Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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70L. XIV.
2TO. 214.
itlantk Coast Swept by Wind
and Rain for Many
Imafl Crafts Were Driven Ashore by the
Pierce Gale With Loss of
Xew York, Sept. 15. Tho severe
fctorm which struck this city last night
Increased to cyclonic violenco this
aotning. Many boats anchored in tho
barhor are in danger. Nineteen barges
in tow of tho tug Ashton overturned
fund 'were washed ashore nt Tompkins-
ville. Ann loiegrupuio comuiunicuiiun ia
badly crippled.
1 s
Biston, Mass., Sept. 15. This city is
in the grip of n severe storm, nnd threo
inches of rain lias fallen since last
Wilmington, Del., Sept. 15. During
the storm last night tho tug Durham,
of Philadelphia, sunk in the Delaware
river off tho mouth of Christian creek,
and eight porsons aboard her were
drowned. Two were saved on a barge
in tow of tho tug, which went ashore.
Xcw York, Sept. 15. A fishing
smack and a three-masted schooner went
I down off tho Holland light liouso during
' the storm, and it is not known whether
the crews wero saved. Near Sandy
Hook and Capo May barges and sailing
craft were blown ashore. Two barges
wero washed up nt Sandy Hook with
out crews, and tho crew of ono barge,
about to founder, was rescued by the
Long Beach life savers.
Ogdonsburg, N. Y., Sept. 15. Follow
ing tho heavy thunder storm last ev
ening a severe earthquake shock was
j felt throughout Northern New York. In
this city many buildings trembled.
Malone, N. Y., Sept. 15,-This' city
experienced n distinct earthquake shock
I during the heavy storm at 9 o'clock last
night. -
, o .
Robbers Are Located.
Des Moines, Sept. 1C. The five ban
dits who robbed tho Rock Island ex
press, near Letts, on Tuesday, have
beon located near Winfield, a town near
tho sccno of tho holdup. A special
tralnj with a heavily armed posso, arc
on tho way from Muscatine to effect
their capture. The robbers wero found
hiding in a haystack, and are heavily
After Jerome.
Now York. Sent. 15. Tho call of
David B. Hill upon District Attorney
Jcromo today hns given rise to tho re
port that Jerome has been asked to be
como tho Democratic gubernatorial
When Buying Shoes for Fall
You must consider the quality of leather in tho shoe. Solid leather
shoes are absolutely necessary if you expect satisfactory wear during
the rainy season.
Has. stood tho test for 12 years in our shoe department. Every pair
is built to give satisfaction.
Dry Goods
All of tho latest novelty weaves in dress goods and waistings will be
found in our lino this season. Our assortment of staple dry goods is very
complete . . ,,
Don't buy an expensive rain coat ready made. It will cost you only half
... ..- i , firm wntiirnrnnf env-firt bv the Vard and U 10c
as mucu 10 uuy um v. - .. L- , . ,
New Idea raincoat pattern, and have it made to fit. A large ship
ment of
Thomson's Gfove-fittiflg Cotsets
Just in. 'All seams run around" the body. " It is a special feature which
gives n bettor fit, and you can't find it in other makes.
Men's Clothing
No mattor how fino the fabric in a suit, i must be, fejBtLaaUdn"? d
with suitable material and cut to Jit, or it will not give av..
Our factory is very careful to see that'the insftle o'f'a suit is made of
the proper material, as well as the outside.
Boys Clothing
Needs great wear-resisting qualities. Our "Jane Hopkins' Boy Proof"
y Clothing is a boon to mothers of livoly boys. It you nave a uuy, j
one of our new fa.l suits for' him, and' see what "boy proof" means.
Hosiery, Under wea.
Hats, Shirts,
Comforts, Blankets
Everything in ladiea' and wen's furnishings.
The New York Racket
The only store in Balem run on tho spot cash plan, wbieh, with our
economical business management, enables us to undersell "regular
stores," Two,large store rooms full of honest value.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Comer of Commercial andCfcerafceta Streets
Has Asked Permission of United States
to Dismantle in San Francisco
"Washington, Sept. 15. Tho navy de
partment this morning received a dis-
jiuicu lium .-uimrui uuuuncu, iu sun
Francisco, stating that Captain Berlin
sky, of tho Lena, formally askod per
mission to dismantle; his ship. Ho fur.
ther desires to know to what extent tho
United Stntes desires tho ship to bo dis
armed. This question will probably not
be answered for n day or two, or until
the state department communicates
with tho Russian ambassador, now at'
Bar Harbor.
New York, Sept. 15. According to a
dispatch from Berlin, tho Russian gov
ernment is negotiating for tho pur
chase of more ocean-going steamers
from the trans-Atlantic lines.
Mukden, Sept. 15. It is reported
hore that the Japanese wero compelled
to ovneuato ,Liao Yang on nccount of
tho fearful stench arising from tho dead
bodies. Tho Japaneso are fortifying'
tho apprpaches to Mukden by wpy of
tho Liao river. Preparations for their
ndvanco nro being continued. A small
detachment of Japanese aro moving
northward from tho Tnitso river. ICuro
ki is now going enst, while to the west
ward preparations nro being mado to
sond a largo forco up tho Liao river.
Tho Japaneso already have 100 barges
ready for this purpose. With these
they intend to ascend as fnr as Tie
Pass. It is stated that the Japaneso
nro preparing in a turning and flanking
movement, nnd will not engage in an
othor big battlo bofore tho occupation
of Tio Pnss. These preparations nro ex-
pected to occupy ouo month.
Tokio, Sept. 15.-Ficld Marshal Oy
ama reports today that the Russian po
sition in tho direction of Mukden is un
changed. Ho adds: "We buried 3100
Russians nt Liao Yang."
Searched Vessels. '
' London, Sept. 15. Lloyd's Algiers
correspondent reports that tho Russian
war. ship Terek stopped tho British
steamer Trepordert nenr Gibraltar and.
examined her papers. Tho British
steamer Margit Groodcl arrived at the
Dardanelles and reports that sho was
searched by tho Terek' on September
6th. .
Thousands Come From Metropolis
Many More From Other
Struck Mine in Harbor.
Cliefoo, Sept. 1G. Tho;, British sail-ing-
vessel Lucia, which wns.supposod to
Fo running the blockado ", 'struck a
mine t Port Arthur today, and sank.
Only ne of the crew -wan saved.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 15. Genernl
Stoess'el, in command at Port Arthurj
reports that tho Japaneso nro con
structing fortifications on Snmnon
mountain, and other points. They con
tinue to bombard tho forts nnd harbor.
On September 2d theythrew 250 shells
into; tho town. Tho Japaneso aro issu
ing proclamations demanding tho Rus
sian troops to surronder A report from
Alcxieff stntes that tho Japanese arc
massing their forces west of Port Ar
thur! o
Senator Hoar Comfortable
Worcester, Mass., Sopt. 15. Sonator
Hoar is a little more comfortable to
day, but shows no gain in strength.
Portland Day at tho Fair brought a '
great throng from tho metropolis and
other parts of Oregon wero w(l repre-1
sonted. The first trains from Portland
arrived at 10 o'clock, carrying sovernl
thousand people, nnd they wero met by
as many more Salem frionds nnd relatives.
The fino stock parudo was held at 10.
o'clock, nnd was a magnificent exhibi
tion. Tho Races.
Today's racing progmm is as follews:
Facing, Inland Umpire Stakes.
For 3-year-olds, two in three, $500.
Van do Vantcr Stock Farm, Jules
William Hogoboom, Bessie R.
John Green, Queen Direct.
H. II. Holmnn, Lovclesi.
J. E. Reeves, Alto Lace.
Tbo Lcwfs and Clark Stake.
This is a trotting, 2;17 clnBs, three iu
five; $2000.
N. K. West, Tho Commonwcnllb.
S. S. Bailey, Red Skin.
W. G. Durfoy, Brinoy K.
Mrs. Kmily Ward, Lady Madison.
Thomas 11. Brents, Bellndl.
Running Races.
Selling, purse $150, of which $30 to
second and $15 to third, for 3-year-olds
l and upwards. Xon-wlnners at tho meet
ing. Thrco-yonr-olds to carry 108
pounds, 4-year-olds and upwnrds to car
ry 113 pounds. All to be entered to bo
sold for $200. Six furlongs. Bud Wndb,
Sallie Goodwin, Urbano, Penznnce, Ti
tus, Bamato, My Surprise, Mordcute.
Great Oregon Derby.
Oregon Derby, n hundicap for 3-year-olds
ami upward. $10 to accom
pany tho nomination August 25th; $20
additional to start. Tho Oregon Htattt
Board of Agriculturo to add nn amount
suflioient to make tho value of tho
stako $000, of which $100 to second,
and $50 to third. Weights announced
Tuesday, Septombor 13th; nccoptnnoea
to bo mado to tho secretary Wednesday;
September 14th. To bo run Thursday,
September 15th. Ono nnd ono-fourtb,
milos. Forest King, Moor, Illownho, In
structor, Col. Anderson, Stewardess, Col,
Ono Mile Running.
Soiling, purso of $150, of which $30
to secoud nnu $10 to tiuru, tor .J-yoar-olds
nnd upwnrds, ndn-wlnnors slnco
August 7, lWH, weight o pouiuis uoiow
the Bcale. Each to bo sold for $200.
Ono mile,. Pastmastor, Prostolus, Tho
PridC, All About, Lady Rice, uannou,
Gypsy Bell, Scherzo.
Evoning program.
Tho evoning program will bo of un
usual interest, us both Mrs, Halllo Par
rlsh-IIInges nnd Miss Ethel Raymond
will sing. Mrs. Hinges will sing "May
Morning" and Miss Raymond "For
This." McKlroy's band will cotnploto.
tho progrnm with soveral selections.
Salem Day."
Tho racos on Wednesday, Salem day,.
woro attndcd by nn immense crowd-
Tho harness ovonts wero slow und BIG
less. Soino horsemen say tho track is
slow, othors that tho fog nnd amoKe
weakons tho nnlmnls, whllo some pooplo
on tho outsido hint that horses worcr
about tho first cssontial of n horso race-
At any rate tho tlmo wns not creditable
(Continued on page- olgh.t.1
Bright and Beautiful
Bristling With Style
Splendidly mado with becoming
neatness, our fashionablo creations
In tailored garments aro boinp en
thusiastically welcomed by hun
dreds of appreciative women.
tho timojto mako your sections.
You liu'iBib.tho widest choice in
styles naK1 fabrics, and it's easier
to be fffecd whilo sizes aro plenti
ful. Besides you'y have tho pleas
ure and satisfaction of wcarlnfc
your clothes (longer, whllo they arc
stylish and fully get their worth.
New Garments Arriving
vHrQ k
That Mean a
Real Saving.
Ulani FtnOhsd)
To what extent this grent business shall continue to grow deponds upoi
the quality of the values given. Can we fail to reeognizo thntf If lasting
relationship is to exist between the public and "Tho Big Store" then we
mut fffv nnd you must get 'vnluos that moan it rual saving."
Qaality always considered, owr prices are lower than
others. NO OLD STOCK TO UNLOAD , . . . .
All Styles
All Fabrics
Ready-to-wear Clothing of tho sort
wo sell is as different from the pro
duct of n few yenrs ago us white is
from black. Our clothing is cut io
tho latest fashions from tho best of
materials utid aro hand tailored
Clothing that lookB well, wears
well, Is well, aud costs well, lows
than slmltor kinds can liu bought
for elsewhere Our now Fall and
Wintor garments oonsUting of
Suits, Ovorcoats, Top Coats, Rain
Conts, etc., nro ready for your in
spection. Swell up-to-tho-mlmito
suits, hand tailored.
$10 to $25
Wear this knit underwear and be j
comfortable. Not too heavy, not i
light underwear especially for the
first cool days, high neok and long
sleeves, well knit and perfectly pro
portioned; a better quality ana mi ,
ter finish can not be found any
whera. All stylos of this celebrated
underwear, in all grades, weights '
and colors are to be found at our i
unJerwear eounter. First floor.
50c to $3.50
SILKS for Fall
Qnallty, value and beauty aro com
blnwl in our silks for this season; it
Js, a question which feature is most
marked. You are Jnvitcd to do
cide. We shall be glad to show
The approach of October is a signal
to fur wuar"ers. V have, as usuul,
anticipated tho varied nejls, and
the lines wo have gathered oom
bine to make- our fur display one of
surj)uning interest.
New Stiit Cases
Are you iu need of a now suit
Case, Valise, Telescope or Trunk!
Wo can supply your traveling needs
to a niaoty at prices much fonur
than you ean find elsewhere,