8 DAILY CAPITA!. JOUBWAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBEB 19, 1904. HR Tie Hon se MM Co. 269 Liberty St. wni Stores Salem and Albany. Till Mill lllll III II ALU .1 T Wffl&MM III SS' iLI; 'if ones ifillilSllQ Room Rtgs The New Shlra Weave Sfaades, Shades iMmutMjjfTzrz The New Shiraz Weave will csclte your admira tion. They come In beautiful Oriental patterns and colorings. Sized as large as 12x14. Our Carpet Department CTJMTOJKyiftmBMM Nono excol ns in shades. Wo carry the best. Hand painted Opaques in widths up to 90 inches. Plain or Fringed OPENS WESTERN OFFICE Chicago, Sept. 10. Thomas Taggart, chairman of the Democratic national Committee, arrived here this morning from Indianapolis for the purpose of conferring with the Illinois politicians regarding the establishment of West ern headquarters at Chicago, and to outline the plant of the Democratic campaign in Indiana, Illinois and Wis consin. The headquarters in Chicago will be in charge of National Commit teeman Sullivan, assisted by Commit teeman Ryan, of Wisconsin, and will oeciinv n suite In the Sherman House. Taggert denied emphatically Hint he had relinquished any part or or nis con trol over national committee affairs. He will leave for Xew York late this evening. ' Taggart snkl that .Judge Parker would not go West on n speaking tour, but will make n number of speeches either at Esopus or New lork. TRADE BASED ON IS THE ONLY SURE TRADE QUALITY We never buy an article unless we feel sure that it will give satisfy U Vina VtAAfl flirt -f Alltlrtflf 4ai m. . d wear.. This careful atention to quauvj " i onrl!c cess. Our great volumo of business enables us to buy at the lowest ojia3 -!E nf -SPOT CASH" Plan enables us to undersell "regular .ESS Our assortment of Novelty Fall Dress. Goods is very complete.. Salea"ijJ dressers know we have what they want in DRY GOODS And sell at onehalf the margin of profit aBked by " regular'' dry goodijl There's something aoout tne NEW YORK RACKET Poitiers, Portiers I A COMPLETE STOCK W' Nowhere are wo stronger than in our Carpet Department.. No other store in this section will show you so many good things in Carpets. 'Wo show not loss than 75 pioces of In gralus alone. Our line of 3-4 goods consists of Tapestries, Body Brussels, Administers, Savonlcrs and velvets. Wo meot all competitive prices, and discount those of the metropolis from 6 to 15c a yard. MORE . TROOPS ARRIVE That our customers want to come again.. We carry a larger stock and lal more shoes than most shoo stores. Every pair gives satisfaction.. That's tj Everything in Ladies' anu jyiens iurmsumsa. Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store E. T. BARNES, PROPRIETOR (Continued from first page.) Hussinn looses were slight. The Japan esc, he says, nre concentrating between Yen Tai nnd Bensnipudni, to the south of Mukden. The Japanese, during the encounter, evacuated the village which they held, with slight losses. Mukden, Sept. 19. Saturdav Gener al Kuro-mtkin reviewed the first army corp, nnd two divisions of the second army corps. Our Portler stock Is very complete. We are sowing the plain centers with borders in all the useable colors. We also have some pretty things in Silk. Russia Is Contrary. Berlin, Sept. 1!. The forcigH oflice, it is tated, has received information that the Russians will refuse to recog nize the Anglo-lhibetn treaty regard ing the demolishing of Thibetan strong holds, nnd the maintaining of British rights in Thibet. It is possible that this refusal will give rise to serious Mtuations. The House Furnishing Co., 269 Liberty St., Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores Salem and Albany PERSONALS. Miss Ethel Itnymotul returned this morning from an over Sunday visit nt I'ortlnud. Miss Inez Bozorth returned this morning from un extended visit with her sister, Miss Marguerite Bozorth, at Portlnud. Miss Kiln MeMunn, of the Statesman Teportorlal staff, spent Sunday with her parent near Brooks. A. H. Martin und grandson, Edwin barker, of Albany, returned to their ''home this morning, after n few days' Jvieit at the home of Mrs. Amelia Mil ler. Ill South Salem. Iiyron Taylor returned to his homo nt Corvallis today, after spending the jetntm fair week here. , David Kvre, of Jefferson, who has been spending the past few day with fchis parents, Mr. and Mr. George Kyre, .returned home this morning. Arthur Bain .returned to his home at Newport today, after spending the fair week with his grandmother, Mrs, J II. Strong. .miss Allele .Miner returned to her home at Sublimit!)' this morning, after visit wtth Mtwi Ilertba Mincer, who tnreoiupauled her home for a short visit. A. J. Huh, ef Astoria, who his been Visiting friend in th aity, and at tending the state fair, went to rtMgene today, where he will attend the uni versity. T. M. (Vmberm, representative of the Washington Weeder Works, of Spo kane, Washington, who has Ueea in the eity during the state fair. went to Al bany this moral ag. Played Crapi and Lost. Cntro, 111., St. IV. A report from Jlryan Landing, four nllm from here. Mato that six ngro wer killed and many other wooaded. the revolt of a fight over a sms hwi. The tight was started by a white who ekimed that he had been ahoated in the game, o ' Old Flagman Dead. Kaopua, Sept. 1!. George Bedford, the veteran tlttgnan at Rsopu station, died at I 'tk this mora lag of heart disease. Bedfwcl was a town eharae ter, nnd well-known to Parker. The old tnau often axproeood the wUa that he would live long enough to vote for Parker. Tearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Sue, in brief was the condition of an old sojdler by name of J. J. Havens, Ver sailles, 0. Per years he was t rootled with Kidney disease and neither doe tore nor tnedUlae gave hm relief. At length he, tried Meotrja Bitters. It put him on Ms i eet la hert order and law to, teattSea, "I'm en the read to eoui. 3det.very." lift oa earth foe Liver and Kidney trouWes asd all fora ef Stewaea and Powell eetn jOaiat. Only W. Guaranteed by J. G Perry, drugjkt. Good Spirits. Oood spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source Is tao liver and all tho fine spirits ever made In the Blue Grass stato could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred and ono 111 cffccts.lt produces. You can't havo good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must bo in fine condition If you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. You can put yonr liver In fine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has been a favorlto household remedy for over thtrty-flve years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and .ictlvo and thus insuro you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial slxe, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores Office SemoTed. Dr. Prank E. Smith has removed his oCleea from the rooms over the Bed Corner drug store to the new Breyman block, over the Xew Yokohama Tea store. Patrons please take notice. h niii i imnium hh ; CIRCASSIAN I IceCreatu in Paper I'allstotatfe T home. I ii pt. paper pall 10c 1 pt. paper pall 15c 1 qt. paper pall 35c I H gat. paper pail COc ; Zitin s : 154 State St. Phone 1971 I Blue Ribbon For Sftidebaker Rigs Again has the superior excellenee nnd tho wide range of Studebaker goods been vindicated by tho award of the bluo ribbon at tho Oregon State Fair. Every year shows marked pro grew in the buggy builders ' art, and every year Bees Studebaker in advanee of nil others, not only in the building of light driving rigs, but in snrries, landaus, broughams, hacks, delivery wagons, farm wagons, log trucks and in fact everything that runs. An Apt Scholar. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. J. Kamikido, n Japanese, who has been picking hops in B. J. Grim's yeard Thursday evening. lie is a printer, or rather, n compositor by trade, and al though he has only been in this coun try three months, he can make himself understood. While he cannot yet speak fluently, his knowledge of English Is good, nnd he has worked on American newspapers, and is a rapid and accu- rate compositor. Aurora Borealis. Cure for Sick Headache. We had n letter the other day from a. lady in tho town of Boulder, Colo., that should be of interest to people who are troubled with spells of sick headache. She writes that she had theso spells about four times a week, was obliged to go to bed and remain there from S to 10 hours each time. Had been troubled this way for sev eral years, nnd tho attacks became more frequent. Doctors done her no good, she tried dieting, as every body said it was from her stomach. Seeing an advertisement of Dr. Gunn's Im proved Liver Pills, wh.ich said, they euro sick headache by removing the cause, she decided to try once more, and sent 50c for two boxes. She said she had taken the last pill more than four months ago, has not hnd a sick spell of any kind for over five months. Druggists sell theso pills for 25c per box. It only takes one for a dose. They cure sick headache every time. For sale by Dr. C. S. Stone, druggist Injured at Woolen Mill. Herbert Gnmble, nn employe in tie Salem woolen mills, while washing i (lows in the mill, was caught by a Vi and thrown from tho ladder on lid he wns working either onto the ceaa floor or a rag picker, which was neaiii under him, fracturing his skull. Byrd was called immediately, and in young man wns tnken in tho nmbulasJ to the home of his father, ex-Polel man uamule, in low Park. Ho l unconscious for several hours, but tl latest report wiib thnt he had partil regained consciousness, and seemed i be improving. Although it will beal possible to tell for severnl days whetii! he will recover, tho doctor savs ttill his chances are good. o Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wido fame for marvelow cures. It surpasses nny other sahe, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, ft cers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sora, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; h fallible for Piles. Curo guarantee! Only 25e at J. C. Perry's drug store. We are proud of Studebarker's rec ord. Beneeia Haneoek Disc Plows, Mont tor Doable Dise Drills, Syraeas Sul kies and Gangs, Sharpies, Tabular Cream Separators. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines, and all our other numerous wellknown lines have won more faver than ever, and we ean truthfully assert that our display has resulted in the largest sale of goods in owr experience. Oregon farmers are wide awake. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty 8t Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. DIED. SHAFER. On his farm near Turner, ..Sunday evening, September IS, 1904. oi a complication ot diseases, John A. Shafer, aged tS7 years. Deceased had lived ou the place where he died for over 30 years, and there raised a splendid family of sev en children, who Mirvive him. The fu neral will take place Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m., under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, and the burial will be at Twin Oak cemetery, where the remains will be laid beside those of his late wife, who preceded him nearly three years. The surviving children are Frank E. Shnfer, of Salem; Dayton W. Shafer and Nellie loftls. of Waseoe, Wash.; Mrs. Marv E. MeKinney, and Willis J. Shafer, of Turner; Verner C. Shafer, of Nome, and John H. Shafer, of Tracy, Cal. All the children will b home to attend the funeral except Verner C, who is at Noma. No Water, But Floated. The following nation was taken in the poHeo eoort todnyt Thomas Healy, late hoars, floated. Eugene Baurer, do. A. West, do. . F. A. Edwards, do. S. B. Koop, do, John Abbott, do. Dee Uneoa, do. O. W. Fialey. drunk, SV days. Diok Armstrong, drank and disord erly, Sty day. J. H. PerOR. earrviae eoaeealed weapons, eBtie4. Entirely Well. After ttig tw boxes of D' ig 'o. 's Dyspepsia Tablets. Brewe New Goods, Capca Shoes Juat reowvod ehreet front Oreon City factory, largo atoek. of men's heavy Voete and W. The foods are guarantees! to eatwear any ether make. BBPAIBIKQ NEATLY DONE 99 State St JACOB VOGT Salem Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL rail Term Opens Monday, Septem ber 'ititn. Sotyeets t Fee 3 saoaths, Arithmetie $2.00 Bookkeping .. ..'., 4.00 PtBlMBfrhlp . . 2.00 Grasawar 2.00 Reading and SpeWag . 2.00 Other subjects Uught if required. For particulars call at Y. M. C. A. OFFICE 1 NEW TODAY mr. O. W. Bean Has moved his oAice from the Eld ri edge hioek to the Y. M. t A. baiMiag, seooad door. 9-17-Jt OASTOniA.. EfUUrt sr tarj: aszr: jUJl& Wanted. A Wwbr .ok pood wagos aa4 He4y jok Call at TV. Um ard, SOD Froat atreot. o Wanted. A g4 maa with a eapiiftl f $60 U invest fsrMr9 4ay la proposition that W eaa make from 0 to $40. Call at the oU Shield's Park eoraer, CemuMreml aal Ossstor streets. -lMt (hirAGft . Gfrirmm 'WMMM VTM WWMk1M.m IMJ IFor Rent. By 0ubr 1, a modora BTprvom niK,v WIiy BOW living in the hewse wold m!1 stoves, arpot, liaoleua, wood, 4. Inaire at one, 3fd Oak street. &-19-3t' Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Orer Laid A Btit&'s Bank. Salem. Or JPJBOJPUES.MAnGASNNOlSJ Slaughter Sale Fo Fottf Days Only Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day, Thtsday NOTICE At 6 o'clock on Thursday evening this sale will be off. .We will ttl Dry Goods cheaper for these four days than you eYer bought then, before in the history of your life. Our reason for doinTso taSi Wi lUf" TLSOAi0r Ur iM tnd.: we have not ro m for them ;; ::: J ; ..'J;" re.wy we nave to ort to this . 4u.tJy. Uon-t nilly-dally, but come to winter's supply. Read en: means of disposing our store and get your 75 Black Silk Taffeta, a good heavy quality 45c $1.00 BJaek Silk Pea d Sole, 8 boaatifnl soft silk with a ae wtin finUk, yard 6Sc e HaadkoreWaf, wh Iadialilk, all colors, prieo yard &. 1S Seatek Cheviot Dres Goods doable width, yard e Sehool Plaid Dres Goods pretty pattera. yard iue' 1.00 Kagbeh Broadeloth, &s ie wWe, spleadid for swts, a great woater, yard l Wjjsw Flaaaalette, per J m yards pretty ImH-eolored'caH- Best AmoAeag Aprte Q, now style, yard 500 yards S l-3o Outing Flannels, a good heavy cloth, yd 5 10 bales Cotton Bats, price pe' roll 5e 600 puirs Blnnkots, slightly soiled, prieos 25e 49o, 85c and ....$1-W $1.7fi Black Boa Furs, prico ..9S WO Ladies Walking Skirts, $l.tf, $1.75 and $2.50, worth double. 500 Ladies' Shirt Waists, cotton, French flannel, silk and velvet. Prieos from 25c up to $1-9S $2.30 Children's Winter Jackets, Mieely trimmed $1.25 Ladies 75e Union Suits 4Sc Ladies' 4fo heavy fleeced Under wear .... 36"e Beat Sans Silk, ball 0 best Spool Thread .... 2 lc ASK TOR the -GOODS ADVERTISED. JSlSSSEEOsTiy TEE NORTHWEST. " &iZmX St, Salens 1