Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1904, Image 1

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, ' .
. '
NO. 21S.
-tjLLXj jl
factions Will Be Among the Best of
the Weekr Fine Racing v
ay is Salem ilny, and since enrly
g the vast crowds have been ar-
n Salem. Tlio people know that
is in earnest when it announces
the best programs of the .week,
ting the last few years the thou-
have been pleased with tho at-
Tuesday Afternoon,
attendance nt tho fair Tuesday
etter than any second day in past
f The woodmen of tho World con-
d largely to this during' tho uf-
in and .ovoning.
races wero strong mul gavo the
crowd entiro satisfaction.
e first race was tho 2:20 pace, best
K"3, for $300. Garvin Wilkes, J)er-
giuu,jiruu iim-f, -vuijur iei ami
elensStartcd. .
ffroff-Laco took first money, Derbcr-
halsond and Garvin Wilkes third..
Handily heats, 2:15, 2:15.
2:13 trot, for a $400 purse, was
citing ovont with three starters,
I. Helen Norto and II. D. B., and
ivided tho money in tho order
Timo by heats, 2:15, 2:14'..
3 ono-milo running race, for a $150
, was won by Crosby, with All
t second and Pcnznno third. Timo
le Woodman Stakes, six furlongs
fk purse of $300, was warmly con-
d. Nonio won with a new record
fan Oregon track of l:12J-i, with
jo Santo second and My Surprise
Evening Program.
bo evening program was excellent.
tin's tavorito singer, mth. name
Parrish Hinges, delighted the large nil
dionco with several sweet -songs, her
clear, .strong voice being perfectly au
dible in every portion of tho pavilion
hnl): SJie responded to hearty encores.
, McEIroy's band furnished splendid
music throughout the evening. -
Prof. W. C. Hawley delivered n stir
ring' address on Woodcraft, andwas
roundly applauded for his many happy
and witty points.
Tho quartet rendered severaLcSelec
tions, nnd were well received.
Tho'NVomen of Woodcraft assisted in
the . program with a number of fine
moving pictures.
Today's Racing Events.
Pacing, Two-Year-Old Stake.
Thomas II. Brents, Walla Walla LouJ
E. B. Tongue, Hlllsboro, Colt.
T. D. Condon, Eugene, Miss Arlyne.
Trotting, 2:20 Class, $400. ,
.T. W. Tilden, Vancouver, Wash., May
E. Condon, Eugene, Lord Kitchener. .
Lou Childs, Salem, Gray Falcon.
J. A. Jones, Springbrook, Or., Xndy
Jones. ' '
.Tames Conway, Seattle, Seattlo Maid.
Packing, Greater Salem Stake, Three in
Five, ?2000.'
E. J. Dyer, Spokane, Jaek Wilmot...
S". S. Bailey, Seattle, Tidal Wave.N
t E. E. Smith, Salem; Prince Charles.
Silva & Wright, Sacramento, Econo
mizer. A. W. Wiley, Los Angeles, Cavaliero,
James Erwin, Walla Wnlla, Ollio M.
(Continued on Page Six.)
ut stoi?e will close at i I ocfocir
At the Fait
r -ri
Cleveland, O., Sept. 1-1. The body of
a middle-aged woman doubleU up am
badly decomposed, was found in a'
closed trunk, iioating In tho lake oil
Ellsworth Bros', factory by a watch
man, who discovered, tho trtfiik nnd
brought it ashore. On oponing it. lift
was horrified to find tho rcmnlns of a
Two Jetters wore found in tho trunk
addressed to Margaret Lyon, 270 St;
Clnir street. The top of th ohead wns
crushed in, evidently with a blunt in
strument, olid thcro is evidenco thnt
tho woman was murdered. On Monday
tho body of an unknown man was found
in thb snmo slip, with his head crushed
in and pokets rill ell.
San Francisco Surprised.
San Fraudselo. Sept. i4. .Tho L'6a
don dispatch saying that it is reported!
that another Russian cruiser, the Korea,'
is expected to arrivo in Saa Francisco
shortly, has increased surpriso nnd con
jecture in local shipping circles. The
Inst accounts from tho Korea was at
Vladivostock, from which port she was
operating in conjunction with the regu
lar 'fleet. Whilo tho report is necessari
ly causing some concern, no actual fear
is felt for thb safety of any vessels tho
Korea may encounter, if sho is actually
en 'route- to Snn Francisco, it being
held thnt sho is in no condition to over
haul fast liners sailing from Pacific.!
coast ports. By an odd coincldenco
the Pacific Mail liner Korea is sched
uled to leavo here on Thursdny with a
million dollar cargo for Japanese ports,
and will leave on tho time set, unless
developments forco a change, of the
sailing date. Tho Russian Korcn be
longs to tho Russian East Asiatic
Steamship Company, nnd is about the
snmo -size as tho Lena. Her armament
is, Unknown 4.J.
San Frsnoisfo, Sept. 14. Tho nnvnl
engineer,., under tho direction of Ad
miral .uooificb, bonrded tho Lena, to
make h' tnore thorough inspection. Tho
report will be sent to Washington im
mediately, and final ordors ns to tho dis
position of the vessel is expected frgm
tho authorities before night. A rigid
wntch'is bring kept on tho vessel. Cap
tain Btrlinsky will visit Admiral Me
Calln, uf Mare Island navy yard today,
and, ng the navy yard has been offered
to himfor the purpose- of laying up his
vessel 'for reprlrs, arrangements to thnt
end dining his visit nro not likely.
i 0
Collier Uninjured.
San Francisco, Sept. 14. The British
collier TUttou, which wont ashore in the
fog five miles south of the Cliff House
last night, and which wns feared to be
u iuuuii)f, ni loweu 011 mis morning
One Hundred Thousand Additional Men
Will Be in the Field
Next Month
London, Sept. 14, The Rome corro-1
spondent of tho Bxohnugo Telegraph
wlros u tologram received there from ,
Tokio, which stnte-i thnt tho govern
ment, in reply to a request from Fiold
MnrshuLJ)vnmn, has promised to send
reiuiorccmenis or iuu,uuu men nuti -1
guns by October 1st..
More at Work.
Chicngo, Sept. 14. Of nearly 10,000
union butchers and laborers still unem
ployed -at tho stock yards, GOO wore re
instated today. Members of tho cattle
butdhet.'s local are threatening to go
on a sfe-ike again, unless more of their
numbers are put to work Hpecdily.
; Will Be Shipped Home.
' St. Tetcrsburg, Sept. 14. United
Stntqs Ambassador McCormlck is com-
pletinit arrangements to sond 800 Jap-
nnenefugees, oolleetell at Pcrim, to
Oetm inv, whenco Hrey will bo shipped
St. Petersburg, Sept. 14. Word hns
just reached J'fctrCpnulevsk, in Asiatic
Russia, that in Juno n Japaneso schoom
er, with 150 naval reserves, landed and
plundered sove'ral villages in Asiatic
Russia. Tho Russian militia finally re
pulsed the invaders, killing 7,0.
0 Boards British Steamer.
Oibmltar, Sept. 14. Tho British
sMmie Ortonn, which arrived today
from oLn 'on, reports passing a Russian
cruiser, which was boarding the British
fltvrJfclQ''""wln frpjn Liverpool.
Another Cruiser to Arrivo. '
London, Sept. 14. A dispatch from
Pnris quotes a St. Petersburg corrc
spondent to tho Echo Be Paris ns re
porting that u second Russian auxiliary
cruiser, tho Koro, may bo expected to
reach San Frnnctsco shortly. Tho gen
eral staff at St. Petersburg fo?l confi
dent thnt tho United States will allow
both tho Lena and the Korea to obtain
suflicicut coal and supplies to tako thorn
to Vladivostock. Tho vessols nro in
tondpd to stop the, shlpmont of contra
band of war to tho Japaneso from
American Pacific coast posts.
dor storm, tho Jnpaueso flttomptoil to
storm tho loft flank of our position;
near forts Xos. 1 and 4, on Udnuslinn
mountain, but tho nttaak was repulsed.
Our losses woro threo killed and two
ofilcers und 98 men wounded. Tho Jnp
aueso fire provonted tho medical corps
from picking up the corpsos."
Tho second report is dated September
2d, and is as follews:
"Yesterday night tho enemy nttnckciV
Visolaya and Dllnnnya mountains ami
tho neighboring fortifications. Tho load.
Ing files of tho enemy wero discovered
in good timo, our batteries Opening fire'
Fortunately tho Jnpanosc columns fol
lowing tho lending files encountered our
nutomntic mines, nnd many of tlibns '
woro blown to bits. Wo repulsed thaial-v.
tack within ,nn hour. Our losses wore''
0110 ofllcor nnd sovon" mon wounded."
Tokio, Sept. 14. "gioia Mnrshal Oj
nmu confirms tho report that a conaid-
crnblo forco of Russinns nro remaining,
south of tho Hun river, and . says jthw
Russians nro fortifying tho heights oa
both sides of tho Lino river nt Tiu
Pnss. "
Report From Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 14. Two be
lated .reports wero recclvod from Gen
ornl $toes8ell, commanding nt Port Ar
thur. Tho first, dated August 28th,
LlX&tSflW during, a, yighgujjhtin-
Will Rcloaso Calchas.
Vladivostock, Sept. 14. Tho printer
court has decided to relenso tho Brit
is) steamer Cnlchas, also till noutmlt
parts of tho vessel's cargo. Tho pnrb
of tho cargo consigned to JnpanR
ports, consisting of flour, cotton niiJ
timber, wns confiscated. Tho Cnlolia
will bo itotuinod for three months long-,
or, in order to allow tho owners timo foe
an uppenl from tho decision. Sho was
ctpturud whilo bound from Pugct
Ports to Jiymii.
heQ Buying Shoes foif Fall
You must consider tho quality of leather in tho shoe. Solid leather
shoes are absolutely necessary if you expect satisfactory wear during
the rainy season.
Has ntood the test for 12 years in our shoo department. Every pair
is built to give satisfaction.
Dy Goods
All of tho latest novelty weaves in dross goods and wnistingsj will be
found In our lino this season. Our assortment of staple dry goods is very
Don't buy an expenslvo rain coot ready mnde. It will eost you only half
as much to buy our extra fine waterproof covert by the yard and a 10c
New Idea raincoat pattern, 'and hnvo it made. to fit. A largo ship
ment of t
Thomson's Glove-fitting Corsets
Just in. All seams run around tho body. Ils a special feature jvbich
gives a better fit, and you can't find itjln other makes.
men's Clothing
No matter how fine tho fabric In a suit, it must be lined and trimmed
with suitable material and cut to fit, or it will not give satisfaction.
Our factory is very careful to see that tho inside of a suit Is made of
tho proper material, as well as tho outside. f -' '' i-
Boy Clotting
Needs Preat wear-resistinir Qualities. Our "Jane nopkins' Boy Proof "
Clothing is a boon to mothers of Rvely-.boys. If you have a boy, try 1
one of our new fa.l suits for him, and see what "boy proof means.
Hosiery, Undetwea,
Hats, Sirifris,
Jt rVim4-f4-c Kianlrfc
Everything in ladles' and men's furnishings..
The New York Racket
The only store in Salem run on the spot cash plan, which, with onr
. . , ...mi onnbltg us to undersell "regular
In The
As has been tho enso In every recent
season, wo give Salem first news of
tho authoritativo in wemnn's fash
ions for tho season, and wo invito
you to a plentiful supply of wraps
suited for wear these first cool days
and evenings.
Beautiful Suits
Beautiful Coats
Made up of mannish 'fabrics, which
has been stamped with fashion's fa
vor this season. Twlco tho assort
'ment of any other local house, and'
here one is suro of tho style.
New Raincoats
Qland Pinitkti)
News for
busy shoppers
That's tho word which defines tho morchaudlso in thin establishment.
We have no old merchandise to unload on tho publle, but buy our goods
tHreot from the manufacturers, thus insuring you of eorroet tyltt and
pt0-Qnte merchandise. Stop itt the BIO STORE.
New Mctodc Wear
Fo Fall
All grain aud pntes from
50c to $3.50
In colored dress goods tho choice of
itvleeticn is larger than ever before.
A peep through our stock reveals a
wealth of ideas that you will seo no
where else, and most women appre
ciate thin.
The graceful lines may be spoiled by
an ill-fitting corset. Most flguro are
Improved by adopting a corset suit
ed to tho person. New models of W.
4 H- corsets ready.
50 to 93.50
High Grade I
Kvery Jiinii who wears good ulotbuH
knows tho
Hart Schaffne
& Matx
(Jurmcnts, tho host tailored, numt
fashionable of nil American ready
mudo qlothing. No other manufac
turer gives gives tho workmnnshfp
or tho trimmings' equal to "U. H. &
M.," with the result that many 111011
who formorly paid $40 or $.10 for
custom mudo clothing find rqunl
styles aud service in thuso suits nt
New Fall and Winter
Styles Ready for
Your Choosing
$JOto $25
I 18
J 1
New Footwea?
For All
Tho now full iwul winter modslir Ji
sboM for women and wuh mn rofldy
An unparullulwl utmruumt of stylw
and value.
Queen Qmliiy $3.00
cononucai uusincss miuafci tu.
stcrea." Two large store rooms full of honest values.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Pingree Made 2p3C)U
Co acr o! Comme cfal andCfemefceta Stf ecto