PW.S' AILYCAPIT AL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1004. NO. 210. '00$ I lt orUJ nlerrl R! 'arket n hi' Thj r of 'clock Con. ainfi lib o in- 'emo ninj nless will lock- can id iaV, .ing rts, oa of E. bis Its 1 mJr t 'If-.- EM AND SURRENDER OF CITY rfc Arthur Will Not Capitulate Under Any Circumstances neral Stoessel Says That Russians Will Resist Capturei Until Death CLOSING DAY AT OREGON STATE PAIR Congressman Hermann vand Commis sioner Abbott Deliver Addresses at Good Roads Mefeting Closing day nt tho forty-fourth an nual slate fair was well attended, and the greatest stato exhibition over held in the stato will elnso tonight. Tho Races. Tho racing program this afternoon includes some of tho fastest and best races of the week. Tho 2:11 pace for tho Rural Spirit $100 stako, best two manifested than even in tho eoloninl days. I was present threo years ago at n Good Uoads convention iu the state at Virginia, at Charlottesville the seat of tho great university, and four, miles distunt frdm Monticcllo, Jefferson's famous home, and I must confess that I found tho historic road to that chnrminir snot to bo nctnnllv MORMONS INVADE MISSOURI bndon, Sept. 17. Tho Home conf ident of the Exchango Telegraph that a dispatch has been received that the Japanese outside of Fort bur have again dcmandcdfha gar- to surrender. General Stoessel rcQ, saying that tho bearer of such inges in tno ruturo would be led. He is reported as saying: will resist the capturo of Port Ar- until death." lokio, Sept. 17. Field Marshal Oy- reports that Russian cavalry out 3 with their base at Panchiago, blinpao and Tasanchimtzu, aro daily king to tho southward in tho vicin- of Walltnitzu and Monfulution. a 12-milo front nnd to'Jintang, lee miles from Tatangshanpao. The Issian cavalry aro changing their thing to grey and black, their win- uniform. Transport Ashore. fokio, Sept. J.7. A Russian trans- Irt, from Shanghai for Vladivostock, ashore on Kurlio Islands, to the Irthward of Japan. Tho vessel car ps a cargo of arms and ammunition. no crew of Americans and Germans ere savod. St. Petersburg, Sept. 17. It is re ported here that outpost firing begun south of Mukden, and also in the di rction of the Lio river, indicating that a general engagement is imminent. It is thought townrds the east that the movement of General Kuroki is still veiled,, and the general staff pek not believe that Kuropatkin intends to try to hold Mukden against the Japs,"un less, of course, tho battle is unexpect edly favorable. in tnree, promises to bo the best of the dangerous for an ordinary vohicle. meet- The road bed had been torn down into Tho freo for all trot, for $500, Lewis ruts, side drains hail been closed by and Clark consolation trot, two special tho falling banks, endless rocks block running races and tho consolation cd the wagon track, and the 'old stako of $200 for a distance of seven 'grades had disappeared. not so in Jefferson's time. This was Tho ngrl- Tokio, Sept. 17. The Jupanese front is confronting tho Russian outpost of Mukden. General Kuropatkin is re ported ns having movpil his headquar ters to Harbin. 'Chefoo, Sept. 17. Japanese who ar rived here today from Dalnoy report a terrific bombardment at Port Arthur by the Japanese on September 15th and 10th. They also report that 500 Rus sian cavalrymen, who attempted to drivo tho Japanese from Palichwang, wore enpturea. Palichwang is n stra getic position just outside of Port At thur, which the Japanese have held for some time. T-okio, Sept. 17. Tho French ambas. (Continued on rourth page.) cultural department wisely selected this as an appropriate locality for an exhibition of cood road construction that tho convention might hnvo an object Jesson, as you have had hero 'today, and the samnlo road recently constructed stands thoro now as a silent monitor, and as a stimulus for good road revivnl ni well ns a grim hen Buying Shoes fo FalL. You must consider the quality of leather in tho shoe. Solid leather shoes are absolutely necessary if you oxpect satisfactory wear during tho rainy season. The Banef Has stood tho test for 12 years in is built to give satisfaction. our shoe department. Every pair furlongs, n free handicap to nil runners entered in tho meet. Evening Program. . Tho evening program will include music by McElroy's band, 'sinelnc bv Mr. Hnlllo Porrish-llingcs, solo by little Miss Leta Humphreys nnd a clar inet solo by Carl Poppa. Friday's Program. TbeN program on Friday was one of tho best of tho weok, yet tho harness racPH were slow. J Tho first race was the Greater Salem consolation pace for a f500 purse, best threo in five. It wns won by Cavalier, ) Stnrkey second and Prince Charles ' third. Time, 2:13i, 2:15, 2:lS)i. Tho 2:30 trot, for a $500 purse, wns won by Althene in two straight heats, Kitty Clover second nnd Satin Royal third. Time 2:24VS, 2:10Vj. Tho five furloni? dash had tlm fnllnw. ing entries: Gad, Hogarth, Holly Ber-' "wille, Ala., Sept. 17.-Tho two ry, Gaucho, lone, Abydas, Sunny Jim, mon who were jailed today on tho Riceful, Mnster. Hogarth won, with chnrgo of implication in tho recent Gaucho second and Gad third. Time, lynching aro Charles Worloy, charged J.vxyi Tho fivo and ono-half furlong dash! wns won by Cerro Santa with Bummer second and Titus third. This was the best race of tho day. Time, 1:0S. Tho last raco was tho inilo run, and was won by Miss Vera, Ponznnco sec ond nnd Duko Richelieu third. Time, 1:41K. Conference of Missionaries Held at St. Louis Will Carry on Proselyting President of Mission Board Declares That Missouri Will Become Home of Latter Day Saints (Continued on Page Seven ) o CHARGED SERIOUS CRIMES with arson, in burning tho jail, and Joseph Mitchell, charged wjth murder in the first degree. Tho troops aro still on guttrd at the. jaij. Ono man was arrested today for resisting tho guard. No attempt to rescue tho prisoners Is now anticipated. Evening Program, The evening progrnm included ninny I Alonon lendid numbers, including a solo by ats Qa t Louis, (Sept. 17. Thirty-six Mor . sion board, declares Missouri will ovon- missionarirs nro in conference , tually bocomo tho homo of tlio Mormon . . . i . -- ... rhurch. Ho states that ho purchased a trnct of 20 acres at Independence, in Jackson county, where, ho declares, tho headquarters of tho church will bo located. . St. mou hero for tho purpose, it Is said by church officials, of awakening enthusi asm to tho Mormon doctrine in Mis souri anil this city. James G. Puffin, president of tho Central States Mis- TROOPS ASSIGNED FOR PHILIPPINES "Washington, Sept. 17. Tho follow ing rcconunondations liavo been mndo by tho general staff for tho assignment of infantry to tho Philippines during tho coming yenr: Tho first regiment to go will bo tho 21st infantry, which will proceed to Manila and relievo tho 18th, so that tho latter can sail for home January 15th, and go to Leaven worth. Tho noxt regiment to go will bo tho 0th, now at Tori Leavenworth., it will snil from San Francisco ou March 1st. Tho third to go will bo 10th, now at Vancouver. It is to naift from San Trancisco on April 1st, thfo is to bo followed by tho 0th oh Mny 1st. Tho reglmonts will rollovo tho 14th, 23d, "4th nnd 17th, which sails from Manlln on March IBth, May ICtlv Juno 10th, July 15th, respectively. EDITORS ARRESTED EOR CRIMINAL LIBEL spl little Miss Leta Humphrey, roadinir bv v..,..i. Miss Emily Snuior. sincini? bv ...i - t tf nnuim tn Dty Goods All of the latest novelty weaves in dress goods' and waistings will be found Jn our lino this season. Our assortment of staple dry goods is, very complete Don't buy an exponsivo rain coat ready made. It will cost yon only half as much to buy our extra fine waterproof covert by the yard and a 10 New Idea raincoat pattern, nnd have it made to fit. A large ship ment of Thomson's Glove-fitting Corsets Just in. All seams run around tho body. It is a special gives a better fit, and you can't find it in. other makes. feature which Men's Clothing No matter how fino the fabric in a suit, it mus bo lined and trimmed with suitable mnterial and cut to fit or it wlll'-not give satisfaction. Our factory is very careful to see thnt the inside of a suit is made of the proper material, ns well as the outside. ys' Clothing Needs groat wear-resisting qualities. Our "Jane" Horlkins' Boy Proof " Clothing is a boon to mothers of lively boys. Jf you have a boy, try one of our new fail suits for him, and see what "boy proof" means. Hosiery, ' Underwear, Hats, Shirts, Comforts, Blankets Everything in ladies' and men's furnishings. (The New York Racket Tho only store in Salem run on the spot cash plan, which, with our economical business management, enables us to undersell "regular stores." Two large storo rooms full of honest values. E. T. BARNES, Prop. Comer of Commercial andCiumeketa Streets little Mrs. htta Samro-Solov anil the Stnl wart Quartot, and good roads nddresses by Unitod States Commissioner das. W. Abbott and Congressman Hinger Her- nan. Mr. Abbott told 'of tho work being accomplished by tho govornraent in furthering the good roads work,, nnd showed 11 number of pictures of roads' in ninny pnrts of tho country. His talk Has practical and to tho point. Congressman Hermann said: Of nil subjects which enter into the material welfare, tho prosperity and 'the convenience of a civilized people nono exceod in importance that of good rgads. From tho earliest recorded history to tho present moment, tho public has considorod tho means of communica tion from neighborhood to neighbor hood, nnd thenco to market pluqo. Of all their monuments tho old Rom ans prided themselves most upon their splendid highways. Tho famous Ap plan way was without an oqunl in tho annals of the world. It has never been surpassed iu modern times. Its construction was commenced 300 years before Christ, anil oven today remains of it are still in existence, and afford material and foundation for modern highways. Superior .Roads 2,000 Years Ago. Iu tho later generation man has vastly improved over tho past, but in good roads tho highways of 2,00 years ago teach us an examplo of imitation. "Wo.arc indeed behind tho undents in tho condition and methods of our roadways. This may sound strange in tho light of tho phenomenal ad vunae made by our own nation in all the arts and sciences, and in every thing which assists in the industrial growth and prosperity. In the past fifty years we havo mado greater progress than in tho 200 years of our previous history. In everything ele which olevates us, wo have advanced, but in road making we have gone back, while other nations have gone ahead. One hundred years ago many f the common roads in the rural dis trieta of the old states weh as Mary kind and Virginia, were is better cob .aition than they are today. Until re centlv there has been lees interest ously Something Unusual. San Francisco, Sept. 17. warrants Grothers, proprietor of tho Hullotiiu France, Sept. 17. Licuten-'of arrest woro issued at tho request of Mnostrcttl's name, ho ' alleges, was met uud Hindclin, of tho Commissioner of Public WorkB Macs- montloned by defendants ' publication nrmy, fought a duel with trottl today against Michael DoYouifg, in connection with tho eleqtlon fraud, today. Hindelin wns danger- proprietor of tho Chronlcle: TIioh. Gar-1 Tho cases havo caused considerable1 in- wounded in tho groin. rett, publisher of the Post, nnd Mellaril tcrost. I HHMHHHHBI I Home of Quality f&l Honest Values Here Quality is Ot Watchword There are a great many places where you can buy goods at extremely low prices, but experience, excopt in rare exceptions, teaches us that the goods are worth no more than the low pricos paid for them. Price is only one of the things to be considered, for if you fail to get tho quality, you simply throw away your money, no matter bow small the amount may be. NO OLD OUT OF DATE MERCHANDISE TO UNLOAD Walking Skirts TOR FALL WEAB. Light enough for now.. Heavy enough for win ter.. All the new styles in the most popular fabrics. We can please you as well as we have hundreds of others. All New. 2.00 to S37.50 Dress Goods Buy dress goods thoughtfully, with discretion. A peep through our stock roveals a perfect wealth of ideas that you will see nowhere else, and most women appreciate this. NO OLD STOCK TO UNLOAD. Merode Underwear Cooler weather enforces the demand for heavier underwear, and tboso know the superiority of our assort ment will not thing of going else where.. We have this celebrated underwear In all weights, to suit your requirements. ALL NEW GOODS. 50 to 93.50. Ladies' Neckwear Women never bad so many different kinds of neck things to choose from as are presented in this collec tion now. You should see what we rhavo got for yon latest and pret tiest styles that were ever shown. WEN'S CLOTHES Wo know pretty well what kind of clothes you want, and we have them here ready for you to wear.. All the new styles. $10 to 20 4 i 1