad4res "OBSQON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Danger! Headache. Tremb ling Hands, Twitch ings, Irritability, Are Signals. Not ever hwidacho Is a sign of nerv ous break-down. But, If ou sufTer often from headache that seems to ro-occur at intervals, nerv ous or brain trouble Is very evident. Agitn, If you can't hold a Don to naner without trembling or twitching, there's a screw looso somewhere Or, If you seem Irritable- and cross without cause. All these" aro signs nnd symptoms. Not necessarily that jou aro danger ously sick But, at any rate, sick enough to need Dr. Miles' Nervine. Tho danger lies In neglecting tho slight symptoms. Somo of these signs are Sleeplessness, Dizziness. Excitability, I.oss of Memory, Frctfulness. Headache, Melancholy. Neu ralgia, Muscular Twltchlngs. Do not iroglect them. Begin to take Dr. Miles' Nervine. It will euro them. "For flvo years I have suffered terrl Cly from nervous prostration. I tried one physician after another, but re ceived no benefit. I continued to grow worse until I -aas afraid to be left alone, nnd despaired of cer being cured, lhree months ngo I was Induced to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. After taking the Jlrst bottle I felt sq much better, that I was greatly encouraged. I continued to tako it until I had taken three bottles, nnd am now In better health thin I havo been for years." MRS. G. A. BltAMAN, Troy, Ohio. T"PT!T! 5rlt0 t0 us fP Freo Trial JC JVi.Ci pnekago of Dr. Miles' Antl Paln Pills, tho Now Scientific Remedy for rain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you what Is wrong, nnd how to right it. Free. DR. MIL.U3 MKDICAI. CO.! LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. Real Estato Transfers. The following real estate transfors have been recerded: Vogot Lumber & Fuel Company to W. O. Simon, land in Capital Tark ad dition, $125. Stnto of Oregon to Loulso J. Wil liams, south '( of southwest Vi of sec HO, tp 8 s, r 3 o, $100. P. and E. Hurst to C. S. Hamilton, 320 acres in tp 8 s, r 1 e, $1000, Entering School. This is a serious matter with some young people. Tho timo has posisbly come when it is a question whether or not it is best to go to school longer. A courso at tho Capital Buslnes Col lego Is always a safo investment of time and monoy. Students may cntor nt any timo. If you cannot call, sontl for a catalogue. 0-233t Patents m m m Who are interested in the so- M a lection of their children's a 2 school books nnd supplies 7 5 will oflTect n consldornblo ssl A w saving in outlay by unving w their wants tilled nt, Patton's Book Store. 2 H List of required books of V ft scholars nttending any of the H m schools are in our hands, and 4fc A we are now ready to servo mm you. All text books nro sold 2 f,,r pnsM 0'y. 2 Y IVJu u A NIGHT SCHOOL Fall Term Opens Monday, Soptem ber 20th. i Subjects I'co 3 months. Arithmetic S2.00 Bookkeping ,. ... 4.00 Penmanship 2.00 Grnmmnr 2.00 Beading and Spelling .... 2.00 Other subjects taught if required. For particulars call at Y. M. C. A. OFFICE Potato Diggers Tho sort that costs about tho same as a common plow, and that pays for Itself in a fow acres, Thcv have a broad, flat scoop, follloweil bv a shak er, that loaves tho potatoes on top of tho grdVnll. fiend or circular and prices. A Gasoline Engine Will enme nearer paying for Itself in a given length of time than au other power, "ball nnd investigate. Gasoline wood saw outfit. All mounted up ready to run with either 3 or 4 hurse engine. Come and see it, and get our prices. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. 24, 1901. rscHobl : sqi-rsv: tapod Beams. Made of fancy and plain cheviots. Sizes for 0 to 10 yoars. Nowhere in this or any other town can you match those suits at theso pricos. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 up to $5.00 . . .SUIT YOURSELF Fall's hero, and it's timo to do it. If you haven't said "farewoll" to your summor suit you'd better. Our ologant fall suits aro hero waiting to say "hello" to you. We'll, put a smile that won't como off all winter on tho faco of ovcry man who is wise onough to como hero for his now suit or overcoat. $10.00, $ J 2.50, $ J 6.00, $20.00 or $25.00 Every suit and overcoat guaranteed. Salem Woolen Mill Stoe C..P. BISHOP, Proprietor Why "Tlit ow Away Tliat Umbrella And spond twice- as much havo Watt Shipp Repair tho old one. You see, stays, monds your handle, if .new ones, and does it all made him so well known in bicycle repairing. , Speaking of Bicycles; Wo put on mud guards or warp or come to pieces in wet weather. , 0 WATT SHIPP THE BICYCLE MAN SALEM, OREGON To St Louis and Return. $69-66, To Chicago and Return. $7 Start October 3, 4 or C. Keturn wjthfh OOclays. Stopover " whero you wish along HiirilngtonJIilnos. And particularly (rcmembi)r Jhut yeu have cheleo of tho finest .scenic routes in the world Get details of A. 0. 8IIELDON, Oeneral Agent, 100 Third Btree. PORTLAND, OREGON. Made for roal boys.. Of all things, don't toll a boy he must bo careful of his clothes.. Who'd givo a snap for a boy who couldn't WHOOP aud HOLLEB and tear around generally? It shows he's a boy. Best and stoutest all wool ma terials wo can And. All seams doublo sowed with silk, and cara fully sewed. Strong, durable linings. t Single and doublo breasted Jackots, knoo trousers, with i t for a new one as tUwllrcost, you o r. Jf he recovers, puts in now ribs, or it is Tmoxtra, fine one, or puts in with that painstaking care that lias fit steel rims stool rlnti that do uotf-i wrxml i.i'iWaHTOiany--MMW i