sars fa"ttHMt rMjawwtWactVXicsjMwawBJMWMMa DAILY CAPITA JOTJBWAL. SAtEM, oASOOK, THUB8DAY, SEPTEMBEB 15, 190L . - v v -ip P IV' h lv I. V MILY CAPITAL JOURNAL QV HOFER BROS. ... .i'v flfcUSNL0231EL 2 Republican National Ticket For President, ' J ' THEODORE IIOOSBVELT, ', of Not York. For Vlco-PVesldont, CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. For Presidential Becters: CL B, DtoHek, of Clackamas. A. Q. Hough, of Josephine. x. ir. Hart, of Poik. t ffi. A. Fee, of Malheur. o f ? - ON THE VH.LAOE OREEN. (The Gael.) &, weet Kitty Nell I rise up from your wheel; Xr eal little- foet will 1 weary iirm spinning; Dcse trip down with me to the 'syea- more tree Ilalf tlie parish i thorc, and the danc it beginning. The son Is gone down, but tho full bar- vwt moon $S!unt sweetly nod oool on the dew- whitened valley; tVhili) nil the nlr rings with tho soft loving thing, T2attb Tittle bird sings in the greon- shaded alley." fKtCfc n Wnsh and a smile Kitty rose wp tho while, Kex yre in the glass as she bound up v' tier lmir, glancing; "Tr liard to refuse a young lover sues, 3J tie couldn't but choose to go off tp the .dancing. 4 now on tho green the glad groups are seen, E&eh jray-hearted lad with the lass of his choosing; 'Ab3 lint, without fall, loads out swcot Kitty Noil $3nma)iow, when ho asked, olio ne'er thought of refusing. 2fow VeUxi Magco puts his pipo to his knee, JVnd with llourish no freo sets onob couple in motion; With a cheer and n bound tho Inds Vntter the ground 'Tho maids move around just like swans on the ocean, 'Cheeks bright ns the rose fet light -,, ,ns the doe's Now coyly retiring1, now bofilly ad- vnnolng; Search tho world all nronnd, from tho sky to the ground, - No such sight oaii be seen as iin Irish Inns dauciugl a TOMMY'S SUSPICION. (I.oslio'a Weekly.) My daddy says that when he wit A boy, he nover cried Hot run nwny from sellout to go - A-awimmln'i never trloil To cut a lleklu', never fulled Tn do as he was lilil-r (Well, iiinybe iliuldy didn't then Hut grnu'mii says he dlill) ' My daddy brags a lot about The way boys neted when lis was n bay. (Goel but they must 'A Doen must aiigels thenl) Ho aays ho never dared to peep "lteneuth the onku law lid (Well, maybe not; but, nuywny, Aly gran 'ma sy he dldl) 44I never tied a tin in to A dog's tail ia my life," Say daddy. "An I, never car veil My 'nitial with a knife In K'aat big glarta' capitals On the piano llil" Tbat'a what be tahl m wllwinly Hat gran 'ma y ke dldl) 44 1 never rmtm for eiremwe An' brawi Iwads ami mU tilings" (Hay-honest! wild I) that's Jwit what he "An" tops and devil silage. I nover waited after seheol 'J'o iiek Mima othoi' kiib" (lie nays he wover (1hm thwa tltiags Hut grnn'mu KdyB he did I) Siy! but m) grnn'ma's Mighty wise; ;JJh know my vIadU whan lie waa u little rHilt, ah wyn Jllo w a lrrr theal Ue aaya he nevr eHt up UH( v The tiiiiea he s a kid (f know I ought Jo b'ltavo Utai, but Hut graa'aia says be dt(t) 0' ., MR. DALRYMPLB RETIRES. !Tftd retirement of Ji J, ''DalryB5ple, from an atltve iueroaattle aareer will Im regrettel hy wiaay people, who have trailed with him fur a quarter of a jtury. lie will be ihUmhI from butiu eir Vv beeause lit, his llae he was thorough and very mioeeuful at a business man. .Mr. palryiMpla was pulHo-splritcJ, antt ba always taken an intelligent interest in promoting whatever he thought for the welfare of the commu- plt3V ' tK Iftf is a man who made many warm friends with people be came In contact with, and wlll leug bo, remembered as one of tho elder generation of balem merchants. The Journal hopes he way live to enjoy many happy day, and If he gets lonesome will bo 'glad to welerne him bafk lBte afyrVe thttlnes alrftlls. j CITY WINS GRAVEL SUIT. Thtf eity of Salem wins the rait for Its right in the Minto island gravel bar. The result will lie that the city will M gravel under the old eoatraeL JndJeaUeiM are that sot ae ranch gravel "wli be seed In future a la the iwut for street workv Afore gravel wtll lie used than ever bfDre for the construction of foonda ItoM of houses. The old plan of putting gravel from two to six. feet deep on streets is about m antiqwatod an idea as living in a dagfWt wotthl be. IfnleM gravel ran be seroened and put on the roads an that the goose-eggs will not come to the top, its use should be prohibited. Judge Galloway deserves credit for just about getting at the common senso of tho matter. He is whnt Judge Boise would call a pretty good guesscr. ; A FEW WORDS ABOUT GAMBLING. Thcro is not a particle of restraint plaeed on gambling games in this city, and not much ut the stnte fair at pres ent. In the saloons and other places money games are running openly, nnd doing some business, but mostly patronized by idlers and sightseers. Tho horse races, as usual, are the fruitful can bo of, much gambling, pool soiling and betting on tho allegod races. Ah far ns this city is concerned, thore Is no pretenso at driving out these gambling devices, and at the fair not much more. Now, whether people llko this or not, thoro is an element of humanity that will gamble, whether in whont options, raco pools, or wheel games. Whether a city or a fair can. prevent those persons from gambling, Is tin opon question. The Journul does not pretend to know. Tho Journal believes in tho creation of a sound nubile sentiment nimlnut gambling, nud in educnting tho individ ual not to gamble. In the face of a stnte law, and city laws that make gambling a crime, anil every man who gambles or permits gambling on his promises, a law break er, thoro U gambling wide-open and on a largo scale. In spite, of the laws there is "prostitu tion and drunkenness, just tho snmo ns gambling, and there will be unfit iiidl viduals uro shown the error of their ways, and no longer believe thoro is pltdNiiro In thone thlnga. Merely prosecuting individuals and onviotlng them, and throwing them in to Jail douN ,unt reform them or take awny the doslre for these things. It ir a question whether open prac tise of thane thing, that sharks the publli sense of deeney, Is not bettor titan If all timet vices wore onrrlcd on In soeret. The JttHrnal lay down no law for others In those mnttors. It take im munity as it (Inds it. It dees be Itovtt.that Boclety can be purified by brn-lMiul orusadwi against vice. Itoformation mast hegiu in the indi vidual, If he is right he ueeds no on ferapment of laws to keep him from do ing wrong. If he practices wrong-do ing, no win no pmiiHHOti i y laevitulM Jlifetliothat spare nmie. GRANITE ROADS, ltd win M. Htone has dona n greut fa wr to Oration by ilcllvurtnir several tnrlnads of the Santiam granite fur the rfak crusher at the fair grounds. i. K. Cunma, of the Soutlieru l'Hrifie OenjNnyv also doxorvcA. orodit for pm WHttg the teet of granite far road. ItaUi roads hauled It free. Hraktm gritulte will prove the finest huMmIhI fur rood buildlBg. Ther is uathlNg NHtriar to gmtitto for base or top drawing. The iwe of gmalle will depend on the freight rate that own be made over the two roads, Imt h favorable rota will prolMthly bo roarhetl. iwr this elty the beet eagtaeeM roe emwewd the use of lmlt from the qnarry tmwtk of the lt for a base, with granite far the finish. NMUh the ktrMt railway line t dia trllmte tho Uaalt in tho lt awl the anly brkH granite for the swrfnee, Iiho Uet are plWe. Orutilte for roads a ad street wtaus wore to GrOH than naythlng that hai yet been propsotl, lteeaiu It a be mure wldoly dlvtriUutod. THE 8TRENU0UB LIFE. me isrn man nat tuaaHOAy a saurao ef eajoymout in aattfta. iie lists rargoiian now t tbtnk, er dream, ojr rest. Hut he knew batter than liver men know before hew to keep busy. l(o was never nmtehed la deJj he WHAT'S THE JflJPf FINE GtO-THES' MArvEHS OUTFITTERS TO PARTICULAR G. W. JOHNSON & INCORPORATED has uu interest in anything but deeds. Tho world's work is tho most elcvat; do tuple thnt attraets his mind not the world's history or its meaning or Ion tiny. Ho is happy only in tho midst of activity. Whnt ho wants is "some thing doing."- It has eomc to pass thnt it doesn't mattor wlmt. It is the display of energy itself that fascinates us. We don't inquiro whether nr not tho end is worth while. We confound change with improve ment. It isn't tho goal that inspirc-i us; wo are absorbed in pride at each tiny Htep, oao after another. We are victims of n passion for do tails. Wo can't realise that we aro strong, thnt wo have eaorgy, units. wo prove it to ourselves by constant little feuts. We go about, therefore, lifting weights, doing pole vaults, throwing hammers and' applauding one another as if this were trundling the worbt along Mime glorious path of destiny' Here is ItmisoVjjlt, who deems it ueeosmiry to get lip at 9 o 'cloak in tlie morning ami rldo as if for life across the country to got his blood in rirruW tioa. Ami wo make him Preaideut and exult him us the true type of our mpd era manhood. Now, the plain truth is that energy displays Itself far more ImproMiveJy In rrtpow than In nelion. It was A ml el's remark this was oae of the Ooaevan philosopher's fnvorlte themes Ovt Xttpttlettit with his anas crossed over his breast U more impressive of pewor than the furious liereuhw bent lag the air with his athletic lists. The modern spirit has no apprecla tioa of the energy of eoaeoHUration. It oaly known the energy of ttwiN. It aw HiidendMHil ealy mavownwit, ut', effects, aotito. , The ealtn , the poleed eagle. sl loHoo, etpMntmity, eoaUwidatioa the Ullage do art iftak si strength to hiom today. The IaoUn In his bbtaket, the Arab' f the desert, ia serenity, ia iadiffer. nee to turmoil, has a porsoaal dignity that batMi the hmh of eiviliaation in tho midst of the aleotrie U-ts whieh table hbw to do Ir a day work for whieh Uta grandfather would have ro quired weeks and inobth. Haw wuh f that work i worth while These summer days, generous, slow pasting, reluetaut to die ia their splca der of sun and air, give a new mean tag to life, waking rain the fevered G. W. JOHNSON & CO, INCORPORAIHL For so little a price as chase of the hours which occupies tho modern man. ' How much oasier, pleoxnutor, saner it is to just loaf! Lying mi a hillside or by the sea, tho absurdity of the prevailing con cept of human existence comes home. c THE PANAMA OANAL. Tho enginoors who are making the plans for tho I'nnamn canal expect to lie able to begin work in about eight een months and to complete the canal in five yours. The preparatory work will be completed to tho uttermost de taii before a spadeful of earth is dug. 'A groat deal of time wjltjtie spent in tho selection of the iSwBuachincry and cxcnvntlng nppuralpgr Tho ma chinery for hoisting and hauling the xeuvutod matorial to tho dumping places will bo really suspension cnble brjdgeg and those will stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Stretch ing elonr across tho isthmus also, will be a brilliant lino of electric lights and tho work will go on all day nnd all nlghU until tlie great gateway is opened nnd the two oeeans joined. The nil in the Texas fields is going to greatly simplify this vast engineering problem. In some places on the isth mus water power will be employed also. o Dr. Qunn's Blood and Kenro Tonic There is not a woman in this land but at some time in her life would have been the better for tho use of this Tenia. ir diseases peculiar to women a better modieine was nover made. It is oowpeel of the ingredi onta from whieh the system has been deprived by disease, overwork or dissi pation. It outer at oare into the eir eutntion, building up the tissues that have wasted, making pure, rich blood la the most dlreet way. Yor weak, nor. vous, and unsteady people, pimply, pjile or fleshiest people, It will make strong, steady nerves and give tho eqmploxtua that wholesome look that indicates health, producing good, solid Uijsh at the rate ef 1 to X pounds per week.' Druggists sell it for 75e per box, or 3 boxoi fivr . It should be taken after meals, one or two tablets each timf For sale by Dr. S. C. StoBe, druggist, u Cab Hire at Half Price. Tho war on prices of caba Is still raging. Slmpao&'a stables made tho cut to ono-balf price, sod stIU mala tain those prices. Opposite the court USE WAITING For Cold Weather Before Buying Ytiu FALL SUITS? By getting it now you have longer wear for yotjt money and a larger assortment to pick from. If yoif want something'that will pat yoa in a distin gaished class by yoarself, come here and walk off with a snappy sait of "CORRECT CLOTHES" Hand-tailored by SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. The picture shows tho' reigning favorite in fall apparel. This is the natty suit the best dressed young fellows in tho big cities arc now wearing. There is nothing in the style, fit, fabric or tailoring that would suggest the idea that it wns "Ready Made." On the other hand, thcro is everything to indicate that tho swcllest merchant tailor might have made it. He wouldn't think of charging you less'than $10 for it. Wc can fit you. 12.50 itigMiiiiiiiaiiiftflasiatiftflstftttftsi HJWh MMNNtHMUSUlU tl8HllHHUH.H)Hum Have You Ever Ordered YOU EWBI- rirA...J Haitt & U not, you are away behind th nX SS , ,C DeVatrons' Z Tv?" I ITJ'- Y0U W,U Cod we OViCTJta, CSC4MM3 ORETSTrTESr ? ...?RE.G0.NSTATE NORMAL b. . oVr' . '" Vw L I I UIV s I I CASMiu. " IV VTV1VI1 year affonllnB Z.i ' 2' 1904- Fr rms in each school rmhrb - la the KonMiTciESJ IT1"0 F0R TEACHERS ages. Write to?; lT? f ed timaa at ed cemlng course, of JL SS alnlng full Information con real condition, in town a?i ? atUal teacWp8 afforJed Bndw advanced cooIn o?L7, TZ aad tM dotalU about Addres, R,. J .n -y: ,th the additional advantages attached. LER, Monmouth. Oro'son" PEOPLE CO. I A PEEP INTO OUR ICE HOUSE will show you why it Is that our meats are always fresh and appetizing in tbo hottest weather, when meats would spoil if not properly cared for. It would also show some of the fattest sides of beef, tender and fine quarters of Iamb and mutton. Our meats are hisb grade and low priced. . C. Cross. State Street Market Bt888attal THE PICK OF THE FOREST Has been taken to supply the stock of. lumber In our yards. Our stock is! I complete with all kinds of lumber.; Just received a car load of No. 1 shingles, also a car of fine shakes. We are able to fill any and all kind of bills. Come and let us show you our fitnelr. Yard and office near B.'P. passenger! depot. 'Phone Main 651. GOODALE LUMBER CO. efrfcftsun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!, I . , .5 Venn nv..ri.. Lawtence Hm. tr v. " you'call on them, you nffl bt f at the corner of Commercial are ml- SCHOOL M0NMO4ITH J -nuUL, MONMOUTH ' r Presldenl- D- RE8S ovanta 3regon BUCCC pendi rounc been catio their grcai pool matt to 81 edui pem ory etea T of of ion Ian ' cip ma Thi coi lav un thi iy an th on h( W) su q ai U) n h a