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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1904)
H '..1 r" "$? ..-XZ38im2mmumimwvw& 4tMSttMlMalHta jeWWllttUlJ(lMlMllllMJHIIJHMltMIlUllMWI f I r. r i-. iff DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAIXM, OREQOK, SATPBPAY, SEPTEMBER 10, W ." Wr Drudgery And Wortry Sap Wom an's Nervous Vitality. There la pothlnt; more jirre wrecklnr tfc&a household tfutlrs and Uio care of children. Tho drudccry. worry and pet ty annoy an co of tho day, and broken xtst at night soon exhaust licr vitality and aho becomes nervous, Irritable and mstieta. If allowed to continue It ends in flick, Nervous Headache, Stomach, Xlrer and Kidney trouble, and thoso trrlt)Io Periodical Bearlns-clown pains, which come from nervous exhaustion. Dr. lilies ncstoratlvo Nervine Is a neverfflllln(f remedy for such cases. It builds up and soothes the nerves, and brins the sweet, restful sleep, so much a ceded. No other medicine Is so pleasant or to curatlvo In otery case of female weakness, nervousness or central worn-, out condition. Try It at our risk. Cost refidcd If first bottle falls to benefit you. "I had been sick several years with Indigestion and nrvous prostration, which kept me almost constantly under a physician's care, and while I had been treated by four doctors, I received only temporary relief. I was very weak and helpless, and unable to attend to my household duties. After reading about Dr. Miles' Nervine, I concluded to glo Jt a trial. The first few doses brought restful sleep at night, nnd an nppctlto lor food. Continuing tho treatment, I rapidly Improved, and now I urn we)! ad nlile to do nil my work." Mllii. M. J. OLDH, aarkston. Mich. WW Wrlto us and we will mall X SXJUEt you a Free Trial Tackago of Br. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, the New. Scientific Itemedy for Tain, Also Symp tom Blank for our Specialist to dlagnosa your caso nnd tell you what Is wrong nnd how to right It, Absolutely Free. Address: DR. WLK8 MEDICAT, CO., JUnOKATOlUEH. ULIUIAIiT, 1ND. flits act is not recalled atr an argu ment why a saloon shoulder should not bo permitted there now, but simply to refresh the memories of some of Sa lem's old-time resident, who will smile when thy remember what took place there in the dark nges of Salem. About that time the Grovcr-Watkins-Dearborn regime was playing a solo hand in Ma rion county and stato polities. They did business in those days, and did it by methods that has not becomo entirely obsolete to the modern politician. It will be remembered that the political aggregation referred to above nt that timo had a friend named "Major" Hugh llankin. Ho was their friend in deed, for ho came to their rescue in lime of sore need. Ho handled the pri maries in first-class style, and when it became apparent that a saloon was needed for his ptirposos he started it himself, and conducted it for the J-evon- in, Influonee nnd prosperity of himself and his friends. Moreover, ho con ducted it in tho block whore the new saloon nronoses to do business. So much for ancient history. DESPEPSIA YIELDS NINE YEABS' VICTIM ITNDS REMEDY THAT CUBES. , Por Two Years Too Weak to Work A Dozen Doctors Had Tried to Check Disease Treatment That Succeeded. "I began to feel better the second day after I started to uso tho pills and by the time I had taken the thrco , T was entirely well. I Jiave proved in my owncaso that Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills can cure even when doctors fail, and that they euro thor oughly, for a long time has passed since my restoration to health and I know it is complete and lasting." That Mrs. Darvoux '" stubborn in digestion yielded so promptly to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after so many other remedies had failed is a convinc ing proof thnt the surest way to make sound digestion is to give strength to (the organs concerned in tho process, 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood and supply it with ele- A. AUFPERLE, President. A. F. HOFER, Vice President. E. W. HAZARD, C,hk Troubles having their origin in some weakness or disorder of the digestive organs arc very common. Pain and burning sensations in the stomach, nausea, headaches, palpita tion of the heart, vertigo, nervousness, ments essential to the vigor of every sleeplessness springing from this organ. The stomach instead of being cause are vexing multitudes, .tvery allowed to grow weaker tnrougn in organ of the bodj? is impaired by lack activity is roused to do its work and Qvcqow State Banh Incorporated. Jefferson, Oregon, makes loans, ols- iwuets a Eeneral banking business: counts bills and receive leposlts. . Deals In foreign and domestic pxchange. Collections mad on favorable terms. Notaries Publle-We tondnr our services In nil matter ol conveyancing. Real estate 'cans negotiated at low rates of conveyance BU8INE88 80LICIT Interest. ANCIENT HISTORY RECALLED A'Pa'ge From an Old Timers Scrap Book Reveals Some Truths wmmmm A statement has been mndo thnt tboro nover was n saloon in tho block occupied by tho Qoodo millinery par lors, which nro to bo superceded by a dlsponsary of liquid refreshments next month. Hut thnt seems to bo a lnlstako Largo Chittim Tree. A curiosity at tho court house is a piece of chittim bark. It stands u feet high nnd 60 inches in circumference, and assumes its natural shape just as when upon tho parent tree. It was ob tained by girdling the tree nt tho top nnd bottom, slitting it nt tho side, and, with a stick, foroing it from tho tree; It was sent over here from tho Alsca country for Mr. Trench for the Lewis nnd Clarke exhibit. It is said that there is a chittim tree nt the head of Bock Creek that measures four feet in diameter. Corvnllis Gazette. Horses Killed at Chcmawa. Tho ovorlnnd train last evening killi'd four head of horsos near tho Che- maun school, said t belong to n band of Indians enmped nearby. The horses nttompted to cross tho track directly in front of the train, whiah was going at luu spucu, una, ueioro u couiu stopped, tho lorsos were killed. o of proper nutrition, strength and ner vous onergy needed for success nro consumed in enduring discomfdrt, and tho feebleness of age is reached pre maturely. All sufferers will read with lively interest the story of tho complete re covery of Mrs. Nettlio Darvoux from soon does it perfectly. No other rem edy acts so quickly or so thoroughly on the blood and hence no other yields such radical results in cases of indiges tion. Mrs. Darvoux lives nt Xo. 497 Sixth street, Detroit, Mich. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro sold by all druggists in be Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fnmo for marvelous cures. It surpnsaoH any other salve, lotion, ointment or bnlm for Cuts, Corns, Hums, Dolls, Soroi, Felons, Ul cers, Tettor, Salt Ilhcum, Fover Sores, Chnppod Hands, Skin Eruptions; in fallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25o at J. t'. Perry's drug store. LONG an advanced stage of chronic dyspep-1 every part of the world. As the diet sin which was thought to bo incurable, of dyspeptics s a matter of great im "To be niling for nine years is not 'portance they should send to tho Dr. a very pleasant experience," said .Williams' Medicine Company, Schen Mrs. Darvoux, when asked for some cctady, K. Y,, for a booklet entitled account of her illness, "For two "What to Eat nnd How to Eat." years I was critically ill and could Among its contents is a very valuable not attend to my' household duties, 'chapter on the treatment of constipa nnd at one time I was so weak and tion. miserable for some weeks that I could o not even walk. My trouble was chron ic dyspepsia. I beramo extremely thin nnd had a sallow complexion. I had no appetite and could not take any food without suffering great dis tress." "Did you have a physician?" "Yes, I took medlcino from n dozen different doctors, but without getting any benefit whntovor," "How did you got on the track of a cure!" "That cimio about in a peculiar way. A book concerning Dr. "Wil liams' Pink Pills was thrown in our doorway one day. My husband picked it up and rend it through carefully. Hu was so impressed by tho state ments in it of thoso who had been LOST PARENT win l""'"11VlS'rl&Am'" ""I fil As HALLfWUil""'" The greatest gallery novelty ever brought to the city, just installed at ; THE SHOOTING CiAl-JLiiKA The shotgun will be given away Wednesday night. The score so far J, low Trv vour luck. Cash prizes also offered on the targets. Opposite ttt low. Try White House Restaurant. HI I I I I I I I I I '" ' win t mil in ii in iiihj gggswwgwtaw"'''' ''' The Journal office is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Belle Thompson, of Gilroy, Santa Clara county, California, asking for information concerning her father, B. C. Babb. She has not heard from him for 29 years, and, as he is now 84 years old, she is very anxious to hear of his whereabouts. cured by thnt remedy that ho immedi ately went out and bought thrco boxes of tho pills nnd iusistcd on my taking Bears the J? " 1 "ni.,1 tl.ov l.-ln von s,t oncet" I COiTC OASTOXIIA. Tha Kind You Hava Alwars Bought &M j Books By William J. Long Ways of Wood Folk 75c Wilderness Wars 75c Secrets of the Woods 75c Wood Folk at School 75c Beasts of the Field $1.75 ft JT-UWISUA ,M, J.... f School of the Woods Net $1.50 Following the Deer Net $ 1 .25 A Little Brother to the . Bear Net $1.50 GINN & COMPANY, publishers Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston mm ifiMPPniufniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiH liinnniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiM v ., IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Having dzcidid to tetite horn business my entire stock of high gade Dy Goods, Clothing, Cloaks and Suits, Fats, Hats, Etc., must be closed out in the next 60 days. The stos e will remain closed until Wednesday, September i 4 at JO a. m. in ode to MARK DOWN THE ENTIRE STOCK Evey atticle in the stofe at a geat sacrifice. An exta foce of experienced sales people has been employed to seve you promptly. Store opens Wednesday morning, Sept. J 4, at J 0 a.m. vJ: a. DALRYMPLB WANTED-Five cash boys between 2 and J5 years of age. Apply to Manager Toesday morning. ' r - w ' -t $., , r,, v - .. - i ' ' T W SUUI iilUliliilUll Jill UMHHllWiW kLti ifftnfcr-ifniv---- ----- - - - - iHl iaisa I