Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 12, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    ?wrrs'7ry7,5KT'?',w'","v t 'T
r "Jk
ted. Employment by an export
feed business man. Phono Black
b. 9-0-lwk
ml. Two dry .goods salesladies.
pply at the Chicago store, Court
f, Salem. James McEVoy. 8-30-tf
Sted. To purchase a piece of land
iltablo for potatoes, hops or hay.
radress, with particulars, lock box
iSSyt Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf
Jersoy bull, 3-year-old,
KcHlp, not
broechy, thoroughbred
anaKsubicct to registration. Milton
Br,own, Kouto No. 3, Salem, Or.
ilorjB.le. 25 ncros of bottom land,
ihoUBc, potato house and a good well
Spin cc. Inquiro of John Marnock,
four miles soutu ot town. u-7-3t"
InfiSale. Votcli seed, both kinds. Fred
FAchi11es, four miles north of Snlcm,
BBaif mile west of Kcizor school
use. 9-6-2ihd&w
for Sale. Good second-growth
W&dclivered for $3.00 cash on deliv-
ly. Seo T. L. Williams, Leslie street,
Between S3 nnd 24th streets, or ad
gross by mnil R. P. D. No. 5. 05-lm
tolalo. Moving .picture outfit, in
flrst-class conditiou. At crcat reduc-
tion.Tjf Address "L. P. IL," Salem, Or.,
caro Journal. ' s-o-tf
ffv- a-i mi.A,.....ta. .. ....
loiictL within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of flail kinds. A bargain at reason-
ablefterms. Inquire at Journal of
fices 8-2-tf
rew Doors -Lawn and field fence,
barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready
Brooflng and building paper. Extcn-
ion ladders, gates and gato hard-
ST ..... . .
tgaro. All at lowest prices, waiter
Mbrloy, CO Court street, Salem.
;. On Wallace road, a red tool box
belonging on a disc plow. Return to
litchcll, Lewis & Staver Co. 9-9-3t
Pakago o? fancy work. OTi
load botweon Salem and Indcncnd-
v . . . , . ....
tnco insc aaturuay. iieturn to tins
bfllce. Liberal reward. 9-0-3t"
Service. New cab .just arrived.
-an bo found nt Lowe's livery stablo
phono Mnin 1G01. Best sorvico and
reasonable rates. E. Townsond.
Item Steam Dying and Cleaning
Works. At this establishment you
can get anything cloanod, dyed and
repaired, from a pair of trousers to
'the most olaborato silk gowns, also
suits prcBso dby tho month $1.00, by
tho suits CO cents; velvot tcollnrs on
ovorcats, coats relinod, buttons
put on, hats and gloves cleaned.
Suits called for and returnod. Im
plies call nnd wo will porfumo your
handkerchiefs free. Mrs. C. H. Walk
er, 195 Commercial street. Tolophono
gorge H. Hall & Co. Livery and
transfer line, Newport, Or. Special
attention given to handling baggage
ind camp outfits. Hack to Otter
knock and Lighthouse. Good saddle
Ihorses. One block east of steamer
Handing. 7-13-2m
tel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottlo
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 76-tf.
ii i II'
lew Lodging House. Bvorytning
new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb
for block, 149-151 State street. Mat
tie Hutchlns, prop. 6-9-tf
ay Have you tried Kdwaras & Lusch-
'. er's for meats. We have tho best
sausage in town. Come and try it,
and be convinced. 410 East State
lalem Truck and Dray Car. Oldest
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng
a specialty Office 'phone, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
Hop Baskets.
lop Baskets All Kinds or oasKois.
Hold youi prdors for Walter Mor
ley, CO Court street, Salem.
Evan's Barber Shop Only flrst-cUs
shop on State Btreet Every tau
P new and up-to-cato. Finest pons
lain Dams, onave, ioc; nair-cui
.bathe, 2Sc. Two first-class bot
P blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor
Por Rent. Two nicely furnished rooms
during tho state fair. Inquire of
Mrs. E.E. Jackson, at 17 South Com
mercial street. 0-9-31
Rent Willamette
nal office.
Apply at Capital Jour-9-1-tf
For Rent 7-room house, with
water pipes in house. Inquire of
A. Schreiber, 424 Hlgl, or 153 State
street. 8-15-tl
fcr Rent-lirnislied. rooms during
fair week at 342 Summer stret.
oom to nent. Twelve furnished or
unfurnished rooms to rent Loca-
tlon on street car line, and one
block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C.
Goodale, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf
Undertakers. We carry the laraei
and flnost lino of undertaker's good!
In the city. Prices to suit all
Black and white hearse. Prompt
reliable. Save money by calling a
No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Bu)
ChangecTXls Office.
Dr. E. E. Jackson, tho veterinary
will bo found at Gilliam & John
son's Old Postofflco barn, 62 Ferry
streets, instead of at tho Red Front
stables. Offlco phono,' Main 2341;
residence No. 17, South Commercial
strcot; tolophono Rod 2011. 8-25-lm
Welch & White do a general dray
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Phones, down town, Main
2181, residences, Blue 15, red 207C.
Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at
7:30 p.m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q.,
Frank F. Toevs, recording secreUrj
Salem Camp, No. 116, Woodmen of thi
World Meets in Holman Hall everj
Friday at 7:30 p ra. P. L. Fraalei
Consul. Wylie A. Moores, Secr
tary. 1-12-lyr
Vaney lodge No. iu, A. O. u. Wr-Mu.
in their hall In Holman block, eoi
ner State and Liberty, every Mo
day evoning Visiting brethr
welcome Emll Donaldson, M. W.
A. JS. Aufrance Recorder.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. U.j
Hall in Holman block, corner Hut
and Liberty Sta. T esday of e-aci
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turn
C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and 8
Foresters of America Court Ba:
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fn
day In Turner block. H. G
Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Seo.
Modern Woodmen of America Ur
gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mmu
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clod
Holman Hall, E. E. Mntten,
C: A. L. Brown. Clork.
For water service epply at offln
Bills payable monthly In ad vane
Mae all complaints at the office.
Star Restaurant
Best 15c meals in the city. Coffee
with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for
$2.75. 204 Commercial street.
:: Capital National
Bank -
of Salem, transacts a general
! ', banking business. Only- Na-
; tlonal Bank in Marion county.
:: Savings
:: Bank
: : Department
Pays three per cent interest
! I on savings accounts. Deposits
; ; of ONE DOLLAR or more re-
reived at any time. Pass book
; ; issued to ach depositor.
Big Pop?
The crops In this line are not
tho largest, but good. As a
result many will .need repairs
made on their driers. We are
prepared to do quick and good
work In this line. '
Sheet Iron Workers and
C" Ask a
"""- healthy
what she would
sell her health
flttf! Bit A A(.1 t a. I 1
ll' V von lh.it thr riinirwat
vdiatuonds in the world
could not buy it. What
use for diamond rings to
cuiuuusizc iuc siirunKcu
fingers, or earrings to light
up the checks hollowed by
Health is the first reauisite
to womanly happiness. Genera)
ill-health in women has its ori
gin in local womanly diseases.
Cure the diseases of the delicate
womanly organism and the grn
eral health is perfectly restored.
The remarkable benefits ex
perienced from the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
are due to this medicine's per
fect cures of womanly diseases.
It establishes regularity, dries
weakening drains, heals inflam
mation and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
"It affords me great pleasure to be
nble to say a few words in record to
the merits of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and his ' Golden Medical
Dljeoery write Mrs. Flora .m,cf
Dallas, Jackson Co., Mo, "I was
tempted to try these medicines after
seeing the effect upon my mother. At
an early stage or married life I was
jrrcatlv 'bothered with painful peri
ods, also a troublesome drain which
rendered me very weak ind unfit for
work of any kind. I became so thin
there was nothing left of me but skin
and bone. My husband became
alarmed and got me a bottle of 'Fa
vorite Prescription ' After he saw the
wonderful effects of that one he (jot
nte two more, nnd after I used those
up there was no more pain, and I be
gan to gain in flesh very rapidly
" Favorite Prescription " makes
weak women strong, sick women
well. Acccept no substiute for
the medicine which works won
ders for weajc
Hanged for Wife Murder.
.Kontville, X. S., Sept. 12. William
S. Robinson, who formerly lived in Bos
ton, wns linnged today for tho murder
of his wife. Itobbins killed his wifo
in their homo hero last July, death
having been caused by blows from an
nxe. Alter committing tho crimo Itob
ertson fired the house and burned the
bodv. '
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, nnd a son riding for life IS
miles to get Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
W. II. Brown, of Leesvlllc, Ind., en
dured denth's agonies from asthma;
but this wonderful mediciuo gave in
stant rolicf nnd soon cured him. Ho.
writes: "I now sloop soundly every
night." Liko marvelous cures of Con
sumption, Pnoumonia, Bronchitis,
Coughs, Colds and Grip proves its
matchless merit for all Throat and
Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles GOc
nnd $1.00. Trial bottles freo at .T. C.
Perry's drug store.
You Can't Afford
To walk to or from tho depot when
you can have a cab tako you for 25c.
Simpson's stables, opposite the court
Groat salo of Chincso nnd Japanese,
fancy goods. Wo also make up all
kinds of wrappers nnd waists, under
wear nnd skirts. Gents' and ladies'
furnishing goods, fancy goods, laces
and embroideries. Court stroot, corner
of alloy, Salem.
Special Excursion to St Louis.
August 8, 9 and 10, September 5,
C and 7 and .October 3, 4 and 5 are
tho remaining dates upon which tick
ets will bo sold at tho' reduced rates
to tho St. Louis fair. These rates
apply over tho Denvor and Rio Grande
and Missouri Pacific. For tho pat
rons of these roads special excursion
cars will bo run through from Port
land and St. Louis without change.
Seo the many points of Intorest
about the Mormon capital and take a
ride through nature's picture gallery.
During tho closing months travel to
the fair will bo very heavy. If you
contemplate going wrlto W. C. Mc
Drldo, general agent at Portland for
tho Denver and Rio Grande, for par
ticulars of the3o excursions. 8-5-2m.
Notary Public; conveyancing
and examining titles. Life, health
ind accident Insurance. Room 9,
Odd Fellows' building, opposite
Court House.
The forty-second scholastic year
begins Soptember 12. ' Sanitary and
other Improvements latoly modo In
the building. Academic, commercial,
grammar grades Intermediate and
primary courses. Pupils prepared for
teacher's certificates. Full course In
miBlc. Particular attention paid to
health and moral training. Address
Sister Superior.
Country Watching For East
ern State as Presiden
tial Indicator
Pdrtlnnd, Me., Sept. ID. Today's
election in this stwte is watched with
much Interest by polltioinus through
out tho country, for Maine, liko Ver
mont, is a sort of a political baromotor,
and tho result of the election is takon
as an indication of tho way public sen
timent is iuclincd iu tfio prcseut na
tional campaign. In view of theso con
ditions both parties have put forth
their utmost efforts to mnko tho best
possible showing nt 'tho polls today.
During the last few weeks both na
tional committees lmvo sent into tho
state orators of national prominence.
Tho Deniocrnts have had Major Me-
Clellen and other leaders of wido rep
utation, while tho Hopublieaus have
had ns their principal speakers Senator
Fairbanks nnd Senator Taft.
The Republican candidate for gov
ernor is William T. Cobb, of Rockland,
nnd tho Democratic caudidato Mayor
Cyrus W. Davis, of Watorvillo. Loe.il
issues havo figured to somo extent, but
the importance of tho bearing which
the results in Maino might have on the
rest of tho country has been the chief
thomo of both Republican and Demo
cratic orators from tho outside.
In 1S915 MeKinlcy's plurality in tho
stato was 43,777, nnd in 1900 at wns
34,132. Tho Republican plurality on
tho governorship in 1902 wns 27,490.
Tho ltpuhlicnns admit thnt thoy hard
ly expect their plurality hi today's
olection tn reach tho ligures that Me-
1 Kinlcy had iu cither of his campaigns.
They say thoy will bo satisfied with a
plurality of 2.",000. They admit that if
tho Republican plurality should fall
far below that figuro the result might
well bo taken as Indicating n drift to
ward the Democracy.
9 In addition to tho governorship con
test thero is much interest just now in
tho tlghtH in several of tho congression
al districts. Tho Domoornts are out
for tho scalp of Llewellyn Powers, rep
resenting tho fourth district, ns tho
successor to Charles A. lloutelle. Thoy
profess to bcllovo that thoy can over
como Mr. Powers' majority of nearly
0000"ln 1902, and enpturo tho district.
Dr. Gunn's Blood and Norvo Tonic
Thoro is not a woman in this land
but at some tlmo in her llTo would
havo been tho better for tho uso of
this Tonic. For diseases peculiar to
women a better mediciuo wns novor
mndo. It is coniposoil of tho ingredi
ents from which tho system hns beon
doprlved )y disease, overwork or dissi
pation. It ontoM nt onco into tho cir
culation, building up tho tissues that
have wastod, making pun), rich blood
in tho most diroet way. For weak, ner
vous, nnd unsteady pooplo, pimply,
nalo or fleshlesH people, it will nmko
strong, steady nnrvos nnd givo the
comploxion thnt wholesomo look tltat
indicates health, producing good, solid
llcsli nt tho rnto of 1 to 3 pounds por
week. Druggists sell it for 75c por
box, or 3 boxes for $2. It should be
taken nftor meals, ono or two tablets
one h time.
Fore salo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist.
Two Commitments.
Two now patiautH wore received nt
tho nsylum yesterday. Shorlff Lewis,
of Josephine county, brought in Wil
liam Anderson, a stranger, about 28
years old, who nppoars well educated,
but no information could bo gnlnod
about him, except that his mothor lived
in Washington, D. C, and that tho was
born in Anapolis, Mnryland.
Hhoriff Itlnelinrt. of Lake county,
nNo committed n pationt, Mrs. Ada
May Hradloy, from Silvor Lake. Mrs.
Hrudloy went insane during a revival
meeting about two months ago, and has
been growing rapidly worso over since.
Funeral Rates Reduced.
Cabs and carriago for funorais at
half prlco. Simpson's livery, opposite
Court house. tf
Wagner's Race Discovered,
lierlin, Sept. 13.-It is stated .that
genflological roMoarohoK, lately conduct
ed, havo disclosed tho faet that Rieh
ard Wagner, tho famous composer, w
a Jw.
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such,
in brlof was tho condition of an old
soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver
sailles, O. For years he wns troubled
with Kidney disease and neither do
tors nor mcdleine gavo him relief. At
length ho triod Eootric liitters. It put
him on bis feet iu short order and now
be testifies, "I'm on tho road to coin
pleto recovery." Rent on earth for
Livor and Kidney troubles and all
forms of Stomach and Howell com
plaints. Only 60. Guaranteed by J. C.j
Perry, druggist.
simitaUng thcFoodandRcduIa
ling ijic Stomachs airiBovvcls or
Promotes DigcslionXheerfur
ncssandRcst.Contalns nelllscr
Opium.Morplu'nc norIiucxaL
ox "Narcotic.
Jtph Seal
Aperfccl Remedy forConsUpa
Ron , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
FacSlmilo Signature of
"" - f
::::::::A G E N
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crtie and stick Sulphur.
I J. G. Grata, Agent,
University of Oregon
. College of I.itoraturo, Sclonco and the Arta Colloico of Bclonco and
Engineering. School of Mines and Mining.
School of Music, School of Law, School of Metllclno.
w The session of 1003.4 opens Wedneeday, September 11. For catalogue,
REGISTRAR University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.
Take One Home
And Tty It
If you arc not satis
fled, bring it back.
.Universal Bread IVI&e.
i .
R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, Ote.
Good Printing
Good printing is like good clothes.
It looks better, gives a better im
.jA -4 pression and commands attention.
,J "Good clothes make the man."
So does good printing make the
business. We do good printing,
4 printing that commands attention.
Call up 2824 Main and we wi 1
call and get your work.
The Gault Printing Company
Y. M. C. A. Building
71 ChemekeU Street
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
C Y O F:::::::t,
207 Commercial St.,Slem, On.-
'Phone 2824 Main
Bears the J ,
Signature Am
v For