Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    T ' ';5WSPf?'r,
! 1
Republican National Ticket
aj For Preetdeet
of New York.
For ViceProldo.
of ladteoa.
For Preoiootal Electors;
O. D. Dfiatck, of Clackamas.
A. C Hough, of Jeeeeblao,
J. H. Hart, of Polk.
K. A. Vm. of Mateeer.
To Alnwick Cutis Clock,
(lilnaa Jrring, ia September Criterion)
Thy face bath locked is ether years
Ob highland pkkl awl bonnet,
And Darn, perhaps, bath watched thy
1 Vli ile he composed a aeaaet;
And grin)!' hast thee ticked away
' When piisty Seottith weather
Hath veiled the bills, Sir Walter lared,
And Lid the taewy heather.
Tiek-tek, tby ancient peadelMm
la measured stroke i teltfag
Old legends ot the banks ami braes
By Apton's gentle swelling,
Aad stories of the troubles times
When thick as oats and barley,
The elans sprang up to bear the sword
For bonnie, brave Prince Charlie.
Within thy ease a chieftain bold
Fob ml refaga la his trial,
f'WUl Ferguson," thy maker's name,
In silver deeks the, dial;
And still so perfect, so ml, and true
Is every og and lerer,
That while he sleeps to wake bo more,
Ills work goes on fererer.
Honest and pure desire is the best
Meekness and ebarlty have divine
If our prayers are sincere we will la
Iwr to attain them.
Let your moderation be known unto
all men. St. Paul.
If, we turn away from the poor we
we not ready to receive the reward of
!il who Mesne the poor.
let harmony, health, unselfishness,
goodness, mercy and justice form the
mind-ptcttires and sin, siekness and
death will diminish until tbey finally I BDape. their conduct in after life.
told of the marriage
''Wellf ie might bare dese worse."
Of eowrse he might bad he pones
ed loss heart aad good seae. He was
set Mke tie base ladlon the poet tells
aboet sW threw away a pearl richer
than all his tribe. He sserried InW
At tfce sons tBe ihffdafc)Mataa
dealt a, becf blew at see&ery and m
AaeIeB es diiaetteg. The
finery of emr safety k that the hired j
girl wlte Is worthy is ertry whit as
good m the pfcrsieiaa who behaves
MacecJf. Let the fashi able sister
rave end "society" ieaaiae a raia
ifftieg. Oeed AaferfeaM wtN appUad
af! seek retakes as toieal clew spirit.
Les) Hfe and apriraeM U Dr. Hal
teederf sad his preeiosM Pearl. j
A westera newspaper bee the follow-
"la OeraMay, a school girl tetts, her
task was daily iftspeeied by the teach
er end thee see wee aserked for seat-
new aad order. These habits seem to
the phlegmatic Oerssaa of sesse raiee
to the grewiag child. Woeid that we
were saere GernsaBeeqee ia this re
spect. Go to the rear of eae of omr
average school rooms, stoop down and
leek to the frost. The condition of
the interior ot the desks will tell you
why our streets and public grounds
eon be kept clean only at great ex-
There is a saggestlen ia that for us.
In the Good Hook there is an ex
pression after the follewing: "Train
up the child in the way he shall go,
and be will not depart therefrom."
There is also another that lends em
phasis to the same theaght: "As the
twig is beat so is the tree inclined."
If we train our children to be eare
ful, to be clean, to be neat, poins-tak-ing
and orderly, when they advance to
older years and greater responsibilities
they will sot lie negligent, careless,
untidy, unclean or disorderly.
Take the average Americas, and
whae walking aloeg the sidewalk he
will tear up a letter or a bill and be
will seatter the fragments on the
street. The tearing up of that one
piece of paper did net add to the city's
look of uneleanliBess and irregularity,
but the tearing up of many pieces of
piper by such -mea In time becomes
noticeable ami adds materially to the
Had those men been taught in boy
hood that cleanliness and neatness and
order were a part of their education,
it would still bo a part of their educa
tion and have quite a tendencr to
leSeers aed represeatatives will be
escorted to Native Sees balL where
'the sessioes .of the sovereign graad
ljge -mill be held. Mseday af teraooa
there will fee a iaierssal reception to
all Rebekak. aed Xeeday ereeieg
frmai reception will be glvee for the
Tinting ladies of the order at the Xe
rhaaies' pavWoiL
Tuesday taw sojilees ef the lodge
of my shins. My blood became poisoned will eoetinoe ie secret. The graad ea-
as a remit, ami the doctor told me I eampsaeat of CaHforafas wiM held its
woald hare rcammj sores for life, Bed' -,.,, ,m1m i ot FmUbws' hall
that if they were healed m the reseH t",fc ta OM '" "
wowldbefataL Uadertha discoaraziag Tnceday will also be Bebekah day,
report I left off their treatment and re-! th rxereiees stfteraoee amd ereeieg
.were prompt and gratifying. It tooki .,,., . r
only a. short while for the medicineto ea- Wedeesdsry the thorns ef the sever-
tirely cere up the sores, and I am not -urn rraad lodee will eoetiaee. Ia the
Wheehng, W. Va., May 38, 1903.
Some years ago while at work, I fell
over a trocK ana severely injured bout
the Patriarch Militant will
dead as the doctors intimated, nor bare , zfiet
uicKnacTciuruicuu; again, fcotac 12 . , , . . -, . . ,
years have elapsed since what I have de-, ill,lr a dw lrw, ,B Mecheeies'
scribed occurred. Having been so sigat&J Pariliee. Th caatoes of this order
benefitted by its use I can heartily recosa. wi, drin ia eosapetition for aboet
t . T T Sometimes nature
Hormr Mmr aUttlehelp-AveiS
A W.. - - . Vfgor. It j , m
touches it up, gives it new life, brings back the old darfl
color, and makes itsoft and glossy. Cures dandruff .ifryCl
Care Schmulback Brewing Co.
f."00 ia parses. For the neonleial
visitors aad the wires a ad families of
uuudic sores tart oiien xrom a no- .1.1 ir. 1 1 t u
pie. scratch, brmse or boil. d wmk ' ,,OB tfce edaosday. Ia the
salves, washes and powders are beceSciil, I evening a graad concert will be held
the unhealthy matter in the blood msst in Mechanics' Pavilioa.
be driven ont or the sore win continue
to eat and spread. S. S. S. reachei
Thursday the prize drills of the Pa-
these old sores thronrfi th Mond r. triarehs illlitaBt will be eeatiniied and
mores all impurities and Doisons. bildi there will be sessions of the. sovereign
up the entire system and strengthen! I 4 ijgg aad the Rebekahs. Exeur
the circulation. S. S. S. is a blood . . - . , . .. ,
purifier and tonic combined. Contain. S,0M t0 nearb.v P01" daring the day
ana concerts arM receptions in the
no mineral what'
erer bat is gnann-
5Ti;rrf n's- p".
an old sore write Friday morning
us and onr phvsi- will start. At
... Mt .JT..
evening will make up the entertain-
dans will advise,
Tfce Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Gt
aquiliae now is sot merely imposing or
ornamental, but is requisite to n fall
development of the human voice.
A proclamation has recently been
made in Rhodesia, prohibiting the
practice of sorcery, including the
throwing of boaes, the use of charms,
any manner of eonjeratien and trial
by ordeal.
An OBgiBe driver was attending to
the maefainery at Hays wharf, Teeley
street, London, when the ends of bis
nerksearf were caught in the shafting
anil be was drawn 110 thirteen feet
from the floor and strangled.
disappear. Mar Iiaker ft Eddy.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
nra true, whatsoever things nre honest,
whatsoever things nre just, whatsoever
things nre pure, whatsoever things nre
lorely, whatsoever things nre of good-
report, If there be any virtue, if there
!e any praise, think on these things.
t. Paul.
Th( Journal believes in young rue.
It has cenflilenre in old men, but. It
has faith In younger mes.
It Is yemug men who must fight the
battles ef the future, and make the eity
and state what It should lie.
A sprinkling of older men with young
spirits will always be in the public ser
vice and lu fill Hues of business.
Old men for counsel, for moderation,
for Judgment and guidance, but yeeug
men for (rush, oMdeever, endurance, w
terpriM. All Is fair In (eve ad war and busi
ness, iwt it tuke yeNg hm1 eethwliMt
tle hearte and spirit te tare the se-
jteralrtHniMHce of the,
1,00k at Mnrle t4uit$' exeWlNt
ftovernmeot. That 1m bee aeeev
pllsltMl liy rutiag men oily, aed a few
of the elder levl bestd.
Our irwHt spltfndld cily RuvefHewmt
Is largely tke work of yeaag mum. Wc
need Mere of thaw te the front.
Ijoek at oar yveeg Prwtideut. A sab
vrho doe tltist. Old (irovvr (leve
laud growls uud haviU rahHBity. IVut
the world hiuvm on.
vl)r. I.ohU Haltesderf, a yestHg Cbs
elnnatt physician, ideptd with Pearl
Hlmpstiu, the deweetle ewjdoyed at hht
fathtir'n Uoitoe. The coeple rtwt l
' Drtroit, where tbey weto Merried, ustyi
an axelwuge.
The yeeug iWler west to Detroit te
marry the girl Ihsmhso be had a slm
Ii!rli!g sUtor with aristeeretle testes.
Her nicely of choice precluded a
"hired gl'l" h sister -ia lew.
"1 ahull never get over it," welled
tliV tdster whee she heard ef the Hier
rlngo. I'nrlmjMt neL Her co U ehreele.
Hut wttet ef l'rl Uiikwn, In the
first piece the yeeug phletee wi
violently in love wilh hr, awl, as he
In n young talk ef dlserimliuttlbg
ta, it tHt' be tttk'BH for granted
that the girl t wertby. She haf a
trim figure, a wcit iHjtItlin nnd Is
ii Hok and etrer par exeetleaae
just, the aetl of it girl tg make an r
yllui.t yjfe. The itotur' father
dilltwpliteally rturVed wka ho wes
In many school room ns yoa enter,
you will find bits of paper littering
the floor; evey pupil will point bis
penell on the desk and sweep the shav
ings on to the floor. Tbc person in
charge of that room does not know hT,
leminess; her education has been neg
leetod, just to the extent that she per
mlts sueb things.
lu another room you will find the
fleer and the windows and doors seru
peloesly eleB aad the denies and eon
tents thorcof la perfect order. Pencils
are not pointed oa the desks awl the
shavings swept on to the fleer, or
scattered Hreend the room. Stray bits
of paper nre net teterated.
The child that goes out of the latter
school has been taught seme things
that are necessary In life, and will
ceatribute net only te his own happl
hbm and respect 'bet to the happiness
ef those about him.
Wn are all mere or lees iaellaed te
undervalue the bhmII things in life, we
forget that It is the little things that
urn important, that the oeoan ia all its
width awl length and depth is made up
of tiny drops, and all the mountalBS,
hills aed plain are bet little grains of
If the eatire production of eoal in
the United States during 1&03 were
loaded on freight ears with a capacity
of thirty tons each, the trains contain
ing it would encircle the globe at the
equator nbout ' three and one-third
A movement is on fopt in Russia to
diminish tho excessive number of holi
days for students. During a four
years' course at a Russian university
tho work done covers only one vear
nnd 205 days. In France the time eov
orod is two years and seventy-four
days; In Kngland, two years and 133
days; in the United States, two years
SIO days; ia Oormnny, two years 230
lays. Denmark stands at the head of
the lisj with two years 3W days.
the grand parade
various points along
tllf tint PAriovInn ttanttc tx-tll 1ia A.Aiif.
charge. , 6 -. v t.w
Book on diseases!1' ,or lDe aeeommotiauon or. tbe state
of the Blood free, and eity officials and the members of
the sovereign grand lodge. Large
prizes have been offered for the lodges
which send the largest number to par
ticipate in this parade, and prizes are
provided for the counties of California
sendiag the largest number. The com
mittees hope to have 50,000 Odd Fel
lows in line. The railroads have re
duced their rates and an unusually
Urge crowd is expected to be in the
eity on the day of the parade.
Friday evening the prizes will be
awarded in Mechanics' Pavilion. These
include prizes for the largest attend
ance in the parade, the prizes for de
gree team work, and the prizes for the
drills of the military department of
the order. A grand ball Friday night
will bring the entertainment to a
Saturday morning tho officers of the
several orders will be installed. It is
the rule of the sovereign grand lodge
to advance the deputy grand sire to
the position of grand sire. This means
that R. E. Wright, of Alientown, Pa.,
will be the next grand sire.
The decoration committee has com
pleted arrangements for an elaborate
electrical display both on Market
street, from the Ferry to Xinth, and in
toe Meebames' Pavilion. The Xntivo
Sous hall. Odd Fellows' hnll. nml
other plaees where meetings will bo
held during tho week will be elabo
rately decorated. A large part of the
decorations will be emblematic of Cal
ifornia and will consist of treos of vnr
ious kinds, vines, ferns and fresh
The proteet of O. A. Westgate, T. D.
Coedia. J. A. Jones aad X. K. "West
agaiaet the awarding of the prises ia
the standardbred horse class, was heard
by the board last evening, and Van B.
DeLaabmntt, of Portland, was appoint
ed to rejudge the horses. The first
prize for the best stallion of his elass,
four years old and over, was again
awarded to Trine '3 broadbeart, but
Jones' Capt. Jones was placed second,
in place ot itinsnaws toionei -uav-berry,
and Condon's Lord Kitchener
received third prize, instead of Scott's
The protest of C. T. Bonney against
the awards on the county exhibits was
heard, but the action of the judge was
ine .Metropolitan utc u.
Company rias more prem.na.pv
Dusiness in iorce in me Cn.ted Su
than any other company anfl
each of the last 10 years n4 1
more new insurance accep cd
sued in America than any c'h,
imu). j. xi. Kauuii. ana J. Ofc, I
ageuia, iuuiu w, diworsa' R uil
Asents wanted. Til
Bern the Tk8 Kud YlwHaijAlmrj BSjtt
Tbs Kind Ym Han Ahnrj
Core for Sick Headache.
We had a letter the other dajfi
a lady in the town of Boulder, C
that should be of interest to w
who are troubled with spells oiltJ
headache. She writes that sljhj
these spells about four times a m
was obliged to go to bed and reaj
there from 8 to 10 hours each taj
Had been troubled this way for
eral years, and the attacks bte
more frequent. Doctors done hn tt
good, she tried dieting, as every 1
said it was from her stomach. Bttit
an advertisement of Dr. Ounn'j
proved Liver Pills, which said, &
cure sick headache by removing
cause, sho decided to try once not
and sent 50c for two boxes. She 1
she had taken tho last pill more th
four months ago, has not had a 1
spell of any kind for over five montSi
Druggists sell theso pills for 25c
box. It only takes one for a dit
They euro sick headache every tint
For sale by Dr. C. S. Stone, drngrjt
I ::::::::A G E N C Y O F::::::::
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick SnlDbur.
J J. G. Grata, Agent, 207 Commercial St.t Salem, Ore.
1 1 in 1 1 tt 1 1 it i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 hi 1 1 1 frH-i i m e a n i
In Kngland a person can lie sent
from one part of the kingdom to an
other by mail, attended by a messen
ger boy, just as if he were Bothing
more than a speelal delivery letter.
Nbw Iatfte lleers are equipped with
Urge caara wtwwfBg tanks.
Th bmbm tetdier r9 the wcwi-
Aeet tmkuy f (1JM h yeer.
Oee ef a aeeOier ef hewing plgeem
mm e free Naaiet, Freer beHrded
a seift 1.0M wiles M see.
Hew BMMy butde ate Utece 1m Ateer
tcef A well kmewv beadiMMter celt
mmUs thet there ate at lcatt Mjm,
Thece nee bw aboet H0,csl Kj(rees
Jm New York city, (Key pcy fas
m prtetfty VMhsed at nbeut loMi,-
AmccUa jbeHUneee te tuttUk the
ivecU wUfc teealdBteWly were than W
per eeet ef the tetel bbhosI vredue
tiee of eopper.
lleyeeci BghUBg is sew a regular
exwelse la tho arwy, and it tt cmtte as
gMd. if not better, physical exercise
thau the oW "hyet exercMC."
Odd Fellows in California.
Hob Francisco, Cal., Sept. 17. -The
aBBual eBmmuuieation of the Sover
eign Grand Lodge of tho Independent
Order of Odd Fellows will be held in
Sen Franclseo, beginning Monday and
continuing throughout the week. The
sovereign .grand lodge Is composed of
aboet 20 representatives of grand
lodges of the order ia different states,
territories and foreign countries. Aux
iliary organisations will meet during
the week. These include the licbekah
Assembly ami the Patriarchs Mill,
A doily attendance during the week
ef from 10,000 to M.000 Odd Follows is
aUwitedliy the committee in charge
of the entertainment. On the big da
wblth is Friday next, M.W0 visitors
are expected te be here te see tho
parade, which will be reviewed by the
governor and state eflleenj, the mayor
an the eity atuters aed the graud sire
Had representatives ef the sovereign
grand ledge. j
Alrnidy there is n perceptible influx
ef Odd Fellows. The oommiu en
appeal is ia sescian aad will coatiaue
at work until the severeige grand
ledge begU itt meeting. Practically
all ef the delegate aad visiter j are.
expected te be here by Senday, when
the program ef eetertelBmeet will be
Mwday meraiag there will be a re.
eeptiea to the sovereign grand lodge
la Odd Fellewe hall. Addresses will
be delivered by Mayer Sebmlt. liraad
Sire John 11. Qeedwin. ef Ourolii.
Depety OrftBd Eire Jt, K. AVrlghL of
PeBesylvBBla, and hy tho other omeers
ef the aaverelgu grand lodge and rep
rseeaUtivee Qf the wverelgu grand
ledge ef California. After the public,
Came 3Iut be IlemoTcd. Same
Wmr AVItU DandrulT.
Kill the germ that causes dandruff,
falling hair and baldness, you will have
no more dandruff, and your hair must
grow luxuriantly. Newbro's Herplclde
not only contains the dandruff germ
destroyer, but It is also a most delight
ful hair dressing for regular toilet use.
Ho other hair preparation Is on this
dentine basis of destoylng the dandruff
germs. It stops all irritation, keeps tro
scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Re
member that something claimed to be
"Just as good." will not do tho work of
genuine Herplclde. Sold by leading
druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for earn
pie to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Inel J Kit rin-oial Aeent
Dr. W. RebjusoB exert that thlpregraw h Ua completed the grand
Oregon Congressman Will
Talk Good Roads Tonight
Wholesale and Retail Family Liqaor Store
E. ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street.
Full line of liquors and wines. Cedarbrook whisky formerly the
McBrler brand the best for family use. All order filled and Je
ll vered In the city limits. 'Phono Main iikv
"" ' 8 ' g """"'""'""-" 1 1 th 1 1 1 1 n m n i o i "
IMtteMlimUMIIMHUM KnielBHMaj8ie,)aj),ft94l
.n M n ., i
will show you why It Is that
our meats are always fresh
and appetizing in the hottest
weather, when meats would
spoil If not properly cared for.
It would also show some of the
fattest sides of beef, tender
and fine quarters of lamb and
mutton. Our meats are high
grade and low priced.
E. C. Cross.
State Street Market
fsaaiwe -ttinttinimainmtimi
Has been taken to Bupply the stock of! !
lumber In our yards. Our stock U !
complete with all klndB of lumber.
Just received a car load of No. li i
shingles, also a car of flno shakes.!!
Wo are able to fill any and all Wad;
of bills. Come and let us show you; ;
our stock. ! ,
Yard and .office near 8. P. passenger! !
depot 'Phone Main 651. J
S' ". TJi.-ltrS BBB7jSYmjBm
T f -mCMr
iM4eiali.l., ninmm
Congressman Hermann arrived on the
mereing overland, and is stopping nt
Hotel Willamette, where bo is seeing
his HMay friends. This eroniug he de
livers an addrea en good roads for the
tilate Good Heads Asosclatioq, at'th'e
auditorium paviltee, at the state fair
It will be a greet speeeb, as- he has
sixwt a greet deal of time ea the sub
ject, aad is na eathuslastte advoeate of
the Ilrewnlew bill te aid the states in
building good roads.
n. rou E,r 0M,d y011r oroeuit, tam,
Hajfitt & Lawtence
It DOt TOU are i,.i,i.i .. . ..
ara ct,d t . .. I.. . uu e. However, they are !
v: , ' 'uu tlll on taern, you wlU be
You will find thsm at the corner ot Commorclal
"j Kiaa to ice new natran nj i .. '
more than !, J v! L, ' "d " you ca on than, you will be
and- Ferry streets.
X tetnber,
Beans Us Hd year Septembe oo "T P ' . W " ,
va.,. .ft i. . Tlutmr -O, 130t. Four tirma tn auk), t,r.1nn
-w uu Apnu
a course la Sep-
l U tho Nor,1!1 WR TEAMER9 .
wages, write for new Mi,w Tf or good P3J"ona at good
f corning course of stud tini ;"aiain4nS Information con
real mmllll... i . f' lra,n'nB la actual teaching attnr.1iA Aar
. ..M,IW1, ,U Q.. . .,. .
nAvtnr ...- -. . . '"""irj SCHOOL and full ifAfall. Kiit
a - --. vwuiet, or ctii fc.,.t .. -ww Mww. a
I Addreea Secretary J n v mi add,Uonal advanUg3 attached,
f LER, Monmouth. OreLoa! BUTLER- r President, E. D. RE3S-