M" . . " I. & iy t "i- r: mTTs K!V? IvfaBrf " i' - "' "JMaWfv "V '" "M ""S "W1 '"-AJLT CAPITA! JOUBNAL, -T.Try, OBBGON.TUESDAY, SJir-JEMiiKB. 56. 1904. C .. , ! FIGHTING AT PORT ARTHUR The Great $20,000.00 Sale Now Going on at THE LEADER, Mts. M.E. Ftaszs Sold Out 27J COMMERCIAL STREET This is the Second Week of the Sale .Shrewd buyers soooM not fail tevt oar Nr before tmyiag. It w moaa dollars saved. We are crowded for rm, aad the entire stock awt be disposed of at pbenenrfes! cost former teOiag prwes- wiB Mt fee n sidcred. Every article in tie boose redoced. It will pay you to com ia and. look om the stock of reJfaWe merchandise and get prkrc OUTING FLANNELS JOc .VALUES Stripes and Assort ed Colors Go at one ioi or Waiting Skirts 84.50 Value.. Sale juice. S3.75 Ladies' Rainy Day Salts j One lot of these suits, assorted col on, S 12.50 raises.. Sale price, $7.50 5c Per Yard Black Sateen Petticoats Good Mercerized Sateen, veil and neatly made, J 1X0 value. Sale price. 75c rise quality Mercerized Sateen Petticoats tL25 values,. Sale price. 95c Outing Kimonas Neatly nude.. 75c kind at 59c ONE LOT OE ' Tailored Suits Made of good tnttrrU, Brown, Bine and Black, 918.00 values. Sale price. $12.50 ' Ladies7 Tailor Made Suits In all wool Cheviot Serge, Covert, Venetian Cloths, Zibolise, etc as sorted colors, 115X0 and S1&50 values.. Sale price. $9.95 ONE LOT Or Tailored Suits nude, assorted col to $25.00. Sale p $15.00 Neatly nude, assorted colors, val ues op to $25.00. Sale price Ladies' Jackets An endless variety, all colors, Made of Kersey, Melton, Broad cloth, etc, goin at prices that will astonish you. GINGHAMS J2c VALUES IN Stripes, Checks and Solid Colors Goat (Coatiaoed from first peg.) "St Pdersbwr;. Sept. 20 Oeaeral Su-1 scads tk foOowias;. aBoVr date of September 15th: 'Toe eoemy eoa- baae a daily bombardmeat of the font aad batteries iasfde of toe fort res. Toe wowaded are reeoverfag, aad are eager to ressmse their places ia' the racks. They are heroes. Tke troop art .a eieciieat sptms. 7c Per Yard XJndetweat Ladies' and Children's Underwear Hosiery. . All on sale at SEDUCED PRICES Table Linen 35c kind, yard 25 50 kind, yard 40c? 75c kind, yard QQ S10W kind, yard SOd $1.25 kind, yard $1.00 f Napkins, Towels, etc, all rednced accordingly. Dress Goods Cashmere, Serge, Cheviot, Alba tress. Silks, etc, all at great redac tions. Space will not permit ns to mention all the prices. Want More OScers. ?t. Peterstmrg, Sept. St. There i a jtorr aaoot that a sadden call kas been jd to officers of tke guard rep an!. stationed at St. Petersburg, to repcr for service at tke frost. Accord ing to tke report, tke order directs that net ot a total of 54 oSeers.of eaek recimeat, oa-5eveath. shoold be ehosea by loag aad drafted to serve wltk reg lants mk ia tke Far East. It is Mated tkat tke order kas arosd great discontent. Whole regiments are aax k to go to tke theater of war, but the officers intestseir dislike tke pros pect of tke ergaatzatioas being split p. It is impossible at tkis time to obtaia aa aatkoritative confirmation or denial of the report. .irr-? Until Tomorrow. Sara. Sept. S-TV Democratic tate eowvenUou was called to order at je-jn by Caairmaa Meref of tke state tral" eohie. W X. Hora Mower saade a speech as tessporarr ckairsaaa. aad at 1:30 o'clock tke em vesrtioa took a xeee- aaUl 11 " toaiorrow BMraia. Metrofolitasi Lite iBearance Com pany. Iacorporatei by the state of New York. Tke eosopur tie people oy tw .wuUo sui for the people. Eight mUttofi potieses osdMaading the ieos sigaaUc orgaalxauoa la Amenea. j. H. MeCovrt asd J. Ohrer, represeata Ues. Room W, McCoraack block. AgetiU wasted. ! Inraratft.' I Tfie" Metropoytan Life I Company has more preminm-pj than any, other company, a , u r , ic ia . ll cu luw v w jrs bjj , sued In America than any other coa,1 pany. J. n. Jicuxjun. ana J. OlrjjJ agents, room 10, McCornack bloAt Agents warn. , Oil Brokers Break. New York, Sept. 20. The suspew is announced of 0. AY. Harris & h j 50 Broadway street. They are bers of the Consolidated Petnfei Exchange. New Hampshire Bepnblicans. 'oacord, X. H., Spt. 20. The Xew Hampshire Sepabtteaa state coavea tion today aoaunaud Joka M. M Laae. of Milford, for goreraor. Tke platform iadorss oo$eveit aad Fair- basks, aad declares that the Demo cratic party dare sot challenge accom plished facts as a party record. New Grand Sire. So a Fraaeiseo, Sept. 20. The sov ereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows tbis afteraooa elected Robert Wright, f Alleatown, Pa sorereign"' gran-1 sire. Seal Estate Transfers. The following real estate trastfer are reeerded: W. H. Oflbert to State of Oregoa, north half of south half of fetioa 8, tp 8 A r o ,!, & Kid to Jeaas M. Will, 31 coros la tp 4s, r 1 wM ezoept It-10 of aa acre, a W. TayUr to B. Q. Porter, a par ce) of lasd ia Marlon eowaty, $130. Buby Dawnisg to Mania Anderson, 4M srw is tp 7 t, r 1 , iitM. & IVsiter to Martin Aadertoa, 1 acre in tp ? s, r 1 w, 11000 Sure Cure for Piles. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as BUng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-sanko's Pile Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tcmor.i. 50c a jar at drug gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bc sanko, Phlia., Pa. Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist. OA8TORIA. 8rstl StA m Ens i'sryt Etl t Erttt ef VB&t Cab Hire at Half Price. The war on prices of cabs .Is still raging. Simpson's stables made the cut to one-half price, and still main tain those prices. Opposite the court Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marveloss cares. It surpasses any other sake, lotion, ointment or balm for Cat, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Feloss, Ul cers, Tettor, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; in fallible for Piles. Cure gmaraateed. Only J5c at J. C. Perrv's drug store. ST06KT0N &60. THE OLD WHITE CORNER and the J. . DALRYMPLE STORE Wc bought the Dalryniple Store at nearly half its worth and will close it out at FACTORY PRICES Grand Opera House Jno. F. Cordray, Mgr. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, George Klimt's $ i 0,000 Production of the new comedy drama On the Bridge at Midnight A new play on entirely novel line. showing among its marvelous mechanical stage ejects. A Jack Knife Bridge For stupendous effects and magically beautiful mountings this superb productions leads them all. Prices 50c, 35c, 25c. Seats on sale at boxofflce, Wednesday at 9 a. a. PRICE LIST OF S. FRIEDMAN il$. NEW TODAY DrT O. W. Bean Has moved his omee from the Btdriodge Uoek to the Y. ' M. C. A. baiMiag, soooad boot. ' 0..17.S I BOTH STOCKS Will Be Thrown Upon the Market Regardless of Cost Wanted -A eirl for eoaoral kous work. Iaoire at Daw's store id South Salem. S-30-3t Wanted A middloagod kdv would Nko sjoaoral koaeowork ia small fam-II;-. laquir ISO State stroet. -20-3t Foe Bent. Pi ve rooms. aor East 'hool, four blocks from Uaivorsitr. X" oac with small MblUroa a4 ap ply, Sfei Marion Hreot. 9d0-3t Shinglesl Shingles. Jfw lot received. $IM to $&3S por 1M. MatkoiJ aad P. i B. roady reonag aad baildiag papor. Poaltry aad Sold foaciag. All at lowost prioos. Watoor Matin. Salem Pence Works, M Coart Mrect Booms and Board. Por stadoats, at reasonable rates. Isqwire at li-S High street. -Su-3t NOTIONS. AJamantine pins, per paper le Standard pins, per paper & Eitra quality pins, per paper ..4c THIMBLES. 1 IMDHH. coca .. ..........'. "! .-.- NEEDLES. Extra oaaHtr, per paper . - SOAP. AH 5e sellers, per box 4e Fancy Labia, & boxes, per box .' it Extra Woodbine, SOe boxes, per box 15t Best Williams Shaving Soap, per bar 8c SUSPENDERS. 'J 15c grade, per pair Sc Presidents, per pair 39c r SHIRTS. $1.00 grade, white, each 50c $1.50 grade, white, eaeh (we Extra fine anlaandered, worth $1.00, eaeh 31t Fancy colored, $1.50 to $2.00 grade, eaeh 67c Fancy eolored, 75e to $1.00 grades, eaeh ! 47c Fancy eolored, SOe grade, eaeh 35c NECK.WEAK. 75c grade, eaeh Joe SOe bows, eaeh lOe SOe grade, eofea S8 15e bows, eaeh 5c 25c grade, eaeh" lie lOe bows, eaeh 3c ' S5e bows, eaeh 15c COLLABS. Sizes 11, 11, IS, 12, 13 and 13, any in the house, 2 for 5e Sizes 14, 14 (In good brands), eaeh 4e Our whole stoek of furnishing goods is marked down to less than two-thirds their value. IN LADIES' FANCY GOODS. Best Spanish black silk laees are marked down to half their values. Linen insertion, hand made, worth 15e to 30e per yard, goes for per ?! '. 4c to 9c TBXMMINOS. Silk and wool passementerie, worth 40c, to 7o per yard, sells from, per. ?a '. 7c to 12c Fancy jet trimming, worth 40c per yard 8c Fancy jet trimming, worth 01.00 per yard 35c Silk and jet trimming, worth $1.50 to $3.00 per yard 50e Ladies' hair 'and hat ornaments aad buekles and slides, worth from 25c to $1.00 eaeh, goes for, eaeh.. Sc Ladies kid gloves in sizes 5, 5, Stf, $1.00 sellers, for SOe Ladies' $1.50 gloves for 30c Ladies' $2.00 gloves for 50e Ladies' silk gloves, worth 75, for ; lOftf Ladies' silk gloves, worth 50c, for 80 Ladies' silk gloves and mitts, worth 35c, for ! 18 LADD3S' SILK GTBDLES AND TASSELS. Worth $1.50, eaeh 25 Worth $1.00 to $1.25, each ....20c Worth 50e to 75e, each 15c SILK COED. Worth 4e per yard, for ic Worth 6c to Sc, for 2ej Worth lOe to 15e per yard, for. 4c ' BABY BD3BON. I Black, bolt of 10 yards 4e Silk binding ribboa, asy eolor, worth fromSeio 15e"per"vdV goes' for 4e BUTTON MOULDS. Any size we have, per dozen 2c! Ladies' tailor battoas, per dozen ' iQ All kis of faaay dross buttons, worth from 10 ioMe'peV doVengoes at, por dosea r 3e rliliT!: fwm t0 p- :.::": Half price SUITS. ' Yon will got a salt for $&50 well worth . i00 Yoa eaa got a good sail for $3.00, wt wort'k' ' a n for whiek y. pay M $i0 to $i yon wi ,;: .e;',;;;; z lw5 $20.00 OVERCOATS. v . . . im Tnu aa that our wises on thn uika has .$1.00 .$1.00 .$S.00 $10.00 been redaoed no ls than one-third of its valae. Cbildroa's sits marked down to A$c oa'tb See what a nice st yon eaa buy of us for $4J0,"Vt U 'worth Tho see what you oan buy wlth $&, a '' th CinLDItEVR nnnnc Boys' eapt, worth S5e, for eaeh Boys'eaps, worth 40a to 50c, for eh ;.;.;; L Boys fancy kau, worth 50c, 75e and $1.00, e,h V.V. '4c MEN'S STIFF HATS Gray aad brown, worth tano .. .- " BUek, rorular nrie , 50c Worth .OO for .'." P l50 Our whole Uae of hats are mUli i 2-0) t. .ii M M n"d down to two-thir.1. f .- ...i... rUket book.TJc.n.V;; wV6 SUT aBd b'i0 - our -.. u. uisi io pieaso you. 35c Will Open the Dalrymple Store Today For Beat. A six-room boose on Win tor stresit botweoa Coator and Ma rion streoU. 9ivif BUSINESS OAKD. F. E. SLATEB, M. D, Has opened aa otteo ia the Bldridgo block over Fry's drug store. Office boors, 9 to IS x ns. and 2 to S p. as. Thane, &, Mats 27S; rcsidoao, 9L SpeesaHy, disoases of children. 9-29-3m Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Oter Ladi & Bash's Bsitk, SaJew, Or aamsmssmmaaamoMiig n - u l"ca!o you. N (fJICAM, iTnitn E,jagF5ss SLAUGHTER PRICES pt Days o& Hoa' To"y. Wednesday, Thotsday iHlothers,Court St., Salem iriin'y)irf'g'w 'psvrmi