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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1904)
t' 1 ,! j.i, DAIL OAf HAL JOtflKAt, flAtfiM, oftfiflOtt,ttB&fiAY, MMBIIflflB 20, UOi I I i ki if' i fr i 4x E CLASSIFIED WAWTIP. Wanted. A lady ,cook good wiro and steady job. Cull nt Tlio Leon- nrd, 802 Front street. Wanted, A Reed man with n capital of 4G0 to Invest for .10 or CO days lu proposition that bo can make from ,4200 to COO. Call at tho old Shield's 'Park corner, Commercial and Center streets. 9-10-3t travel Wanted. T,wo young men to nnd solicit order; nalnry. Call ev enings, at tlio Cottage Hotel. F. BehroMrel' 0-17-3t rop Rent 7-room house, with well water pipes In house. Inquire of A. Schrelbor, 424 High, or 153 State street. 8-15-tf Waste." Oirls for the bindery. Geo. ,$SJlodgcrs & Co., Liberty & Court streets. 9-13-lwk WasVML Two dry .goods salesladies "'Apply at the Chicago store, Court s&ectSalcm. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf WaMMI, -To purchase a piece of land wit-able for potatoes, hops or hay. fAYdfess, with particulars, lock box riffSalem, Oregon. 7-1-tf jg row SALE. l'e Seat or Sale. Two lots with large homo, barn, cow and chickens, three blocks from car line. It is a bargain must go quick. Call at place. Miller street, South Salem. Joslo Gallentine. 9-17-3t Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca tion on street car line, and one block to S. P. depot Call on J. C. Ooodalo, 12th and' Oak streets. 6-20tf HOI' BUYERS.' DIltEOTOBY. mBSsinrcSririd?, wool, iiop growers' supplier. iNo. 229 Commercial street, Snlcm, Ore- Ron. i-iiono iiiuj. Why can't we come over to your house and play any more? .because papa gets so mad when wt Dtt ot i make a little I noise. ay? nan gUIEE rAlikAn-Ho,, merchant and purchnslng agent. No. 210 'j Commercial street, upstairs, Salem, Orccon. Phono 1031. T. A. LIvilflLiSf & CO, hops and hop ofllco room "18 lem, Oregon. Dealers Tn supplies. Phone 1211, Obcrlicim bldg, Ha- What makes him that wai Mamma says it's dyspepsia makes hla act so crazy. That's about the way it strikes the small boy. The dyspeptic has no idea of his own unreasonableness or harsh ness. Little things are magnified and seem to justify his quick suiter. There's health for the dyspeptic and happiness for the family by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and restores perfect health and strength, by enabling the perfect digestion and assimilation of food. $3,QQQ FORFEIT Tn !. Team of good young marcs, weight about 1100, to go cheap; also harness. Inquire at .No. 33 12th street, near Oak. 9-17-3t Wwi tas Sale. Good second-growth fir delivered for 3.00 cash on deliv ery. See T. L. Williams, Leslie street, between 23 and 2tb streets, or ad dress by mall K. P. D. No. C. 95-lm KIIEB8 BROS. Hop Merchants, Sa lem, Oregon, l'liono 1301. KOLA NEIS Dealer in Oregon hops. Dush-Ureymnn block, Salem, Oregon, also Albany, Oregon. TONSORIAL AND 8ATHIS. Evan'a Barber Shop Only flrst-ela shop on State Btreet Every tain new and up-to-ate. Finest pore Iain baths. Share, lSe; hair-cut H baths, 25c. Two flrstrclass hoe blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor Will be paid by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buf falo, N. Y if they cannot show the orig inal signature of the individual volun- lot Sale, Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At great reduc tion, Address L. P. H.," Salem, Or., rare Journal. ' 8-20-tf For Sale, Threo-fourtns ot an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit ot all klnda. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of ice. 8-2-tf fn Dears Lawn and flold fenco, ,btrl wire, shingles, P. & B. ready ,roolag and building papor. Exton .tie ladders, gates and gate hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Mettoy, M Court street, Salem. MISCELLANEOUS. Lost. On Thursday evening, a black silk umbrella, with pearl and gold handle. Finder please return to this office nnd receive reward. 9-17-3t Changed His Office. Dr. E. B. Jackson, the veterinary will bo found nt Gilliam & John son's Old Postofflco barn, 62 Ferry strectH, instead of at tho Red Front stables. Ofllco phono, Main 2341; residence No. 17, South Commercial street; telephono Red 2011. 8-25-lm teeriag the testimonial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuine ness. " I hare taken one bottle of Dr. Merce1! Golden Medical Discovery for Indigestion tad llrer complaint," writes Mr. C. M. Wilson, of Yadkin Coll tee. Davidson Co., N. C "Hare had no bad spells since I commenced Uldnf your medicine in fact, have not felt like the same nan. Before I took the 'Ooldeu Medical Discovery' I could not eat anything without awful dUtres. but now I can eat anything I wish without having- unpleasant feelings. " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleasae and regulate the bowels. DRAYMEN. .'Wyflia Welch & White do a general dray and transfor business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town. Main 2181, residences, Blue ID, red 207C. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-1 m LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7: SO p. m. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N. O.; Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holmsn Hall ever) Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Piaster Consul. Wyllo A. Moorcs, Seer tary. 1-12-lyr ror Sale. Old established hotel in prosperous valley town, doing fine business. Will trade in part for 8a- lem real estate. Address F. W.," Journal office. 9-10-tf Ca Service. New cab .gust arrived. Can be found at Lowe's livery stablo Phone Main 1001. Best service and reasonable rates. E. Townaend. aUlssa Steam Dying and Cleaning , .Works. At this establishment you can get anything cleaned, dyed nnd repaired, from a pair of trousers to the most elaborato silk gowns, also suits precsa dby the month $1.00, by tliafiults 50 cents; velvet collars on oyercats, coats relined, buttons ,jut on, bats and gloves cleaned. ' Suits called for and returned. La dles call and we will perfume your (handkerchiefs free. Mrs. C. IL Walk er, 105 Commercial street. Telephone iC&g. efrg H. Hall A Ca Livery and '.transfer line, Newport, Or. 8peclal attention given to handling baggage aid camp outfits. Hack to Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Qood saddle horses. One block east ot steamer landing, 7-13-2m Valley ledge No. 18, A.O. U. W-Mmp Idi their hall In Holmas block, w ner State nnd Liberty, every Mea day evening, Visiting bretkr welcome. Emll Donadon, M. W. A. El Aufranco Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Casui Hall in Holman block, corner Stati and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of east week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Tamer C. C.; W. I. Staley, K. of R, and 8. MONEY BEHIND SCHEME Foresters of America Court Mm wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fri day In Turner block. II. O Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown., Sea Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. B26. Meat every Thursday evening at 8 o'ctoel Holman Hall, B. E, Matten, P.; A. L Brown. Clerk. Hel Scett Newly furnished, overy thing clean and first class. Rooms at rfsoaahl price. In Cottle block. Sales). A. Scott, prop. Wi LesJalrm Houm. Ererrthln sew, clean and comfortable. Schrelb r block, KM 51 Btata street. Mat- tie Hutehln, proprietor. Phone Mala 874. 0 0-tf ay Hare yon tried Edwards ft Lusch- r for meats. We have tho best saBStge Ib town. Come and try it, a4 fe coavtaced, 410 Sast Stat WrFfcs) 'tmhm Trmk awsj Pray Ce, Oldaei '- awl beat aoalpped cosspany la - kat, Plaao ard furaitura aovn ' a spaajkliy Cee pkon, ML W. ' W. Brewm Son, proprietor. Oltee f . t itoU atnt, M-lie UNKKTAKKRS. saaflsaaat0ajattsas1ila UnVirt4wr,.W carry the laryte a4 Sat Ilea ot undertaker's soaea Is . ta city. Price to suit s4) Stock as walte bears. PreH tsWails. Save ssoaey by clU r Ma 1T. A. M. Ctaob. A. X BesWf lAt-tl iwt: fm, a. By Octtttxr 1st, a modern "lvre3w rettage. Toe faatfly now utibj( tn ibo owa W4am sil StOVS, I earpets, llsol-u, wood, etc. Inquire I al Mtee, 3t$ Oak street, 9 1ft 31 yT.6.11. .cyyA.r Y. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water servfc sgoply at oSm Bills payable monthly la advanae Mae all complaint at tho offlce. Corvallis and Eastern May Be Purchased by Cali fornia People Tho Corvnllls & Eastern, a railroad that hat had the most checkered ca reer of all Oregon ronds, is the sub ject of negotiations between its pres ent head, A. B. Hammond, nnd Cali fornia capitalists, nays the Corvallis Onxette. Tho Cnliforniaus have a plan to extend tho road across Hay stack pass in tho Cascades, nnd through the country watered by the head streams of the Deschutes river, then niako a long curvo southeasterly through the Harney county lake coun try, their ultimate goal being a con nection tvith tho O. It. & X nt Ontnrio. A road in which they arc now inter ested is being built northwnrd through northern California nnd is nearly to the Oregon state line. This road would bo extended in a northwesterly direction to connect with the project- ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART SALEM, ORE. Tho forty-second scholastic year begins Soptcmber IS. Sanitary ami other Improvements lately made In the bulUllDg. Acadoinlc, commercial, grammar 'nudes Intermediate and primary courses. Pupils prepared for toachers certificates. Full course in music. Particular attention paid to heaKh ami moral training. AtWrosa Sister Superior. , Bicycle Repairing We are fitting quite a number of bicycles with STEEL RIMS Xow for winter riding. Let us put a pair on your wheel. Salem Gun Store, Pa1 H. Haosef, Prop. ft MIHItHilll l-fr-4Hr I Capital National I ot Salem, transacts a genera) banking business. Only Ka- 1 tlonal Bank In Marlon county. : Savings iBank : Depaitment Pays three per cent Interest ! ; on savings accounts. Deposits ' ' of ONE DOLL'AR or more re- reived at any tlm Pass book Issued, to ca depositor. IHIDIMHIIIIIIIHIII MIIIMWIIIimHHHHII Hops Ftuit BirCfop?! The crops In this line are not the largest, but good. As a result many will need repairs mado on their driers. We are Z prepared to do quick and good work In this line. BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Worker and Plumbers, mmmmmmmmtmmmmm ed Corvallis lino at a point In Harney county. All this region is now for hundreds of miles without transporta tion facilities. If contains hundreds of thousands of acres of alluvial soil that will bo vastly productive ns soon as irrigation reaches it. It has tho greatest timber wealth of the ctiro northwest, nnd it is certain to attract railway builders from boiiic quarter within the next decn'de. The scheme of the Cnlifornians has for its central object tho capture of this territory and tho drfiwing of its products and trade to San Francisco. Should the project succeed it would be a blow to Portland. Lino ot Boad. The Corvallis & Eastern Hallway is 132 miles long, beginning at Ynqulnn bay nnd extending'1 eastward to the little town of Idnnhn, In Marion coun ty. Should tho road bo pushed ncrosi tho stnto to Ontario, and then a line fifty-seven miles to Portland from Xehnmah, its station nearest this city, tho road would be like a cnpital letter V, the stem reaching ncross tho stntc, one prong ending at Yn- quina bay nnd tlio other in Portland, nnd tho scheme of tho Cnlifornians would bo reversed. It Goes Bankrupt. The Corvallis road is the property of A.'B. Hammond and II. E. Hunting ton, but tho latter 's interest in it is not. regarded as an obstacle in the way of Portland, since it is known that Mr. Huntington and Mr. Hnrri man have parted company. The road was originally projected by farmers, and after a long struggle ngninst Southern Pacific and O. It. & X. in fluences it was finally built at a cost of $8,000,000. In ten years it went into bankruptcy and was sold under the hammer to Hammond nnd Hunt ington for $100,000, less than the cost of the old iron. It was originnlly tho Willamette Valley k Const Bnilway, and was designed to cross Oregon nnd connect with tho Union Pacific at Hoise, Idaho. The promoters, Col. T. 1?. Hogg nnd his associates, secured aid nt Washington, and tho govern ment spent $G00,000 in constructing jetties at Ynquinn bay and improving the harbor. Tho road when completed ns far ns Detroit and equipped, in cluding two river steamers, nn ocean Rteamship and a large tug, cost $8,000,000. Wallls Xash, who is now a resident of Portland, was one of the builders. Took Ten Years to Build. It began operations in 1880, and was completed in 1800. After its fniluro and purchase by Hammond and Huntington, the new owners sold the ships and tugs for moro money than they had paid for tho entire property. They changed tho nnmo to tho Corvallis & Eastern, nnd plaus for its extension were talked of, but nothing has ever been done. Mr. Ham mond lives in San Francisco nnd shows no interest whatever in the de velopment of tho property. The road is said to pay expenses, but no more. Its extension to Ontario would cost about $9,000,000. It would givo a route from Ontario to Portland 415 miles long, or nbout thirty miles shorter than the O. It. & X. route, nnd its grades would bo only IVj per cent nn the east side of tho Cascades and 3 per cent on tho west side Through Grand Country. It would pass through tho greatest timber belt in the world, consisting of yellow fir, sugar pine, spruce, cednr and hemlock, and through the Harney lake country seventy-fivo miles long by thirty miles wide, with an alluvial soil, into which settlers are now moving 100 miles by wagon from Shaniko. Trade control and develop ment of this country is regarded by thoso who have carefully investigated it, ns of supreme importance to Port land. Tlio Kintl Yon Hnvo Always Bought, find which has bee in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of ami nas ueuu uiuuu unuer nts pj, Myz- sonal supervision since its Infann; 7-&CCUM Allownoono to deceive you In tk' All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro b. Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health $ Infants and Childrcu-Expcrieuco against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paifa, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm, and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wini Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatioa and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, gii ing healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea- Iho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears tho Signature of CgffJucAm The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CtNTOUB COMPANY. TT MURRAY TRICT, NCW YORK OtTY. Wt8MeWMtMitWWWWMllmiWIIWII I I When I I i Looking i or a good piaco to navo your eyes tested and properly fitted with i glasses, remember wo aro tho Pioneer Opticians. Our customers num ber in the thousands. Thoughtful people are every day finding theb way to our store. Thoy appreciato a specialist of our years' of experi ence and conscientious work. Our charges aro reasonable. We give you valuable advice, and test your eyes frco. CIiaseH. Hinges. I Plonesr Optician. 83 State Street Next door to'Ladd & Buth lnk MM(MMMMn11BWMI aWMMtajMla)MIIIH Good Splrltt. Good aplrlta don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source la the llrer and all tho fine spirits ever made In tho Blue dross state could not remedy a bad llrer or the hundred and ono 111 effects It produces. Yon can't hare good spirits and a had llrer at tho same time. Your llrer must be In fine condition It you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous aud successful In your pursuits. You can put your llrer In fine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thirty-five ycara. August Flower will make your llrer healthy and actlTo and thus Insure you a liberal supply of "good 8plrlta.M Trial site. 25c; regular .bottles, 75c At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. CASTORIA Iw J&faaU aaa Children. Tk KM Yn Km ANraft fengM Bears the atgaatw) of Ztf3(iL Take One Home And Ty It " 1 1 a i i If yott arc not satis-ftcd,--brlng it back. ' ...Univeml Bead Mixet... g R- W. WADE & CO., Salem, Ore. Good Pointing Oood printing is like good clothes. T. ff. 1 .. uks oerter, gives a better im pression and commands attention "Good clothes make the man." So does good printing make tbt business. We do good printing, Printing that commands attention. CaKap 2824 Main and we will call and get yoar work. The Gault Printing Company Y. M. C. A. Building 71 Chemeketa Street ON TIME EVERY TIME. Phone 2824 Main ( 8AUEM OREGON . " -- IeH