"WWdWtf1&jft& DAILY CAPITA! JOT7BNAI SALEM, PEEPON. FBIPAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1904. s WOULD ,,t FIGHT THREE OFFICERS DENY MERGERS Stockton & Co, AT THE OLD WHITE CORNER U? IIJI!1 Sit lr K. fkf SfP Opening Shots For a Rousing Fall Business The greatest bargains in New Fall Good ever offered to the people of this vicinity. The lowest prices ever at tempted by any house at the opening of the season, day. Head our "ad" every 92.25 PETTICOATS. Several different styles in black luatrnl petticoats, nicely made and trimmed, offered at 98 If 2.25 PETTTICOATS The most beantiful and best made underskirt wo have ever seen for ifao price. ., DEESS GOODS A grand and beautiful assortment of fall weaves, embracing every thing in the lino of up-to-date fab rics is now shown in our dress goods department. Ask to see RADIUM SILK. Shown exclusively by ua in Salem. See Out New Fall Jackets EXTRA FREIGHTS ... CRASH TJif nittitnnn (kAnt ft TifA nvini Ctnnin Po- freight trains rrached together head-on, in a dense fog, near Home, Illi nois, this morning. 'One man was Jtillcd, and several injured. Football Work Begins. Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. ((.Candi dates for the 1004 football team of Kulnmazoo College rounded up hero today preparatory to going- to Gull Lake, whero they will put in two weeks practice under the direction of Coach C'lupp. There is much promising innterinl from which to select this year nml Coach Clapp belioves that Kalamazoo has n good chance of tak ing first football honors nmong Michi gan colleges aside from Ann Arbor. THE Benicia Hancock DISC PLOW jWL flBfffflasMslsJr M &Wi Champion Jeffries Has Made An Unique Offer to Secure Match I In tho only successful dine plow on the market today. By successful jtlowj we mean tho sort of plow that will May in the ground in the hardost field on uacount of Us extra weight. That "Will stay on top of the grouml in soft land, ou account of the wide-faced wheels. That will stay ou tho steep hllUiilps on amount of the frfint uud reur wheel controller, and the sharp rib In the rim of thu wheel. That will rut through roots when ethers jump over, an aetouut of iti weight. i San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 9. Des pairing of arranging a match with an individual pugilist for the heavyweight championship, James J. Jeffries , has made an offer unique in prize ring his tory. He announced his willingness to fight three heavyweights in the same ring in one night. "I shall take them on for 10 rounds and if they defeat mo they can. fight for the title that I shall pass over to the winners." The men Jeffries prefers to meet un der the conditions stipulated by him are James J. Corbctt, Bob Fitzslmmons and Tom Sharkey. There is no candidate In view the big fellow can meet, and by tho time a worthy rival develop1', Jeffries believes he may bo too big. The champion figures that it may take three or five years to find a man whom the public will acknowledge has a chance to defeat him. Ho thinks that this is too long n timo to wait. He wants to retire now while Tio is in his prune, but he wants it to bo under stood that ho fears no man, and when he quits the ring It cannot be said of him ho failed to give a worthy rival a chance. Jeffries' idea in regard to the propo sition he makes is this: Ho will sign blank articles of agree ment with u club. The club can get tho best men possible to meet him. They can toss for the first bout with him. Knch man shall bo taken on for JO rounds. There shall bo si referee and ho can render a decision on points if thero is no knoekout. If Jeffries is knocked out beforo tho end of a bout the three men who sign to meet him enn fight it out for the championship. Tho samo thing holds good if Jeffries is ueaton on points. o BATTLE WON BY BROWNS Republic Steel Company Will Not Enter the Trust Chicago, Sept. P. The officials of the Republic Iron & Steel Company em phatically deny the report that their company is soon to be combined with the steel trust. It is stated positively that no negotiations are in progress looking for a consolidation. o California Day at St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 9. The feature of the world's fair today was the cele bration of California Day. The rele bration was held under the auspices of the Native Sons of tho Golden West ami was attended by several hundred visitors from the coast. Governor Pardee was unavoidably absent, but was represented by Lieutenant Gover nor Anderson, a Xativo Son. The pro gram of the day opened with a parade which started at the California build ing at 10 o'clock this morning and pro ceeded to Convention hall, where the formal exercises were held. The pa rade included the Native Sons nnd Daughters in carringes, all tho mili tary on tho grounds, the California commission, the borax team from Death- Valley, several live bears and other picturesque features. The program of exercises in Conven tion hall was as follews: Address of welcome, President Francis; remarks by Hon. L. F. Byington, past grand president of the Native Sonsjaddress, Judge C. K. McLaughlin, president of tho Sons; Frank J. Sullivan, pioneer; address, Miss Ella Camainetti, presi dent of ,tho Nativo Daughters; original poem, Sister Ann Raphael, San Fran cisco. Evaporated , is of uniform quality at all i seasons, always pure, heavy , in consistence, of delicious flavor and appetizing ap pearance. I Ask for the brand with , i the"HeIvetia" cap label. i Made by the largest pro ducers of Evaporajed 'Cream in the world. The $ New : Suits The first shipment of "Pal-, mcr" suits is nearly exhausted.! Another largo lot expected early next week. Prudent ahopperi will bo on hnnd first. "Palmer" garments hnvo that style, snap and "go," that every lady op preciates. Seo tho new Furs, Jackets and Raincoats. Cab Hire at Half Price. The war on prices of cabs is still raging Simpson's stables made the cut to one-half price, and still main tain those prices. Opposite the court General Bell Receives Warm Congratulations From Fellow Officers That . Will (Until the year and tear of roky wad, d ntegnt of the weight nnd strength of nil lit nt!ngs, boniss and wearing parts, Mff. Farmer When you're ready for n plow look thorn all ovor, then drop itrottnd and ptnke h few comparisons, If you nr willing to put your judgment to n fair te, we'll treat you aouMeovsly ud hjw you th bunt plow on the tnarkeii, in the opinion of runny men "who are unterlng their fourth season with this plow, ami some of tlumi who hnvo bought other plows now see their niiitnkv. Now's the time to huy Monitor Double Disc Drills The farmer's favorite. Already a splendid early full trade supplied, and wore to follow. Com mid see them and you'll know why F. A. WIGGINS lMlf LJtSJMJBJN 1 HOUSE I 255-257 UUt ty Street, SALEM, OREGON I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmm Gainesville, Va., Sopt. D. The first battle of Hull Itun has been repeated by General Hell, commanding the Drowns, this morning, nnd ho won a great victory. Tho Bitten, which ho found shortly after daybreak, were strongly entrenched on the old Hull Hun battlefield. By 0 o'clock the bat tle had been fought, and Goneral Bell had more than retrieved himself for the defeat on Tuesday. The bnttlo began beforo daybreak, and the Browns pushed forwnrd two miles, driving tho skirmish line of the Blues back on their main lino to tho Henry farm houso nnd aoross Hull Itun. The Blues then occupied what npponred to bo an impregnublo position. Theo rotleally they had destroyed all bridges. Ono brlgudo was nearly unni Minted, but they iufliated a sevore loss on the Blues. The victory of General Hell wits due largely to tho superior strategy in his left flanking movement with two brigades. Tboy wero repulsed until a detachment of the Browns which swam the river, surprised the Blues, and the umpire sustained the advauee of the Browns. General Grant narrowly tt$enped eapture ns the result of tho flanking movontout. As soon as the Browns penetrated the Blue lines Adjutant-General Corbin ordered the men to roturn to tholr respective enmps General Bell was warmly congratulated by his fallow offlers after the battle, o A Boy's Wild Ride for Ufe. With family around oxneetinff him to die, and a son riding for life 18 miles to get Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, . iiniitn, ei lioosviue, mil., en dured death' agonies from asthma; but this wonderful modUine gave in stant rolidf arAl soon cured him. Ho writes: 'I now sleep soundly every night." hike marvelous euros of Con. sumption, Pneuutouta, Dronshltis, Coughs, Colda and Grip proves its maUhloM merit for all Throat nnd I.uug trouble Guaranteed, bottles 50o nud 1.00. Trial bottles free at J. G Perry's drag store. Jewish New Year. New York, Sopt. 0. The Jewish people throughout the world began this evening tho religious celebration of tho Jewish New Year, which occurs tomorrow. It is a feast of marked sig nificance in their religious calendar and is strictly observed by all tho con gregations. The year that is ushered in is 5665. It is the new year of the Old Testament, and in tho Hebrew tonguo is known ns Bosh Hashana. The now year is an emboTismic perfect yenr of 385 days, while tho year just closed consisted of but 354 days. In America, whero tho members of tho Jewish denomination are divided into the orthodox nnd roformed eou gregations, there are some minor dif ferences in the mnnnor of celebrating wiu occasion, in nil or tnem tno nn- oiont ceremony of blowing the shofar or ram's horn, is still used. In the orthodox congregations, which clinc most tenaciously to the old time ritual, ono of tho customs is for tho men to appear in the temples woaring shrouds to typify the significance of tho day as a reminder of deuth. Should Be a Politician. Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 9. The bureau of navigation today re ceived a request from Representative Bell, of the second congressional dis trict of California, for an enlistment ,in the navy and assignment to the bat tleship Ohio of a constituent of his 'named Theodore Roosevelt Parker. The , applicant, it appears, really bears the I name Theodore Roosevelt Parker, and it was not recently assumed, ns shown by the facts that the records of the mariue corps disclosed his enlistment under that name at Seattle, July 12, 1901. Parker was born in San Fran cisco, nnd was a machinist when he enlisted in the mnrine corps. His fath er bore the same name. It is said that the family is n branch of nn old Penn sylvania family of Roosevelts, not con nected in any wny with that of Presi dent Roosevelt. Representative Bell's request will be granted. Republicans Slated. Washington, Sept. 9. The Post makes the following reference to the Vermont electien: "There is no encouragement for Domocrnts in tho returns from Vermont. Whatever hope of confidence as to the Presidential election can be found in Vermont's September voting belongs to the Republicans. There may be Repub lican disaster impending in New Enir. land. Wo hear of nrpdinfinno that v.o Democrats will carry Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Imt there is no hint of such changes ir- Vermont figures. " Dress Goods All the now weaves in "Head's" fabrics for fall, including Pru nclln, Cheviot, Serge, Granite, Hopsack, Readona, Crepe, Eoli ennc, Coughton Crepe, etc. "Wnere quality reigns supreme" NOTED VISITORS CALL Californians Distribute Wine. St. Louis, Sept. 9. California day at tho fair brought out 2000 natives, and tho program began ut 1 o'clock. This afternoon 20,000 pounds of fruit nnd 7000 bottles of wino wero distributed. 1 ISfl'ljl'iTt'Tiil til .X1UUCUUXAU "iJlLULW H H Frara f FftANK D! CNC3AYCR and ELECTnOTYPCR fc T ttftf Mil 1 HT mZ" " ". ULIVIM IUIU. frj Bears the Signature of H '11 IfcTiMH 1 jf U 1 J vflH.! J P 1 id 1 1 JjD '"i Oyster Bay, Sept. 9. The President received a call this afternoon from Count Oppenyi and Ambassador Hend elmuller, of Austro-Hungary. Oppenyi is president of tho Hungarian diet, and is in this country making n study of our institutions. The distinguished guests wero received in tho library, where they chatted on general topics, and wero then escorted to luncheon. o CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought M&& 4tnilMIMtHMMM,8lMti).tHHMH Office Removed. Di. Frank E. Smith has removed ),!. offices from the rooms over the Red Cornor drug storo to tho new Breyman block, over the Now Yokohama Tea store. Patrons please teko notice. v 8-30-tf o NEW TODAY .. .The Shooting Gallery... Valuable Prizes, Accurate fi.mc rt !! fine bammi-rlM. , ,,..- .. . '. "' ,a,iKU. f ."" Kas JSU ttSSS i Ti-Tti-t Milium ii . x, : t ""IHIIIIIIHlllllf for Sale.-A Jersey bull. 3vr.M gontle, not breechy, thoroughbred and subject to registration. Milton Brown, Bouto No. 3, Salem, Or. 9 9-3t Friday and Satwday Bargain Days OASTOIHA. Bwui IM fai Vw tan Htm teflt For Bent. Two liUely furnished rooms during the state fair. Inquire of Mrs, K.K. Jackson, at 17 South Com mercial street. 9-9-3t iost On WalUse road, a red toel box belonging on a dise plow. Return to Mitchell, Lewi 4 Staver Co. .9.34 o A Carriage for 25c. Take a cab to or from the dupot for Simpson's uvery stable, oddo- 15c. sito court house. tt IWoacy to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Owe Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or White hair pins, 2 pfcg, for . Pest Sans Silk, ball ' 10c hair horn pins, dos .. ..." 5 pkga needles booklet for"'.. Pull eount pins. papr .... Plnisbiag braid, buaeh Bet spool silk, spool ... "" j JOe MrMt support.' pr'iJifc M baek hair eoubn , B.U ..all pHeos frWH 'to?l Men's Se whiuka4kfj .... it J-Jw. 10, Unek oW8g, Best &uoy ,, sVfta Boys beat I0 suso- I 5c e 10 COnmnitHAn iZtllffsToiiinxmti Children's 20c double knee m "lack cotton stockings, pair ..10c "e all silk taffeta hair ribbon, yard 3ic Pest overalls from 25o pair np . . Men's working shirts 29c up. ... Men's 35c summer underwear. .1P Men's 45c heavy underwear 25c Children's $2.50 winter jackets ; $1.39 500 yards fancy outing fiannol, yard 5c We are showing a , magnificent stock of fine silks, dress goods, jack ets, capes, dress and walking skirts, silk and wool waists, and faney waistings, at prices that d NORTHWEST. MmtSUSzk M