Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Cnterials which were heretofore
posed o belong exclusively to
l's nttiro lmvo been appropriated
lladles for their first tailor suits;
K certain it is that other wool fab-
shrink into insignificance, beside
'demand for "mannish" effects.
mixtures of sombro shades aro
11 tho basis .of theso goods, but
pes, invisiblo plaids or checks, and
kon diagonals appear in increased
which cnuses them to bo mistaken for
tho genuine silk velvet.
Tho Stylish Out-of-Door Garment
is a long rfcdingote, single or double
breasted; an independent covering or
n suit coat. Home dressmaking is
often successful, but the redingote de
fies any cut and fit but that of tho ex
pert tailor, being really suitable only
to a tall, graceful woman, as well as
tho skill required in making, will prob-
Jnbly prevent its general ndoption.
rioty. Suits of this character aro . Other styles, much less trying, aro a
MlallV Timdn It! II nnVAm ntVlp. Iifllf.tlnhf HnilViln l.rmioliiil nnnf in tnn
pjjurts plain nt tho top with plaited lengths, two short jackets which bear
Wjwgr down, or without any plaits, and a resemblance to tho Eton or Norfolk
BUtVall in ono. . and n short tieht of former dtiva. hut nnt so tnimriPil un
- . - -, . r
ckot, or half-tight jacket, doublo or by the artful designer, that they mny
giu uruuHieu js mo orumnry niouui.
Those Beautiful Fabrics
broadcloths and velvets are this
son iu strong rivalry, with tho odds
favor of broadcloth, by reason of its
ptnbility to varied purposes, and
multiplicity of colors and shades.
adcloth will bo worn mornintr.
n and night, whilo velvet, is, so to
ik, a full dress affair of limited
lont as to color. Shaded effects add
its rnngo of Volor, especially in
Winery. Velveteens aro unusually
adsome, many showing a soft chif-
finish with a sheen and lustre
be classed among novelties.
Street Illustration.
This stylish costume is of gray and
black tweed in a broken plain, elab
orately trimmed with fancy silk braid,
and largo wheels of the same. -The
Eton is simply adjusted with shoulder
and under arm seams. Broad braid
finishes Ihe lower and front edges of
tho Eton and also trims the wrist
bands. A fancy braided design is
used for foot trimming, nnd lnrge
wheels of silk vbraid are introduced
into .the points. Five gores in the
Wamantino pjns, per paper ....lc Standard pins, per paper 3c
Extrn quality pins, per paper . ,4c
Thimbles, each '..... lc Steel, each 2c
?. Extra quality, per paper . ', , . ;. 4c
, All 5c sellers, per box , , 4C
!Fa.ncy Lubin, 25c boxes, per box 8o
Extra Woodbine, 50c boxes, per box. . , ..,......., . .15c
Best Williams Shaving Soap, per bar . . . . ' 8c
15c grade, per pair Sc Presidents,' per"pair . . ." 39c
$1.00 grado, whito, each .., 4r ..;; 50c
$1.50 grado, white, each 65c
Extra fino unlaundered, worth $1.00, each , 31c
Fancy colorod, $1.50 to $2.00 grade, each 07c
Fancy colorod, 75c to $1.00 grades, each 47c
Fancy colored, 50c grade, each 35c
75c grado, each ,..35c20c bows, each 10c
50c grado, each , 29c 15c bows, each 5c
25c grade, each 17c 10c bows, each 3c
25c bows, each 15c
Sizes 11, 11, 12, 12, 13 and 13, any in the houso, 2 for 5c
Sizes 14, 14 (in good brands), enci 4c
Our wholo stock of furnishing goods is marked down to less than
two-thirds their value.
Best Spanish black silk laces aro marked down to half their values.
Linen insertion, hand made, worth 15c to 30c per yard, goes for per
yard 4c to 9c
Silk and wool passementerie, worth 40c to 75c per yard, sells from, per
yard 7c to 12c
Fancy jot trimming, worth 40c per yard 8c
Fancy jet trimming, worth $1.00 por yard 35c
Silk and jet trimming, worth $1.50 to $3.00 per yard 50c
Ladies' hair and hat ornaments and buckles and slides, worth from 25c
to $1.00 each, goes for, each.. 8c t
Ladies' kid gloves in sizes 5, 5, 5!, $1.00 sellers, for 20c
Ladies' $1.50 gloves for i 30c
Ladies' $2.00 gloves for 50c
Ladies' ilk cloves, worth 75c. for. t .". 40c
Ladies' silk gloves, worth 50c, for .,
Ladies' silk gloves and mits, worth 35c, forf,
"Worth $1.50, each 25c "Worth $1.00 to $1.25, each ....20c
Worth 50c to 75c, each 15c
"Worth 4c por yard, for ........ lc "Worth 0c to 8c, for 2c
"Worth 10c, to ICc per yard, for. 4c
Black, bolt of 10 yards 4
Silk binding ribbon, any color, worth from 8c to 15c per yd, goes for 4c
Any size wo have, per dozen , , ... .....2c
Ladies' tailor buttons, per dozen. 2c
All kinds of fancy dess buttons, worth from 10c to 25c per dozen, goes
nt, por dozen 3c
Jet buttons, worth front 25c to 353 per doecv, for per dozen ., 5c
Pearl buttons v. Half price
You will get a suit for $0.50 well worth $12.00
You can get a good suit for $8.00, well worth w. $15.00
A suit for which you pay us $10 to $12 you will pay elsewhere no less
than $20.00
You should see our overcoats beforo buying. Anything that wo have
not mentioned in this ad. you will find that our prices on the samo has
been reduced no less than one-third of its Value.
Children's overcoats go at 60c on tho $1.0
Children's suits marked down to C5c on tho $1-00
Soo what a nice suit you can buy of us for $4,50, it is worth $8.00
Then see what you can buy with $5.50, a suit worth $10.00
f Hnv9 enns. worth 25c. for each 13c
Boys' caps, worth 40c to 50c, for each ,
Boys' fancy hats, worth 50c, 75c and $1.00, each
ftlUN'B UAfS.
Worth 25c, for each 15c Worth 60c, for each 35c
Cray and brown, worth $3.00 to $4.00 50c
Black, regular price $8.50, our priee l-50
Worth $4.00 for " ,2"00
Our whole line of hats are marked down to two thirds of their value.
It will mr tou to come to 149 State Btreet and bring your friend (your
P pocket book, I mean, and we will do our beet to pleaao you.
skirt aro fitted smoothly around tho
waist and hips without darts.
Hats Intended for General Utility
wear present sarong contrasts, some
arc very fanciful, whilo others are
soverity itself. Shapes vary quito ns
much as materials nnd flat crowns be
long to the round shapes, which are
not a few. .The "boat hnt" admits
of such pretty ehcnillo trimming on
tho brim and fits so comfortably on
tho pompadour roll that in theso ro
spects it rivals tho turban. Hats of
considerable size turning up at ono
side, nnd tho largo sailor aro iu good
demand, also felts with huge pompons
nt ono side, or those mndo of quills
throughout. Combinations of felt
braid in two colors, bring about plaid
cd effects, which are considered very
stylish. LUCY CARTER.
If wo continue Republicanism and
protection wo shall in a few years bo
mnking nt homo tho thirty-fivo million
dollars' worth of silk goods which wo
are now importing.
In calling up the memories of the
departed; one could well wish that
William McKinlcy and Nelson Dingley
could bo with us during this year of
our Lord, 1904, and observo tho splen.'
did results of the tariff lnws which
they did so much towards framing nnd
placing on our statuto books.
Tho American farmer will remember
on tho 8th of November that it was
tho Republican party which inaugurate
ed nnd developed and perfoctcd the
present rural free dell-.ory system, af
ter a Domocrntic administration hhd
turned it down nnd refused evon to'
tost it. Every time that n rural free,
dolivory enrrier puts a letter or n pa
per in a farmer's letter box he is n
mossenger of Republican progressive
ness. '
If wo continuo Republicanism and
protection wo shall soonbo mnking the
fifty million dollars' 'worth of cotton
goods which wo aro now importing.
Tho Domocrats called President Mc
Kinloy "Emperor William I," did they
Tho olcctornl college table is tho last
thing n Democrat takes seriously in a
"Nationally our party is united,''
says Tom Taggart. Thnt's true, with
tho' exception of tho Bryan men, the
George Fred Williams faction, the
Populists, tho gold Democrats nnd a
few minor divisions of tho party.
Senator Blackburn, of Kontucky, is
mnking speeches in defenses of tho cur
rency plank of tho Kansas City pint
form. That's tho only currency plank
tho party has presented.
r o
Judgo Parker proposes to notify the
Filipinos nt ohco that thoy nro to have
tho samo treatment that Cuba rcccivol
from this country. Wo had n notion
that such notices were, issued by the
congress and not .by iho presidents or
Monksy Tales.
A groat deal amusement was derived
Sunday afternoon ut tho fuir frounds
from u lnrge monkey, which tho pro
prietor of ono of tho sideshows was
lending around by a chain. To say
tho man was leading tho monkoy is
wrpng. It camo noarcr being the
imdnkoy leading tho man, for ho would
jmako sundry dives at people, and take
the man with him. Ho mado a foul
Hackle on a lad of about 8 years gid,
nnd tho, yells that onsuecLfronjutho boy
would lmvo done credit to a Gomnnohe
Indian. Ho then went down tho road
a littlo way, nnd espied a farmer lnd
with a bicycle, which ho immediately
decided ho would liko to rido, and,
springing to tho saddle, he wrapped his
tail around tho rear wheol, and refused
to go further until ho was given a ride.
Humoring him, his keeper borrowed the
wheol of tho boy, who, by tho way,
was very willing to do anything to get
rid of tho monk, and willingly loaned
tho wheel. After tho ride Jocko was
very willing to leave tho wheel, and
look for moro mischief, nnd when last
seen ho was disappearing over the coun
Iter of a candy stand in search of more
First Annual Semi
official Estimate
Fire Chiefs Visit the South.
Chattanooga, Tonn., Sept. 13. The
thirty-second annual eenvention of tbo
International Association of Fire
Chiefs opened in Chattanooga today. It
is tho biggest imteting in the history of
tbo association. Chief V. It. Joyncr, of
Atlanta, called the meeting to order.
The other officers present wero John
Staff, of Paterson, N. J., first vice-
president; George Kellogg, of Sioux
City, la., second vice-president; II. If.
IlilU, of Wyoming, O., secretary, and
From the Greatest German
Authority on Subject of
Production and Con
Tho Journal is in receipt of advices
from Bernard Bing, tho great hop fac
tor nt Nuercnberg, Oermuny, which,
translated, read as follews:
At this date, August 27th, it is first
possible- to tnko a comprehensivo ro
vlew of the total hop production of the
world. The Bohemia Harvest is com
pleted, and Bavaria and Wurttenborg
will finish in eight to 10 days. Wo linvo
just had three to four days rain in Ba
varia, sufficient to fill out and ripen
the later hops, and will hnvo a crop
that, in quality and beauty of goods,
is high-clns. Tho Injury dono by tho
long drouth nnd great heat hnvo cut
down the crop in Germany compared to
last yar. An official estimate of tho
1904 crop is not yet nt hand, but in
trade circles the following figures nro
pretty well agreed upen:
Cwt 1901.
Germnny 305,000
Austria 200,00
Englnnd 330,000
America 430,00
World product . 1,505,000
The annual conmsuptiou of beer is
stated at 27,000,000 hoktolitcr, and at
300 grnms of hops por hectoliter would
require 1,020,000 cwt. of hops, and,
considering the stocks still in tho hands,
of the brewers,; tho world demund for
hops would appear to bo mot. The
stocks held by broworp, to bo carried
over into tho new year, aro smaller than
for many years, nnd this will fall heav
ily in the scale for hotter prices.
One result of tho pressing demand
forhops is the strong inquiry that is
making itself felt at tho center of
production. Lively business has do
edveloped in Bohemia, Bavaria nnd
Wurtenburg, and all centers of tho hop
trade for prime goods.
Prices for hops today, from crops
still to bo dried, range from 170 to 180
marks per cwt., to 190-210 cwt for Hal
lertau grades. In Splat thoro aro no
sales of hops, uud nono yot in sacks. In
Saaz princes range from 125 to 135
florins per cwt. In Auscha 115 to 125.
Editorial Comment.
As the Gvrmant cwt. is 112 pounds
American, the above table estimates
the American crop of 1904 nt 207,000
bales. The Oregon crop is fulling far
short of expectations. It is stntod that
tho Minto yards, tho nearest this city,
are 1000 boxes short of Inst year. Tho
entire Oregon crop is estimated ut one
fourth to one-third short of hist yenr.
It is moro apt to bo tho latter than tho
former, in our opinion.
Before He Weds the Good
Looking Young
Manchester, Sept. 12. A dispatch ro
calved here say that Crown Prince
Froderlek William, of aermnny, before
bis marriage to tho DucIiom Cecilia,
will visit in England us the guest of
King Edward. Tho princo is expected
to arrive the latter part of October.
It is understood that tho princo will
be amply provided for after his mar
rings, a the Kaiser will allow him
JOO.000 marks a year, nnd the ruled
stng lylll vote him 400,000 marks addl
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a ton riding for life 18
miles to get Dr. King's New DUcovwy
tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
W. H. Brown, of Leesville, lnd., en
dured death's agonies from asthma;
but this wonderful medicine gave in
stant relief and soon cu'rod him. He
writes: "I now sleep soundly overy
night." Like marvelous cures of Con-
D. C. Larkin, of Dayton, O., Fillmore sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis,
Tyson, of Louisville, and J T. Mullen, Coughs, Colds and Orip proves its
of Birmingham, directors. The visiting matchless merit for all Throat and
chiefs aro being royally entertained. Lung tronbles. Guaranteed bottles 00c
The convention will be in sesion until and $1.00. Trial bottles free at J. C.
the end of the week. Perry's drug store.
bbbbbbBssbVAs Y V WSja&Xi I IoIbbbIIssbbbibbbbbV
m Fibroid Tumors Cured, m
Fibroid Tumors Cured.
A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor,
which baffled the skill of Boston doctors.
Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in
the following letter tells how she was
cured, after everything else failed, by
Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Mrs. Hayes' First Letter Appealing1 to Mrs. Plnkham for Helps
"Deah Mrs. Pinkium: I havo beon under Boston doctors' treat
ment for a long timo without any relief. Thoy toll mo I lmvo n fibroid
tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain, and tho Boroneas oxteud3
up my spino, I havo bearing-down pains both baok and front My ab.
domon is swollen, and I havo had flowing spells for thrco years. My ap
petite is not good. I cannot walk or bo on my feet for any length of timo.
"Tho symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your littlo book ao
curatclv describo my case, so I writo to you for advice." -(Signed) Mru.
K. P. ILiVEs, 252 Dudley St., (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.
Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice al
though she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take
her medicine which she knew would help her -her
letter contained a mass of additional Instruc
tions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring:
about the happ' result.
"Dbak Mn& Pinkham: Sometime ago I wroto to you describ
ing my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed,
allyour directions carefully, and to-day 1 am a won woman.
" Tho use of Lydia E. lMnkliam's Vegetable- Compound entirely
expelled tho tumor and strengthened my wholo syatom. I can walk
miles now.
" Lydla E. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound is worth flvo dol
lars a drop. I advise all women who aro afllictcd with tumors or
female trouble of any kind to givo it a faithful trial." (Signed) Mrs.
E. F. IIayes, 252 Dudley St, (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.
Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony or take
tho plnco of the health nnd happiness which Lydlu 12. lMnkham'a
Vegetablo Compound brought to Mrs. IIuyeH.
Such testimony should bo accopted by all women as convincing?
evidence that Lydla 13. Pinklmtu's Vegetablo Compound stands
without a peer as a remedy for all tho distressing ills of women ; all
ovarian troubles; tumors; inflammations; ulceration, falling and dis
placements of tho womb; backacho; irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation. Surely tho volumo and character of tho testimonial let
ters wo aro daily printing in tho newspapers can leavo no room for doubL
Mrs. Hayes at her abovo address will gladly answor any lottoTB
whicli sick women may wrlto for fuller information about her illness.
Her gratitudo to Mrs. Pinkham and Lydla 13. Plnkliam's Vcgctabla
Compound is so gonuino and heartfelt that sho thinks no troublo is too
great for her to take in return for her health and happiness.
Truly is it said that it is Lydla 13. IMnkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound that ti curing so many women, and no othor mcdlcino ; don't for
get this when some druggist wants to sell you something" elso.
FORFEIT ' wooAtinot forthwith produce the original letter! nd lgntuxic
lOniali. which vUl ororo their l.ioluto fsnuineiMM
" '.. .... :i. .. .-.-
i,jaim J5. A-iaKuaua jseuicuMj vi uyw, jumi.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year,
25c, 50C
Yea kin k vcr maiil bulhtla'i i4 ytf iute Ml ftrr,
Ycr ftlutt of Imfiuiry thi OIIciki ef Art.
UiiU'nltwkla'hr raymonty'iwoMh.towttn I kittle Ilk
I'm ' l X. Loui Jell la lhl ftar4 I4 hkf,
"AUJIJofib pk"t.rWlll;win, CcpyrljUU
If CeUKt'i Wctklf. VvllULU If ytimlutue.
. u-r-
To St. Louis and Return
Iunl6, 17, If Jylr 1,1, 1 AIUMI,9, I0( UfUaUl ft
t,7, OcioUr j,4,f,
Ktwr limit, lotjr lir.
The Rock Iiland Syitcm ofleri two routes-
to the World'! Pir Cityvl. St. P.uU
Minneapolii, nnd through Scenic Colorado,
No change of cart, Ogden to St. Lcvli and
St. Paul to St. Loulf.
Full Iniurnution on ifjutM.
Call or write.
A. II- McDonals, General Aa't,
140 3rd Elrett, cor. Alder Btreet,
Portland, Or.
(I !