vwMrtwm!(Mttifcttfi5MaHrt SA1EM, OBEQON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 13, 190i v,r$t l! Jfi SAXZiT CAPITAI. JOTJBWAI If v 1 -K X V The Old White STOCKTON & CO. Salem's Best Store LEFT Comet A WORTHY FIRM, WHOSE AMBITION KNOWS NO REST HOME The Hummer months have gone had our big institution is putting on its fall attire in every department. Our very best efforts are being bent to secure a large nnd successful fall trade. The campaign for fall business is now on and at tho very beginning Stockton k Co. come forward witn a stock of seasonable merchandise that will interest every economically inclined person. THE PRODUCTS OF THE WORLD'S BEST MARKETS ARE HERE AT YOUR HANDS Skipped Out With a Juggler But Was Caught at Salem aflL& I E I !" " 1 VvV ?- - 1 r& r, . r ? :-4 ir 4 Tar Away From St Gaul, Switzerland where they excol in the manu facture of fine embroideries, 'handkerchiefs, etc., we have brought some worthy offerings. EMBROIDERIES varying in width up to 13 inches wide, 12c a yard, will bo, placed on sale a week from tomorrow, Monday, the 2d. Don't ask for them before, but be sure and come then. RIBBON SALE THIS WEEK No. 10 to CO all-silk Taffeta ribbons, Special Oc yd. This Wetfc .' t'Lace Sale Phis Week. Another line of find laces, much bet ter than we have ever beforo shown, will be on sale this week at 5c a yd. 2Si I Lace Obtains p&V'fffe CT. i' -ari v-.iv; Our new line comprises the best .terns obtainable for Ihe prices pat- 50c to $ 5 Arabians at $2 to $2.50 Don't fail to sec them. GOOD,' SOFT, COTTON COMFORTS t 72x75 inches 9I.OO ! Beautiful Imported Our fall line of ladies' kerchiefs is now ready. Perfect gems, 18 each. Pure linen 5 Our 12c lino is the best ever for the price. Other values up to $2.50 Men's Kerchiefs Imported linens 50c 75c Domestic linens 10c 25c A special line of 1 iuen-finished kerchiefs will be on sale this week at 4 for 25c JWamrv flnfnnw f VJ II KM m III " jmf Outing Flannel Gowns and Skirts. 1 Don't fail to see the largest nnd best stock in all Salem. Prices will greatly surprise you. Black Petticoats Black mercerized petticoats made with two aocdrdeon plaited ruffles and three bands on wide blind ruffle Special 75c Each Another lino at 88c "Another line at $1.50 Another line at $2.25 Others up to $5.00 Cotton Blankets 50 to $1.50. MLUHSffk I 11 1 1 mi - r I 1 1.1 1 r 11 111 K.11! . flfrVrdS k M 1 1 I I J 1 ftm if t&&Q& I1 I ouTiitD isaa $ There is no clothing m America like tho Stein-Bloch make. Tho best talent only is employed in their great tailor shop. To introduce this line in Salem wo are offering suits at the same prices as you pay for ordinary clothes. OUR COMFBTXTOES CLAIM WE HAVE ONCE AND A HALF TIME8 AS MANY GOODS AS ANY FIRM IN SALEM. In While the southbound overland was coming from Portland to this city this morning, II. S. Harcourt, who is repre senting the Daily Journal, was on tho train. Directly in front of him sat n young couple, the girl being still in her tender teens. Mr. Harcourt had heard the story concerning tho elopement of Miss Charlotte Brown from Kelso, Wash., with a traveling juggler, nnd In made up his mind that they were the couple wanted. When he reached Salem he told the girl that he wanted to in vestigate the truth of his impression?, The girl admitted that she was the party, and accompanied Mr. Harcourt to the Ryan mission, where she is nt the present time. Tiie juggler contin ued his trjp, and said ho would bo nt Halsey. The Portland police havo been looking for the couple for several' days, and as soon as the local officers were notified they informed the former, nnd will await instructions as to the dispo sition nf the girl. The girl is the daughter of Edgar Brown, of Klo, and left homo last Friday night with the juggler, who was giving a show in thnt place. She is rather good looking, and seems to be what might bo termed "green" to the wavs of the world. DUMP SALE OF SHOES Our great Dump Sale of Hop Pickers' Shoes, School Shoes, Hunting Shoes Dress Shoes, Shoes for any and all occasions, now on at DUMP PRICES ISC pairs children's shoes. iei kid, 5e values. Dump priee 45 100 pairs children ' shoos, velour calf, S5e values. Dump pride 50 75 pairs child's shoes, slies 5-8, l.M values. Dump prices 75 W pairs child's shoes, vlel kid, leth and kid top, $1.50 values. Dump lf'f 75 75 pair mlwiV shoes, clath and kid tap, sin-it te S, 11.50 to $1.75 values. Dump priee 50 150 pairs mlwtw' shetw, eleth and kid tap, 8.00 vahiM. Dump price Sj?l,QO, ITS palpi mjprt' she, kangaroo alf and vfct V(d. Bntton aqd ls.ee, Oood sbol sad hop pUkiag shoe, $.95 val. Dump price $1.25 M pairs lss shoes, kangaroo and box clf Kid, iiJSS aluM. Dump P1 ?1.25 110 wttri me's piut iMther 1 and oangrftss, tlM to J5.00 values. Dumi F50 $1.25 76 pair wen's tan tbes, ghl style., $XM t $4.60 value. Dump prk. . $2.00 1W pairs ina' tan sb, p to dat tylc, IS value. Uawp prie $3.00 139 plr wen's Mack vicl kid, odds and ends, $R.W to $5.00 val. Damp Prt $2.00 Sfi palm km'i hoavy groin sbofts, $1.90 vluw. Dump prtt. . . .1,25 tW palm lali' kid lin4 h, regu lar W.50 kIiom. Dump price $1,50 5)2 pairs youths shoes, high top, good winter shoes, sizes 8 to 11, $2.25 val ues. Dump prieo $1.25 6C pairs boys' high-top shoes, sizes 11 to 8, $8.50 values. Dump price.... $1.50 05 pairs boys' grain shoes, just the thiag for hop picking, $1.75 values. Dump price, $1.0O 500 pairs Indies' kid and cloth top " pbea, button and lace, $3.00 to $5.00 values. Dump prico 506 3&0 pairs ladies' shoes, turned and welt soles, $3.60 to $5.00 values. Dump priee (J5 1 HO pairs ladles shoes, with kid tops, in both button and luce, $.50 to f $3.00 valmm. Dump price ..$1,25 114 pain ladies' shoes, vici kid, $2.50 $W0 -alue. Dump price ..$1,50 4W tatrs ladles, black and tan, odds . and ud in button and lace, $3.50 and $6.00 values. Dump price $1,00 15 pairs ladles' up-to-date shoes, vrelt solas, $3.60 and $4.50 values. Dump ! $2.00 SS pairs eld ladies' comforts up-todato hi, $10 and $t00 values in kid awl surge congresa $1.00 48 pairs old ladies' comforts in kid and scfgo, $IAQ and $.00 values in laee. Dwp price $1.10 77 pairs men's heavy grain work shoes, $2.50 to $3.75 value. Dump price.. NEW TODAY WHEAT GOING HIGHER Chicago, Sept. 13. The news of heavy rains in the Northwest, followed by freezing weather, together with the reports of the bulls at Minneapolis in adding to tho already long lines, sent the wheat market up with a spurt acaiu todny. It is said that the Minnonnnlia traders look for two-dollar wheat. Xew September sold for $1.12iJ1.13U5 May $l.lfl41.18; corn 54; oats 33V4. Wanted. Girls for the bindery. Geo. F. Rodgers & Co., Liberty & Court 8treets- ' 9-13-lwk Notice. A fine team of hows will be auctioned off at .the fair grounds Wednesday, at 11:45 a. m. Chris. Simpson. 9-13-3t For Sale.-160 acres, 100 in cultiva tion, good house and barn, 4 horses 2 wagons buggy, harness, farm im plements, 12 tons of hay, 500 bushels of oats, 50 bushels of wheat, house hold furniture, three miles from Sa lem. Price $0500. See Derby & Wilson. 9.13.3t BORN. MILWAIN.-To Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Mcllwain, on September 13, 1004, a son. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought dUtftX Sears tho Signature of $1.50 k is a waste of ink to tdl you of any more of our marvelous bargains Coroe and sec them. Terms of sale strictly cash. AH goods fitted at the Store if desired. No exchange or money refunded owing to the great values and broken sizes. " DUMP SHOE STORE 295 COMMERCIAL STREET mmmmmmmmmm Gun Repairing Bring in your pui and have it cleaned and repaired. We do first class work. Salem Gun Store, Pal H. Haoser, Prop. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Om Ldi Jb Bosk's B&ak, Salem, Or. Oil at Bandon. Ba'ndon, Or., Sept. 13,-The Bandon Oil Company is quietly, persistently and determinedly boring for oil on the coast south of this place. The drill is now down 1100 feet, and the expert in charge of the- work confidently expects, to encounter oil at a depth not greater than 1400 feet. The drill has passed through the first and second strata of oil sand nnd a lake of salt water. The (low of gas is so strong that it blew tho sand pump out of the well. It has been cased off at three different points. A hat held over it, before it was shut off, would bo carried some distance in tho air. The Bandon Oil Company is capitalized at $40,000. The stock is held principally by Bandon people. The greatest confidence is felt that an oil lake uill be tapped, and another indus try added to Coos county's resources. A Carriage for 25c. Take a cab to or from the depot for 25c. Simpson's livery stable?, oppo site court house. tt The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has more proraium-paying business in force in the United Statos than any other company, and for each of the last 10 years has had more new Insurance accepted and Is sued in America than any other com Panjr. J. H. McOourt and J. Oliver agents, room 10. McCornack block Agents wanted. t ' Economy Brand Evaporated Uream bears the above cap label. , Contains fully as much food substance per can as the watery imitations In larger cans. It Is smooth and perfect because skillfully pre pared. Its purity Is guaranteed. VESSEL GOOD CONDITIOI (Continued from first page.) ment in the Japanese quarter otu presence of tho Russian cruiser Lew becoming intense. At all tho mettol places the warship is the sole top! of conversation. The more radical ul indulging in rabid utterances, ami tbt 1 police are keeping a close watch, hi ing heard that Japanese had offered b I swim to the Lena with explosives, nil oiow tne vessel up. Al Iday seven!! hundred- Japanese have watched tt' warship from the wharves. An appli cation was made to Collector Strattoi this morning by an electric firm forpw mission to go aboard the Lena to re pair the electric plant, but the permu-j sion was refused. Washington, Sept. 13. Aftor a con ference this morning at the state de partment between Acting Secrotary of State Adee, Judge Penfield, solicitor of the department, nnd Captain Pillsbor, nssistant chief of the bureau of nan gation, it is authoritatively announced that the Lena, at San Francisco, wai in actual need of repairs, requiring about six weeks to completo them, and, under the law, it would be permitted to make those repairs. It was stated, u addition, that anything in the nature exceeding such repairs as would mtt her seaworthy will be prevented by tie authorities. ADVANCE GUARDS EIGHT (Continued from first page.) eral Sassalitch's "force "was captured, also the Tokio story about dura-dun bullets being used by the Russians H Liao Yane. The rpnnrt that Chinew tr . " ... . '7 . ... ,i.. )1 ..vuj.3 utv concentrating in me river valley is causing consideraW concern here. St. Petersburg, Sept. 13,-Gentral Kuropatkin reports that tho JapaneM are concentrated in Yuan Pudge, south of Mukden. The general staff deniei the report that Linosvitch is advancing from Vladivostock to cut off KuroW'1 communication. General Kuropatki". the Officials Ml'. unrniinilinl' hi troops, which were somowhat demoral ized by the retreat toward Mukden. OT Acc'a ItW. " " " 1 1 u mi I 1 1 1 Mt The greatest gauJrVU.f VMJAIN . . t Tun ' '" ""ugoi 10 tne city, just installed at t shotgun J00rm GALLERX low. Trv your luck i',fc ' "c,3nosday night. The score so far ii Wb.te House restaurant Pn"8 al3 ffered on tho tar6ets- Opposite "niiiillni . . ' r ' 1 I M-f MQjSimm New Goods in Evcty .Department w sniu, NeW lw, r 1 v Waul latiMU. Jackets, New Dress Skirts, New Silk 'IISSEEfloREWr. TIIE NORTHWEST. U5!iloyBrothers.Court St., Salem teij t!tmvltw"&&"wi-mi&r