r I I N hV V- Pi 10 . MmmaammmibmMawaMiManMam 1 Largest Shipment of Teeth. DAH.Y CAPITA! JOTONAL, SALEM, OSEOOK. SATPBDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1004. Eve bought fcy a sfflgle Dentist on the Coast, has fast been received fey Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The misfortune of an Eastern firm gave me the best opportunity to boy teeth which has ever fallen to the lot of any Dentists r I TL t t- 8000 set of teeth at 30c on the $, and what it means to the people in and around Salem CROWNS $5 FILLINGS 50c up PLATES $o Examination Free DUMP SALE OF CUACC Our great Dump Sale of Hop Pickers' Shoes, School Shoes, Hunting Shoes Dress Shoes, Shoes for any and all occasions, now on at DUMP PRICES IkU 15MS pairs children' elioex, viel kid, 75c values. Dump price 45 100 pairs children's shoes, velour calf, SOo values. Dump prioe ...... 50 75 pairs cbll5,, shoes, skos 5-S, $1.25, value. Dump price 75 OH pair ohllil' shoe, vial kit), cloth and kid top, $1.30 values. Dump price 75 75 pain mbwes' jhoet, eloth and kid, top, i&ffc.iJ0, &M to $1.75 valuta, Dump price 50c ISO pair misses' shoes, cloth and kid top, $6.00 values. Dump price $1,00 175 pairs ihihk hocs, kangaroo calf and vlel kid. Xluttnn and laee. Good kfiel ami hep ulakjag the, ,4, v4uo Hwnji iBe a . . . .$i,2rf ." 55 pairs mist sheM, kangttreo and box ealf kid, $8.85 value. Dump prle $1.25 HO pair men' patent leather laee and congress, $3JfO to 19.00 value. Dump , $1.25 73 paint men' tau the, good tyle, $IU$Q to 4.04 value. Dump prUc, $2.00 101 pair men' tan heo, tip to date atylo, $8 value. Dump prke $3,00 ISO pain men blaak vlel kid, odd and end, $3UM'to $3.00 values. Dump JwlM $3.00 , 60 jlr men' heavy1 grain thee, $6.00 values. Dump priee. .. ....$1,25 69 pair ladle' kid lined shoe, regu lar 13.50 shoe. Dump priie $1,50 82 pairs youths shoes, high top, good winter shoes, slies S to 11, $fi.25 val ues. Dump priee $1,25 Co pairs boys' high-top shoes, sizes 11 to 2, $2.90 values. Dump price.,.. $1.50 05 pairs boya' grain shoes, just the thing for bop pioking, $1.75 values. Dump priae. $1.00 5)0 pair ladles' kid nnd oloth top lihoes, button and laee, $8.0tMo $5.00 Values. Dump prie 50 360 pairs ladies' shoes, turned and welt soles, $3.90 to $6.00 values. Damp prld (5 HO pairs ladies shoes, with kid tops, in bijth button ami laee, $&&0 to $3p) Values. Dump priee . .$1.25 114 pairs ladles shoes, vie! kid, $.S0 $3.30 values. Damp prUe ...$1,50 4SS pair laijles' blaek and tan, odds and ends fn button and laee, $3.30 and $5.00 values. Dump prlae $1.00 1M pairs ladles' up-to-date shoes, welt seles, $8JW and $4,50 values. Dump 1' $2.00 SS pairs eld ladles' oomferts up-to-date sheas, $1.10 and $.00 values in kid and serge cougress $1.00 43 pairs old ladies' comforts in kid and sergvi, $1.50 and $.00 values in late, DampprUe $1.10 77 pairs men's heavy grain work shoe, $00 to $t.7fi value. Dump priee. . $1.50 It is a waste of ink to tcH you of any more of our marvelous bargains. Come and sec them. Terms of sale strictly cosh. AH goods fitted at the Store if desired. No exchange or money refunded owing to the. great values and broken sizes. DUMP SHOE STORE 295 COMMERCIAL STREET We,caa save you $5 to $7 on a full set ot teeth and they are guaranteed to fit Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain rrom now until October 1st, we will give a coupon with every dollar paid us ou Dental Work, some one of which will entitle the holder to the beautiful $150 Diamond Ring now on display at Thompson & Company's Jewelry Stwe. JLtv Dm JtL WKlUrIT 1 THE PAINLESS DENTIST STEUSLOFF BUILDING, PHONE MAIN 259J COURT STREET Hetfts: & a. m. to 5 p m., 7 p. m. to 8 p. m.j S&ndays, 20 a. m. to 12 m. CLOSING DAY AT OREGON STATE FAIR Continued from page nine.) marine painting, 1, 2; nnimnl study, 1. Mnrgaret Gill, Salem, flowers in oil, six first for collection and one second. Oregon Manufactures umsion n, Class 88. J E. Murphy, Salem, draining tile, 1. Mrs. P. Tyler, Portland, baskets, 1. AIjL-jyiaJ?j25vjuJtor-tlaniL -h-a8: kets, 2. Kimball & Webb, Salem, cultivator, 1. P. J. Rice, Pratum, harrow, 1. W. II. II. Shields, Salem, violins, 1. ft Purine, Snlom, gatos, 1. Henry C. Morgan, Eugene, apparatus for opening and closing gato, 1. Mrs. R. E. Wands, Saloni, canned good, 1. Mrs. S. I?. Poster, Snlcm, ennned good, 2. Rnlem Flour Mill Co., flour, 1. C. M. Eppley, Salem, baking powder, 1. Mrs. It. E. Wands, Salem, different varieties or' pickles, five firsts. Mrs. R. E. Wands, Salem, vinegar, 1. Mrs. S. R. Poster, Salem, pickles, five seconds. Mrs. C. A. Wilkins, Coburg, grape wine, 1. C. A. Wilkins, blackberry wine, 1. Scotch Collies Division F, Clas3 7. ('. D. Narin, Ballston, three firsts and two seconds. Augustus Bonney, Woodburn, 1. Bees and Honey Division Q, Class 48. George Armstrong, Corvallis, honey, P. A. Miller, Pioneer, two firsts for honey and one second for npiaran pro ducts. Division P Class 77. For boys under 16 years. Stanton Wisdom, Portland, bost bas ket work, 1. Willie Lovell, Snlom, snow cake, 1. Mitchell Wilkins, Salem, axe helve, 1; grain, 2; grass, 2; sled, 1. Warren Wilkins, Coburg, potatoes, 1; gras, 1. Teanette Wilkins, Coburg, grain, 1. Llyod ('. Cosper, Salem, best basket work, 2. Division, Drains and Grasses. A. M. Taylor, Mncleay, Lindreth wheat, lj White Eaton Wheat, 1; Rus sian winter oats, 1. Henry Tucker, Salem, popcorn, 1; field corn, P tallest corn, 1. Samuel Orr, Rickreal, hops, 2. Otis Wait, Rickreal, hops, C. Robert Douglas Albany, sweet corn, 1; tallest corn, 2. Schmidt Bros., corn, 1. Ed. T. Judd, Turner, popcorn, 2. Grace Wilkins, Coburg, clover, 2. Althea Wilkins, Coburg, grasses, 1. Grace Wilkins, Coburg, alfalfa, 2. C. J. Ramsden, Macleay, white vel vet wheat, 2. C. D. Narin, Ballston, Surprise oats, 1; sido oats, 1; sample oats, . C. E. Holtgrieve, Portland, fiold corn, 2. Mrs, Amo Wilkins, Coburg, whoat, 2; clover, 1; alfalfa, 1. Mr. Amos Wilkins, blue stem wheat, 1; Australian elub wheat, 1; Bulgarian red wheat, 1; Odessa wheat, 1; winter barley.Nl; Russian winter oats, 2; Scotch Dun oats, 1; bost samples of oat-i, 2. B. M. Warren, Eugene, grasses, 2; ....,..., -, .-..... ....... ,,..., a, nui-ni, 2; barley, 1; oats, 2; sheaves of winter wheat, 1; sheaves of oats, 1. STOCKTON & CO. THE OLD WHITE CORNER Speaking ofHi? h ClaSS Goods Where in Salem will you ever find such merchandise as , STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING THOROUGHBRED HATS BARRAY SHOES SELZ SHOES KANTWEAROUT CLOTHING For Boys? GENUINE PRIESTLEYS CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS Just received for men. The best values in Salem. Como and peo our $10.00 Leader It is genuine Priestly Cravenette, and the best coat you ever say for the price Gordon Hats, $ 1 .50 Several lines of the lamous Gordon Hats, tho kind that sell everywhere at $3.00. We are closing them out at $1,50 each. Fancy Shifts A very swell line of fancy shirts just received. ' The Swellest Sox in Town 25c 50c They sell like wildfire because the patterns are so new and attractive. MONTANA FOREST FIRES Anaconda, Mont., Sept. 17. Forest fires threaten to destroy tho flume which supplies water for the big Wash oe smelter If the flume goes C000 men will be thrown out of work. A large force of men are fighting the flames. o Mrs. Fair Injured. St. Louis, Sept. 17. Mrs. Xcttie Qravens Fair, the California woman, has sued the St. Louis & Suburban railway for $10,865 damages for per sonal injuries received on a car last Mareh. She says she received in juries, from which sho has never recovered. COUNTY OFFICIALS SHORT Portland, Ind., Sept. 17. Export ac countants hnve filed their report in the investigation of tho county books, charging a shortage of nearly $20,000 against 11 county officials, six of whose terms have expired. o Will Pay Army Debt. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 17. It is report ed from Havana that President Palma has issued an edict that tho payment of the army dobt will bo made In October. o Chicago Margets. Chicago, Sept. 17.-Wheat, Septem ber, $1.10V(Fd1.07; December $1.13; corn 51f51.: oats 31iffi)31V.. I1" l,l,,,)-al'""'ft.talJ JOHN SHOLUND, j Merchant Tailor I Entirely Well. After using two boxes of Brewer Drug Co. 'a Dyspepsia Tablets. Experienced cutter and fitter. Will euarmtee all work Also clea- f ing, Dressing ana repairing. Ocera none Rlnrir. rO-Ol0llll1liiii.fc .Lost. On Thursday evening, a blaek silk umbrella, with pearl and gold handle. Finder please return to this oflice and receive, reward. 0-17-3t o For Eent or Sale. Two lots with large house, barn, eew and ebiakens, three - bloeks from ear line. It is a bargain must go qwiek. Call at place. Miller street, South Salem. Josie Gallentiue. 9-17-Jt I Wanted. Two young men to travel nnd sollat order salary. Call Sun day morning at the Cottage Hotel. P. Sohroegel. 0-17-3t pr. O. W. Bean Has moved his affile v from the Eldnedgo Uok to the Y. M. C. A. building, seeend floor. 9-17-31' Fox Sale. Team of god young aar weight about iiw, to go caeap; aico harness. Inquire at .No, SS 18th 4 street, near Oak. MTSt Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Ter Ladd & Dsih's Bask. Salem, Or. peoples BAnGAmWms& Friday and Saturday Bargain Days . .'. u J2 ''," s,a,1."a,r " ",:""' ' "" ",a""' w ,,eW9 sM regardless of cost. Read on names' iw walklsg skirts I"1 iUO Ijidlos' $',&) dree kkirts, priee 3.9 Ladlos' l.e Prwwh flal Uirt vaista, priee jjg $7.00 blaek rustle taffeta rflk M. derskirts, priee 4.95 Children's $U0 wiotw Jkt, nleely trimwel, prf lJK $1.00 metallic. T9lv. UimX shewn f9r hfc walUs ale prioe, yard Ke Scotch tweed, all wool dress goods, swell materials for suits , Priee, yard 4Se 86c sehool plaid dress goods, fino quality, yard .15o m yards fancy calicoes, yard.3e 15 wrapper flanellettes, new 81-3c Pull size grey blankets 25c Best Saxony yarn, skein 3o 10c ctton batting, roll 5c ladles' SOe heavy black cotton stockings, fMt color, pair ....10c Men's heavy underwear 25e ASK FO THE QQODS ADVEET1SED. -Jggl;jy THE NORTHWEST.