Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    DAil? cAlMAfc MtttLWAi Wm OlaMOtt WfibKESOAV, fitJPT-fiMBSB 7, 1M.
Mr.vttedon on Political
Matters, Past and
September 0, 1004.
IMItof' Joifrnnlt Truth compels mo
to sdv that 1 mm simply surprised
that my letter to you evor saw the
light of day in tlio column of Tlio
Journal. T simply meant to stick n
pin In tbnt part of your corporation
where n consciengo should abide.
Thcro nro 17 good and valid reasons
why n man with my record iihould not
mpport T. Roosovclt for tlio high and
mighty ofllco of President of tlio United
States. Th tho first plnco he, like Me
Klnley, is a man of honest instincts,
but, HVo tho latter, ho has his own
price (flxcd, and 'tho clauses against the
masses wilt see to it that ho gets to tho
last coin of his own" valuation of his
own mnnhoQihwIn the second place, if
elected, howllrtand for everything
that stands in "'opposition to the vital
Interests of 00 per cent of tho Ameri
can people, T think It unnecessary to
here recite, tho remaining in reasons
wby a Lincoln, Stephens, Blaine lie,
publican should not vofo for Itoosovcit.
tit is mean and contemptible to nmno
Abraham Lincoln in connection with
the dSgoiforato scheme of plutocracy of
today'cafied Republicanism. Tho party
hns no more right to claim Xlucoln as
one of its political patron saints than
by which we became responsible for
tho future , welfare of tho Philippine
islands. The honor of tho nation and
the flag of our country arc not politic
al playthings.
Wo liopo friend Rigdon will feci bet
ter nftor blowing off his political gas
and welcome him to como again, if it
will make lilm any happier, and if our
renders do not object. He probably
has no o no to give a pieco of his mind
to on tho political situation, and a lit
tle spa.ee In onr paper Is always open
to peoplo oven though they differ from
our views in tho most radical manner.
Mr. Itlgdon is talking stuff and think
ing things and using a political nomen
clature that hns been out of date about
eight or ten years. He shotdd read up,
got out of tho ruts ho is thinking in,
nnd get hold of something fresher, and
ho would feel better.
tbBjkvll of, orthodoxy has to claim tho
klHguWTJf heaven. Elections In this'
country are carried by tho "floaters."
This, class is composed largely of com
mercial patriots who stand ready to
riftlvVihefr ballots for prices ranging
from n bushel of potatoes up. Another
ijempnt In tho floailng cjass is mado
up of tho old, young and middla-iigod,
unlnformod, misinformed, whoso high
est ambition Is to bo on tho hIiIo that
bleats, b-gosh, nnd this Is tho dangerous
las history failed to record the
m vnfall of republics on tho same road
we are so hilariously charging nlongf
As for Hryan, ho favored tho ratifica
tion of tho treaty with Spain Itocauao
he, wanted tho Republican party to
have freo course nnd an unhindered
ad, to tho end thnt It might reap'
the rownrd of Its own doings. It was
(god politics on tho part of Air. llryan,
a It In now good politics and patrlnt
W ho sees It, to support Parker In
stead of supporting oven indirect polit
ical scheme, which, If unchecked, will
nurely, lund us in tho whirlpool of hor
rors that overtook Prance In tho cIoh
ingVyoor 0f tho eighteenth century.
Editorial Comment,
If Mn'iUgdon believes In tljo prlnei
plooftho'ltopiihllcan party ho should
supjmrt tho men who represent thoso
principles. If he believes in some oth
tir principles ho should, nnd probably
does, support men who represent thoso
principles. Wo judgo from his expres
sions that ho is not nt hoart very much
of a Republican nt present, but points
with prldo to thoso 'times and to those
men, lie- supportod when ho was In that
happy framo of mind. Ho has one of
the. , car-marks of an unreconstructed
Democrat, in imagining that everybody
from tho President down, excepting
klroifelf, has n price, m nro sur
prised that sj good and pure u man
shottjd neck to justify Rrvan for "play
JBjrfpoltic8M with so sacred a matter
as rjtlflcatlon nt tho treaty with Spain
Removing to Portland.
Today Mr. and Mrs. A. P. MrAteo
removo from this' city to Portland to
make their future home. Mr. McAtoo
has resided in nnd around Salem for 38
years. Ills wife was a daughter of
Lewis Johnson, an old-tlmo architect
and contractor of this city. In his
younger iiiiys .Air, JHcAtce tnugut
schmd, and many of tho citizens now
grown to manhood nnd womanhood
wotit to "Mr. Mt'Ateo's country school.
Por ncveral years ho was janitor of tho
Park public school, nnd nlso conducted
a mercantile business In Yew Pnrk. As
a member of tho Grand Army and an
Odd Fellow he has a wido circle of ac
quaintances hero who will miss him and
his family. A son, Bert, hns been em
ployed at Portland for somo'tlme, and
Miss Cora McAfee, n daughter nnd
popular young society woman, has been
in tho telephone exchnngo for throo
ycrtrs. Tho MeAtees regret to lenvo
Salem, but Mr. McAtco has 1cttcr pros-
poet b at contracting in Portland, nnd
they hnvo sold their finn homo in low
Pnrk to Prcd Rice, of Pratum, tho now
county assessor, who hns moved to
Exhiblt Took Frizes.
With tho exception of tho samples
of flax fibre, tho Jcrsoy cows nt the col
lege farm thought tho samples
boils ahd
Have been suffering from Impure Blood
tor many years, Having .nous and oujm
Eruptions. Having beard of S. S. S. I de
cided to try it, and am t lad to say that it
has done me a great deal of good. I intend
to continue to use it, as I believe it to be
the best Blood Medicine on the market.
Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. Dstsas.
For over fifteen years I have suffered
more or less from Impure Blood. About a
year ago I had a boil appear on my leg
below the knee, which was followed by
three more on my neck. I saw S. S. a.
advertised and decided to try it. After
taking three bottles all Boils disappeared
and I hive not been troubled any since.
Gko. G. Fbrtio.
114 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
Newark, Ohio, May 33, 1903.
From childhood I Iliad been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruptions and bolls.
I had boils ranging from five to twenty in
number each season. The burning; ac
companying the eruption was terrible.
S. S. S. seemed to be justthe medicine
rieeded in my case. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, giving me perma
nent relief from the skin eruption and
boils. This has been ten years ago, and I
have never had a return of the disease.
Mm. J. D. Athbrton.
write tor out
book on blood and
skin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special In
formation about
your case will cost
you nothing.
The Swift Specific, Cewpany, Atlanta, 6a.
Chicago,. Sept. 7. John Shields, of
Oakland, California, owner of a racing
stable, and well-known in sporting cir-
clos, died suddenly of heart disease
this morning nt the Hotel War-
W. W Zlnn Will Open a New
Store; on Court
W. W. 'Ann, tho popular confection
er, is soon to open another store. It
will bo located In tho room nt 104
Court street, formorly occupied by tho
Citizens' Light & Traction Company's
Tho exact date of the opening can
not be given, but will be tho later
part of this week, nt which tinio the
now fixtures will have arrived.
Tho rooms nro undergoing remodel
ing, nnd the fixtures are to bo elabor
ate and up-to-date. Tho general col
oring is to bo cherry.
Everything in tho wny of soft drinks
and ices will bo found nt this candy
palace, while especial attention will be
given to strictly high-grade confection
ery. Mr. Zinn 's originnlity in tho can
dy line will bo given full sway.
Thcro will bo boxes daintily draped
to hnrmonizo with tho general effect.
In 1807 n partnership waU started,
known as Kills & Zlnn, with a stock of
less than $100, consisting of small lines
of tobacco nnd a bootblack stand.
Three years ago Mr. Hills withdrew.
The remaining member has kept on
improving and adding to the stock ns
his constantly growing1 trade demanded.
Mr. Zlnn, by courteous treatment nnd
good workmanship,Jins been rewarded
by n trade as q result of which he
now finds it necessary to branch out,
in order to accommodnto nil classes.
TTk 1 T1 ,e cneeKS wnue "Ps) and
Hnlp I hlTL lang"ld s5eP tel1 the s,ory
X UlC A I utt of thJn blood Jn blQj
Doctors call it "anemia." They recommend Ayer's Sari
saoarilia. They know why it cures. &&tt'Sgfr
Why Barnum Succeeded.
P. T. Barnum onco said: If you havo
$10 to put in use, pay $10 for an article
nnd $0 for advertising. I can outtalk
any nian but a printer, but tho man
who can stick typo and tho noxt morn
ing talk to a thousand men whilo I am
i,.u-;,,rr n .me. is tho man I nm
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Hns world-wide fame for marvel
cures. It surpasses any other aaln
lotion, ointmont or balm for Cn.
corns, minis, jjoub, cures, .colons, ty
cers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fover Soj
UJinppcu Junius, omn eruptions;
fallible for Piles. Cure guarantee!
afraid of, and I want to bo his friend. Only 2Cc at J. C. Perry's drug store.
JFoarful Odds Against Him.
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce moisture and
cause Itching, this form, as well as
Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Plle3
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile
Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumor COc a jar at drug
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Phllo., Pa.
Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggtst.
Ann mnnU3 It in til
iudis Rnnnnsfnrn
pile -rr- a
D. Wll. Thomptsa, Bpl.
Qn&tt SoVnU, Si.UitlU., K C , wtlui "liu ? I
titj it U tn elilm f thra " Dr S K. Uton, I
KlttDjBMK.n Y,wm lH7Ii.Ki.ri..-- .
futut." Dr. U. D UcQ III. Clulibirf. Too . WW 'J
"la ft prMtlot of IS Jra, I hv tonal n rtm4f. m
qui jnrlT fiuct, to Cim. Smlt tti: HSl
Sold In Saltm by 8. C. Stons.
Call for Free Bunplts.
Bedridden, alono nnd destitute. SueU
in brief was the condition of an ollj
soldier by namo of J. J. Havens, Ve,
sallies, O. lor years ho was troubled
with Kidney diseaso and neither dot
tors nor nieuicmo gavo mm relief. At
length ho tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on his feet in short order and now
ho testifies. "I'm on the road to com
plete recovery." Bost on earth for
Liver and Kidnoy troubles and all
forms of Stomach and Bowell com
plaints. Only 50. Guaranteed by J. 0.
Perry, druggist.
of early
growing grain for tho stnto fair were nor. Shields arose at 4 o'clock to got
petty good. Some ono left tho burn 'medicine,
door open, and tho cows walked In to prepnrlng
innko a physical examination of tho i -
cdlblo qualities of tho various kinds of
oats, grain, flax, etc. Sovcral bunches
of nuglish oats got first prize, the
wheat catmf In for a red ribbon, whllo
nnd ns his
it dropped
muto was
Development Meetings.
In order to extend tho influenco of
tho Oregon Development Lcnguo still
farther throughout tho state, thcro will
tho flax fibre was considered unfit for Jim held at flrnnts Pass, Friday, Sep-
cow feed, nnd wns tramped under foot.
Whon Ovorscer Kent enmo around next
morning 'tho atmosphoro suddenly bo-
came charged with a blue sulphurous'
haze. Curvallls (lagette.
How Is ThloT
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any caso of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall'it Catarrh Cure.
P. I. CHBNBY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Wo, tho undersigned, bavo known
F. J Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and boliovo hlra perfectly honorablo
In all business transactions and flnr.n-
daily ablo to carry out any obliga
tions mado by his Arm.
Who'esalo Druggist, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sont frop. Price 75c per
bottlo. Sold by all druggists.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for can-patlon.
Band Concert Tonight.
At Wilson's avenue, given by tho Sa
lem Military Band, under tho leader
ship of Prof W K. MeKlroy, Come
out nnd enjoy n pleasant ovenlng.
tomber 23d, tho Southern Oregon ses
sion of tho League, and tho arrange
ments for this event nro now being
made. Secretary Tom Uichardson, of
tho Oregon Development Lougiio Is now
in correspondence with F. J. Blnkeloy,
of llosoburg, vice-president of tho stato
league, with whom ho is arranging for
extensive advertising of tho Southern
Oregon session.
Mast nave Luxuriant mat dtoasr Hair,
No Matter Wast Color.
The finest contour or a female face, the
sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses
something; If tho head la crowned with
scant hair. Scant and falling hair, tt Is
now known, Is caused by a parasite that
burrows Into tho scalp to the root of tho
nair, where It saps the vitality. The lit
tle white scales the germ throws up In
burrowing are called dandnllT. To curo
dandruff permanently, then, and to stop
falling; hair, that germ must be killed.
Newbro'a Herplclde, an entirely new re
suit of the chemical laboratory, destroys
tho dandruff g;erm, and, of course, stops
tho falling- hair, and prevents baldness.
Bold by leading- drug-glsta. Send 10c. In
stamps for sample to Tho Herplclde Coi
Detroit. Mich,
nnlol J, HVv. Special Asrent
; Vogct humhet
:: and
: : Fuel Company.
Rough and dressed lumber,
eash, doors, lath and shingles,
; ; ash and fir wood. Salem Ore.
; Down town offlco 112 Court ; ;
; street. Telephone Main 2451. ; ;
; One block east of S. P, pas-
I Benger depot.
....--.. t
pay nign rates or insurance on
unexposed dwellings? Tho old line
companies charge you $3 for 600
of Insurance, while for 75 cents
yearly you can get tho eame
amount by becoming a member of
Oregon Fire Relief
a home company working for home
Insurance on a homo plan. Let me
tell ou about It.
H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy, Blk..
Murphy Block, Salem. Head office
McMlnnvllle, Oregon.
What Is life?
In tho last nnalysls nobody knows,
but wo do know thnt it is under strict
law4 Abuse that law even slightly,
pain results. Irregular living means
durangomont of tho organs, resulting in
Constipation, Hendacho or Liver' Trou
ble. Dr. Ring's Now Llfo Pills quick
ly readjusts this. It's gontle, yet
drug store.
Only IWo nt J. O. Perry 's
Stoptoe Caught
Bop Steptoe, tho man who stabbed
Arthur Dilts tu tho Manhattan saloon
Friday night, wns captured by Police
man Jack Smith Saturday night,
nlwit 10 o'clock, after ho hud been in
hiding LM hours. Ho wns released on
an t. i-i. ... ..
, .u rii nun, ami ins examination will
(ho held Wednesday. -Ktigeno Guard.
Tie Traveler
Ufa Good
Smoke is
Wherever yo go on any road,
in every town you're sure of a
great smoke for 5 cents if you ask for the
Cremo. The only cigar for sale everywhere,
and everywhere the same.
uumcwr woum jw the wokui.
Tfu 3emd is the Smoker s Trotection.
W. Bollons, who has beon general
W Ballons, who has been general
road master of tho O. It. & N., with
headquarters in this city, for tho past
nlno years, loaves with his family for
Portland in tho morninc. whero Mr.
Bollons takes chnrgo of tho Southern
Pacific lines in Oregon, his territory
extending from Portland to Ashland
Mr. Bollons hns hnd charge of tho
O. R. & N. lines ns general road master
for tho past nlno years, with offices in
this city, where himself nnd estimable
family will bo greatly missed.
AH the valued track improvements
to tho O. R. & N. system by which this
road hns been brought up to a condition
of hlRh excellence, have beon mado un
dor Mr. Bollon's personal direction
Ho will tako general chnrgo of the
Southern Pacific lines In Oregon, this
change being ono of tho promotions
In tho gonernl rearrangement of of
flclnl positions, under tho Hnrriman
management. Pendleton East Oregon
fan. ,
University of Oregon
College oll.Ueraturo, Science and the Arts College of Science and '
Engineering. b'chool of Mines and Mining. !
School of Music, School of Law, School of Medicine. '
i The session of 1903-4 openB Wednesday, September 14. For catalogue,
nun i can
REGISTRAR University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.
xM8ft)aagtsjtBBaaailisf ilTsy
' A Boy's Wild Bide for Life.
VVitli family around expecting him
tor die, and a son riding for life 18
miles to get Dr. King's Xew Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
w; II. Brawn, or Leesvllle, Ind., en
dnred death's agonies from asthma;
bnt this wonderful mcdlcino gavo ia
stant relief una soon cured him. Ho
writes: 'I now sleep Boundly every
night.' Like marvelous cures of Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis,
Roughs, Colds and Grip proves its
matchless merit for all Throat and
Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles fide
and $1.00. Trial bottles freo at J. C.
Perry's drug store.
Racing Stables Arrive.
W. O. Durfeo nnd P. U. Ward, of Lo
Angeles, and JP. K. Wright, of Sacra
motito, arrived this morning with their
racing stables. The trip from Colifor
nla waa made in a well-Pargo express
car, especially mieu ror uiat purpose.
There are U nne borses in the lot.
among them toe favorites Coronado,
RrTaey IC, Cavalier nnd Kelly Briggs.
! Mi JiUJliJL!lM ,A peep into oun I
' m ;' wSSm M ,cehouse
! mi W i mm O w,u Bhow -u it is that :
our meats are always fresh
and appetising in tho hottest
weather, when meats would
spoil If not properly cared for.
It would also show some of tho
fattest sides of beef, tender
and fine quarters of lamb and
mutton. Our meats are
grade and low priced.
E. C. Coss.
State Street Markn
gg"""" .MII.,.
e.c. '
",A,nP" BzKfrinnP'
w"",ii ttti(mtitli
Has been taken to aupply the atock of! !
lumber in our yards. Our tocfc 1
complete with all kinds of lumber.) i
Just received a car load of No. l
jingles, also a car of fine e-hsW
We , are able to fill any and all kted! ;
or bills. Come and let us sbow yoa- '
our stock. ( i
depot 'Phone Mala 65L i !
8 1 IB 1 8 IBf
Wholesale and rSTT?'."""""
Honor. .; -.7" """""erel.1 Street.
Turner I'armer Injured.
C, Civnnagb, a well-known
er and hop ralwr of Turner, met ith
'a serious accident at his fans last ev
(eahig.' Aecolpanlel hy a painter, who
jWaS doing some work, they were de-
sceusdiaff a tramway at the hop horn,
whtt It olbtp(il. Toe two men ns
taleil painful lajuries, and Dm. ByrJ
t Pull line of liquors and ZTT? 8trcet
f Mcflrler brand-the best forSm,"0?11'-'
urea m me city limits. Thona M.u ,?' m
,. .' - "i
and 'ie-
I ; Bns ,ta 2W yea, Se tember o "S01' WONMOUTH I
; ; roar, afr0rdlDB eoual opportuiij. S' , te"Ua ,n 6ac1 I
.. tber. November. PebruVry J b8,nnlne course m Sep- f
i 1!.''. t
. " """ oi Mutir tmim . " uu "uormaitoa
conditions la loTir1" ,n tual teaching afforded
m ", " "'" actual teachir, .iw ......
I! pranced course of i? XL"'1 and . bo 1
Addross R.v, . ' '" the add itnn.i j .. ..
aaJ W. Cwka ww ealled. 15. -ER' Monmouth. Orv BUTtER, or President p n eu
E. D. RES. Z
-"' ""S