Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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t .
Our building has been leasoil from under our feet In tho midst of
our fall opening season, and wo ure forced to vacate October 1st, with
no placo to go. As a result we must make a
To close out or reduce our mammoth fall stock of
Pattern Hats, Tailored Hats,
"Ready to Wea Hats"
Will be sold regardless
We Ae Homeless
"With our large stock, and it must bo sold at any figure to savo our
selves. Call and see our beautiful lines.
Watch for our cut prices. Don't fail to save a few dollars on your fall
hat by taking advantage of this sacrifice sale.
The Misses Goode Millinery
309 Cotttt Street
A New Word.
Chcfoo has certainly been added to
tho vornncular, for when unybody re
lates some astounding talo the cry of
"That's a Choefool" greets it. As
Chofoo has turned out somo of the most
terrific rumors a war was blest with,
it wouldn't bo strange if tho name of
tho enterprising place was thus immor
talized. So if you don't care to say
to a man frankly "You're a liar,"
why just call him a Chefo. He will
appreciato it just as well.' Besides it
soilnds less rude.
. Appointed Engineer.
A. J. MeMillnn has been appointed
consulting engineer for the stato, and
left today with tho stato board to in
spect tho 'portage site. Ho has hnd
many yonrs' experience in civil engin
eering, nnd tho stato 's interests will bo
in good hnnds.
' o
Protection Lodge, A. O. V. W.
During tho absenco of P. II. Ray
mond, financier, members will pleaso
pay their dues nnd assessments to John
Moir, receiver, No. 290 Commercial
streot, upstairs ovor telophono ofllce.
o .
In a Bad Predicament.
Tho Misses Goodo, Salem's popular
young milliners, find themselves in an
unfortunato dilemma. They had just
had their fall opening when thoy
learned that their store building was
leasod from under them and thoy will
bo compelled to movo October 1st
with their immense fall stock on hnnd.
They have decided to slaughter.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Hw Always Bwght
Bears tho
Signature o
immiiiiiiiinii nntfr;;
Ice Cream in Paper Pailstotake ;;
' home. '.'.
78 H" Fv I" - , ,
1 Dt. paper pall 15c .
1 qt. paper pail 25c
' X gal. paper pail 60c
:: at
t 154 State St. Phone 1971
lllld Illllllllll !
the Council
nPFN Al I NIGHT fine
KllngprBlocM41SUtoStJ.A.Cooper, Ph on0 MJZ
to move
A Profitable Cow.
Prof. David Torbct, 6f tho college,
has a Jersey cow which is full of busi
ness. In tho yenr just closed Prof.
Torbet sold from its milking $118.30
worth of milk, besides using all that
was wanted for home consumption,
about $60, and raising u calf that is
valuable. The profossor is able to Car
ry his splendid mathematical attain
ments into the cow business in a pay
ing way. Albany Democrat.
Oregon State Fair.
Tho Oregon s.tnto fair will bo held
at tho fair grounds near Salem Sep
tember l'Jth to 17th, inclusive. Tho
Southern Pacific Company will sell
tickets from all points on Oregon lines
nt specially low rates for this occasion.
Tho committee in charge havo made
strenuous efforts to provido special at
tractions, and it is expected that this
will bo the greatest fair over hold in
Oregon. 9-8-15
Boys in Court.
Ton boys, their ages rnnging from 10
to 14 years, wero taken beforo Polico
Judgo Dorrls yesterday afternoon,
charged with swimming insido tho city
limits without bathing suits. Thoy nil
pleaded guilty to tho chnrge, and tho
judge, after u sovoro roprimnnd, sus
pended sentence, pending good be
havior. The boys nil promised that
thoy wouldn't do it nny more, and wore
released. Eugene Guard.
Millions of dollars a year arc
lost by not using Schilling's
te bilcing-povrdar fptce
coff tiratmt utracU tod
and nobody gains by using
anything else instead.
Your groctr i mouytck.
n n t me 1 1 n 1 1 1 HiiMt
: : Substantial
;; ,-.
" lTi&e.ia
- - . ,
' ! r the:
:: White House
':': Restaurant
: : George Bros. Props.
g Best of everything.
...... .J !ri Z
Wines, Liquors unu usk, ,
C. F. Larson, of Portland, is a Salem
visitor today.
Miss Lillian Adams is visiting
friends in Albany.
J. P. Ilogers this morning went to
Portland on business.
Hiss Mnblc Brunnnell, of Portland,
is Usiting Mrs. C. II. Walker.
Albert Brownoll, of tho Albany nur
series, is spending tho day in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allison leave soon
for St. Louis nnd other Eastern points.
Collector of Internal Revenuo David
M. Dunne, of Portland, was in thev city
Miss Minetta Magers returned last
evening from n several weeks' visit in
Rnlp.li Manley, of Indiana,' who has
been visiting here, went to Portland
last evening.
Miss Frieda Schindler returned last
evening from several weeks' visH with
friends at Stayton.
Fred K. Down, of Portland, formerly
a Lebanon merchant, is "isiting at tho
home of W. E. Shaw.
E. V. Cox, of tho Dunham, Fletcher
& Column Co., wont to Portland this
morning on business.
W. A. Ensthnm, of Albany, Is ,in the
city, attending to the Linn county ex
hibit at the fair grounds.
Miss Marguerite Chamberlain, daugh
ter of the governor, is in tho city, tho
guest of Miss Eva Coshow.
Mrs. R. Smith returned to her homo
In Portland last evening, after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. McAtec.
"V. P. George and family rcturnod
last evening from Newport, where tho
family has spent tho summer.
Mrs. C. B. Shelton, nccompnnied by
Miss Lucy Clinmberlain, went to Now
port yesterdny for an outing.
Mrs. Albert Shnw left for Salem yes
terday after n visit at tho A. J. John
son home. Corvallis Oazotto.
Mrs. Dan Vollmer, of Portland, nr
rived in this city today and is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Win. Anderson.
Hon. A. C. Mnrsters, of Roseburg,
loft this morning for Eugene, after
spending a short time in this city.
Miss Hazel Biggs rcturnod to her
'homo in Portland, after n visit with
Miss Louise Cronise, of this city.
Hon. Sig Sichel, Btate senator from
Multnomah county, and daughter, nro
guests of Hon. nnd Mrs. Edward
j Mr. and Mrs. Squler nnd daughter,
Emily, of Terro Haute, Indiann, nro in
tho city, tho guests of Prof, and Mrs.
IF. Seloy.
I Miss Watrous, who has been spending
tho past summer in Portland nnd Ore
gon City, returned to this city this
Mrs. T. I). Condon, of Eugene, ar
rived yesterday to join her husband,
who has a racing stablo at tho fair
I Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Thomas nnd
daughter left today for St. Louis,
whore they will visit tho fair in pro
gress there.
Mrs. J. T. Wilson, of Enrlvillo, III.,
who has been visiting nt the homo of
I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cross, returned
home yesterday.
Mrs. Churlotto Coehmn hns been ap
pointed matron of the school nt Chcmn
wn, and Miss Vona Woodruff, a Carlisle
grnduute, seamstress.
Roscoo Shelton, of Maurer's Gun
Strfre, is in Portland today seouring
two guns which have been ordered, nnd
which will retail at over $100 each.
Governor Chamberlain, Secretary
Dunbar and Treasurer Mooro left for
Portland this morning to nttend tho
meetine of tho opon river commission.
Attornoy-Goneral Crawford loft last
ovoning for Tho Dalles, where ho ex
pects to spend two or three dnys on
businosa connected with tho portage
Miss Liln Fielding wont to Mcdford
this morning, where sho will visit rein-,
tivos, after which sho will go to Tob
man Springs noar Ashland for hr
Mrs. E. M. Starr and llttlo son, who
hnvo spent the summer visiting her
mother, Mrs. M. E. Smith, left on tost
night's overland for her homo In Los
Angeles, Cal.
Ilov. George T. Pratt, of Albany,
stopped in Salem ovor night on his wny
to the thoologlaal saliool at Auburn,
Now York. Mr. Pratt expects to visit
tho St. Louis fair before reaching
Mm. W. "W Johnson left yesterday
for a several weeks' visit in the Eas.$.
She will visit her home folka at Roek
ville, Mo., and the world 'a fair. W. W.
accompanied her as far as Portland,
and returned today.
Dr. George I Hooye and wife, qf
Oregon Olty, who formerly resided in
this city, are cainpod at the State Fair
grounds, where they will spend the
week. They are aeeompaniod by their
little adopted son, Emerson Jloeye. '(
Outposts -right.
8t Petersburg, Sept. 8. -General
Kuropatkin today report that yester
day fighting consisted of akiraitlilng
between 4be outposts. '
At Home Again.
Ex Sheriff John Knight 'has, rcturnod
from an extended visit of about three
months in Southern Oregon, whero he
has represented the C. V. Lansing
Quaker nurseries, who .have a largo
corps of agents in tho field. Mr.
Knight was, of course, glud to get back
in the Willamette valley, nnd says that
the unusual drouth prevailing hero is
just as bad, if not worso, in Southern
Oregon. He found tho fruit interests
in a thriving condition out there, and
his company is doing a heavy business.
He will remain nt homo during tho
state fair, after which he will again go
into the field for his people.
Like many others, who havo been
away from hero and observed condi
tion elsewhere, Mr. Knight comes
homo convinced that tho Willamette
valley will eventually becomo nn al
fnlfa country. He is moro convinced
than ever that miscellaneous farming
will be the salvation of this country,
and is especially interested in what ho
has learned to the south of us.
Bull Run Sham Battle.
Gainesville, Sept. 0. At 9 o'clock
this morning General Bell, commander
of the Browns, began his movement on
the Blues, with tho purposo of forcing
his way toward Washington. It is
predicted thnt no fighting will occur to
day outside of n collision of cavalry
forces, which wero pushed on by both
commanders. Gonornl Grant is taking
a defensive position in Bull Run valley,
while General Bell's forces passed most
of the day on tho march and gotting in
contact with the defensive line. Serious
fighting will probably occur nt day
break. DIED.
VAX VLACK. At the home, corner of
Mill nnd Cottngo streets, Soptembor
8, 1004, M. E. Van.Vlnck, ngod 23
years, 9 months nnd 20 days, of com
plication of diseases.
He leaves a wife, parents and sovor-
al brothers and sisters to mourn his
untimely demise. Tho funeral will bo
conducted by Revs. Cllffo and Colo, at
Rigdon's undertaking parlors, tomor
row nt 9:30 o'clock, and tho Inter
ment will bo had in tho Muclcay cenv
An Old Gun.
People with old things will have to
stand asldo for J. J. Hannah, of Leba
non, who has a single-barrelled shot
gun, which has boon in tho family for
300 years, and was used In the Revo
lutionary war. Tho barrel is 014 feet
Stopped by Japs.
Marseilles, Sept. 8. Tho Chineso
mail steamer Oceannn arrived today
and roports thut tho Japanese Hqundron
stopped and soarched her after sho loft
Yokohama. Tho report of th eoccur
renco has been forwarded to Minister
Del Casso.
Wyoming Democrats.
Choyenne, Wyo., Sept. 8. Tho stnto
Democratic convention today nomi
nated John Osborno for governor by ac
clamation nnd T. S. Taliaferro will
probably bo named for congress.
Smoked Coming and Going.
Mobile, Sept. 8. Ed. Hudson, col-
ored, convicted of tho murdor of
Minerva Williams also colored, was
hanged hero today. Ho went to tho
gallows smoking a cigar,.
LONG. At Eugene, Or., Wednesday,
September 7, 1904, to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Nolsou Long, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Long formerly resided
in this city.
Card of Thanks.
Tho undersigned wishes to thank his
many friends and customer who havo
dealt with him for tha past few yeurs
for their trade and kindness.
Former Proprietor of the Yew Park
Store. 0 7-2-
Socialist Speaking.
Walter Thomus Mills, of Chicago,
will speak in Sulem on October 4th, in
the interest of tho Socialist party.
Cure for Sick Headache.
Wo had a letter the other day from
ft lady in the town of Boulder, Colo.,
thnt should bo of intorust to people
who nro troubled with spoils of sick
headaeho. She wrltoa that she hud
these spells about four times a week,
was obliged to go to bed nud remain
there from 8 to 10 hours each tune.
Had beon troubled this way for sev
eral yet., and the -attack became
more frequent. Defter done her no
good, she tried dieting, as overy body
said it was from her stemaeh. Seeing
a advertisement of Dr. Uunn's Im
proved Liver Pills, whleh said, they
oure siek headaehe by removing the
euuse, she deelded to try onee more,
and sent 50e for two boxee. She said
she had taken the last pill more than
four months ago, has not had a siek
spell of any kind for over five month.
Druggists sell those pills for 2oe per
box. It only take one tor a doge.
They core sick headache every time
For sale by Dr C 8. Stone, drugjUt
T ""H- wr? HR
Ural sk
Salem Woolen Mill Store,
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor.
A High Grade
Whon It docs need repair should
havo tho best workman you can find
do the work. You can find no ono
who will do It quicker, bettor or
noator than
The Bf cycle Man
: Wall Paper
Latest designs in stock,
and good work guaran-
teed. We have the small
store and small prices
E. L Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
Take It to
Court Street,
All work guaranteed.
Evety Box
Or package of stationery wo
sell is In keeping with fash
ion' strictest requirements;
nnd there is no other placo in
tho city where you can buy
At the prieoi wo quote. Make
inquiries the next tlmo you
5 Pattern's Book Store jjg
Fm8'gr,' f
Most of
t Gold Dust Flour f
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon, Mado for family use. Ask
your grocer for It. Dran and
shorts always on band.
P. B. Wallace
Get a Fanning
And while you are getting, get u (food
sort, ono that cleans tho greatest
amount of (irnitt with tho loast oxer
The Hero mill is that kind. If you'll
como and sou it you'll know why we
say so. If you don't ooino In, it Is not
so ousy to nouviuoo you.
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement House Z5&-257 Liberty St
Farm Implements, Automobiles,
Sewing Machines and Supplies.
Wonderful bargains fn
At The Old
Cronise Studio,
Over ine New York Racket Store.
$2.50 per Do.
v t a