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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1904)
, MMMi.MlWl. ..Mrtwiftm... witti rgvnrxrgr: s nT cap raTjowKift baibh oab tommy, September,- - i?v P v Its Ik l it My Life j lout of politics until you getout of , 'debt. j Jj'.tlal rrnratf 3F Hung On k Single Thread With Heart Disease. You rtiould never -wait until your llf nii In the bnlanco before you glv lie accessary aid to your sick heart. A weak heart In nlwayn acrlou. for It Sects every organ of your body through 1U inability to purify nnd keep the sys tem jrupplied -with pure, rich, llfo-fiivlnc Mood. Any Indication of heart trouble, such eu nhortneas of breath after exercise, redness of faco, hot flushes, oppressed feeling In chrtt, weak, hungry spells, palpitation, dizziness, sudden starting Jn leep, Irregular pulse, is serious, and should bo cured at once. The safest and surest treatment Is IV, Miles Heart Cure, a nerve nnd mus cle builder, a blood tonic. It acts di rectly on tho heart nerves and muscles, giving them strength and vigor, and relieves every symptom of a sick heart. Tour life depends upon your heart, and a -w(iik, diseased heart, like a single thrcild, can endure but little. "I suffered for yeani with my heart. At times my life hung ty a single thread. A number of physicians nnd nn eminent specialist treated me. Without tho knowledge of my doctor I took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It lifted tho pains from my heart, nnd caused a freo circulation of Mood. I am now nblo to attend to my affairs, something I hnd never hoped to a ngaln."-MIl. JOHN KOBLQE3, 188 Ctiaion St.. Cleveland, Ohio. If first bottle does not benefit, your money duck. HfeVii Writs to us for Free "tHSI 1'nrliorn nf Dp. Mlla' Antl win slll. the New Scientific Remedy lor Pain. Also Symptom Ulank. Our Specialist will diagnose .your caser tell you what Is wrong, and how to right It, JSSe, DH. MItfes MEDICAL CO. ZjUSOBATOIUES, EI.KMAKT. ItfD. X-RADIUMS Thomas llnrte, a Leeds Irlshmnu, claims to bo tlio oldest man in tho world says ho is 138. Ho wns mar xiod five times nnrt,.istbo father of 45 children. Judge Chan. If. Cnroy, of Portland, J to bo a judge of tho. United States court of claims. If n man has a good lair .practice ho hnd butter keep out of political ofllccn. llut Cnroy is probably tired of politics, buying been in the midst of It for many years. Any man who hits a good business had better let politics alone. It In nn old ruk well worthy of observation; Keep Any other town in, Oregon that wants jto bo tho second city in the state should at onco proceed to chuck up about fifteen miles of electric railway. If there is any considerablo clement of people who want to try municipul ownership of a public lighting plant, thcro never wns a better chance to try it on than at present. The charter permits it. Tho city would make money out of It. The property offered the city is a bargain. It should never be overlooked that tho common people, tho laboring peo ple make any city what it Is. They are tho consumers and tho largest pro ducers of wealth. No rich man or largo property owner can mako a town or city without the others to live from. Tho Green Hay, Wis., Advocate reaches us with un enlarged edition devoted to the manufactures of that place. It is that kind of an edition that once in a while brings a city to the attention of tho whole world. Thomns James Allingham, and his son, CI. h. Allingham, nnd wire, navo returned from living in Eastern Ore gon for some years, nnd .will resido In Yew Pnrk. His son will work in tho woolen mills. Mr. Allingham says It is so hot in Eastern Oregon that it scorns almost like heaven to get back to Solera. Tho national convention of Colored Elks is in session at Atlanta City. The famous Crocker brigade is in session at Waterloo, Iowa. They were a lot of Iowa troops that would rather fight thnn ear, and they did moro of the former than of the latter a good deal of the time. i Tho Junior Order of American Me chanic, tho annex to tho A. P. A., is holding a nntional convention at Port land, Me. -That livo lumbering town of Falls City, in Polk county, hm n newspaper, yclept the Argus. The treasurer of the United States on Mav 6. 1003. redeemed two half cent pieces. This is the first time in tho history of tho country that nny such coins have been presented for re ,i H.IAM Tf (a mnrn thnn n. ppntnrv since the first hnlf-cent piece wnsj coined, and it is nearly fifty years SincO tne goveriiuicm. uiBiirunuutu minting tnem. It is not yet hnlf a century since Colonel Drake discovered petroleum on tho waters of Oil creek, near Titus villc; Pa., says the Scientific Amcri cnn. Tho total production of crude petroleum from 1859 to 100243 years has been no less than 1,105,280,7L'5 berrels. Of this output Pennsylvania and Now York contributed 53.9 per cent.; Ohio, 24.3 per dent.; West Vir ginia, 11.3 per cent.; Indiana, 3.9 per cent.; California, 3.0 per cent.; Texas 2.1 per cent., leaving O.i) per cent, to bo supplied by Kansas, Colorado, Lou isiana, Illinois, Missouri, Indinn Ter ritory, Wyoming, Michigan and Oklahoma. OAMTOXIXA. Hanford in Othello. Among tho notable attractions booked to appear at tho Grand Opera house in this city, during the coming season, is Mr. Charles P.. Hanford in a superb revival of Othello. Mr. Han ford is no stranger to tho theatergoers of this city and his visit from year tb year is looked forward to with plcasur ablo anticipation. Ho represents a phnse of dramatic art which is now at its zenith in popular esteem. An actor who has remained "good" for so long and before tho same people, as has Mr. Hanford, secures a standing which cannot bo estimated lightly. Miss Mario Drofnnh will be Mr. Hanford 's lady nnd 2kfr. Frank Hen nig, the leading man. It is promised that tho production will bo nn elabo rate one, rich in scenic nnd electrical o fleets. Tho completion of tho Galveston sea wall was celebrated last week. The wall stands 17 feet above mean low tide. Tho grade of the city is now to be raised to slopo gradually from the top of tho sea wall. This will necessi tate a raising of tho grado from one to 15 feet, nccording to location. For this purpose the state has donated all stato taxes collected in Galveston county for a period of IS years. Bonds to the amount of $1,500,000 aro to be issued for this purpose. sold QytiMotfs Dollar Mfi. M. E. rib T Mia nw " - 27 1 Commercial Street - Frase I have sold out my business to an Eastern firm, and wish to notify the citizens of Marion county of the Greatest Sacrifice Sale Ever witnessed in this part of the country. Read tte Following telegram: Portland Or., Sept. 9. M. H. Becker to have entire management. DONOUOH BEOS. I 20,000.00 Twenty thousand dollars worth of up-to date merchandise must be closed out in the next forty-five days. Great Reductions Will Be Mads After being In business in Salem for thirteen years I do net wish to relinquish without giving my many friendi and patrons the benefit of the greatest sacrifice sale you have ever witnessed. Sale Begins MONDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK MRS. M. E. FRASER SALEM t j ' . YE! HEAR YE! HEAR Wc Have Sold Our Entire Stock and Fixtures to vJ. L. STOCKTON St CO -jeeeSALEM'S MERCHANT KINGS! Therefore the store will not open tomorrow morning as advertised. Mr J. J. Dalrymple being desirous of retiring; from a liMnn WW career has made a great sacrifice in order to close out his stock at once with as little trouble as possible. Therefore we have sold our entire stock, fixtures and good will to J. L. Stockton & Co. at about HHLFITS iZRLUE lii preference to going through the long, tiresome ordeal of closing it oat to the public. But The Great Sale Will Take Place Just the Same by J. L. Stockton & Co. Thanking the, public for their generous patronage for years past we are respectfully ) J 1 DALRYMPLE CO. wrWu tMmumw nmmfmfpMtm&mm &