DAILT CAPITAL JOPBNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER-23,' 1904. CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. A. 9-22-3t Experience not required. Carson, K.P. D. No. 4. Wanted. A dining room girl nt the 9'22-3t Cottage Hotel, at once. Wanted A cirl for general house- work. Inquire at Dnuo's store in South Salem. 9-20-3t KWanted. A middle-aged lady would like general housowork in small fam ily, lnquiro 180 Stato street. 9-20-3t Wanted. A lady .cook good wages and steady job. Call at The Leon ard, 302 Front Btrcet. Wanted. A good man with a capital of $60 to invest for 30 or CO days in proposition that ho can make from $200 to $500. Call at tho old Shield's Park corner, Commercial nnd Center streets. 9-19-3t Wanted. Two dry .goods salesladies, Apply nt tho Chicago store, Court i street, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf Wanted. To purchase a piece of land suitable for potatoes, hops or hay. Address, with particulars, lock box 488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf FOR SALE. jfor Bale. Fino English sottter, sovou weeks old, nt $5. Inquire l'i miles cast of penitontiary. II. Klender, Salem. 9-22-lwk Wood"-for Sale Good second-growth fir delivered for $3.00 cash on deliv ery. Seo T. L. Williams, Leslie street, between 23 and 24th streets, or ad dress by mail R. F. D. No. C. 95-lm For Salo. Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At great reduc tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or., caro Journal. 8-20-tf For Sale. Three-rourtns or aa acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice. 8-2-tf Shingles! Shingles. Now lot received, $1.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathoid and P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Poultry nnd field foncing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morloy, Salem Fence Works, CO Court street. MISCELLANEOUS. Estrayed From tho Livesley hop yard 4 miles south of town, n moufo-col-ored niaro, weight about 700 pounds. Libernl reward will bo paid for re turn of samo to Jos. Bartoz, 22d and Mill streets. 9-23-3f Pasture Good pasture land for cattlo in Lnko Labish. lnquiro of Carl Beatty, Chemawa, Or. 9-21-lwk Rooms and Board, For students, at reasonable rates. Inquire at 108 High street. 9-20-3t For Salo. Old established hotel in prosperous vnlloy town, doing fine business. Will trade in part for Sa lem real estate. Address "F. W.," Journal office. 9-lC-tf Cab Service. New cab .just arrived. Can be found at Lowo's livery stable Phone Main 1CG1. Best service and reasonablo rates. E. Townscnd. Salem Steam Dying ana' Cleaning ..Works. At this establishment you can get anything cleaned, dyed nnd repaired, from n pair of trousers to the most elaborate silk gowns, also suits prosso dby tho month $1.00, by tho suits 50 conts; velvet collars on ovorcats, coats relined, buttons put on, hats and gloves cleaned. Suits callod for and returned. La dies call and wo will perfume your handkerchiefs free Mrs. C. ,H. Walk er, 195 Commercial street. Telephono 2685. George H. Hall & Co. Livery and transfer line, Newport, Or. Special attention given to handling baggage and camp outfits. Hack to Otter Rock and Lighthouse Good saddle horses. One block cast of steamer landing. 7-13-2m hotel 8cott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149-161 State street. Mat tie Ilutchins, proprietor. Phono Main 2374. 0-9-tf Say Have you tried Edwarais & Lusch er's for meats. We have the best sausage In town. Come and try It, and be convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano ard furniture mov.ng a specialty Office 'phono, 86L W, W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlc No. 60 Stato street 9-1-lm UNDERTAKERS. Undertaker. We carry the largwti and finest line of undertaker's goods in the city. Prices to suit ail Black and white hearse. Promyt, reliable. Bare money by calling at No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Basy MM! TONSORIAL AND BATH8. Evan's Barber Shop Only nrsi-cuun shop on State street Every tMai new and up-to-uato. Finest port lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut 9t baths, 26c. Two first-class bow blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor Changed His Office. Dr. E. E. Jackson, the veterinary will bo found nt Gilliam & John son's Old Postofllce barn, 62 Ferry streets. Instead of at tho Red Front stables. Office phono, Main 2341; residence No. 17, South Commercial street; telephone Red 2011. 8-25-lm FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms Suitablo for light housekeeping, or will tnko individu al roomers. Prices very reasonable and rooms choice. 343 Front street. Olivo Turner. 9-21-3t For Ront. Furnished or housekeeping rooms. Inquire nt 190 Trade street. corner of Church. 9-21-3t For Rent. By October 1st, a modern fivo-room cottage. Tho family now living in tho house would sell stoves, carpets, linoleum, wood, etc. lnquiro nt once, 390 Oak street. 9-19-3t For Ront. A six-room house on Win ter street between Center and Ma rion streets. 9-20-3t For Rent. Fivo 'rooms, near East school, four blocks from University. No one with small children need ap ply, 3S2 Marion street. 9-20-3t Rooms to Rent Twelvo furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca tion on street car line, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodale, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20 tf HOPBgYERSDIREOTORY WM. BROWN & CO.-Hops. Mohair, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street, Salem, Ore gon. Phone 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR Hop morchant nnd purchasing agent. No. 21GK.' Commercial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono 1051. T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in hops and hop supplies. Phone 1211, oflice room 18 Oberheim bldg, Sa lorn, Oregon. KREBS BROS. Hop Merchants, Sa lem, Orogon. Phono 1301. KOLA NEIS Dealor in Oregon hops. Bush-Broymnn block, Salem, Oregon, also Albany, Oregon. BUSINESS CARD. r. W. Ii. Mercor, Osteopath, has loca ed in the Breymnn block, over Stock ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phono Red 2413. Ho will bo glad to meet, all his old pnticnts, nnd new ones ns well. ii-w-u--tt Dr. M. Teresa Schoettlo, Osteopath Graduate of founder's school. Grand Opern House, Salem, Oregon. Of fico phono Main 2721. Residence phone, Red 2003. Oenoral Blacksmlthlng. 1 iiiii doing business nt tho samo old stand, nnd will bo pleased to meet my old ns well as now customers. John Knight, 217 Liberty street. 9-22-lmo F. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened nn ofilco in tho Eldridgo block over Fry's drug store. Oflice hours, 9 to 12 n. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Phone, office, Mnin 2703; residence, 91. Specialty, diseases of children. 9-20-3m DRAYMEN. Welch & White do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Bluo 15, red 2070. Stand 218 Commersial street 8-12-lm M LODGES. Olive Lodgo, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O. O. F. Hall, Saturday each woek, at 7:80 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q.; Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Oalem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holman Han even Frldny at 7:30 p. m. P. L. FrasUr, Consul. Wylle A. Moores, 8ecr tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Met In their hall in Holman block, eoi nor State and Liberty, every Hea day evening. Visiting brethr welcome Emil Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cuth Hall In Holman block, corner 8UU and Liberty Sta. Tuesday of mI week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner, C. C; W. I. 8taley, K. of R. and fl. Foresters of America Court Bw wood Foresters No, 19. Meeta Fri day In Turner block. H. G. Meyer, C. It.; A. L. Brown, See. Modern Woodmen of America Oro gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Metrta every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleeS Holman Hall, Et E. Matten, T C: A, L. Brown. Clerk. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offlea Bllla payable montkly In advanea Mao all complaints at tho offlc. The crowninr joy o? woman hood is mother hood and the crowning joy of mother hood is to have healthy children. But there can be no joy in motherhood without health, and without health for the raothet there can be no health for the child. $5QO FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT Bti CURED. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preicription n6w feel fully warranted in offerine to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for Any cafe of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. W J, Kidder, of Hltt Dale Parm (Enos burgCenter). Knosburg.Vt.. writes "Duringthe pan year I found myself expecting maternity, and in rapidly failing health I suffered dread fully from bloating and urinary difficulty. I was growing perceptibly weaker each day and suffered ranch sharp pain at times. I felt that something must be done. Took twelve bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and also followed your instructions. I began to improve immediately, my health became excellent, nnd I could do all my own work. I had a short, easy confinement and have a healthy baby boy," Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent rc- on receipt of ai one cent stamps for the paper covered book, ot tt stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Salem Pross Club Meets. Tho organization of newspaper workers known to famo ns tho Salem Press Club held n called meeting last night, and electod threo persons work ing on Salem papers to membership: Mr. Manning and Miss McMunn, of the Statesman, nnd Mr. Hogue, of Tho Journal. On motion of E. Hofer, of Tho Journal, tho club unanimously des ignated It. G. Hendricks, of tho States man, us tiio club's choice for tho pres idency of tho Stato Press Association, that meets nt Hood Kiver October 13 lnth. Tho club had been notified by President Moorhcad tluit tho honors of the state organization would bo given to tho Capital City newspaper men, and Mr. Hendricks, as tho pioneer nows paper man of tho city, will bo duly elected nt tho next stato convention of the newspaper workers q Oregon. ) Wt) g YOUR WHEEL NEEDS REPAIRING Take it to F. J. MOORE, Court Street, All work guaranteed. w ))) ataa Bicycle Repairing We are fitting quite a number of bicycles with STEEL RIMS Now for winter riding. Let us put a pair on your wheel. Salem Gun Store, Paul H. Hauser, Prop. llltWMHHHMMMMtWj Hops Frtiit Big Crop? j The crops la this line aro not the largest, but good. As a S result many will need repairs made on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work In this line. BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. JMUMMStetlMHittMaMlMi 4Tnf-fr MlF 2 kJ fSS 'it'll f uvirjl d lMkfl & OFFICIAL FIGURES TAKEN As the Basis of Labor Com missioner Hoff's Estimates Newspapers gonernlly throughout tho state are commenting upon tho popula tion ficures mndo tin in thn ofllpn of Stato Labor Commissioner O. P. lloflf. A Portland papor says that no ono will accept them as correct, whllo n Lane county editor elinllonges tho figures as misleading, nnd says thnt Commission er Hoff is away off. Tho truth of tho mutter is that tho figures aro not those of Commissioner Hoff, but aro thoso of the United States census officials, school officers and election judges and clerks. Mr. Hoff snys that something is wrong, and lays no claim to tho stato having more or less population than tho figures stated. Tnko Marion county, for example. Tho census of 1900 gives tho county n population of 27,713. The school census of thnt year gives tho county a population of 0775 persons of school ngc. In lf04 thero wcro 10,220 persons reported, or nn incrcaso of 451 porsons in four years. Using this rato of increase tho figures givo Marion county a population of 28,991. Taking tho vote on supremo judgo in 1900 and 100-1 tho former year shows 0245 votes woro cast in Marion county for that oflice, and in 1904 thoro wcro 5533 votes cast, nn incrcaso of 285, showing n population of 29,234. In 1000 there wore 0384 children enrolled in tho pub lic schools of Marlon county, nnd in 1904 thero wcro 5804 enrolled, n do- crease of 080 in four years. Estimating tho population on this enrollment, tho county has 25,195 people. In 1900 tho uttendnnco nt school was 4570, and in 1904 tho number is 4323, or a decrcaso of 3G7, giving a total population on this basis of 20,212. It will thus be noticed thnt on ono wny of estimating the population it shows 28,991, another 29,234, another 25,105, wliilo another glvos it 20,212. This makes a difforonco of 4039 between tho highest and the lowest estimate, Hy adding tho figures obtained as u result of theso four dif ferent compilations und dividing 'by four an nvorago of 27,408 is obtainod. Commissioner Hoff has simply taken tho figures that havo been ncccptcd as official, and shown that if theso figures aro correct they mako tho population of tho several counties to bo as recent ly published. Ho has proven ono thing and that is that there aro large num bers of children in school who lire not. Aro they working during school time, ami violating tho child labor lawt This concerns the labor commissioner. Itight hero ia Marlon county tho ofllcinl fig ures show that nearly 1000 children who ought to bo in school nro elso where. Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source Is tho llvor and all tho fine spirits ever made in tho Dluo Grass state could not remedy a bad liver or tho hundrod and one 111 effects It produces. Tou can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your llvor must be In fine condition If you would (eel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. Tou can put your liver In fine condition by using Green's August Flower tho greatest of all medicines for tho liver and stomach and a certain euro for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thlrty-flvo years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus Insure you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial eIzo, 26c; regular bottles, 76c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stono's drug stores. o Cab Hire at Half Price. Tho war on prices of cabs Is still raging. Simpson's stables made the out to one-half prlco, and still main tain thoso prices. Opposite the court o BOBN OAN'8-At tho family home, in Oak land, CalifaYnlu, Tuesday, Sopteinbor 22, 10W, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Gnus, Jr., a daughter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnus formerly livwl here. Mrs. Owns whs Mi Louise Me- Uee. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, lias world-wldo fame for marvelous euros. It surpass any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Dolls, Sores, Felons, Ul eern, Tettor, Svilt Ithoura, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, fikln Eruptions; In fallible far Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only Sfit at J. C. Perry's drug store. o i i i A Carriage for 25c Take a cab to or from the depot for 25c. Simpsons livery stable, oppo-l alto court bouse tf QV&&SQ'i&Ci&&Si&S'SiX&XSS TI10 Kind You Havo Always in uao lor over ao years, Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-ffooel" nro bub Experiments thnt trillo with nnd cudnngor tho health of Infants nnd Children Exporionco against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castorin is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic; substance Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd nllnys Foverishncss. It euros Diarrhoea nml Wind - Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the (-a&xfeucA The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VHS OtNTHUH OOMMNT, T MURRAY BTBttT, NtW VORH OlWf. The Finest Line jruzt. Ever placed Salem. Note I R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, Ore. MMMWMIIItMHIMIIHHMMIIMMHIHtillHHW the Council ' DRAUGHT OPEN ALL NIGHT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Kllnger Block, 141 State 8t J. A. Cooper, Prop., Phono Main 491. e No Location Yet We are compelled to move Oct. ist And have not yet secured quarters, so we ar FORCED TO SELL all our new stock of sacrifice. Everything New Tne Rarest Styles And All Qualities But the stock must go without reserve. You can virtually Make Yout Own Prices Call early and get the cream of the pick The Misses Goode Millinery 309 Commercial Street Bought, nnd -which Ims ioca has homo tho sicrnatnro of has boon mrulo under his ncr- L supervision slnco its infancy no ono to dccolvo you in this. Signature off Of i. jtiJCvfc-i on display in come? window Best of everything. NORTH PACIFIC COAST BEER ON fall hats at a great