1 r-nfuwr. DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1004. & itd , uo PariH ffl ITERESTING POINTS IN ENGLISH HISTORY IV6L ttirri ier 'oil 'elon veij ion,, Ja"tfy I kil Wfl i a l jon Law School Journal, Salem, September, 100-1.) assist our readers in tho chronol- of tho events of English history fected with laws from which the Ben law of our country had its , wo print tho following, have but little authentic infor- ftn as to tho history of -England (to tho Christian era. Tho Brigan- aro believed to have been the tnal inhabitants of England and Ithoy were driven northward and to? the interior of tho island by sue- Ivo invasions. From early accounts people who first inhabitod the in- er countrv wore but Httlo abovo '. nf anvflnno in hn anln nf nv v m. M..(li;0 M K..W w..w w tion. Tho Phoenicans are sup- fed to have worked tho tin mines Cornwall at an early date and which known bythem as tho Tin island. C. 56-54. Caesar's Invasion. D. 43-53, Conquest of Claudius. D. 01. Campaigns of Suetonius iinus. D. 78-79. Roman dominion ex iled to Tyne. D. 78-84. Campaigns of Agricola. D. 80-81. Roman dominion ex iled to Frith of Forth. D. 100-300. There is some reason belioving that there wore Chris- bs in England prior to 200 A. D., that Christianity came to them Asia Minor. D. 208-211. Campaigns 'of Sever D. 2C0-2G8. Franks infest British D. 288.297. Rebellion of Caraus D. 323-337. Dioclotian scheme of Srcrnmcnt organized by Constantino. D. 367-370. Theodo8ius forces Scots back. ,- D. 383-388. Revolt of Maximus D. 407. Usurpation of Constan ce, s , D. 410. Withdrawal of' tho Re in legions. , ; ,t l. D. 440. Last appeal of tho colony Roman protection. ' i. D. 449-033. Anrfo Saxon con- P8t. D. 499. Landing of Jutish band Hengist and Horsa. D. 457. Jutes found the kingdom I Kent. , D. 477-527. Saxons found tho bgdom of Sussex, Wessex and Essex. IA. D. 577-593. Angels found the ngdoms of Bernicla, D.iera, East An- pa and Mercia. IA. D. 560. Etbelbert becomes king Kent. IA. D. 593. Ethelfrith bocomes king Northumbria. I A. D. 597-685. Conversion of the aglish to Christianity. fA. D. 597. Seo of Canterbury es- Wished. Aujniatin was Archbishop tho English. A. D. 607. English conquest in the gain completed. A. D. 607-685. Northumbria dorai int kingdom in tho Heptarchy. A. D. 617. Edwin becomes king of ortliumbria. A. D. 630. First written body of the aglish Law. Oswald becomes king of A. D. 975-979. Reign of Edward, called tho Martyr. A. D. 979-1016. Reign of Ethelred II, called the Unready. A. D. 1013. Swoyn, King of Den mark, makes conquests in England and is acknowledged in part of the Jand as king. A. D. 1016. Reign and death of Ed mond Ironside. The reign of Dan- Reign of Canute, Reign of Hnrold. Reign of Hnrdi- Baltimore to Welcome Eagles. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 9. Baltimoro is all agog preparing for tho great convention of tho Fraternal Order of Eagles, which is to bo held here next week. Tho city will bo elaborately decorated in honor of the visitors and nothing will be loft undono that might add to their welcome and entertain ment. Tho ofllcial program of enter tainment, beginning tomorrow and continuing through tho week, is follews: ' Saturday and Sunday Reception of Qrnnd Aerio members and visitors upon arrival in tho city; inspection of tho city and burnt district; open houso in Eagles' club rooms nnd Rathskeller, Maryland Theatre. Monday Excursion to Annapolis and down tho Chesapeako Bay for Grand Acrlo and ladies; grnnd display of firoworks from Federal Hill on re turn of excursion steamer in honor of tho anniversary of tho battle of North Point; reception nt Eagles' club rooms. Tuesday Opening of tho conven tion at Maryland Theatre; address of welcome by President Roosevelt (of Cheyenne, Wyo., Aerie, No. 128), Gov ernor Wnrfield, of Maryland, Mnyor Timanus, of Baltimore, Worthy Presi dent Cassody, of Baltimoro Aerio; re ception of lady visitors in Eagles' elub room and, social session of Eagles in Rathskeller; grand illumination of the city; band concert on Eagles' plaza in front of Maryland Theatre. Wednosdny Grand parado of the Eagles; picnic, outing, crab feast nnd oyster roast at Rivor View Park, with grand firoworks display. Thursday Eagles' jubilee at Elec tric Purkj burlcsquo midway and con gress of nations, automobile, running and trotting races, vaudovllle, danc ing, firoworks, etc. Friday Grand ball of tho Engles at Music Hall; social session in Raths keller and reception to ladies in Eagles' club room. Saturday Excursion to "Washington whero 'the visitors will bo entertained "" ! P s,'Khk I. Miss Nettie Rlnrkmnre Min. 1 Oswl becomes king of Egfrith becomes king of Ini becomes king of West A. D. 634. orthumbria. A. D. 055. orthumbria. A. D. 670. orthumbria. A. D. 688 axons. A. D. 716. Ethelbald becomes king If Mercia. A. D. 758. Offa becomes king of forcia. D. 758-796. Mercia becomes su preme. A. D. 789. Danes begin their in- loads. A. D. 794. Cenwulf bocomes king of nercia. EA. D. 800. Ecgberht becomes king ' West Saxons. A. D. 827. Ecgberht establishes the upremacy of the West Saxons and ftyled himself "King of England." A. D. 830. Ethelwulf becomes king ft the West Saxons. A. D 855-880. Conquest and settle ments of tho Danes. A. D. 858. Ethelbald becomes king ft the West Saxons. A. D. 860. Ethelberht becomes king of West Saxons. A. D. 866. Ethelred becomes king Ut West Saxons. A. D. 807-874. Danes conquer North- hmbria, East Anglia and Mercia. .A. D. 871-901. Relnn of Alfred the Ct. A. D. 901-925. Reicn of EdWard, "Ned the Elder. I A. D. 925-940. Reign of Ethelstan. A. D. 938. Battle of Brunnaburch. iwmous in song. a. o. 940-946. Reign of Edmund A. D. 916-955. Reign of Edred. U- 955-958. Reten of Edwle. LA. D. 058-975. Reien of Edcar. A. D. 1016-1042. ish kings. A. D. 1016-1035. or Cnut. A. D. 1035-1040. A. D. 1040-1042. Canute, or Hartbacnut A. D. 1042-1066. Reign of Edward the Confessor, tho last of the Saxon kings. A. D. 1066. Witenngamote chose Harold II as king contrary to the promise of Edward and tho oath of Hurold to tho Duke of Normandy, William tho Norman Conquerer. A.D. 1066. Norman conquest. A. D. 1060-1087. Reign of William the Conquerer, William I. i A. D. 1060-1154, Curia Regia. A. D. 1077. Eorlirst referenco ,to Trial by Battle. A. D. 1085-1086. Domesday Book compiled with survey. A. D. 10S7-1100. Reign of William Rufus, William II. '"A. D.s1100-H35. Reign of Henry I. A. D. 11. First Statute of Limita tions. A. D. 1135-1154. Reign of Stephen. A. D. 1154-1189. Reign of Henry II. A. D. 1162-1170. Conflict between king and church. tt. " v A. D. 1164. Constitution of Claren don. T J . ' At A. D. 1160.1. Conquest" pt Ireland be- Ujy Washington Aorie, gun. ,A. D. 1189-1199. r Reign of Richard Lf called Coeur de Lion., "A. D. 1199-1216. 'Reign of John. Ji, D. 1205-J213. King" John's quar rel with tho Pope and Church. A. D. 1215,. Magna' Carta. A. D. 1216-1272. Reign of Hen ry III. A. D. 1217. Second, confirmation of the Magna Carta. A. D. 1265. Bracton becomes Chief Justiciary. A. D. 1272-1307. Reign of Edward I. A. D. 1275. Statuto of Westminister the First. A. D. 1282-1283. Conquest of Wales. A. D. 1285. Stauto do Donis, Stat uto of Westminister tho Second. A. D. 1290. Statuto Quia Emptores. A. D. 1292. Statuto of Fleta. A. D. 1290-1305. Conquest of Scot land. A. D. 1307-1327. Reign of Edward II.- A. D. 1307-1509. Publication of tho Year Books. A. D. 1310. Ordainers. A. D. 1310. Eloction of Sheriffs abolished. A. D. 1326-1377. Jurors cease to be witnesses. A. D. 1327-1377. Reign of Ed- ward III. A. D. 1362.. Pleadingu to be in En glish, but to be enrolled in Latin. A. D. 1377-1399. Reign of Rich ard n. A. D. 1382. Staute of Forcible En try and Detainer. Miss Nettie Blackmore, Min ncapolis, tells how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. "Youno WeuKt: I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark spots before my eyes, and at my men strual periods I suffered untold agony. A member of tho lodge advised mo to try Lydin E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, but I only scorned good advice and felt that my case was IIMilllHIIIIIMMIHMMIIHMIHHHimmilHH hopeless, but she kept at mo until I bought a bottle and started taking it. I soon had tho best reason in tho world to change my opinion of tho medicine, as each day my health im proved, and finally I was entirely with out pain at my menstruation periods. I am most grateful." Nkttik Black more, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. fSOOOforftlt If original e s6ot lettir proving gmulntnnt cannot tt pntutti. If there is anything ahout your caso ahout which you would like special advice writo freely to Mrs. Plnkhnm. She will hold your letter in strict conlidence. Sho can surely help you, for no person in America can speak from n wider experience In treat ing femalo Ills. She has helped hundreds of thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass.; her advlco is free. Cab Hire at Half Price. Tho war on prices of cabs is still raging Simpson's stables mado the cut to one-half price, and still main tain those prices. Opposite the court CJl TOXLXA. I ha Kind Yea Haw Always Boojht Bean tho 4 W Haw Always California's Birthday Today. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 9. Tho fifty-fourth anniversary of tho admis sion of California into tho Union is jjoiiig observed today with tho custom jury festivities Several cities of tho state nre celebrating tho anniversary on a large scale, but by far tho largest gathering is at Oakland, where Nativo Sons of tho Golden West nro holding their nnnual celebration. Hundreds of tho visitors who havo been attending tho Knights Templar conclavo in this city went to Oakland this morning to tako part in the festivities there. !New Fall Goods. i Ladies' and Misses' Coats 1 I LATE STYLES, FINE GOODS, LOW PRICES ! FURS, MACINTOSHES and UMBRELLAS I ; Large assortment, reasonable prices ; DRESS SKIRTS, WAISTS, UNDERWEAR-New j I Arrivals & ; MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING-Qoality, styf j ; and popular prices prevail. ; j OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is complete j J wnn tne largest ana oest assorted stock in the city. i MmHHmMIMtlHMMMHMHmHlHMIHM(fe ROSTEIN & GREENBAUMi DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CLOTHING. 298 a&d 300 Commercial Street x? i8iieiiiHMiiiaiaiatii -MERCHANT TAILOR- ODera Mouse Block. Court &tt T Experienced cotter and fitter. Will guarantee nil werk Also clsn- ft ibk prcasiBK shu rcpsiriaK; af tfrff fiini wf tiitmmnii: M8atif ttt8ttatt 9 Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook the Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones rhieumatls'm, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and femalo diseases, alt the foregoing wlthuot the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to ttye patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. B. J, F. Cook 301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. Formerly of Omaha, Neb. itastttl(il8B8ltii m li L For HOBSON, Not the Lieutenant of kissing fame, but G. W. HOBSON, the 1 0 cent man . . . . OPEN FOR BUSINESS Reign of Henry IV. Honse of Lancaster A. D. 1399-1413. A. D. 1399-1401. hold tho Crown. A. D, 1413-1422. Eeign of Henry V. A. D. 1422U401 Reign of Henry VI. A. D, 14S0. Cade's Rebellion. A. D. 1455. Beginning of the War of the Roses. A. D. 1461-1470. Reign of Edward IV, of the House of York, A. D. 1400. Littleton becomes Judge oi uommon i'leas. A. D. 1470-1471. Reign, again, of Henry VI. A. D. 1471. Edwnrd IV again reigns. A'. D. 1473. Taltarum's Case, bar ring entails. A. D. 1483. Two sons of, Edward IV. murdered in Tower. A. D. 14834485. Reign of Rich ard III. A. D. 1484. Statuto Laws to be in English, A. D. 1485-1509. Reign of nenry VII. A. D. 1499. Action of Ejectment. A. D. 1509-1547. Reign of Hen ry VIII. A. D. 1513-1529. Cardinal Wolsey's ministry. A. D. 1520. Law of parol guaranty. A. D. 1535. Statuto of Uses. A. D. 1540-1542. Statute of Wills. A. D. 1542. Indebitatus Assumpsit. A. D. 1547-1553. Reign of Ed ward VI. A. D. 1551-1633. Sir Edward Coke. A. D. 1557.. Tho Law Court's forsed construction of the Statuto of Uses. A. D. 1553-1558. Reign of Mary. A. D. 1558-1003. Reign of Elizabeth. ( To be eontinued.) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I Oth The NEW TEN-CENT STORE, 302 Commercial Street, will be opened for business at 9 o'clock a. an. on Saturday next, where can be found a first-class stock of goods, made tip in part as follews: 8-Quart Milk Pans, 8-Quart Dish Pans, 8-Quart Flaring Pails, Strainors, Colanders, Pans and all kinds of Tinware. Hammers, Hatchets, Saws, graces, Bits, Pinchers, Pliers, Padlocks, Hinges, Steelstraps, Knives of all kinds and shelf hardware In endless'variety. Boiling Pins, Steak Pounders, Carving Boards, Lemon Squeezers, Salt Boxes, Bat Traps, etc., etc. Qneensware, Glassware, Crockery, Dry Goods, Stationery, Toilot Articles, and other varieties of goods too numerous to mention. Any Article Fo JO Cents M I TINWARE 8 Quart Hairy Pans 10 8 Quart Rinsing Pans 10 Wash Basins, 13 inch 10$ Pudding Pans, 3 quart 10 Frying Pans, large 10 Suuco Pans, 2 quart 10 8 Quart Milk Pail 10 Strainers, all kinds 10 Collendere, good size 10 Dust Pans, first class lOd HARDWARE Mincing Knives, double Steak Pounders Curry Combs and Bars . Padlocks , Screen Door Sets Screen Door Hinges ... Butt Hinges, 3(ix3Hi .. Claw Hammers Upholstering Hammers . -10 10 -10 -10 -io -10 10 -10 10 ... 10 -10 ...-10 10 10 10 .,.-10 10 ...-10 - -10 ..10 ...io Hand Haw JO DISHES Including every kind of article In Queensware, Glassware and Fancy Dishes, Vases, etc., at 10 BRUSHES Jfair Brushes 10 ''urpenter's Punches Carpenter's Pliers .. Hachets, shingliog .. Oil Stones Braces ,, . Bits, many wizes .... Screw Drivers Butcher Knives Bread Knives Table Knlvefl Pocket Knives . , . , . Compass Saws Kail Brushes Tooth Brushes .... Varnish Brushes . Paint Brushes ..... "Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes . Horso Brushes .... Shaving Brushes . . Clothes Brushes . . . .10 10 .10 10 10 .10 10 -10. 10 DRY GOODS Gents' Handkeroblefs, good.. 10 Ladles' Handkerchiefs, good 10 Napkins, fringed 10 Lace, yard 10 Insertion, yard 10 Ladies' Linen Collars 10 1 Man's Linen Collars 10 Hose Supporters XOci Ladies' Vests 10 Ladies' Stockings 10 Wen's Socks X06 And 1001 oth.tr articles nil ut great Imrguins. STATIONERY Day Books, Order Books, Pooket Ledgers, Paper and Envelopes, Plain and Fancy, Tablets In great variety, all ut . ....-lOri' MISCELLANEOUS Extoiision Curtain Rods, brum t 1Q Ribbons, all stylos, yard ....10(J Combs of nil kinds, Shears, Hair Curlers, Cuff Buttons, Shirt Waist Sots, Perfumery, Pipes, Chair Bot touts, Towel Rollers, Rucks and Rings, and u multitude of other articles too numerous to print, but a bargain in each nnd every one. We will use every effort to please patrons, and give them the greatest bargains for the price ever before heard of in Salem. A visit to out store will convince yoii. Remember the place, 302 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon G. ItsL. HOBSON.