ampi DAILY OAPITAI. JOURNAL BALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1904. 9 l CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. A renter for a 500-ncro stock ranch, fivo lnllos west of Perrydale. Plenty of plow land, wood to cut without charge. 100 goats nnd 150 sheep on the place. Will rent for cash or shares. Don't delay by writ ing. Come and seo me at once. C. Marsh, 93 High street, Salem, Or. D-lG-3f Wanted. Girls for the bindery. Geo. P. Rodgers & Co., Liberty & Court streots. ' 9-13-lwk Wanted. Two dry .goods salesladies. Apply at the -Chicago . store, Court etreet, Salora. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf Wanted. To purchase a qlece of land suitable for potatoes, hops or bay. Address, with particulars, lock box 488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf FOR 8ALE. For Sale. Vetch seed, both kinds. Fred Achilles, four miles north of Salem, half milo west of Keizcr school house. 9-C-2md&w Wood for Sale. Good second-growth , fir delivered for $3.00 cash on deliv ery. See T. L. Williams, L'eslio street, between 23 and 24th streets, or ad dress by mail It. F. D. No. 5. 93-lm i For Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At great reduc tion. Address "L. F. II.," Salem, Or., caro Journal. 8-20-tf For Sale. Three-fourtns ot an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice 8-2-tf Screen Doors Lawn and field fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten sion ladders, gates and gate hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Morloy, 60 Court street, Salem. MISCELLANEOUS. Tor Sale. Old established hotel in prosperous valley town, doing fine business. Will trade in part for Sa lem real estate. Address "F. W.," Journal office. 9-lG-tf Tound. A small memorandum book. Owner can havo same by calling at this office and paying charges. 9-10-3t Grand Ball Tonight And ovcry night this week at Tioga hall, corner of State nnd -Liberty streets. 9-15-3t Notice. Ladies wishing small children or babies taken caro of by the day, during fair week, ploaso call at north west corner of Winter and Mill strots. 9-14-3t Lost or Estrayod. A bald-faced bay horse. Address J. F. Savage & Sons, Buttercup Dairy, 1 miles north of Fair Grounds. 9-14-3t Cab Service. Now cab .just arrived. Can be found at Lowe's livery stable Phone Main 1001. Best sorvico and reasonable rates. E. Townsend. Salem Steam Dying and Cleaning ..Works. At this establishment you can get anything cleaned, dyed and repaired, from a pair of trousers to tho most olaborato silk gowns, also suits prosso dby tho month $1.00, by the suits 50 cents; velvet collars on overeats, coats rolinod, buttons put on, hats nnd gloves clcauod. Suits called for and returned. La dies call and wo- will perfume your handkerchiefs free. Mrs. C. H. Walk er, 195 Commercial street. Telephone 2685. George H. Hall & Co. Livery and transfer lino, Newport, Or. Special attention given to handling baggage and camp outfits. Hack to Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle horses. One block east of steamer landing. 7-13-2m Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prlcos. In Cottlo block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. Now Lodglna House. Everything new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149-151 State street. Mat- tie Hutchins, proprietor. Plmno Main 2874. 0-9-tf Say- Have you tried Edwards & Lusch er's for meata. We have tho best sausage In town. Come and try It. and be convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company in Sa lem. Piano ard furniture a specialty Office 'phone, 8L W. W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 State Btreet 9-1-lm UNDERTAKERS. undertaker.. -We carry the largM and finest line of undertaker's good la the city. Prices to salt all Black and white hoarse. Promt, reliable. Save money by calling al No. 107. A. M, Clough. A. J. Bgmj WW FOR RENT. i or Rent Willamette University scholarship. Apply at Capital Jour nal office. 9-1-tf For Rent 7-room house, with well water pipes In house. Inquire of A. Schrelbor, 424 High, or 153 State street. 8-15-tf booms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished room9 to rent Loca tion on street car lino, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodalo, 12th and Oak streets. C-20tf lUtMCtUKIAL. AND UA1 no. Evan'o Barber Shop Only flrst-claat shop on State street Every ttdaj new and up-to-uato. Finest poret lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut Sl bathB, 2Bc. Two first-class bo Mnci Q, W. T3vans. DroDrlntor nop Baskets. Hop Baskets. All klnda of baskets. Hold yout orders for Walter Mor ley, 60 Court street. Salem. Changed His Office. Dr. E. E. Jackson, the veterinary will bo found at Gilliam & John son's Old Postofflce barn, 62 Ferry streets, instead of at the Red Front stables. Office phono. Main 2341; residence No. 17, South Commercial street; telephone Red 2011. 8-25-lm DRAYMEN. Welch & White do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Blue 16, red 2076. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm LODQE8. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q., Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 110, Woodmen of tfii World Meets' In Holman Hall ever) ' Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fraalet Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Seer tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mt. In their hall In Holman block, eoi ner State and Liberty, every Mm day evening. Visiting brethr welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Casu Hall in Holman block, corner Stat and Liberty Sts. T-esday of ai week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court Bki: wood Foresters No. 19. Meets m day In Turner block. H. O Meyer, C. R.; A. L, Brown, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America On gon Codar Camp No. 6246. Mt every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleet Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, V C: A. L. Brown. Clerk. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offle Bills payable monthly In advan Mae all complaints at the office. Star Restaurant Best 16c meals In the city. Coffea with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for 2.75. 204 Commercial street. ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART ' GALEM, ORE. The forty-second scholastic year begins September 12; Sanitary and othor Improvements lately mado In the building. Acadomlc, commercial, grammar grades Intermediate and primary courses. Puplla prepared for teacher's certificates. Full course in music. Particular attention paid to health and moral training. Addross SlBter Superior. 4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII; 1 Capital National i Bank of Salem, transacts a general banking business. Only Na tlonal Bank In Marlon county. I : : Savings :: Bank : Department '. Pava three per cent Interest I on savings accounts. Deposits . . ' of ONE DOLLAR or more re- ', reived at any time. Pass book Issued to each depositor. The diver files without nlr in ibrcflthe. The consumptive dies without lungs to breathe the air, or of lungs rendered incapable of breathine bv disease. The blood as it flows in and out of the lungs indicates tne consumptive's pro- 1 press. As tlie lungs grow weaker i I lesi orvtrrn is itihnlpil and the I blood changes from scarlet to pur- , pie. Oxygen is the life ot tut: blood as the blood is the life of the body. The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery upon weAle lungs is to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenation of the blood, arrest the projgress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases nave been i and are being cured by "Golden nieutcai uiscovery," in cases where deep-seated ,cough, frequent hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, and nidht-sweats "'have all pointed to a fatal termination oy con--sumption. "Some ycr po i was almost a help lens victim of that ..dread disease con sumption," write Mr. Chas. Pros, . P. M of Sitka. White Co.. lnd. "I was confined to mv room for several months; my fticniU and neighbors had given up all hope or my recovery, until one day a friend advised me to take I)r Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, and after I had taken the contents of the secoud bottle I lieRkn to Improve. After taking sir bottles I was. I honestly believe, delivered from the crave and entirety cured. I am now a strong and hearty man." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated immtritles. CLOSING DAY AT OREGON STATE FAIR (Continued from pago eight.) Oregon contributes "n great portion of this vnst sum, and will receivo the least participation of its benefits. Tho accumulation has been much more rapid, than wns anticipated, nnd it will bo 10 years boforo it will bo exhaust ed, in view of tho delays nnd cam-in selecting the feasible sites for reser voirs, nnd in surveys and construction of tho grcnt anil enduring works neces sary. It may bo ndvlsnblo that furth er sales of tho public lands should for some years bo set npart for good roads constructions, as was the early policy of tho rmtion. This suggestion should moot tho approval of tho pcoplo of Or egon, whore tho public land sales ex ceed that of any othor stnto or terri tory, nnd wliero tho common roads nro, perhaps, us bad as they nro in nny oth er state, and require more aid than the state and counties can possibly contribute. This suggestion is with tho proviso that no uid enn bo secured by direct appropriation, Brownlow Bill. Another attempted rolief in this di rection, and perhaps tho most hopeful, is thnt of tho Brownlow and Latimer bill in congress, providing for nn ap propriation of $24,000,000 for good roads construction, to bo distributed among the sovcrnl states in proportion to population except that tho mini mum to nny stnto shall not exceed $230,000, providing thnt such state shall raise an equal sum for tho same purpose. To Oregon this would pro vldo u half million dollars for good roads. This nction Jn congress is prompted by tho awakened -public spirit among tho people. It is n rovival of tho sonti ment in this country of 100 years ago. I am glad to seo it. Tho Latimero bill has so far progressed that it has boon agreed to by tho sonnto committee, and on tho sonnto calendar. Petitions nro pouring into congress from all portions of tho country, urging tho enactment of this relief. The most encournging sign comes from tho great stato of Tho cost on government freight was re ly memorializes congress to pass the Brownlow roads bill, in thoso enrncst werds: "Bolioving In the principlo of fXM Hops Ftuit Big Crop? The crops in this lino aro not ot; a 9 tho largest, but good. As result many will need repairs made on their driers. We are Z prepared to do quick and good work In this line. BURROUGHS & PRASER 8heet Iron Workers and Plumbers. Hf national, state, county and town cor poration in tho construction of main highways, not only for tho bonofit of tho agriculturist, but for tho benefit of the consumers of agricultural products, and also believing in tho great propo sition that tho expenditure of public moneys for tho' purpose of improving tho internal wealth and cotnmerco of tho nation is of equal importance to tho spending of money on rivors nnd hnrbors, heartily endorso tho pro visions of tho Brownlow bill." Othor legislatures havo likewiso giv en expression. In thoso bills tho states are to designate tho roads to bo im proved,, and to raise one-half of tho expense, and, if found worthy, plans are drafted and surveys mado by the government. Good Roads Aid Our Foreign Com merce. Good Roads Now tho Nation's Duty. Give us cheaper nnd better land roads at home, from tho farm to tho ship, and wo shall more certainly se cure nnd hold tho now markets of half the world, and hold our prosperity by doing so. To our nation it is a vital question, nnd today no grentcr one con fronts us in our industrial operations. Once tho government enters on good roads improvement, it will novor go bnck. It will be oven moro popular than river or harbor improvements ns they benefit only in certnin portions, whilo good roads reach ovcry commu nity in tho laud. Of tho revonues con tributed for government support tho farmers contribute tho most. Thcv now receivo tho lenst in direct nation al expenditures. With good roads im provement thoy will enjoy a general benefit. In conclusion I announce mj support to any legislation that will contribute a largo sharo of our surplus revenues to tho roads of our country. In that way wo shall add to our prosperity, to our defense, nnd to tho everlasting glory and rcnoun of our magnificent republic. The Awards. Tho nwnrds made iu tho various de partments are as follews: Division 2, Class 81. Mrs. Fanny Mulkoy, Salem, mono chromo drawings, 1, Jessio Martin, Salem, portrait in monochrome, 2. Sophlo White, freohnnd drawing, 2. Mabel Jones, Salem, poncll sketch, 2, Edith Bellinger, Salem, pencil skotch, 1; charcoal skctc, 1. i Mrs. F. A. Wiggins, Salem, portrait in monochrome, 1; charcoal skotch, 1. Margaret Oiil, monochrome drawings,' 2; Inndscnpe, 1; iinimnl life in crayon, 1; head in Sepia, 1. Division 2, Class 85. Amateurs under 10 years of nge: '" Ilnzol Erixon, Salem, monochrome drawjngs, 1, Dorthcn Stousloff, Salem landscapes in colors, 1; monochrome drawings, 1; wnter color painting, 2. Lmma Mnplothorpc, Snlem, wnter color painting, 1. Ruth Mitchell, Salem, landscapes in colors. Zoo OlniHteiul, flowers in pnstel, 2. China Fainting. Allen Eaton, Tugene, collection of china, 2; best design, 2. E. Dorris Katon, best conventional design, 1; specimen china painting, 2. Mrs. T. T. Oeer, Salem, best collec tion, fivo firsts. Miscellaneous Works of Art. Mrs. Claud Hatch, Salem, colored py rography, 1. Mrs. F. A. Wiggins, Snlem, design for furniture, 2. , Mrs. So) Durbin, Salem, best collec tion of curios, 1. Mrx. M. V. Wood, Portland, pyro- graphy on grnnhy. 2. leather, 1; colored pyro- Margaret QUI, Snlem) poster, 2; fa vor cards, 1. Mrs. F. A. Powell, Snlem, pyro graphy on wood, L. C Dorris Knton, Eugene, furniture design, 1; pyrography on leather, 2. Hurry Murphy, Portland, collection of cartoons, 1, Photographic Portraits. ' Aunne, Portland, group of photo graphs, 1. Tom Crajiise, 2; collodion of photo- gruplils, 1. Oil Paintings. Mrs. P. A. Powell, Balom, flowers in oil, 1; M. Y.. Pogue, Snlum, landsqnpes in oil, I. Mrs. Claud On tali, Siiloi", contact print, 1. Mrs. V. A. Wlggln, contact print, 2. Oil Painting. Mrs. Jr. N. Chapman, Salem, fruit in oil,' 1; flower painting, 8. Mrs. Jennio Wallace, fiuttcvlllc, landsoape in pas to!, 2. Mabel Jnme, fialem, flowers in pas tel, 1. Edith Bellinger, Salem, landscape- in pastel, 1; fruits in pastel, t. Mrs. F, A. Wiggins, Salem, collpotlon, one first; three, seconds. Mrs. M. V. Wood, Portland, picture, lj tapestry painting, 1. t. M. E. Pogue, Salem, landscape, li (Continued on page ten. irMirMfffiOT :q.UU.I. IM Mil I , u,Jl IJHILJ !.!' I 4fl9SSflBj ! tut llmilwilF ASH'cf able Prcparalionfor As- simuaung mcrooa anaucBuia Ung the Stomachs and Bcwcl3 of Promotes Digc3tion.Chccrfu! nessartdRcst.Contalna neilltcr OpiumJforpliino nortinr&L Not "Narcotic. Jteye efOUnrSiUVELtaaSR MxJmn gnUikap A perfect Remedy forConsUpa non.SourStomach.Diarrhoca Worma .Convulsions .Feverish ncss nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY 0? WRAPRCR. MflHtW8tHMMIIMtmiMIIBWflifIIMm i Largest Eye Practice i la Salem . But that's easy to understand. Wo havo convlncod spoctnelo and oyo glass wearers that wo understand our business. Wo havo recently fitted complicated cases on which all othors failed, and thoso oiutomors aro becoming so numerous you cannot go nny place In" tho county, but what a testimonial-bearer lives there. Wo also glvo you valuable advioo, which is free. Eyes 'tested free, and When glasses nro required our prices nro tho cheapest. Chas. H. Plonstr Optician. 88 Stat Strait I MBMBf Take One Home And Ty It If you are not satis fled, bring ft back ...Universal Bread Mbce.. R. M. WADE & CO., Sacm, Qe. Good Printing Good printing is like good clothes. It looks better, gives a better im pression and commands attention. "Good clothes make the man." So does good printing make the business. We do good printing, printing that commands attention. Call up 2824 Main and we will call and get your work. The Gaulfc Printing Company ON TIME Y. M. C. A, Building 71 Chemeketa Street CUSTOM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OtllTMII seMMNV. nn YOR owt. Hinges J Next door to Ladd A luah Bank X MMm9WWM999m999m 1 EVERY TIME, ,J4S- SALEM OREGON Bears the A, Signature ASp fir se W For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 'Phone 2824, Main rl 9 ? --si i II M 1 lis 1 I Ai l )iiiiiiHiiiiniiniiin r r tSUJ