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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
mmtMMmmiMMmmmsmimmmmmimmiem mmtmnm m mm m mmmmmmmi u m " DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1901. to hv i . P- I lv f, "l i if " -i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. lias no bearing on this p Republican National Ticket For President. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York". For Vico-Prcsldent, CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. forPrslden(lal Electors 3E.j'Bi,bi'mfck of Clackamas. Ai O. Hough, 5f .TdsopHlUa X. It. Hart, of Polk. D. A. Fee, of Malheur. i lished thoro matter. Ho-thinks? we should not "find fault with the bank as custodfiih oMhc city funds" noafor tho work. "It has done gratuitously," What hag tho city or public to do with any bank? It has only to do with the city treasurer, in hii official capacity Tho insfnWfon piat that Tho Jouflr nal want?) hUaji money is unbecoming lb that gentleman ltd cannot say that he has ovor paid The Journal a ponny for rtriywinjirffpor purpose, or has ever been askffl ffloW OREGON'S GREATEST EXHIBIT X-RADIUMS TO THE NIOIIT. A The perfect summer day at last Fs drawing to its close, The nun linn kissed tho hills goodnight And sunk to his repose, Tie fragrant dow has spread abroad A coolness everywhere, Ami from the vnlo the tinkling brook Trends music to tho car. Tfho earth's asleep. Tho sun's Inst rnys Sink slowly out of sight, .And o'er the hill kind Nature tfrnps ' TClie rnantlo of the night. The Earth's asleep, Tho stars light up The firmament on high, And peacefully tho silver moon Afonutx up tho eastern sky. Ah, yo mystorloui shades of night I Vo ondless depths of bluol "Wint spirits wander all unseen Your hnlls of darkness through? Beneath tho sheen of yonder moon, From their abodes of light, tv"hnt friends of long ago may join Tho voices of tho night? Look out for electrical storms in the Knst today. Tho International Eclec tricnl congress is in session at Bt. Loutff. If- Maine goos as Orogon and Ver mont did, 'thoro won't lie much room loft for doubt us to who will bo tho h(pct Prosldpnti Thoro seoms very lit tle oxcuse or necessity for anyone to voto for Parker anyway, unless it be from force of habit. ' ' Salem is a city of fully twenty thou sand population nthls week. ' Prqparo to observe 8nlem day nl the state fair. Let us not lie outuone in numbers nnd enthusiasm by tho Port land crowd on Portland day. Tho fair that is at our very doors should bo glvon one day in the week each year. Prom their oxporioneo in tho past, Forty Fourth Annual Fair. Open With Record BreaK- ing Number of Exhibits The 4 It' annual exhibition of tho Orogon State Pair is in full blast and tho usual quiet grounds nro n scone of animation nnd activity. The entries in nearly all dopartmonts nro superior to past years and the attendance prom ises to bo very large. Tho pavillion is crowded with every imaginable thing, from sweetmeats to fancy work, Including sovcral flno county exhibits. Tho rnco course is in lino condition and some smashed records ca'n be looked for during the week. Tho string of running horses nrrlved from tho Irvington track yesterday unci will take part in tho various events. Tho Races. The men program will bo one of tho best ever wituosscd in Salem. A very largo number of horses aro at the grounds. Tho program for tho week is as follews: Monday 2-year-old trot. 2:20 pace. G-8 running race. Mile dash. Tuesday 2:25 pace. 2:13 trot. tho pcoplo will bo willing to have that Woodmen stnko running, 0 furlongs. jmrtngo railroad built almost any way thoy can get it, so thoy get it built. After 20 years of effort, appropria tions, and statesmanship, n fish ladder has finally been constructed nt Oregon MAKE THE COLLEGE USEFUL. Tho bulletin of tho stnto grunge lub llshod nt Forest Grove shows that tho City to let (minion come up Into the officer of the state grange nro keep-1 tributaries of tho upper Willamette. Sog up their work and seem determined Now tho only other obstacle is tho i.9 make tho stnto agricultural college vornelotm whlto man who kills and Mwro useful. catches or destroys every salmon be- The report of tho stnto grange when fore it can ovor got to the fish Ind- fit mot in Corvnllls emphasized the im- der. What will you do with him? jportnico of more nttentlon being paid to tho study of agriculture, and found null with tho small proportion of students studying farming. The free rural mail, the rurnl tolo rphone, nnd tho parcel post will trnns form tho most favored sections of A red shepherd dog, with a lame foot, has' lieon making Tho Journal of flco his headqunrters for soverul days. He has evidently lost his master. Whllo he stays ho shall not go hungry. Dogs Hoeiii to understand that Tho Journal is friendly to dogs. farming territory from Isolated regions in highly developed conters of social life. The time will come when the de mands of salnntlflc farming will de nnnd that the entire forco and oner jzics nt Corvallls will be taken up with tho trnlnlug and education of scien tific farmers. . innl only one-tonth of the students or small enough to bo road to, would nt an agricultural college should tako send and get a copy nnd seo if it is college courses preparing them illrcut-1 t worth while having this publlca ly for practical fnriueiH is an anomnly Hon in the house at fiO coats a year, that may well engage tho nttentlon of, tho grange. It is a noteworthy fjnt Hint tho 'The world cries today for the man stnto ugrieulturnl eologo does not ex who can do things. IMuentluii wjll ho'lillilt anything but its ifljrltulturnl do- required to give us batter equipped I'artment n,t the .state fair whore it Tho Holiday Magazine for Childron, published at 27 Kast 22d street, New York, begins volume threo with a most interesting program for little folks. It Is only II cents n copy, of fiO cents a year, and we wisi every mother who has little children big enough to rend of Salem Address Hon Thero nro 27 entries in this race. Running race, Wednesday 2-year-old pace, 2:23 trot! Greater Salem race for a purse of $2000. Salem stake, t furlongs, run ning, with 17 entries. Running. Run ning. Thursday Inland i'mpiro stake, 2-yeiir-olds. Lewis and Clark $2000 trot. Running, Oregon Derby, with 17 ontrlos. Running. Friday Greater Salem rnce, conso lation stake. 2.."i0 trot. Running. Running. Saturday 2:11 puce, Rural Spirit stake. Free-for-all trot. Consolation Lewis and Clark trot. Running. Run ning. Evening. The evening programs during the week will be enlivened with music by the, McKlroy band and. nro as follews: Monday Night. Address-j-Governor Geo. 1). Cham berlain, (Jovornnr of Orogon. dilress Tom Richardson, sccrctarv Commercial club, Portland. Address Frank W. Waters, mavor men and women In nil walk of life. This demaad is not confined to ugri cultural colleges. When tho public schools are turn ing to manual training, when colleges nnd universities nro gripping harder Into the needs of uiett uuil women to make n living, there is reason in tho uppeals to tho poople, and yet flint Is only ono part and muoh tho smaller part of its work. There are other second eities in the stntUf but none of them can beast of 115 niiles of metropolitan cloolrlo rail way. Salem is tho tinlv seonnd eitv demand that the agrluultural colleges I n the state, nnd it wujd but tho only ahould twieh more ngrleulturo nnd loss, flrwt elty in tho intBHnr, nnd none of tho professional foldoials. other could ever entoh up to it if tho knockers oub would Adjourn . long enough to lot tho town get properly unto its fust. If your food imsu't Mt wolFor you HiKYo Ijnfl bod drjitunjj tliJt tnakij n$W mrn worse ny loumg niuors uwm it. They have their own troublae. o Ealtimoro Welcomes Englos. llaltlmore. Md.8p. J4-Whila .of ficially liable wek does not begin un til tomorrow, iW.ODO member uf th prder are already hero, and thero was, n round of entertainment todny in thk honor. The future of the Ojny't pro gram wm an exrurslan to Annapolis, ftul tlBwn Olittewipouk Day for tho mom ir uf the grand aerta and Indie. Kv Wy lnmiHs trolu twloy U ddlug t Hi number of vthlturj. TIib program fur Oat wk oinUmes the four NEITHER POLITICAL NOR PER. 80NAL. ' John Mulr, rity treasurer or tho olty of Bulttw, chii see nothing but pergou nllty and (telitlKK in what The' Jnujant Im been saying about Ids fnllufo lo iwcet the dumaiulH of the elty govoru innnt for an nceonntlnjr. Ho AHiiunt seo the Inrougntily of hbj Ibltiou, ktujilng (he Hy wltlng fr inonths for a ltmut at Jibt Awuusw, yu luriiisiuiig (ievenu uuommni o lHrt and utllrtnl nmrts, uou of whih ngreo. There Is nelthor iwreenality nor iul TlM Id asking that a elty oilleial pr- tiwlt hi hooka to be exported, and be re ilrod to moke a fair ami sqwue 0t eiusnl, 'wlurlt is what" Transurer Molr has yet to do. Ho tiiM to nwU light of the plnltj, common eas Ueuwuds of the hour, tml he either wl uo tho money tfi far In th rojjojrj f thW olj$ fln9u9 OSmmltte, or oke shew fuel nod figure to Iwpeaeh their fiadiHgo. 8o far h has done nolthor, awl tho ojty cuuni'11 JtM been Mlrewely la aulgont to ir. mu In pluoe of talking "Hat )Htlitles nvid rfluil matter, the olt- treasurer sthould eompreheiid that ho I a publU ;n!Ial, elected y the ple, under oath to JiMh&rge a publU duty. )U$ MtMUttut (tot ''all the finnnolal aeU tM far ttw jm)lUhc4 hi the igtftteiittau uearly a month ago," it syiildUk, Tho fitutenmaa l not the sty goveruuieat, uud (ometUujr pub- J. 1), Lee. Portland. Address Hon. Dan. J. Mnlarkoy, Portland, sonntnr from Multnomah county. Vocal Solos Address lion, Jeff -Myurs,' president I,enis and Clark commission Tuosday. Kolo "When the Heart t Young, ' .Mm. llallle Farrisli-Hlnges. Wednesday. ' Stalwart Quartet- Solo- Thursday. Nolo". May Morning." Mexican Dance. Selection Fniist, 8ilo-"For T;his." I" lower Song IleartH nnd I'loworifl Friday. Good Roads Addross. Ornuil Amerluan Funtiislo "Ton I'it-tos of North and South." Saturday. Solo-' 'May Dreams." Woodmen Day, iiiMiiay will bo Woodmen day andj .... ........ ...t... , xv i urtu iiiiu omenj of Womlernft have prepared an olaboj rate program for the day and eveningl It is expected that visiting enmps fronl various jwrls of the state will pnip! uriiHi. i no program is as follews: Morning. 10:00-Reoelvlng of visiting neigh ih.w or camps nnu cirelos iitoo-farade of uniform drill! tOMHte of eamw and clrolo. iwaw L-owiBeHtottient of eoutosi drill by ramp twms; prlie, tirst, 171 mwohO, HW; thlnl, $75. .UJ I.HDFIi. jg i ii R W 1:30 ITMiwwielHt of rootast drl day' mlK of tho crnnd "-v "r"w ,,e',l ! I'dwi, first, $14f lodge, which opens towierrew wornlug '0M, T5' th,r, M- (Aii4 timf I., n . ki. . .. s . . . .... . IUMII iLd .iit... a . -.. .1 Vi .. T ih ia .uarymnu laoaior, ana uutiwitH "" 7 Hir iw wmj. Hu err.. oamsllInotllh unnlvwMin. of .. , ' ; BHUrtalumont for the inombcri of O.olto 'r tmt for tho oooh i.riiJv.,.,i. Trt.... .. , .. . 'U1 of prizes, first, gold senrf pin; second, gold shirt stud. 1:45 Horsa races. Pacing, 2:2j pace, two in three, for $C00; five en tries. Pacing, Inland Empire stake9, for 3-year-old horses, two in three; $300; ten entries. Running, Woodmen stakes, G furlongs, for $500; 27 entries; $100 to second nnd $50 to third, for .1 year-olds and Upwards; weight for age. winner ro do eniereu 10 no sum for $1000. Running, purse $150, de scription and entries to4 bo announced Inter. 2:30 Potrffo nnTl spoon rnce for girls; prizes, first, solid gold ring; sec ond, solid silver souvenir spoon. 2:45 Hoys' pillow fight, bost three out of flvor prizes, -first, pocket knife; second, order on W. O. W. stand. 3:00 Initiation of candidates by tho Womon of Woodcraft. 3:15 Boys' shoe race; prices, first, pocket knife; second, order on lunch counter. 3:30 Girls' foot rnce, not over 10 years; prizes, first, solid silver mounted obony paper knife; second, solid sil ver mounted ebony manicure file. 4:00 Funcy drill by Silver Hell cir cle field team. 0:15 Boys' sack race; prizes, first, fancj- pocket knife; second prize will bo announced at race. 4:30 Old men's foot rnce, not un der 50 years; prizes, first, silver oro watch; second, gold watch chain. 5:30 Supper. Evening. 8:00 Music by orchestra. 8:1.1 Address, lion. W. C. Hawloy. 8:30 Song, selected, mule quurttct. 8:45 Talk upon Woodcraft. 8:50 Vocal solo, selected, Hallie Parrish-Hingcs. 0:00 Stereopticon entertainment by Women of Woodcraft. 0:00 Fraternal ball for tho enter tainment of Woodmen nnd Women of Woodcrnft, at the camp hall, corner of State and iLberty streets Best of music has been provided. Frair Ground Notes. A giant' 3-year-old liorso belonging to Sol King, of Corvallh, is one of tho sights of tho horse exhibit thisyyear. Tho horse, n chesnut sorrel of the Clyde Shlro breed, stnnds 10 lnnds high nnd weighs 2040 pounds. Tho smiling countenance of Ed School, of Albany, is ns usunl to bo soea at tho grounds this year. Mr. School has 20 of his fine O. I. C. hogs ontered, nlso chickens, ducks, geeso nnd Turkeys numbering 50 in all. Quito an improvement has been mndo in the lighting this year nnd a string of lights has been run from tho main pavillion to tho grand stand. The Inglesido quartet, of Portland, who are at tho fair grounds ndvertis ing a temperance beverage, gave a short concert Sunday nfternoon, which was quite a treat The following se ' lectiops were rendered in nn ndmirablo manner: "Hinwnthn," "Navajo," "Way Down in My Heart, "nnd "Way Down Yonder in the Cornfield," The company is us follews: .Tack Muhcr, manager; J. A. Miller, first tenor; J. K. Thompson, second tenor; C. 1), Gillisple, first bass, nnd F. F. Thomas, second bass. The agricultural exhibits, which are now completed, nro under the manage ment of tho following capable men; Marion county, O. r. Bouncy; Polk county, F. A, Wolf; Linn county, W. A. bnstliurn; Washington county, W. W. Wall; Lane county, K. M. Warren; Benton county, H. Fronch; Oregon Ag ricultural College, Prof. Coot; Canada, T. O reeve. , Ono exhibit worthy of specinl men Hon is that of Mrs. S. R. Foster, who .has ovor 100(1 jurs of fino fruit nnd p'olly 011 exhibition, which she has "put up" hersolf. m ff At Hrct a hirrh ..1 Low Louqhs rte ?4 .j iv. iwiwaii)uuwnnpiii. vour chest. That means a low cough, a lung cough. AyerV i-f. ... koofc the rnrn membranes. joiL unerry ratu- O 1 j 1 "3C&1 Red Men Now Meeting. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 12.-Tho great council of the Order of Red Men be gan its annual convention in St. Joseph today Tho council will continue in session during the week, and consider- 1 f ...III Im ilia. able important ousiness . posed of. The annual election of offl- crs will occur, anU tnc reports ..... " ,1. About 10.000 mombers aro ex pected to attend the gathering, and St. Joseph has prepared emuoraio piau .-. their ontertninment. Largo. tjougar Skin, A ti nirtli 4-sPrtf1 nrtiinnw 1. t of Oreiron ttroducts to lm o. .. I " -" at ii J. A. Miller, who killed it in SoitJ urcgon. O Steamer Oormania Floatei Now York, Sept. 12.-The ,tJJ Germnnia, which ran aground 3 ouiuiy iiuuk. mat "'gin, was Uoateff" iv 111.1 uiu.ii.iig. n nusiuincu Ho terml damage. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, nns world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ul cers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; in fallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Onlv 25c at J, C. Perry's drug store. Mil im-Htwt I Vogct Lumber AND I Ftiel Company. Rough and dressed lumber, sash, doors, lath and shingles, ash and fir wood. Salem Oro. Down town office 112 Court street. Telephone Main 2451. One block east of S. P. pas senger depot. u ninniiiiii i,.,M-m 8SS8SMBS49e8S ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYjf g AND ORCHARD BOXES atthS 2 shop of I G. F. Mason Miller street, South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. aaf aesg immKMSssssm A nn rnrDUd If ytrn a PILES RU- suppositom D. Vm. Iliomrin. Iibl urmata ocumii, Di.iiiTiiit, n. i; , wniti i i its tkj tnt; a u ?oa oitia rer inm " vt. a. M Mvor. BsvfaRok,7 Tt.wriuii "TberflrtaclrTitlktU rutlon." Dr.U D MeOm, rurkiliirt. Ttno.wtV 'I Qal yonrl Tmct, 60 Ctm. BmplN FrM. mJi i ini. hastin s ioy. iancistcr. mssMssisssMSkmamm Sold In Onlorn by 8. C. Stoni. Call for Fre flamplec Wlb? pay high rates of Insurance a unexposed dwellings? Theoldilm companies charge you $3 for JH of Insurance, while for 75 ceas yearly -you can get the ua amount by becoming a member the Oregon Fire Relief Association OF M'MINNVILLE, OREGON, a home company working for taw Insurance on a homo plan. Let me tell you about It. H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy, Blk H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy Block, Salem. Head office McMlnnville, Oregon. MMfSfWtf MMHW Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from f ii i i i i XlfyrretrAr 4Viav atA !. ' ' AAv-n-awi. wuj mo u- Mib ways glad to boo new patrons, and If you call on them, you will b '"I .4viw vuuu .ttocu. iuu wiu uuu larjm ai ino corner 01 uommerciw n and Ferry streets. ' V ULA Vwwl Hamti & Lawrence If not, you aro away behind tho times, ays glad to boo new patrons, and If you lore than pleased. You will find thorn at ud Ferry streets. 399csMecttceestc4 THE POWER OF STEAM. Sfany Mar See Hut It Take Grnliin to ItralUr. When James Watt MHMMHIItmwiMMW V4HMJWI46Mftftlt I S T5V' Conmi.,1 A PEEP INTO OUN ICE HOUSE will show you why it Is that our meats aro always fresh and appetizing In tho hottest weather, when moats would spoil If not properly cared for. It would also show some of the fattest sides" of beef, tender and fine quarters of lamb and grade and low priced. B. C. Cross. State Street Market i t'899.5JMa99Sa 88W8MtaatoM H.tW t)lA tlaim causing the kettle lid to Jump up and down he Bald 'There must be noiw in .1..,. U...A. .U. 1. .... " iltuv nifuiii nisi 11 oun im SUCh WU1KMI There was. Millions prior to him had seen tho amo phenomenon and regarded it ns an unexplained mystery Itecent BClentltle research has put lt (Inger on the "cause" of Dandruff, Fall Jnsr Hulr. and consequent Haldnene, and N.lLi?.f.rom,tho roo,s ot h"n hair Newbro'a Iterplclde dMtroyrf this ftE? con-Ouently restores u " batr to Its nntural state 'Bold by leading: drugRtats Send leo tr !! lSr,Ml,,B t0 HerplddoV Detroit. Mich. IHnlel J .'"tt. Spwlal Acent Old Defenders' Dy in Maryland. Baltimore, Sept. Ii -Tdav the HMMHW4www Lk.M-s'8HHI S8fJ7aipl TUP Dini r- ..r- Has been taken to supply tho stock of. . lumber In our yards. Our stock !! ! comnleta with an l.,,,, n tnmherJ ' Just received a car load of No, In shingles, also a car of flno shakes.; We are able to All any and all Uod of bills. Como and let us ehow yoaj our stock. Yard and office near 8. P. passenger! ! depot. 'Phone Main 651. ! I ( -Wf QOODALE LUMBER CO. ' MMUfiUJUflL... - - - -rr-ioH. nnuiiiiianimiw i i u -n hi I'&wtmwxirin.Ka'au rm? :. n u j au wm rMi I 4GHBI m If tWn 'iJJ"-1.'V. tmmmW OTt.U mml BrdtM-, wko HU kv nn JmmHe v rltrty t slet from, all bng fr t IIhm wmriHR the Iwdge of the onlr. Ditt4dit af th grand ldea mettlng hVMt iHtDTMt StUekM to taO prd, which Is t tnVe t We.lRW,lay. rrench Btejuttor Wrecked. Londen, Rop. ia.Tho French Utoaiuojr TamUe, for Haiimonir from Tonquln, was Wwkeil ou the mst of a W. emblem pl'n, sn,, fob wate olTe.l fr drill.) Afternoon, 12:M-Votl cUanniuL' MHtwt b Wowlwiw; prijws, tirst, gold AV. O. AV ewUlew jvIhj sumQ, fountain pea. 18:45 -Woman' 8 wood sawing oen lt; jh-Ims, first, silver mounted elwul toilet tj snd, cJoek. J 1:00 Woadman. tdllow fight, bel thre out af Ave; ihf1o, first, gold V ,Vnrum, ud i, wm saved. total loj. The crew Ufeain, gQm weunte.1. J:M-Plllaw tight, free for all .,... ..,., nti, m aeeordHHce with custom, the uniaverry wm ubrel throughout the stale of Maryland aa Old Defender' Day. la taLr'eity the Block exehange, ahaMher of maillM and publla eilieea WM eloH sad ai proprlHte oxerel ewaaMMaoratiag the dtiy wero held under the auqtieeg of tfce patriotle and lilstoneal no1WlN, OABTOIUa, o&&m 7tfcjui4 T " " " 4"'----HiaJf-t 1 1 , n - , 1 1 tV Whnecno ,-Jti.i , ' TT r' e. ECKERr"a !U r amllV Liquor Store t tMU line of Itquora and wlnVs rw, ' ?' t McBrler brnrt, u . y' edarhrook whlsky-formerlr Uvered In tho citv i,; T"? Ai.ji ". xnonn TTTWHM-"MMlii .... "Ui- TrTP",HH "I!-?" the city Hrnlts. 'rZT1 rd0r flUcd the and Jo- iiinnii i-t- J 4- :: Bgr iSrT Bin iu 2W yea SenVa k L 3V-nUUL MONMOUTH mr. affording Caf!5"20- 19'. Four toms In each school tombor, 'o4C"ISSu;ltJe'0 bS,nnlDS a coureo la SeI" tte NocmaSrSeLJfA'HING FOR TEACHERS wagea. Write for Be ' Us assuranco of good positions at good owning coursat of . contaln,nS full informaUoa con real coadMoB. i . .lraminK In actual teaching afforded under advanced con . ... . country schools and full details about J Address Secretary j n , w n tb add,tIonal advantages attached, ;; l-ER, Monmouth, Oregon" BUTLER. or President, E. D. RESS- . ; '"Bl41mf44,wtJJ-. , !