Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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i n
The commissioner!!' court allowed (bo
following till for the present sessien:
je Boads and Highways.
Ames, S $ 11,05
Arthur, John 4.C0
Bashor, (Jhloe 2.50
Bird, Blaln 10.50
Bird, Bert 10. SO
Bpchster, Albert 0,60
Bochstcr, A 0.00
Bochstcr, Cbas 0.05
Brower Bros. Drug Co., 122.41
Borris, John ......... t .... .. 1.50
Huffman, Mrs. II. L 22.00
McCracken, S. P. 140.87
Manning & 'Ferguson, ttjf if A... 11.50
McKcnncy & Prango. .SZ .... 5.00
Pacific states T. &T. Qoi .... 1.50
Smith, P. E 80.00
Shantz, J. M. , . ... ...A.n. .. 1.25
Brown, Leo & Son ....,.... 71.03
Carmnck, John
Caineren, Henry
Cap. Lumber 'Co.
Capital Stables
Curlstoffersdn, E.'
Clark, Prank 2.25
Clovcland, H..P. t ...... 7.00
Cutsforth, I.E. 25.50
Bay, J. Jilt'.,..( 0.00
Dawson & Son 0,00
Djardinr A. ,.,. 24.75
Dcjardin; Basil .. 24.75
Bowns, J. P. 2.00
Doynos Lumber Co. (John) .. 308.47
Damns, II. E 21.75
Earl, II. & 4. DO
Eckorlen, E. ...$. 12.37
Elk on, J.-M. ...i.,. C8.00
tfvnnn. Klfin :....... s rv?l
V --.-- ...... ......... ...w
Pabcr, A 1.60
Flor, M. O. 21. Off
Focrstcr, Max 0.02
Prcskcn, II. II. 12.00
(forking, Albert 2.25
Current Expenses.
Burghardt, W..- O. SftC!o.'.?&.i....Con.
Culver, W. J. ..f, f '.i.. 5.00
fJnnlt Printlncr fn. u: 13.50
Hcrrlck. B. B.. Jr. .A 1.00 1
McCorklo, M. A 2.00
McNary, J. II -, 500.
Mnurcr, John .... 4.70
Moorcs, I, J 4.00
'Pacific Statos T. &. fl. Co 10.20
Pnttou Bros .' Con.
Bicbnrdson, W. Y. . , 1.30
Roland, J. W. 5.00
Scott, J. II ;.... 5.25
Court House, a
Brown & Lehman ....'.. ...:...$ 7.75
Bushong & Co .' Con.
Capital numbering Co 5.74
Citizens' L. & T. Co 43.00
Hughes Co., John 14.15
Hans, K. O 0
Johson, W. K 7.75
Komloll, George 32.5
Klcppln, Paul M.i 20.00
Statesman Job Ofllco ,.Hf 4.00
Salem Water Co .-; 44.00
Salem Brewery Assn 3.80
Stego, C. W. ,, 0.25
Thatcher, Warren ? 4-20
White, Sim .'. . .??. . 1.00
I am compelled by a sense of gratitude
to tell you the great Reed your rcmedj
has done me in a case ot Contagious Blood
Poison. Among other symptoms 2 was se
verely ailltcted wun Kneumatlsm, and irol
almost past going. The disease got a firm
hold upon my system; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in
weight, was run down, had sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidence
of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of S. S. S., but the
persistent use of it brought me out of my
courage to publicly testify to the virtues oi
your great blood remedy, S. S. S., and to
recommend it to all blood-poison suffer
ers, sincerely believing if it is taken ac
cording to directions, and Riven a fait
trialj it will thoroughly eliminate every
particle of the virus. James Cuhraw.
Stark Hotel, Grcensburg, Fa.
Card, Frank
Ooeboy, ,1. .T... '. t.... '0.40
Grcgoraon, G." ...I. ., 22.50
Griffin, Shormnn 8.25
Hayes, II. M. ...,,.. 81.75
Hall, N. Mi . -i..t,.... 2700
Herrlek, B. B., Jr. ., 133.00
Hobart, C. II. ,,... J.fiO,
Hntton, T, If. 2.0tf
Jotto, C. W. A. Lumber Co. ... 18.42
UUUCB, Ts ; ...... .......,., O.Jt)
Jones, ;Joa ,,tt. .....j. .25
Jones, OJ.toK .. ; t?25
KenwofTbyj AV L. ,,... .Vyw,25
Klgbtllngcr, E. M ,..n. ' "ifiO
Klljiurg,' John 825
Kiltitirg, Tony .... ., 0.75
Painful swellings in thegroins, red crop"
tions upon the skin, sores in the mouth
snd loss of hair and eyebrows, are some oi
the symptoms of this vile disease. S. S. S.
Is an antidote for the awful virus that
attacks and destroys even the bones.
S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or
Dther mineral ingredient. We offer $ 1,000
for proof that it is not absolutely veget
able, nome treat
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about -this
disease, mailed
free. Our physi
cians advise free
those who write us.
rbe Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to ths
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
Ln$',,r,s,nnllb- ,u-1n3
,,. . ...v 11.25
.,.,,.'.. 20.55
. . . : f ,3j.5q
Tn.l. TV nltr
Lentr, '.Too , .,
Livingstone,,, A. h.f. d, .-. 'eJt. A. 0.
LIvingsjonoA AVm . j. li. l.
x.uers, xicrman
Lathrop,' vJIjK
McCracken, SiM
t t
MeCrklo, M. A.
McKrt', Chan . ,
McKec, Karuost
Masqn, 11, ..
Mnthort, Ptor .
Mlllor, J. It. ..
Mortenson, Wm
Morris, O. I. . . .
Murphey, J. g. .
Nelson, fa K. . .
Nelson, linns , aiJSQ
Noeton, C. 8.50
Noeton, Wm 21.75
Olson, Martin - ;. fiO.Ott
Paelllo Htntei T. & T. 0 1.50
Parrotte, It. V 7.00
Poenilng, A 15.10
lugb, Arehio 2,00
Quick, OlHiert .,.. Con.
Qulnn, 11. S iiftK)
llnlston, S. C. 00
Itoliortmin, H. II ; ().oo
Clougb, A. M 8.00
Hlgwny, U. P 10.60
BumpU, a K. Con.
Sanders, Wm 1,75
tfvago, Doug 7.00
School District No. 48, 5 Dsalld
Rshmiilt, Chas 1350
Sebmldt, Ja. , 3.00
ttskowrcr, W. K is.75
Bchnrr, John 3.00
Sobaucr, Harry ,,,. 7.6O
Slowort, Kd, 7,50
Slewcrt, Almoii d.qo
Slmmotit, drover 72,00
Smith, Joo ai.OO
Stevens, Clark 8.30
Stone, G. W. 1..73
etarr, J. H 40.OO
Taylor, Jos 1,30
Tovrusuml, Clydo 41,00
TuAkr, Prauk 3.0Q
Vu Clevr, Ghaa. 41,00
Van CIovp, Lester 13JJ0
"Villager, Peter 7.30
"Wallace, Chun, ,....Gon.
"Wattler, V , 8.04
West, Taylor Con.
Wongor, llobj ,....Oon,
Whitney, l ttJST
Wbltoaker, P. L. 18.00
Whitman, John 4,75
Wiggins, p. A Jjj.85
Woolwortb, Kay 18.78
ZQ9e, Wm 8,50
Albrlob, Prank ,,..$ 2.00
Burghardt, V- H. & Co. Con
Lcssuo John P. Cordrny, of tho Sa
lem , Grand Opera House, nnnounccs
through tho local manngor, B. P. Mcr
oilitli, that tho fallowing attractions
nro booked for tho season of 1004-5.
"Drldgo at Midnight."
"Gorton's Minstrels." -"Hills
of California."
"Swcot Clover."
"Sign of tho Hour.".
"Jim Bludso."
"Itomco nnd Juliet'
"Orphnn's .Prayer."
"Mnson nnd Mason."
"Tho Tenderfoot."
"Country Girl."
"M You Like It."
"Sis Hopkins."
"Shore Acres."
"Mr. Kussoll."
"West's Minstrels."
"An American Trnmp."
"Littlo Outcast."
"Two Littlo Wnifs."
"Florence Roberts."
"Itudolpli and Adolph."
"Over Niagara Falls,"
"Tho Itlvals."
"Mario Wninwright."
"Jumos Murply."
"Ono Widow-Non."
"Lewis Morrison."
"Paul Qilmoro,,"
"Chas. B, Hnnford."
"Dora Thome."
"Croaton Clarke."
1? "
turt yf Maryland."
rry Ueresford."
MLWJ ' :
Mk& w i
- ...
For Work ?
12 to J7
i 904
Salem, O.
The greatest fair in all
respects fn the history
of the state.
Establishes Course In Torestry.
The turning out of skilled foresters
is no Inconsiderable part qf Che valu-i
able work of the bureau of forestry.1
No profession is so littlo crowded, nnd
none offers a more inviting field to
tho conscientious ami toaious student.
Thut forestry, as n science essential to
tho well-being of tho nation, i stead
ily growing in popular favor is evi
denced by tho increasing number of
schools and professorships of forestry
that are established. Tho latest pro
fessorship is that at the agricultural
college ut Ames, Iowa, called tho Iowa
State College, To fill this position It
has chosen Mr. Hugh P. Baker, of the
bureau of forestry. Mr. Baker is a
graduate of the Michigan Agricultural
College- and tho Yalo Purest School,
and has had wide experience in hand
ling problems in forestry in the west.
He will lecture at tho college half of
eaqh year on general forestry lit its
application to Iowa conditions. The
other half of the year ho will devote
to bureau work, for tbo most part in
vestigating forest problems as they
consent the state of Iowa.
Brown, Ban (Jon,
Brown, ftft cu,
Browa & Lehman .... 7,33
JIIh, N. M. .. . .,,.,... W.13
How Is ThU;
Wo offor Ouo Hundred Dollar's Bo
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. I. OHKNBY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.
We, tho undorslgnod, havo known
P. J. Coonoy for tho last 15 years.
and bollovo hire, perfectly honorablo
In U business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obliga
tions, inado by hl firm.
Who'osale DruuUt, Toledo, Ohio,
Hall's Catarrh Curo It taken lntor-l
nally, aqtlng directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per
notice, hou ey all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con.
Enroll in the I. C. S. and
you will not have to look
long. The demand for tech
nically trained men is far in
excess of the supply. Ob
tain the technical knowledge
contained in one of our
Courses and you will soon
be one of the thousands
thnt owe their success to
our instruction. We can
help you qualify at home,
in spare time, and at small
expense, for any of the fol
lowing positiens:
Uicoinleal, Metrical, Stun, Chi, ir
Ulshu; Enrlcitr; Oraftiaaa; Arceltett; Book
ttipir; Stcaegrapher; Snow-Card Wrltir;
Wlctfow Ortistr; or Id Wrttsr.
Write TODAY, stnllus which posi
tion Interests jou. to
Correspondence Schools
Box 799, SCRANT0N. PA.
01 uu. os oca Wat asrarsssTiTiTSi
Salem, Or., April 20, 1904.
International Correspondence
Schools, Scranton, Pa,
Qeutlemen: In reply to your
request asking for my opinion
of your schools as a student,
will say I am well pleased with
your methods of Instruction,
and tho faculty you havo of
making your lessons eo plain
and easily understood. Any
person with a common school
education cannot help but be
benefitted by pursuing a course
In which ho Is Interested.
In so far as I have pursued
my course, could not suggest
any way to Improve your meth
ods of Instruction. I beg to
remain. Yours truly
Claw L. A. O. 625.331
Free Circalara
Local Agtnt,
Asst. Sept.
McKay BU. 3rd P. Stark,
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn thnt there is nt least
ono dreaded disenso that scienco has
been nble to cure In all its stages, nnd
thnt Is Catarrh. Hall's Cotarrh Curo
Is tho only positivo curo now known to
tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being
n constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional trontraont. Hull's Catarrh
Curo is token Internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of tho system, thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease, nnd giving
tho patient strength by building up
tho constitution nnd nssisting naturo
in doing its work. Tho proprietors
have so much faith in its curativo pow
ers thnt they offer Ono Hundred Bol
lars for nny caso thnt it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolc
do, Ohio.
Sold by nil druggists, 75c.
Tako Hall's Pamily Pills for cousti'
On and after June 1, 1904, the
Southern Pacific, in connection with
the Corvallis & Eastern reallrlad, will
have on sale round trip tickets from
points on their lines to Newport, Ya
aulna and Betrolt tt very. low rates,
good for return until October 10, 1904.
Three-day tickets to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays, are also on sale
from all East Side points, Portland to
Eugene inclusive and from all West
Side points, enabling peoplo to visit
their families and spend Sunday at
the seaside.
Season tickets from all East Side
points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive,
and from all West Side points, are
also on sale to Betrolt at very low
rates, with stop-over privileges at
Mill City or any point east, enabling
tourists to visit the Santiam and Brel
tenbuBh hot springs in the Cascade
mountains, which can be reached In
one day.
Season tickets will be good for re
turn from all points until October 10.
Three-day tickets will be good going
on Saturdays and returning Monlays
only. Tickets from Portland and vi
cinity will be good for return via tho
East or West Side at option of pas
senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will be good going via tho Lebanon-Springfield
branch if desired.
Baggage on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport; on Yaqulna
tickets to Yaqulna only.
Southern Pacific trains connect wltb
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis
for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on
the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Al
bany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to
the hot springs to reach there the
same day.
Full information as to rates, with
beautifully Illustrated booklet of Ya
qulna bay and vicinity, timetables,
etc., can be obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E
railroad, Albany; W. E. Coman, O. P
A., Southern Pacific company, Port
land, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent
Rate from Salem to Newport ...$5.00
Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ....84.50
Rate from Salem to Detroit ....$3.60
Throe-day rate from Salem to
Newport $3.50
"Make Salem n Good Home Markov
Poultry-at Stelnor'a Markot.
Eggs Per dozen, 22c.
Hens 8c.
Young chickens 8c.
Harrltt & Lawrence.
Eggs Per doz., 22c.
Hop Markst,
Hops 19 25c.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Eta.
Potatoes lc.
Onions 2&c.
Wood, rence Posts, Kte.
Second growth $5.76.
APh $5.00 to 93.75.
Grub oak $6.50.
Cedar posts 12c.
Hides. Polta and Curia,
Green Hides, No. 1 6c.
Green Hlues, No. 2 4c.
Call Skins 45c.
Sheep 75c.
Goat Skins 25c to 91.84.
Grain and Flour
Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt
Barley $21 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, 3.7E.
Live Stock Market,
Steers 22c.
Cows ll?4c.
Sheep $1.502.00.
Dressed veal 46&c.
Fat hogs 55c.
Hay, Fexd. Eta,
Baled ch'eat $10$11.
Baled clover $9.
Bran $22.60.
Shorts $24.00.
Eggs, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs 16c, cash.
Butter 22 & 25c.
Butter fat 22&c, at station.
Summer Excursion Rates and Special
Train Service Now On Between
Portland and Clatsop Beach.
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Leavos Albany 12:45 p,Mi
Leaves Corvallis 1:45 P.M.
Arlves Yaqulna 5:40 p.m.
No. 1. Returning
Leaves Yaqulna 7:15 A.M.
Leaves Corvallis H:30 A.M.
Arrives Albany 12:ic P.M.
No. 3 for Detroit
Leave Albany i:oo p.m.
Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M.
No, 4 from Detroit
Leave Dotrolt 6:30 A.M.
Arrlveit Albany i1:15 am
Train No. 1 arrives In Albany In
timo to connect with tho S. P. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
throo hours In Albany before depart
ure of S. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with tho S. p.
trains at Corvallis and Albany irlvinjr
direct service to Newport and adja
cent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbush
and othor mountain resorts leaves Al
bany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit
about 6:00 p. m.
For further information apply to
T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany.
H. H. CrtONISE, Agent, Corvallli
Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bav
On Juno 1st tho Southorn Pacific
Company will resume sale of excur
sion tickets to Newport and and Ya
qulna Bay,, both season and Satnr-day4o-Monday
tickets will bo sow
Thla popular resort la growing In fa,
vor ach year, hotel rates are reason
able, and the opportunity for flshlne
hunting and sea bathing are unex
celled by any other resort oa the Pa
cific coast.
Tho summer schedule of the As
toria & Columbia River railroad has
been Inaugurated between Portland,
Astoria, Gearhart and Seaside, in con
nection with special round trip excur
slono tickets to all Clatsop and North
Beach points, and train leaves Union
depot 8 a. m. dally and runs through
direct, arriving at Astoria 11:30 a. m
Gearhart 12:20 p. m. and Seasl.lo
12:30 p; m.
Tho Portland-Seaside Flyfcr leaves
Union depot every Saturday at 2:30
P. in., arriving Astoria 5:50 p. m. and
runs through direct, arriving at Gear
hart 6:40 p. m. and Seaside 6:50 p. m.
In connection with this Improved
service, special round trip season
tickets are sold from Portland to all
Clatsop and North Beach points at
rate 01 $4.00 for the round trip, good
for return passage until October 15.
Special commutation tickets, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for lis on
good to return until October 16.
&aiuMay special round trln ,,.
slon tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.50 for
round trip, good to return Sunday
Tickets sold from Portland to North
Beach points are issued in connection
with I. R. & N. steamers from As
toria and baggage is transform
u rora aePi and steamer dock at
Alton free ot charge, and all tickets
2 5n - & N Co- from Port
land to Clatsop and North Beach
points are lnterchanneahi .... .,.
bo honored on trains of this company
IndTsSrla!1100 P
For additional Information address
it. .1 T aBent' 248 der street
Wheat-Walla Walla, 79c.
Valley 83c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $l.25Q
$4.70; graham, $3.504.00.
Oats-Choico white, $1.201.25.
Barley Feed, $20 per ton; rolled
Millstuff Bran, $19.00.
Potatoes Fancy, $1.251.40.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 2324c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 910
per pound; turkeys, 1416c.
Pork Dressed, G&7c.
Beef Dressed, 4 6c.
Veal 67c.
Mutton Dressed, 46c.
Hops 1903 crop, 2225c.
Wool Valley, 1920c; Eastern Or
egon, 1017c; Mchalr, 30c for choice.
Hides dry, 16 poands and upwards,
Butter Fancy creamery, 22c.
unioh va&ww
Three Trains to the East Dally.
Through Pullman standard and
tourist sleeping cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokano; tourist Bleepln"
cars dally to Kansas City; throusn
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chic
go; reclining chair cars (Boats frW)
to the East dally.
70" HOURS v 7fl
915. m
ti Uunv-
Up. a,
tU Hunt
ington BUPaoJ
6 v 1 . a.
From Portland; or.
Silt lkA H... O.
VTnWk rT-"5S 'l
3SiLite..,PTSr -
HuA w.m"l .nM
Wlla Wall. LewiwonT
".Wwl, luu-
oiau. MinnAsnAiia a
Pant Tini1,XTw'i'!
nkilJ. i,uwucfi
""'", aua ami.
8 23p a
l; 1
7:15 a. 1
I SrSuIaSS "tt,ffi5Bni
and Altona leave for
Portland daily except Sun,
daY at 7 a. m.
k: Foot 4 vmJ. -.
Ocean and River Schedule.
For San Francisco Rvr flva days
At 8 P. m.. Pn, I.I.J. .Infa
"d NortU Beach Dally (except Sun
day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p.
Dally service (water permitting) oa
Willamette and Yamhill rivera.
For fuller Information ask ov wtIU
Tour nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Ca, Portland, Oregon.
Utitlrtl bfX "!!! '" r9 Oolttt tor M rJ