Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    """H(1',"ffS Wl"1
Jew York, Sept. 17. "William Wnl-
rf Astor's present visit to New York
nl.itnnnn nf fltfrt VAn va nltvnn 1
I attracting unusual attention in the
ni estate market. Mr. Astor came
lcr primarily to inspect bis new Hotel
itor, on Long Aero square. Ho de
ed also to inspect tho now Astor
aitment hotel at Broadway and
yenty-fifth Btreet. He also paid a
lit of examination this week to his
aham Court apartments, which cover
iMnek front at Seventh avenuo and
Scth street. These three Astor struc-
Ires wcro built to discount tho cur-
int readjustments of population cen-
ICS. lOCy WITU UUb uuucuujvi;u tia w
Mments, for Mr. Astor never tries
kperinients with his real estato prop-
Hies. They wero the result of estaD-
Ished new conditions. They wero not
rojectcd until tho flnnncial success of
he operations had been assured with
hathematical certainty. But Mr.
Istor hns decided personal preferences
utside the purely financial aspect of
lis investments, and his present visit
his native town is to satisfy his
lersonal ideas as to the successful out-
bok for his grand new hotels.
ture. Its facade is composed princi
pallyof plato ghws, although tho or
nate iron structure is painted pale
green and balconies of Mqorlsh design
decorated with silver appear at every
one of tho seven stories. Thin twisted
columns painted in gold, silver nnd
pale green extend as high ns the sec
ond floor of the house. These gay tints
would make the building striking
enough with the gilt letters that blnze
on all the glass windows on every
floor. A sudden sight of tho edifico is
dazzling to one accustomed to. the com
paratively sober style of our sky
The magnificent new Hotel Astor
as been in operation now two weeks,
uring which time its splendors have
ccn inspected and admired by thous-
nils of sightseers. The Astor was the
rst of Broadway's now hotels to be
pened for business, tho event being
AmuUaneous with tho formal opening
the 350-room addition to the Hotel
iperinl. Tho Hotel Astor contains
00 rooms. Two other now noteis on
liie mile of Rinlto between tho Hotel
Vstor at Long Aero squnrc- and the
ladison squnro vicinage nro nearly
icady for final touches. The Hotel
Ireslin, covering tho old Sturtovantl
Houso site, 4s scheduled for opening
Itwo weeus nonce. mho imposing
Knickerbqekor, nnothor Astor struc
ture, on the om :. uiouu sue ai
IBroadway nnd Forty-second street,
Iwill not be ready before tho holidays.
Tho rate of suicide by carbolic acid
has increased from 31 per cent of
males and 47 per cent of females in
1902 to 35 per cent of males and 59
per cent of females. Taking cogni
zance, of the epidemic, Health Commis
sioner Barlington has amended his
code to forbid the sale of carbolic acid
or phenol, to any person without a
physician's prescription. In spite of
the fact that the death is violent nnd
excessively painful, it hns come to be
the preferred method of suicide, espe
cially among women, and mere school
girls have been known to tako car
bolic acid on mere impulse.
Hereafter hens no bearing tho
union label will not bo allowed to lay
eggs for the market in or about Feder
ated Newark. Tho Egg Inspectors'
Mutual Protective Union has demand
ed that all egg crates must bo union
ized and cooks are asked not to handle,
heat, boil, frizzle, escallop, fry, roast,
scramble, omelet or shirr any egg com
ing 'from a non-union crato; any t hen
laying eggs for non-union crates might
as well save herself the trouble, bo
cause tho market will be closed against
them. And if any person eating such
eggs becomes sick, no union physician
is going to treat a caso of non-union
indigestion. The Amalagamted Cack
lers are expected to hold a meeting
next week to discuss tho issue.
Competition in the laundry business
has grown so keen of late years that
in order to hold his trade almost every
laundrymnn has to offer grenter nccom
dations continually. Ono of the West
Side lnundries now advertises that it
will "mend flannels and darn socks
free." Since the adoption of this plan
tho laundry has incrensed its business
wonderfully. The scheme was to catch
tho trade of unmarried young men, but
busy housewives were quick to see the
advantage of such a plan.
Tho Minnesota Buffctt this week at
tempted to corner tho Ico supply by
buying all thnt was in the Bend mnr
ket, leaving its competitor, the Office
saloon, without facilities for cooling
its drinks, says tho Bend Bulletin.
"Dad" West, Bend's boIo ico man,
sold out completely. Hugh O'Kane, of
the Office, scratched his head and said
1 Then ho scratched his head
again. Then ho sent a team out to
ice cave, a dozen miles southeast or.
Bend, and got a load of fine crystal ico
from nature's storo house. His team
went out again yesterday for another
supply. It is there in unlimited quan
tity and tho novelty of tho ico is quite
an advertisement for the Office. This
country is too resourceful for its prod
ucts to be cornered by tho time-honored
methods of wasteful mnn.
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce- moisture and
cause ucning, tnis rorm, as wen us
Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. BOc a jar at drug
gist,' or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo-
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist
Friends of Al Adams, tho policy
king, are preparing to give him a rous
ing welcome when he is released from.
Sine Sine early next month. Mr,
Adams is said to have added several
hundred thousand dollars to his for
tune since he was put behind tho bars
for robbing the poor of their pennies.
During the past few months ho has
been busily directing financial affairs
in which ho is interested outside of tho
prison, and has made numerous deals
in real estato and bonds. He is said
to have an immense amount of busi-1
noss awaiting his relense, but beforo '
taking up nctive work again ho will
make a visit to Europe. i
miwh i JTi W if !
A Monste
Clean-Up Sate
of odds and leftove pieces of iutaitute. We
mast have tne room occupied hy such. accumu
lations and to get it we have paid little atten
tion to sieal valtie hut have matked each piece
with a puice that will move it at fitst sight.
Yoti neve know what yot
want until yot see it
Look these articles ove and yoa will sptkiy find
something you need. We reserve the flight to
deliver at out convenience.
Sale Commenced Monday
...Morning, August 29th... -
Tie House Furnishing Co.
269 Lifcetty St. Stores Salem and Albany.
The Statue of Liberty in Now York
haibor is to bo cleaned and burnished
so that it will once more bo in fit con
dition to "enlighten the world." The
balance of $40,000, which was left af
ter it had been erected on Bedloo's
Island at the expense of public spirit
ed subscribers, has nt last been turned
over to tho war department, nfter con
siderable legal quibble ns to what
should bo done with it. A thorough
renovation of tho statue is now prom
ised. It is plnnned also to install an
electric elevator to tako visitors to the
interior of the crown.
Although congested conditions of
population are reported in many Hnr
lem districts as a result of tho influx
from the lower East Side, it is becom
ing more apparent that tho most ur-1
gent demand for new houses comes
from tho better middle clnsscs who do
not belong to the lower Enst Side peo
ple. Tho middle class is being gradu
ally but persistently forced out of
Manhattan. It refuses to live in pro
miscuous tenements, and ns there is no
satisfactory provision within means in
Manhattan, the movement is toward
the outlying boroughs and to tho near
er Jersey settlements.
Facing ono of tho new East Sido
squares is ono of the first office build
ings put up in accordanco with the
Ghetto's idea of commercial nrehitec-
New Yorkers are still patiently
awaiting the opening of tho under
ground rapid transit system. Tho
power plant is in running oner nnd
apparently all that remains is for tho
train crews to learn their business
thoroughly. Practice trains aro being
operated from tho city ball station to
upper Harlem and it really begins to
look ns though the road will bo opened
to the public beforo the snow flics.
Enroll in the I. C. S. and
you will not have to look
long. The demand for tech
nically trained men is far in
excess of the supply. Ob
tain the technical knowledge
contained in one of our
Courses and you will soon
be one of the thousands
that owe their success to
our instruction. We can
help you qualify at home,
in spare time, and at small
expense, for any of the fol
lowing poeitions:
Mechanical, Bictrlcal, Stem, CM, er
motor, Entlneir; OnltMtan; Architect; look
teepir; stenomP&f; SbnHUrd Wrltir;
vnndaw Dreuer; or U Writer.
Write TODAY, itatlng which pott
tlon lntereiti you, to
Correspondence Schools
$ Box 799, SCHANT0N, PA. -,
"Wo nro fitting quito a number of
bicycles with
Now for winter riding. Let us put
u pair on your wheel.
Salem Gun. Store,
Paol H. Haaser, Prop.
You con purchaso now goods nt Rostoin & droonbnuin's ut lowor prices
than ut theso no-callou
By which Salem is so much infestod. Even tho Chincso have cnught onto
thisAmoricnn idea, and are advertising to closo out in so many days.
We hope to be in business for a long time
We purchased our goods at bedrock prices. Wo work them with n mnnll
margin of profit.
Free Information
About the World's Fair
If you have any idea of visiting the World's Fair this
year, ask me today for a copy of our World's Fair Folder.
It tells just what you want to know about railroad
tickets, baggage arrangements, sleeping car berths, how
to reach the Exposition grounds, what to do when you
get there, how to see the Fair to the best advantage,
how to get a boarding place, and answers nearly every
question of this character that may be asked.
Contaius maps of the Fair grounds, of the City and
of the Burlington Route.
Free for the asking A postal card will do.
-100 Tmihd Strict. PORTLAND. ORE.
Salem, Or., April 20, 1904.
International Correspondence
SchoolB, Scranton, Pa.
Gentlemen: In reply to your
request asking for my opinion
of your schools as a student,
will say I am well pleased with
your methods of instruction,
and tho faculty you have of
making your lessons to p:ain
and easily understood. Any
persoa with a common school
education cannot help but be
benefitted by pursuing a course
In which, ho is Interested.
In so far as I have pursued
my courso, could not suggest
any way to Improve your meth
ods of Instruction. I beg to
remain, Yours truly
CIobs L. A. C. 625.334
Free Circulars
Local Agent-
Asst. Supt.
McKay Bid. 3rd p. Stark.
A High Grade
When it does need ropair should
have the best workman you can And
do tho work. You can find no ono
who will do it quicker, better or
neater than
The Bicycle Man
Metropolitan. Llfo Insurance Com
pany. Incorporate! by the state of New
York. Tho comnany of tho peoplo by
the peoplo and for tho people Eight
million policies outstanding tuo man
gigantic organization In America. J.
If. McCourt and J. Oliver, represent
Uvea. Room 10, McCornack block.
Agents -wanted, M
f "Wo discount thoso so-called sales.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats. All this season's goods
PriccB $3.T5, $5.00, $0.50, $9.00, $10. No storo in this city will duplicate
theso values.
YVRB at 98c, also $2.75, $3.50 nnd $5.00. 8eo them to approcluto them.
KNITTING BILKS, -ounco spools 25c each. BultinKM 50-luches wldo
only 50c n yard. Suitings 30-iuchos wide, only 25c a yard.
BED 8PREAD8, only 75o each. Tuble llnoii, 00-in wldo only 50c na yard
UMBRELLAS, gbria silk, flno handles, looks llko $5 urtielo, only $1.75
tfmbrollns, steel rods, 40c up.
Men's Suits, $10.00 special offort, cannot bo duplicated.
MILLINERY, nil now goods, luteHt styles, largo assortment, popular
prices. Motto, buy your goods ut
m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J i ' i ' ' ' ' ' " ' f ' ' " ' ' ' " ' " " " " " " ' g ' " ' ' lL
T Tho grcuteut gnllory novelty cvor brought to tho city, just iustallod nt ; ;
! I The shotgun will bo given away Wednesday night. Tho scoro so fnr la ! '.
' ' low. Try your luck. Cash prizes also offered on tho target. Opposite
White Houso Restaurant. ;
"i n 1 1 1 n 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 n m 1 1 6 n n t n 1 1 n h n h r h h "
Do What We Claim
We rjuarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Dotanlcal ,
Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors
have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel j
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, o" stones, rheumatlorn,
dropsy, and dlabots, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female J J
diseases, all the foregolno wlthuot the knife, or plaster or poisons,
and with no pain to the patient whatever.
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. ,. .,....
D. I. F. Cook
301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon, f
Formerly of Omaha, Neb.
! ! i,