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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
'4' $' .J i; ,i- I? K... JL PjUSJLgg-g1 OBEOPW. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 6, ISO. "e13. Stockton & Co. AT THE OLD WHITE CORNER Yesterday we received n lino of laces direct from one of America's foremost importers. We can soy without boasting that they are the mpst beautiful pnttoras ever shown in Salem. Our trimmings, too, are on the high-class order. They are also bought direct, and aro unexcelled for goodness and beauty. jWi PUSHING CLUB WORK J00 patterns of laces and inser tions just received will be sold at 5c a yatd LflCir CURTAINS 7 '!&$ X wn3M vflVr ft "sm I A big shipment of lace curtains has just arrived. Prices will range from 50c to $15 a. pt Salem Commercial Or ganization Gets Members Swell Furnishings For Men Como and sco for yourself, tho most up-to-date lines of shirts and fancy socks in 8alem. Our furnishing goods trado has doubled in the last 30 "days. Wbyf STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING FOR MEN J PICKING AT MIflTO HOP YARD Afeoiitone HUndred'and Fifty AYe-GatheHni the Fine 1 Crop Gainesville, Vn., Sept. O.-Tho third i1 yiyiterdny and wcro forced- tofhnttlo of Hull run begun nt midnight at about 4 'o'clock on nccount of P'ith i,lacinK outposts by General Bell's Tjlq Minto hop yard crew"cil!"30Q t . .A i i . .-. j . . uoxes quit tho capacity of tho dryer. The first lay.ii always tho hard tinio to got ov eryblng running smooth, as tho yarij foremen have their .hands pretty woll filled up looking nftcr the riiytnils of tho work. J. L. Sklpton and Chester JUlph br.vo charge of tho pickers, nnd thoy aro giving satisfaction. Mi n to Bros, havo 20 acres of hops, and about ISO pickors nro employed, mostly tpwn people, ouly one pr two teat being on tho ground. It will ro- julro about 10 days to completo tho work. Tho hops nro of a fino quality, but the yard will bo short about 10,000 pounds from last year. They plainly show tho result of tlry wcflMicr. but the increased qunlity will no doubt greatly add to their selling price. Hop picking Is enjoyed lyr young and old, for, apart from the lucrative side of tin) work, tlicro Is a certain enjoy in cut that attract both rich and poor. The hop yard Is a jolly placu to go, and nil formalities aro onst to the winds, flouio people nro out to get all tho ruouey they can, but tho most of them nro after h good time, together with u few dollars. A. French uiodlsto could got pointers in ttubdubbery nnd toggery by visiting n hop yard. All kiudtt qf costume- aro Jn evidence, ami tho sun gives a glow to tho cheeks nnd imparts n rony tint to lips that paint und eostmetles would fall to do. Hop picking afford many pcoplo nn opportunity to get out nnd nulicnte, und at the same timo earn considerable monoy. Stop at .CroMWslks, Tho fair grounds' street ear will only stop, nt crosswalks in the bulne see tion of the city. It has been a com mon practice to stop In the mlddlo of tho block, or in fact any old pluoe; this will bo discontinued. THIRD BULL RUN BATTLE Army Commenced Attack at Midnight on the Old Field And Starts a Correspondence Committee on the Tom Richardson Plan 'The Salem Commercial Club, al what might be described as a large and en thusiastic meeting Monday night, gained nbout 20 new, members, and started its correspondence committee work with a monthly subscription of $23. There were some excellent speeches made by Mayor Waters, ex-Mayor Bishop, Fred A. Wiggins, T. Welsh, F. O. Deckabacb, Mr. Townsend, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Mr. Gilbert, of Rosedalc. The pretident stated that the execu tive committee wanted the membership of the club swelled to 200, and the cor respondence committee to 1000. Tho city of Portland has put up $2000 a month for 24 months to push develop ment work along these lines, and Salem should put up at least $200 a month. Tho executive committeo will canvass tho city for these results, and was as sured of hearty co-operation by all prosont. F. W. Waters, on behalf of tho com mitteo on the Dallas & Falls City rail rond submitted a report, and the same was reaoived and the committee dis charged. On motion of J. M. Kyle, tho matter was re-referred to the same com mittee, and the president authorized to fill the vacancy on tho committee caused by tho resignation of Mr. Ford. WORTHY PIONEER DEAD ; ommumimMmmmmmmmimmm. ii f j lV Mrs. John Minto Passes Away After a Very Short Illness Texas Photographers. Galveston, Texas, Sept. 6. Tho Texas Photographers' Association be- army, tho.JJr.owns, at' tho thoroughfare, I gan its seventh annual meeting in and throwing out tho ndvando 'guard by J Galveston today with tho largest at- General Grant's army of Blues, sta-1 tendanco in Its history. The business Mrs. Martha Ann Minto, wife of Hon. John Minto, died at the family homo on Mission street, in South Sa lem, this morning at 0:25 o'clock, at the age of 73 years, after only a few days' illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Minto was one of Oregon's noblo women, nnd lived a life full of good deods and works. She was born in Montgomery county, .Missouri, De cember IT, 1831, nnd was a daughter of Captain R. W. and Nancy (Irwin) Morrison. She came to Oregon with her family in the early forties, nnd they settled on the Clatsop, where hpr father and mother died several years ago. sue was marrieu to Jonn junto July S, ,1847, and eight children were born to them, as follews: John W., postmaster at Portland; Mary E., now Mrs. Robert C. llalley; AVilliam Jasper, of this city; Robert and Irwin, de ceased; Douglas and Harry Percy, both prominent residents of Salem, the lat ter at present deputy sheriff, and May, deceased. Mrs. Minto was a woman of sterling character and true worth. She was prominent in all early work. Sho was tho advancement of the city and coun ty, her whole married life having been spent at this city. Hor death has cau'jed universal sorrow, and tho fami ly have the sympathy of tho entire community in their loss. Arrangements for the funeral will be made this evening. Not Fatal. No Matter What Doc tors Say We Know That Heart Trou ble in Many Cases Can Be Cured. There are seven main features of heart disease, viz.: (1) Weakness or Debility; (2) Rheumatism or Neuralgia; (3) Valvular Disorder; () Dilation; (5) Enlargement; (6) Fatty Degenera tion; (7) Dropsy. Documentary evidence will prove thousands ot so-called Incurables' havo been absolutely cured by Dr. lilies New Heart Cure. Patients often have no Idea their dis ease Is heart trouble, but ascribe it to Indigestion, Liver Complaint, etc Here are some of the symptems: Shortness of breath after exercise. Smothering Spells. Pain In Chest, left Shoulder and arm. Discomfort In Lying on one side. Fainting Spell. Nervous Cough. Swelling of Feet hnd Ankles. Paleness of Face and Lips. Palpitation. Nightmare. Irregular Pulse. "I have great faith In Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and speak of Its merits whenever opportunity presents. 1 can now go up and down stairs with ease, where three weeks ago I could hardly walk one block." One year later."! am still In good health; the Heart Cure did so much for me, that I And It a far greater medicine than you claimed it to be." S. D. YOUNG. D. D., 687 North Pine St., Natchez, Miss. Money back If first bottle falls to benefit. The New Suits The first shipment of "Pal mcr" suits is nearly exhausted. Another largo lot expected early next week. Pnuleirt shoppers will be on hand first. "Palmer" garments havo that stylo, snap and "go," that, every lady op predates. See the now Furs, Jackets and Raincoats. Postofflco Clerks in Session. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 0. Tho United National Association of PostofHce Clerks began Its fifth annunl conven tion in St. Louis today with delegates present from many states. The four days' session will bo tnken up with matters pertnining to the interest of the clerks and the genernl good of tho postal service. The world's fair offi cials have set aside "tomorrow to bo known as Postofflco Clerks' Day. and .tioned nt Mannssas. The hours between sesslous, devoted to addresses, lee 1 tnlilnlnltt nml .inn... .!.;. ....l..l V..' A.... . .1 .1 . .! ll I.1..1I . .. ... . " " nwo utuiijucu uv lures uuu ut-uiuuoitunuys un mo jaiesi i me delegation to the convention will Genernl Grant placing his artillery on discoveries and improvements in the lattend tho exnosition in a bodv. . .. . ..1 - ... 1 . ...... 1 nuvnniageous positions lor attack on art of photography, will bo inter the Urowiu. Tho firing from tho blg'spersed with many features of enter- guns began nt long rango shortly nftqrl tainment arranged by the local mem- Tho convention will T,Wfi,T' Write us and we will m JH IvXjXj you a Free Trial Package Dr. Miles' Antl-Pa!n Pills, the Ne mall e of ew. Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also SvmD- tom Blank for our Specialist to dlagnoso your case and tell you what Is wrong and how to right ft. Absolutely Free. Address: DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, SLKHART, IND. daylight, followed by infantry skirmish- hers of the craft es, nnd then general fighting all along conclude Thursday. the line. Claims Collected. Any ono having claims against tho government, either military or civil, can write mo und I will adviso them, I havo responsible connections at Washington nnd nm in n position to assist claimants. WARREN THATOHER, Salem, Oregon, Cab Hire aWts'lf Price. Tho war on prices of cabs Is still raging. Simpson's stables made tho cut to ono-halt price, nnd still main tain those pricca. Opposlto tho court What Is Life? In the last analysis nobody, knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law ovon slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver Trou ble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quick ly ro-ad justs this. It's gontle, yet thorough. Only 25o at J. C. Perry's drug store. Funeral Rates Reduced. Cabs and carriage for funerals at half prlco. Simpson's livery, opposite Court house. tf Birthday Party. Mrs. J. A. Sdlwood gavo a very de lightful party last ovening at her homo on Front street, in honor of her daugh ter Lillinn'n iiirtiiilnv. Thn tlmx wm Tho number of Metropolitan Llfo In- gpent very ,,iea8ttnUV( anj refreshments llVnt.. tWlllfllAH l.t a.HII 1m HUAnAAB . .. ' that of nuy othor company in America, greater than nil tho regular life insur ance companies put togcther( less ono) nnd enn only bo appreciated by comparison. It is a greater number than tho combined population of Great er Now York, Chisago, Philadelphia, Huston, Montreal nnd Toronto. Repro-se-ntwl by J. H. McCourt and J. Oliver. Room 10, McCornnok blok. Agents wanted. New Cars Running. The two new 64-horso power ears wero stnrtml tliU morning on the fair grouuds-ceinctery line, Thoy nro nice looaing ears, ami will givo the com pany n better opportunity to handle the stnte fair Unfile. were served toward the close of the evening. About 20 young people were presont. Anti-Mormon Party. Salt Lake, Sept. C Prominent Gen tiles, principally bolters of tho Repub lican state ticket met today and decid ed to organize nn anti-Mormon partv, along tho lines of the old Liberal par ty. Thirty thousand dollars have been subscribed for tho movement, which is fostered by tho Kenrns faction. Vermont Election Warm. Uurlington Vt., Sept. 0. A tremend ous vote was cast today, according to advices from all parts of tho state. Tho strifo between tho parties is the bitter est -over known in the state. The Democrnts are confident that thoy will reduce the Republican major ity to 10,000 or 17,000. Tie Qacstioa Of What Watch To buy ii a ban! one (or the average man to decide. Dozens oi grades re told under the same name, and It ptutles any but an expert to d. clde whero pnctieal utility stop and (wtravagauce teglni. We ate WATCH EXPERTS and wll gladly belp you in this matter. Our stock embrace! the beit watches made. Come In aud look them over we're alwavi pleated to show whether you buy or not. Ahd, REMEMBER, repairing Is our pel)tr. Our prices are right. ChaseH. Hinges J JHww Optician. M State trt Next Beor to UW & 8uh Bank ' ' ! tittt)tlfjgiMiftt4HNMr Velox Demonstration. Wednesday, Sopt. 7th, a specialist will be at D. J. Fry's drug store and givo a demonstration in the use of Valox paper. All amateur photog raphers iuvited to be present. From 10 to 13 and from 2 to 5 o'clock. Cure for Sick Headache. We had a Utter the other day from a lady in thq town of lloulder, Colo., that should be of Interest to people who are troubled with spells of slok hr-udaahe. Sho writes that she had these spells about four times a week, was obliged to go to bed and remain there from 8 to 10 hours eaeh time. Had been troubled this way for sev eral years, nud the ntUolts beeanjo more frequent. Dealers done her no good, she tried dieting, as every body said It was from her stomach. Seeing an advertisement of Dr. Gunn's Ini proved Liver Pills, whih said, they Sure siek hmdaehe by removing the nn, sho deelded to try onee mere, and sent 0e fer two boxes. She said she bad tnken the last pill more than four month ago, has net had a sick ipell of, any kind for ever five. months. Drugget l these pills fer Sfte per box. H enly take one fer a dee. They sure siek headaehe every time. For sale by Dr. O. a Stone, druggist CASTORfA For Infants anil Children. Tba KM You Have Always Bong hi $&jffi&ik Salem Day. This event at the state fair will bo enjoyed as usual, and there will bo n genernl closing of all Salem business houses on that day in the afternoon. Salem day Is a general day for reuniou with former Salemitos from all parts of the state, and will be observed this year. Pathetic Dog Story. I. A. Cooper, of Jefferson, drove down to Salem as soon as he read tho story of The Journal's libel suit on ac count of tho mistreatment of a small black and tan dog, to learn if tho ani mal was not n pet dog that had tlisap- peared from his home a few "days be fore August 17th. He said he was sure from tho description in the paper, and from the way the dog acted that it was his little dog that had been picked up. Chief Gibson showed him a black nnd tan dog, but it was not his. Mr. Coop er is still in hopes of finding his dog, which answers to the name of "San cho." Ills full name was "Sancho Don Pedro," and he belonged to his little boy Cecil, who died about a year ago, nt the age of eight years. The dog was of tho same ago as the bov, and was treasured bv tho familv ns much as a dog can be, because ho is the only living thing that binds them to their child. Persons who have seen anything of a stray black nnd tnu dog will confer a great favor on Mr. and Mrs. Cooper by notifying them. Too Much (Jas,Maybe. S. R. Crawford, an insane patient, was yesterday committed to the asylum by tho sheriff of Coos county. Craw ford is a man about 80 years of nge, und has been farming near Sumner for a number of years. He has been n heavy drinker, nnd it is thought that is the causo of his insanity. He is con stantly under tho illusion that some one is trying to asphyxiate him with gas. Dress Goods All tho new weaves in "Read's" fabrics for fall, including Pru nella, Cheviot, Serge, Granite, Hopsack, Readona, Crepe, Eoli enne, Coughton Crepe, etc. V "Where quality reigns supreme" M The Yost No. I BORN. WHLCH.To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Welch, In this city, on September 1. 1004, a daughter. NEW TODAY Tor Sale. 10 acres, four miles east of Salem, house, good well, running water and 1 acres beaver dam. Price $00. A, II. Runner, Route No. C 903t Books S By tho thousands will bo found upon our shelves, New shipments received daily from tho best publishers. AH of the old and new favorites at reduced prices. For tho young er element wo have an unusu al line of splendid narratives. 0 Pattern's Boot Store. , ;, The Machine Behind the IFne Work. Excels all ethers In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY. Co. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine 230 Stark Street, Portland. C. M. LOCKWOOD, Local Agent, 288 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. We Rent. We Sell. We Exchange We Repair. MlllliUM YOUR WHEEL NEHDS REPAIRING Take it to F. J. MOORE, Court Street, All work snaranteed. w ...mltmttMt Cab Service, New oab .just arrived. Can be found at Lowe's livery stable Phono Main 1601. Dest service and reasonable rates. K. Towasend. Lost. Package of fancy work. On road between Salem and ladepend oftite. Liberal reward. 9-6-3t Wanted. Situation to assist in light housework by girl 15 years old. Ad dress 'M," eore Journal. J tV-Jt - o ... Wanted. Rwpleyment by aa' xpri- eed bwwnwa man. Pitoa . S-t-lwk r""?" iOL2Q2ohngGallery... 1 An Valuable Prizes. Arn.m.'L. ,.. . ' "-'" uic UUIS. Koct nM.). J-- ""ounuimenessshot gun .u l "5W. .J. Vc Are acre to W t'el tttVwhfte J1'0 Th t ---"-'1-" 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 wPMsne White House Restaurant I "" l'J-"Miinri iw a T -.- . IWtnilKV EU A-UiLIl THOMAS K FORD i)rr Ladd & Bush's Back,, Or VI' iM FALL OPENING Visit OBrjioM and EVERYTHING NEW get our pr.c-, r .m TJIF (Tiv77r,7 -""'iy yo weii. " A li!2yBithers,Court St., Salem "UpWw J3,e,'ftee7iMWiMWWpie1',Wilft'flttB iiit iirn i in a. samsHYMii i i iifM