in , tfcBimM win wnmvm sswmswhi i miiw iw i ii'nw MWFWMMmsjiwK.iM Hi WtirtjsIMafflg(p WJWW Wjlig!JW.T '& T DAILY CAPITA!,' JOPBKAL, SALEM, OEEQON, WEDNESDAY, SEFXEMBEa'7ri00ir " . 11 ! 'Wt Ci r'Siniim,riiwp win infin liiinumypfjii,.iiiWPfi - r THE WHITE CORNER Miilmety Department Miss M. D. Evans, Proprietor Wc announce for Thursday, September 8th, oar PteliminsLty Opening Of Autumnal Millinery From a stylo standpoint this showing will bo of much importance to cvory lady, being tho first expose of tho idoas accepted by leading au thorities ns tho most correct interpretation of the season's modes. Tho display will bo very largo a comprehensive showing of millinory for every occasion, tho smart bats, for street wear, as well as the moro olaborato creations for tho swell functions. A Fall Line of GAGE FREAKY SALESMAN REBUKED An Over-smart Travelling Man Who Should Be Pass ed Down the Line A traveling man, who seems to bo neither a Hebrew nor a Gentile, and, according to roport, has taken no les sons in tho high school for gentlemen, was callod 'down hard yesterday in a Salem dry goods store. Going out ho stopped ono of tho young lady clerks and handed her his card: "John Dee, Not Married," was" tho insulting in scription. Tho young lady took the matter ns an affront upon her dignity as a woman, and called tho attention of ono of tho proprietor's action. Mr. Drummer wns called back and given a talk that wus moro nearly in tho naturo of a crimson roast hot off the bat, tho unwiso drummer going his way somowhat crestfalion from his former rolo of general mnsh-artist, wholesale and rotail. Tho conduct of somo of this class in stores and in hotel dining rooms would almost justify resort to tho moro'horoic methods of dealing with such fellows employed in somo other sections of the country. Suflico it to say that his card will not bo handed out in that form in Salem ngain very soon. p Bern u i I W MM 10U liaiB wnajs iwuiii Elgn&tora of ' I I II II I I H t IIH-H I IIHIW il CIRCASSIAN I ', I Ice Cream in Paper PailB to take borne. X Pt. paper pail 10c ! I 1 pt. paper pall 15c 1 qt. paper pail 25c X gal. paper pail 50c :: 154 State St Phone 1971 J nimnnuiiiiMi ! Hop Pickers, CSe&$fffi&&t That we aro prepared to supply you with eatables of all kinds .suit able for camp life. Hams and bacon," canned goods, cream cheese, etc. Money"baclc for any unsatisfactory article. Try us. ATwrvmr. FISHER I Phone 57 . Grocers Corner Commercial and Court. "" SM. f jTHE Council fflMFS n rnAHr.HT mZrt. the Celebrated HATS PUBLIC COUNCIL MEETING Hold Open Air Session, but Did Not Transact Business City council mot last evening, but, owing to it being hop picking time, sov oral members wero out of the city, and it was impossible to secure a quorum. A motion was made to adjourn until Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock, and it carried. ' It was, perhaps, tho first open air council meoting over hold in Salem, as. tho members congregated on tho steps in front of tho city hall, and did not tako tho troublo of ascending tho stair way. Mayor Waters put tho motion, and Recorder Judnh noted it while standing on tho curb. There is nothing liko having un administration that can moot any omergoucy. . ,, - -- Protection Lodge, A. O. U. W. During tho absence of P. II. Hay mond, financier, inombcrs will please pay their dues and assessments to John Moir, receiver, No. 200 Commorcinl street, upstairs over telephone office. This is a better country to live-in, -because Schilling's Best Is in it. Yonr grocer's; moneybck fot-frO IIHHIIIIHH' j ; Substantial :: Meals... ' ;: atthe : i White House ' :: Restaurant : George Bros. Props. IIIIHIIIMMH Remember,., ' """j a. Roct nf rvprvthincr. Z PERSONALS H. Geo. Meyer went to Portland this morning. A. Wnnn returned this morning from n short trip to Portland. Russell Catlin, tho hop man, went north today on business. Mrs. Clyde Ashby, of Albany, is vis iting with Mrs. Frank Ward. Ex-Chief of Police A. C. Dilley went to Albauy yesterday on businoss. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rasey are home from an outing at Woods, Oregon. Miss Hannah O'Brien went to Phil omath today, whero she will visit. Mrs. Wm. Cook and daughter, Lola, returned last evening from JCewport. Attornoy A. M. Cannon returned to day from a 10-dnys' trip to Pendleton. C. D. Gabrielson left for Portland this morning on a short business trip. Ernest Anderson returned Inst oven ing from an extended outing at Marion Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Lewis went to Portland last evening for a visit with friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. X. Brown returned last evening from a fow weeks spoilt at Newport. II. M. Branson left today for a short visit to North Bend, tho live new town on Coos bay. Mr. and Mrs. Houry Jones and family went to Albany this morning, where they will reside. Ed. Zycss, head carpenter at tho asy lum, left yesterday for the McKenzio on a hunting trip. Mrs. R. II. Coshow roturnod last ev ening from a few weeks' visit with rel atives at Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sooslwn nnd little son roturnod last evening from an ex tended outing nt Newport. Miss Evelyn Geer, of Portland, passed through this city last evening, from her vacation spent nt Newport. Policemnn John Catlin, of Albany, was in tho city today looking nfter criminal matters. Miss Ruth Gabrielson is visiting at "Labish Meadows," tho country homo of Misses Mablo and Ilda Jones, near Brooks. . Miss Frances Jones, who spent the past summer in Salem, left this morn ing for Now York. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boiso, Jr., and son, 'and Mrs. M. E. Breyinnn are homo from several weeks outing at Woods. Mrs. B. E. Critchlow, of San Jose, Cal., nrrivod in tho city this morning, and is the guest of lior sisttr, Mrs. C. T. Mclntire, on South Commercial street. Miss Lila Fielding, of Portland, came up this morning for n visit with friends, after which sho will go to Southern Oregon and spond tho "winter with rela tives. W. E. Kahler, of Sumptcr, who has been visiting" nt Jacksonville, stopped off in this city last evoning, and is vis iting with tho family of E. O'Flyng, in South Salem. Miss Hortonso Eppley went to Wood bum vestordny for a visit with friends. Mrs. E. Sautcr nnd daughter, Her nice, went Oliomawa yesterday, whero they will visit friends. Mrs. P. E. Davis left yesterday for Portland, whero her dnught"-s, Misses Mabel and Gertrude, will join her,, and they will go to St. Louis, after which thoy will spend somo time visitiug rel atives in Indiana. Fred Perkins, a midshipman in the U. S. A. Navy, at Annapolis, arrived in this city Monday and will spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Porkins, of this city. He was met at Tho Dalles by his parents and grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Perkins, of Drain, nnd thoy nil re turned homo Monduy. Frod has many friends In this city who will bo glnd to see him, nnd all aro proud of his success in tho service of Undo Sam. A Wonderful Child. An Eastern friond says: "Little Emily Spuior, the phonotnoiml child roador nnd impersonator, was with me at Mountain Lake Park Chautauqua, Ml., during tho soason of 1002. Sho is a little wondor. Her remnrkable voice was distinctly heard In our groat auditorium soating C.000 jieoplo The child is us graceful as a fain and altogether doyoiJ of affectation. Sho successfully prosouts a wide range of work." At the state fair next wock. Oame Warden Oases. Louis Emmltt, of Lane county, was roeoutly fined $25 and costs, amount ing to $111, for killing elk. Thos. Killard, of Claekamas county, was also fined $15 and cost for killing Cbineso pheasants. o CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always ftiitgM Bears the Signature of Z&0&fa Former Salem Boy Weds. Married, nt Condon, Oregon, August 31, 1004, Mr. Pearl Jarvis nnd Miss Pearl Shelton, Rev. Austin, of Arling ton, olllcinting. This young couple is well and favorably known in this vi cinity as well ns throughout Gilliam county, and they stnrt their voyago on the matrimonial sea with tho good wishes of all who know them. Fossil Journal. Tho groom Is n former Salem boy nnd prominent ns a football player, both in this city and Albauy. o Polk County Theft. L. X. Neville, of Arlie, suffered tho loss of a valuablo horso this week. It was taken from tho barn during the night, and in splto of all efforts tho of ficers havo beou unnblo to1 traco the thief. Tho horso is described as a largo sorrel animal. A Carriage for 25c. Take a cab to or from the depot for 25c. Simpson's livery stabler, oppo site court house. it Has New Suit. Lewis Savage has commenced suit in tho circuit court uguiust M. M. White for $'J44.C0. o Discussed Portage Road. Governor Chamberlain this morning mot with tho Portago railway commis sion, nnd Tho DnllesCelllo road was discussed. Tho commission will go to Portluud this nftornoon, to meet with tho open river commission. Heal Estate Transfers. Tho following real estato transfers aro recerded: W. Shutt to M. Beck, 85.12 ncres and n right of way in Marion county, $4840.50. George H. Goulet, t al., to P. Goulot lots 5 nnd 0, block 24; lots 2, 3, 4, 5 und 0, block 48, Oervuis. H. F. Bonliuin to C. K. Pearson, 714 acres, tp 7 s, r 3 w, $745. Tho following real ostnto transfers are recerded: C. Seiglo to ('. M. Hall, 343 acres In tp 0 s, r 3 w, $4000. Coolidge & Co. to William Lovolace, 25 ucres, tp 7 s, r 1 w, $050. F. McClain to A. L. Welch, 42100 of an ncro in Sllverton, $200. F. MeOlnln to S. M. Welch, 1.20 acres in Marion county, $000. YOUR WHEEL NEHDS REPAIRING Take It to F. J. MOORE, Court Street, All work guaranteed. Evety Box Or packago of ilatlonery wo sell i In keeping with fash Ion's strletest requirements, nnd thero is no other place in the city where you can buy "MELTON FACE" At the price we quote. Make Inquiries the next time you buy. 7 Patton'a Book Store. jj A Good Dtesset A, good dresser .wants life In hisclothos. liots of men wear "dead" clothes, nndjan'tjtngwjt. Thojlfo, ofn,.8ult is tho dnsh.ln tho cut, curves nnd kinks of its makeup that at once stamp its wearers as a well dressed man Out Suits Ae . Full of Life Wo chnrgo no moro for our suit excellence than other clotblors chargo for 'just clothes." , Our fall suits aro now ready, nnd wo trust that you won't mind If wo nudgo you genUy and say to you that It's high timo you wero thing about yours. Wo will bo pleasod to assist you in making your selection' nnd we shall bo looking for you overy day now. "Everything ia Toggery9 f to go with the suit Salem Woolen C P. BISHOP, WATT SHIPP The Bicycle Man Is very busy those dnys, but his corps of high-grado workmon can nlways look after your wants If Watt is out. You can't miss tho place. It's on tlvo window. WattShipp The Bicycle Man ! Wonderful bargains in the REMNANT SALE At The Old Cronise Studio, Over tho New York Racket Storo. $2.50 pei? Do. i Wall Paper : Latest designs in siolk, and good work guaran- J teed. We have the small J store and small prices J E. L Lemmon I 299 Liberty St. J Phone 2475 Cab Hire at Half Price. Tho war on prices of caba is Mill raglntf Simpson's Btables mado tho cut to one-half price, and Mill main tain those pricoa, Opposlto tho court IGt eat Gtms We carry the fullest line ever brought to this place, of Wincliestetf, Stevens, Smith, Syfactfse, Lefeve and ot&etfs Come in and let ua show yotf some of the fine points of a gun. Salem Gun Store 234 Commercial St. - - PAUL HAUSER, Prop. Mill Stoe, Proprietor. MADE IN SALEM faSTiADE MARK EffljOf! ier fectlojL 1 AKING POWDER pUT UP IN glass jars pTS, QUTS, .GA Sold by Most of Salem's Grocers IMMMMlttlMWHilHIM Gold Dst Flout I - Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oro gon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocor for It Bran and 'shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT him Maa)msw Chicago Market. OhieaRo, Sept. 7. --Wheat, old Sop tomher, $1.00(?t)1.07Vtl new, $1.01Mi fi1.0JVl; corn, MTfci outn, 3l31. Get a Panning Mill And while you aro Hotting, fot n Reed ort, one that oloaim tho grcutent amount of grain with tho leant oxor Hon. Tho'llcro mill Is Unit kind. If you'll come nnd see It you-Ml know why wo Hiiy ko. If you don't come in, It In not ho ouny to convince you. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty 8t Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. i vt It il J m I !; , uiij6r mocK; iti " -- - iimiiniiiiiinii UltlH"" i